Word Power Made Easy Review 3

这篇文章复习《word power made easy》的第5章,Session 7-10。本章讨论各种职业以及同源单词。

Most people spend part of every workday at some gainful employment, honest or otherwise, and in so doing often contribute their little mite to the progress of the world.



  • 心理学家: A psychologist.
  • 精神分析学家: A psychoanalyst.
  • 正齿医生: An orthodontist
  • 验光师: An optometrist
  • 眼镜商: An optician
  • 整骨疗师: An osteopath
  • 脊椎推拿治疗者: A chiropractor
  • 足病医生: A podiatrist
  • 笔相家: A graphologist
  • 研究老年医学的专家: A gerontologist


  • 希腊词根psyche意为spirit, soul, mind
    • psychic: A person's disturbance is psychic if it is emotional or mental, rather than physical.
    • psychotherapist
  • 希腊词根pathos意为suffering or disease
    • psychopathy, psychopathic
  • 希腊词根soma意为body
    • psychosomatic: the powerful influence that the mind, especially the
      unconscious, has on bodily disease.
  • 希腊词根genesis意为birth or origin
    • psychogenic
  • 词根iatreia意为medical healing
  • 词根logos意为science, study
  • 词根odontos意为tooth
    • periodontist
    • endodontist
    • exodontist
  • 词根metron意为measurement
    • thermometer 温度计
    • barometer 气压计
    • sphygmomanometer 血压计
  • 希腊词根pous, podos意为foot
    • octopus 章鱼
    • platypus 鸭嘴兽
    • podium 讲台
    • tripod 三脚架
  • 希腊词根cheir意为hand,在英文单词中拼写为chiro-
    • chirography 书法
  • 希腊词根mancy意为prediction
    • chiromancy 手相学
  • 希腊词根kallos意为beauty
    • calligrapher书法家
  • 希腊词根kakos意为bad, harsh
    • cacography
  • 词根graphein意为write
    • photograph "written by light"
    • phonograph "written by sound"
    • telegraph "distance writer"
    • biography "life writing"
  • 词根geras意为old age
    • gerontological
  • 拉丁词根senex意为aging, growing old
    • senior
    • senate 长者
    • senile, senility 老的
    • senescent 变老的
      • adolescent 成长的,青少年的
      • obsolescent 变旧的
      • convalescent 康复的

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