第23题:(Convert string to camel case)
Complete the method/function so that it converts dash/underscore delimited words into camel casing. The first word within the output should be capitalized only if the original word was capitalized.
# returns "theStealthWarrior"
# returns "TheStealthWarrior"
def to_camel_case(text): new1 = text.replace("-", "_") new2 = new1.split("_") new='' if text=='': return '' else: for s in new2: new += s[:1].upper() + s[1:].lower() return text[0]+''.join(new)[1:]还是一如既往的运用最简单的if else for语句~~~~~~~真是让人脑仁疼!!
def to_camel_case(s): return s[0] + s.title().translate(None, "-_")[1:] if s else stitle()的作用是将每个单词的首字母大写;而capitalize()的作用是将首单词的首字母大写;
def to_camel_case(text): return text[0] + ''.join([w[0].upper() + w[1:] for w in text.replace("_", "-").split("-")])[1:] if text else ''我感觉这位仁兄的想法和我的差不多,只不过他写成了一个合着的语句。
import re def to_camel_case(text): return reduce(lambda p, n: p + n[0].upper() + n[1:], re.split('[-_]', text))
第24题:(Bouncing Balls)
A child plays with a ball on the nth floor of a big building. The height of this floor is known:
(float parameter "h" in meters, h > 0)
He lets out the ball. The ball rebounds for example to two-thirds:
(float parameter "bounce", 0 < bounce < 1)
of its height.
His mother looks out of a window that is 1.5 meters from the ground:
(float parameters window < h).
How many times will the mother see the ball either falling or bouncing in front of the window
(return a positive integer unless conditions are not fulfilled in which case return -1)
You will admit that the ball can only be seen if the height of the rebouncing ball is stricty greater than the window parameter.
问题描述:给定楼层数(从该楼层将球扔出),给定弹跳消减系数,给定窗户高度(当球的高度>窗户高度时才可看 到球),求当球从某层扔出后,能看到球的次数?h = 3, bounce = 0.66, window = 1.5, result is 3
h = 3, bounce = 1, window = 1.5, result is -1
def bouncingBall(h, bounce, window): n=0 if bounce>=1 or bounce<=0: return -1 while (h>window): h=h*bounce n+=1 return 1+(n-1)*2
第25题:(Write Number in Expanded Form)(以扩展形式写数字)
You will be given a number and you will need to return it as a string in Expanded Form. For example:
expanded_form(12) # Should return '10 + 2'
expanded_form(42) # Should return '40 + 2'
expanded_form(70304) # Should return '70000 + 300 + 4'
def expanded_form(num): s=[] lnum1=map(int,str(num)) lnum2=list(lnum1) for i in range(0,len(lnum2)): if lnum2[-(i+1)]!=0: s.insert(0,str(lnum2[-(i+1)]*10**(i))) return ' + '.join(s)
def expanded_form(n): result = [] for a in range(len(str(n)) - 1, -1, -1): current = 10 ** a quo, n = divmod(n, current) if quo: result.append(str(quo * current)) return ' + '.join(result)代码解析:通过divmod()函数,求得商和余数(实现了一个小循环,上次的余数,当做本次的除数)
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