codewars JS 学习

1.判断NarcissisticNumber,Math.pow 用于计算一个数的指定幂次方

function narcissistic(value) {
  // Code me to return true or false
  var numstr = value.toString();
  var sum = 0
  for(var i=0;i

2. Build a function that returns an array of integers from n to 1 where n>0.

Example : n=5 --> [5,4,3,2,1]

const reverseSeq = n => {
  var list1 = []
  for(var i=n; i>=1;i--){
  return list1;


function disemvowel(str) {
  var vowels = /[aoeiu]/gi
  return str.replace(vowels,"");

4.Unique In Order

var uniqueInOrder=function(iterable){
  //your code here - remember iterable can be a string or an array
  var neworder = []
  for(var i=0;i

5.Find the next perfect square!

function findNextSquare(sq) {
  // Return the next square if sq is a perfect square, -1 otherwise
  var data = Math.pow(sq,0.5)
    return (data+1)**2
  return -1;

6.Valid Braces

function validBraces(braces){
  const stack = []
  for(let i=0;i


function arrayDiff(a, b) {
  const c = []
  for(let i=0;i

8.Playing with digits

function digPow(n, p){
    // ...
    let f = n.toString()
    let testsum = 0
    if(n<0 || p<0){
        return false
        for (let i=0;i

9.The Supermarket Queue

function queueTime(customers, n) {
  const machinelist = Array(n).fill(0)
  for(let i=0; i

10.Split Strings

function solution(str){
  const substrs = []
  if(str.length % 2 ==0){
    for(let i=0;i
