iconic 2019-01-19


  • 单词释义:very famous and well known, and believed to represent a particular idea.
    adj. 偶像的、标志性的;[计]图标的,形象的
  • 近义词/反义词:
    =important, famous, impressive
  • 常用搭配:
    iconic memory 图象记忆;映象记忆
  • 翻译:在汤姆克鲁斯近四十年的职业生涯中,他扮演过许多经典角色。
    我的翻译:In Tome Cruise's 40 years career, he acted lots of iconic characters.
    参考翻译:Over the course of his nearly four-decade career, Tom Cruise has played many iconic characters.
  • 造句:
    An apple that has a bite helps Apple to becoming the most famous trademark.

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