本人因英语水平有限, 加之对git不是十分熟悉, 所以会有很多翻译不当的地方, 希望大家批评指正
翻译附英文, 拿捏不准的地方都用红字标示.希望大家多提修改意见.
git-add - 将文件内容添加到暂存区.
git-add - Add file contents to theindex
git add [-n] [-v] [--force | -f][--interactive | -i] [--patch | -p]
[--edit | -e] [--all | [--update | -u]][--intent-to-add | -N]
[--refresh] [--ignore-errors][--ignore-missing] [--]
这个命令使用工作树中的内容更新暂存区, 为下一步的提交将内容暂存起来.
通常把现有路径的内容作为一个整体添加, 但是如果使用一些选项, 也可以
只对工作树中修改的部分文件应用添加操作, 或者删除工作树中不再存在的
This command updates the index using thecurrent content found in the
working tree, to prepare the contentstaged for the next commit. It
typically adds the current content ofexisting paths as a whole, but
with some options it can also be usedto add content with only part of
the changes made to the working treefiles applied, or remove paths
that do not exist in the working treeanymore.
因此, 对工作目录中做任何更改之后, 并且在执行commit命令之前, 必须使用
The "index" holds a snapshotof the content of the working tree, and it
is this snapshot that is taken as thecontents of the next commit. Thus
after making any changes to theworking directory, and before running
the commit command, you must use theadd command to add any new or
modified files to the index.
在一个提交之前, 这个命令可以被执行多次, 当执行add命令时, 它只添加指定
的文件的内容; 如果想把随后的更改提交到下一次提交中, 那么必须再次执行
git add把新的内容添加到暂存区.
This command can be performed multipletimes before a commit. It only
adds the content of the specifiedfile(s) at the time the add command
is run; if you want subsequent changesincluded in the next commit,
then you must run git add again to addthe new content to the index.
git status命令可以获得有修改并且被暂存用于下一次提交的文件变更的摘要.
The git status command can be used toobtain a summary of which files
have changes that are staged for thenext commit.
默认情况git add命令不会添加被忽略的文件, 如果任何被忽略的文件明确地
出现在命令行中, git add将会失败, 并列出已忽略文件.如果递归地在目录中
The git add command will not addignored files by default. If any
ignored files were explicitly specifiedon the command line, git add
will fail with a list of ignoredfiles. Ignored files reached by
directory recursion or filenameglobbing performed by Git (quote your
globs before the shell) will besilently ignored. The git add command
can be used to add ignored files withthe -f (force) option.
Please see git-commit(1) foralternative ways to add content to a
添加内容的来源(Files to add content from). 文件通配符(e.g. *.c)
和前导目录名(e.g. dir to add dir/file1and dir/file2)都可以用在
Files to add content from. Fileglobs(e.g. *.c) can be given to
add all matching files. Also a leadingdirectory name (e.g. dir to
adddir/file1 and dir/file2) can be given to add all files in the
directory, recursively.
-n, --dry-run
并不真正的添加文件, 仅仅查看它们是否会被添加还是会被忽略.
Don’t actually add the file(s), just showif they exist and/or will
be ignored.
-v, --verbose
Be verbose.
-f, --force
Allow adding otherwise ignored files.
-i, --interactive
交互式地将工作树修改的内容添加到暂存区. 可以提供一个可选的路径参数,
通过这个参数可以只操作工作树中的所有修改中的一部分. 参阅
"Interactive mode"获取更详细的信息.
Add modified contents in the working treeinteractively to the
index. Optional path arguments may besupplied to limit operation
to a subset of the working tree. See “Interactivemode” for
-p, --patch
交互式地决定是否将版本库与工作树之间的差异添加到暂存区. 给使用者在
Interactively choose hunks of patchbetween the index and the work
treeand add them to the index. This gives the user a chance to
reviewthe difference before adding modified contents to the index.
This effectively runs add --interactive, butbypasses the initial
command menu and directly jumps to the patchsubcommand. See
“Interactivemode” for details.
打开diff对比. 把暂存区与工作树中的差异显示在编辑器里, 让用户编辑.
当编辑器关闭时, 调整(hunk headers) 并将补丁提交到暂存区.
Openthe diff vs. the index in an editor and let the user edit it.
Afterthe editor was closed, adjust the hunk headers and apply the
patch to the index.
本选项的意图在于挑选补丁中的某些行进行提交, 甚至可以修改要被暂存的
行. 这种方法比起使用交互式的选择块更加快速和灵活. 然后, 它也
容易让人迷惑, 创建了一个没有提交到暂存区的补丁.参阅以下的EDITING PATCHES
Theintent of this option is to pick and choose lines of the patch
toapply, or even to modify the contents of lines to be staged.
Thiscan be quicker and more flexible than using the interactive
hunkselector. However, it is easy to confuse oneself and create a
patchthat does not apply to the index. See EDITING PATCHES below.
-u, --update
只适用于已经在暂存区被跟踪的而不是在工作树中的文件. 也就意味着他永远
不会暂存新增的文件, 但是如果文件已经被版本库跟踪, 并且已经被修改或者
被从工作树中删除的话, 那么它可以将修改提交到暂存区.
rather than the working tree. Thatmeans that it will never stage
new files, but that it will stagemodified new contents of tracked
files and that it will remove filesfrom the index if the
corresponding files in the working tree havebeen removed.
If no
update all tracked files in thecurrent directory and its
-A, --all
与-u参数含义相同, but match
working tree.也就意味着它能够把工作树中新增的文件, 已经被跟踪的
文件的修改和从工作树中删除的文件, 都提交到暂存区.
Like -u, but match
in addition to the index. That meansthat it will find new files as
well as staging modified content andremoving files that are no
longer in the working tree.
-N, --intent-to-add
仅仅标记给定的路径会在以后被添加, 暂存区中会为该路径提供一个入口,
但是不包含任何内容.当只想使用git diff查看这样文件的未跟踪的内容
或者使用git commit -a提交他们时,这个选项是有用的.
Record only the fact that the path willbe added later. An entry
for the path is placed in the indexwith no content. This is useful
for, among other things, showing theunstaged content of such files
with git diff and committing them withgit commit -a.
不添加文件, 只更新他们的在暂存区的stat()信息.
Don’t add the file(s), but onlyrefresh their stat() information in
the index.
如果一些文件由于暂存它们时出现了错误而不能暂存, 不要停止操作,而是
继续暂存其他文件, 命令应该为非0值的状态返回, 可以把配置变量
add.ignoreErrors设置成true, 从而将忽略错误设置为默认行为.
If some files could not be addedbecause of errors indexing them,
do not abort the operation, butcontinue adding the others. The
command shall still exit with non-zerostatus. The configuration
variable add.ignoreErrors can be setto true to make this the
default behaviour.
此选项只能和--dry-run一起使用. 通过使用此选项, 用户可以检查所给出的
This option can only be used togetherwith --dry-run. By using this
option the user can check if any ofthe given files would be
ignored, no matter if they are alreadypresent in the work tree or
此选项可以用于把命令行选项和传递的文件名区分开来, (当文件名易被误认为
This option can be used to separatecommand-line options from the
list of files, (useful when filenamesmight be mistaken for
command-line options).
包含的文件名模式, 与$GIT_DIR/info/exclude类似.
The optional configuration variablecore.excludesfile indicates a path
to a file containing patterns of filenames to exclude from git-add,
similar to $GIT_DIR/info/exclude.Patterns in the exclude file are used
in addition to those in info/exclude.See gitignore(5).
Adds content from all *.txtfiles under Documentation directory and
its subdirectories:
$ git add Documentation/\*.txt
注意本例中星号*在shell中被\转义了(被引起来git add Documentation/"*.txt"是
同样的效果, 怀疑是文档有点问题.)这样一来, gitadd命令就会把Documentation/
Note that the asterisk * is quoted from the shell in thisexample;
this lets the command include the filesfrom subdirectories of
Documentation/ directory.
Considers adding content from all git-*.sh scripts:
$ git add git-*.sh
因为本例允许shell展开星号(*)(i.e. 正在列出文件), 所以它不会理会
Because this example lets the shell expand the asterisk (i.e.you
are listing the files explicitly), it doesnot consider
当此命令进入交互式模式的时候, 将显示status子命令的输出, 然后进入它的
When the command enters the interactive mode, it shows theoutput of
the status subcommand, and then goesinto its interactive command loop.
命令循环显示了可用的子命令列表, 并给出提示"What now> ".大体上, 当提示以
单个的>结尾时, 就只能挑选一个给出的选择, 然后键入回车键, 像这样:
The command loop shows the list of subcommandsavailable, and gives a
prompt "What now> ". In general,when the prompt ends with a single >,
you can pick only one of the choicesgiven and type return, like this:
*** Commands ***
1: status 2: update 3: revert 4: add untracked
5:patch 6: diff 7: quit 8: help
What now> 1
只要你键入的命令能惟一地确定一个选择, 也可以键入s 或者 sta或者status.
You also could say s or sta or statusabove as long as the choice is
The main command loop has 6subcommands (plus help and quit).
显示版本库与暂存区之间的变化(i.e. 如果使用git commit, 将被提交的内容)
和对于每一个路径暂存区与工作目录之间的变化(i.e. git commit之前可以用
git add进行暂存的).以下是一个样例输出:
This shows the change between HEAD andindex (i.e. what will be
committed if you say git commit), and betweenindex and working
tree files (i.e. what you could stagefurther before git commit
using git add) for each path. A sampleoutput looks like this:
staged unstaged path
1: binary nothing foo.png
2: +403/-35 +1/-1 git-add--interactive.perl
中的和暂存区中的文件有差异, binary 将显示在nothing处). 如果将暂存区中
的内容提交,另一个文件, git-add—interactive.perl将新增了403行, 删除
35行, 而且工作树中的文件有进一步的修改(新增一行, 删除一行).
It shows that foo.png has differences from HEAD (but that isbinary
soline count cannot be shown) and there is no difference between
indexedcopy and the working tree version (if the working tree
version were also different, binarywould have been shown in place
of nothing). The other file,git-add--interactive.perl, has 403
lines added and 35 lines deleted ifyou commit what is in the
index, but working tree file hasfurther modifications (one
addition and one deletion).
此命令显示状态信息, 以"Update>>"作为提示.当提示符以双>(>>)结尾时,
可以做多个选择, 用空格或者逗号来串联. 也可以使用范围表示法. E.g.
"2-5 7,9"将从列表中选择第2,3,4,5,7,9个提交.如果省略了范围表示法中的
第二个数字, 其余的提交都会被选择. E.g."7-"将从列表中选择第7,8,9三个
This shows the status information and issues an "Update>>" prompt.
When the prompt ends with double>>, you can make more than one
selection, concatenated with whitespaceor comma. Also you can say
ranges. E.g. "2-5 7,9" tochoose 2,3,4,5,7,9 from the list. If the
second number in a range is omitted,all remaining patches are
taken. E.g. "7-" to choose7,8,9 from the list. You can say * to
choose everything.
所选择的将会用*号高亮, 如下:
What you chose are then highlightedwith *, like this:
staged unstaged path
1: binary nothing foo.png
* 2: +403/-35 +1/-1 git-add--interactive.perl
想取消选择时, 可以以-作为输入的前缀, 如下:
To remove selection, prefix the inputwith - like this:
Update>> -2
Aftermaking the selection, answer with an empty line to stage the
contents of working tree files forselected paths in the index.
它与update的UI很相像, 给定路径中被暂存的信息将被回退到版本库中的版本.
This has a very similar UI to update, and thestaged information
for selected paths are reverted tothat of the HEAD version.
Reverting new paths makes them untracked.
add untracked
它与update、revert的UI很相像, 可以将未跟踪的路径添加到暂存区.
This has a very similar UI to updateand revert, and lets you add
untracked paths to the index.
从给出的状态信息中选出一个路径. 选出路径后,将暂存区和工作树中的差异
呈现出来, 并询问你是否要将每一块修改添加到暂存区.可以选择以下的选项,
This lets you choose one path out of astatus like selection. After
choosing the path, it presents thediff between the index and the
working tree file and asks you if you want tostage the change of
each hunk. You can select one of thefollowing options and type
y - 暂存此块
n - 不暂存此块
q - 退出; 不暂存此块也不暂存任何其他剩余的块
a - 暂存此块和文件中其他的块
d - 不暂存此块也不暂存文件中其他的块
g - 选择一个块,并到那里去
/ - 搜索匹配给定正则表达式的块
j - 暂时不管此块, 查看下一个未做决定的块
J - 暂时不管此块, 查看下一个块
k -暂时不管此块, 查看上一个未做决定的块
K - 暂时不管此块, 查看上一个块
s - 把当前块拆分为较小的块
e - 手动编辑当前块
? -打印帮助
y - stage this hunk
n - do not stage this hunk
q - quit; do not stage this hunk nor anyof the remaining ones
a - stage this hunk and all later hunks inthe file
d - do not stage this hunk nor any of thelater hunks in the file
g - select a hunk to go to
/ - search for a hunk matching the givenregex
j - leave this hunk undecided, see nextundecided hunk
J - leave this hunk undecided, see nexthunk
k -leave this hunk undecided, see previous undecided hunk
K - leave this hunk undecided, seeprevious hunk
s - split the current hunk into smallerhunks
e - manually edit the current hunk
? -print help
当处理完所有的块之后, 如果有任何一块被选择上,那么暂存区将会以选择的块
进行更新. 如果将配置变量interactive.singlekey设为true, 那么在这里也可以
After deciding the fate for all hunks,if there is any hunk that
was chosen, the index is updated withthe selected hunks.
You can omit having to type returnhere, by setting the
configuration variableinteractive.singlekey to true.
可以回顾哪些东西将被提交.(i.e. 在版本库与暂存区之间)
This lets you review what will becommitted (i.e. between HEAD and
通过git add -e调用或者在交互式块选择器选择e选项将在文本编辑器里打开补丁;
当编辑器退出时, 结果将提交到暂存区. 可以随意的修改补丁, 但是一些修改将导致
令人困惑的结果, 甚至无法提交这个补丁. 如果想完全退出此操作(i.e. 不暂存任何
东西), 简单地将补丁中所有行都删掉. 下面的列表描述了在补丁文件中一些常见的
问题, 编辑操作对它们会有意义.
Invoking git add -e or selecting efrom the interactive hunk selector
will open a patch in your editor;after the editor exits, the result is
applied to the index. You are free tomake arbitrary changes to the
patch, but note that some changes mayhave confusing results, or even
result in a patch that cannot beapplied. If you want to abort the
operation entirely (i.e., stage nothing new in the index),simply
delete all lines of the patch. The listbelow describes some common
things you may see in a patch, andwhich editing operations make sense
on them.
added content
Added content is represented by linesbeginning with "+". You can
prevent staging any addition lines bydeleting them.
removed content
被删除的内容以"-"开头.可以把"-"换成" "(空格), 这样就不会删除它们了.
Removed content is represented bylines beginning with "-". You can
preventstaging their removal by converting the "-" to a " "
modified content
(空格), 并把"+"行删掉, 防止修改加入到暂存区. 谨防只修改"-"行或者只修改
"+"行, 将会把令人困惑的修改提交到暂存区.
Modified content is represented by"-" lines (removing the old
content) followed by "+"lines (adding the replacement content).
You can prevent staging themodification by converting "-" lines to
" ", and removing"+" lines. Beware that modifying only half of the
pair is likely to introduce confusingchanges to the index.
还有一些更加复杂的操作, 因为这些补丁只会提交到暂存区而不是工作树中,
工作树中的内容看起来是吧暂存区中的内容撤销掉了. 例如, 如果向暂存区
加入了一行但既不是在HEAD上也不是在工作树中,will stage the new line
for commit, 但是在工作树中新增的行就好像是被还原了.
应该避免使用这些功能, 或者要超级小心地使用.
There are also more complexoperations that can be performed. But
beware that because the patch isapplied only to the index and not the
working tree, the working treewill appear to "undo" the change in the
index. For example, introducing anew line into the index that is in
neither the HEAD nor the workingtree will stage the new line for
commit, but the line will appearto be reverted in the working tree.
Avoid using these constructs, ordo so with extreme caution.
removing untouched content
暂存区与工作树中相同的内容也有可能显示为上下文行, 以" " (空格)
开头,通过把空格换成一个"-"从而把上下文行删除,并暂存起来. 工作
Content which does not differ betweenthe index and working tree
may be shown on context lines,beginning with a " " (space). You
can stage context lines for removal byconverting the space to a
"-". The resulting workingtree file will appear to re-add the
modifying existing content
可以修改上下文行并提交暂存(通过把"" 换成 "-"), 在新增内容前增加
"+". 类似的, one can modify"+" lines for existing additions or
modifications.所有情况下, 新的修改在工作树中都会表现为被还原了.
One can also modify context lines bystaging them for removal (by
converting " " to"-") and adding a "+" line with the new content.
Similarly, one can modify"+" lines for existing additions or
modifications. In all cases, the newmodification will appear
reverted in the working tree.
new content
也可以增加补丁中不存在的内容; 只是简单地增加以"+"开头的行. 在
工作树中, 新的增加好像是被还原了.
You may also add new content that doesnot exist in the patch;
simply add new lines, each startingwith "+". The addition will
appear reverted in the working tree.
这里也有一些应该被完全避免的操作, 因为这将导致补丁无法被提交:
· 添加上下文或者删除"-"行
· 删除上下文或者删除删除的行
· 修改内容的上下文或者修改被删除的行
There are also several operationswhich should be avoided entirely, as
they will make the patchimpossible to apply:
· adding context (" ") or removal ("-") lines
· deleting context or removal lines
· modifying the contents of context or removal lines
git-status(1) git-rm(1) git-reset(1)git-mv(1) git-commit(1) git-