android 图像和视频编程中Image类和YUV详解

Image类在Android的API 19中引入,但真正开始发挥作用还是在API 21引入CameraDeviceMediaCodec的增强后。API 21引入了Camera2,deprecated掉了Camera,确立Image作为相机得到的原始帧数据的载体;硬件编解码的MediaCodec类加入了对ImageImage的封装ImageReader的全面支持。可以预见,Image将会用来统一Android内部混乱的中间图片数据(这里中间图片数据指如各式YUV格式数据,在处理过程中产生和销毁)管理。


YUV 的原理是把亮度(Luma)与色度(Chroma)分离。


YUV420是一类格式的集合,YUV420并不能完全确定颜色数据的存储顺序。YUV420根据颜色数据的存储顺序不同,又分为了多种不同的格式,如YUV420Planar、YUV420PackedPlanar、YUV420SemiPlanar和YUV420PackedSemiPlanar,这些格式实际存储的信息还是完全一致的。举例来说,对于4x4的图片,在YUV420下,任何格式都有16个Y值,4个U值和4个V值,不同格式只是Y、U和V的排列顺序变化。I420(YUV420Planar的一种)则为YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY UUUU VVVV,NV21(YUV420SemiPlanar)则为YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY vu vu vu vu

Camera2使用Image YUV_420_888,旧的API Camera默认使用NV21,NV21也是YUV 420的一种。事实上android也支持422编码。可以通过getFormat()获取camera2的Image 类型为YUV_420_888。YUV_420_888是一种三通道Planar存储方式,可以通过getPlanes()获取每个通道的数据,通道1为Y,通道2为U,通道3为V,和其他YUV420一样,四个Y对应一个U和一个V,也就是四个像素共用四个Y,一个U,一个V,但和其他存储格式的YUV420主要差别在于,单个U使用两个byte存储,单个V也使用两个byte,多出来的一个byte使用空数据127填充,总的大小是widthXheightX2,其他为乘以1.5,和其他YUV转换需要先去掉空数据。或者把U的空数据替换为V,也或者把V的空数据替换为U。


image format: 35
get data from 3 planes
pixelStride 1
rowStride 1920
width 1920
height 1080
buffer size 2088960
Finished reading data from plane 0
pixelStride 1
rowStride 960
width 1920
height 1080
buffer size 522240
Finished reading data from plane 1
pixelStride 1
rowStride 960
width 1920
height 1080
buffer size 522240
Finished reading data from plane 2





 SemiPlanar,这是android Image默认输出的YUV_420_888

image format: 35
get data from 3 planes
pixelStride 1
rowStride 1920
width 1920
height 1080
buffer size 2088960
Finished reading data from plane 0
pixelStride 2
rowStride 1920
width 1920
height 1080
buffer size 1044479
Finished reading data from plane 1
pixelStride 2
rowStride 1920
width 1920
height 1080
buffer size 1044479
Finished reading data from plane 2

SemiPlanar是android camera2默认的输出格式,camera2输出ImageReader,ImageReader支持的图像格式受硬件支持影响有些手机多,有些手机,但默认都会支持YUV_420_888,这种格式对于4X4图像,数据大小16+7+7,同样分三个通道,0通道Y数据和其他420的YUV一样,都是大小为宽X高,1通道为U,大小为Y的二分之一减1,主要是U通道带一个oxff的填充位,一个byte的U附加一个oxff填充位,同时省略了通道末尾最后一个填充位,V通道和U通道一样为分之一减1。如下




图片格式依然是YUV_420_888,Y分量与上述Planar中一样。但U和V分量出现了变化,buffer size是Y分量的1/2,如果说U分量只包含有U分量信息的话应当是1/4,多出来了1/4的内容,我们稍后再仔细看。注意到U中rowStride为1920,即U中每1920个数据代表一行,但pixelStride为2,代表行内颜色值间隔为1,就说是只有行内索引为0 2 4 6 ...才有U分量数据,这样来说还是行内每两个像素点共用一个U值,行间每两个像素点共用一个U值,即YUV420。


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-127 124 -127 123 -127 122 -127 122 -127 123 -127 123 -127 123 -127 122 -127 123 -127 123








对于交叉,NV21是V在前,NV12是U在前, android老camera使用NV21,IOS使用NV12,同属于420sp


android 图像和视频编程中Image类和YUV详解_第1张图片


Image YUV_420_888要转转换为大致分为三步

1 通过getPlanes获取Y,U,V三个通道数据



 private ByteBuffer imageToByteBuffer(final Image image) {
        final Rect crop = image.getCropRect();
        final int width = crop.width();
        final int height = crop.height();

        final Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();
        final int bufferSize = width * height * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) / 8;
        final ByteBuffer output = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bufferSize);

        int channelOffset = 0;
        int outputStride = 0;

        for (int planeIndex = 0; planeIndex < planes.length; planeIndex++) {
            if (planeIndex == 0) {
                channelOffset = 0;
                outputStride = 1;
            } else if (planeIndex == 1) {
                channelOffset = width * height + 1;
                outputStride = 2;
            } else if (planeIndex == 2) {
                channelOffset = width * height;
                outputStride = 2;

            final ByteBuffer buffer = planes[planeIndex].getBuffer();
            final int rowStride = planes[planeIndex].getRowStride();
            final int pixelStride = planes[planeIndex].getPixelStride();
            byte[] rowData = new byte[rowStride];

            final int shift = (planeIndex == 0) ? 0 : 1;
            final int widthShifted = width >> shift;
            final int heightShifted = height >> shift;

            buffer.position(rowStride * ( >> shift) + pixelStride * (crop.left >> shift));

            for (int row = 0; row < heightShifted; row++) {
                final int length;

                if (pixelStride == 1 && outputStride == 1) {
                    length = widthShifted;
                    buffer.get(output.array(), channelOffset, length);
                    channelOffset += length;
                } else {
                    length = (widthShifted - 1) * pixelStride + 1;
                    buffer.get(rowData, 0, length);

                    for (int col = 0; col < widthShifted; col++) {
                        output.array()[channelOffset] = rowData[col * pixelStride];
                        channelOffset += outputStride;

                if (row < heightShifted - 1) {
                    buffer.position(buffer.position() + rowStride - length);

        return output;


Java_com_hxdl_coco_ai_HXAIEngineNative_RGBA2BGRA(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jbyteArray rgba,
                                                 jint width, jint height, jintArray bgra) {
    jbyte *_rgba = env->GetByteArrayElements(rgba, 0);
    jint *_bgra = env->GetIntArrayElements(bgra, 0);

    cv::Mat mRgba(height, width * 4, CV_8UC1, (unsigned char *) _rgba);
    cv::Mat mBgra(height, width, CV_8UC4, (unsigned char *) _bgra);

    cvtColor(mRgba, mBgra, CV_RGBA2BGRA, 4);

    env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(bgra, _bgra, 0);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(rgba, _rgba, 0);
//420sp, nv21:先Y后VU交叉混合 YYYYYYYY VU VU
Java_com_hxdl_coco_ai_AIEngineNative_yuv2rgbaNv21(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jint width, jint height,
                                                  jbyteArray yuv, jintArray rgba) {
    jbyte *_yuv = env->GetByteArrayElements(yuv, 0);
    jint *_bgra = env->GetIntArrayElements(rgba, 0);

    cv::Mat myuv(height + height / 2, width, CV_8UC1, (uchar *) _yuv);
    cv::Mat mrgba(height, width, CV_8UC4, (uchar *) _bgra);

    //cvtColor(myuv, mrgba, CV_YUV420sp2RGBA);
    cvtColor(myuv, mrgba, CV_YUV2RGBA_NV21);
    env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(rgba, _bgra, 0);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(yuv, _yuv, 0);
//420p, 对应I420, 不交叉先U后V, YYYYYYYY UU VV
Java_com_hxdl_coco_ai_AIEngineNative_yuv2rgbaI420(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jint width, jint height,
                                                  jbyteArray yuv, jintArray rgba) {
    jbyte *_yuv = env->GetByteArrayElements(yuv, 0);
    jint *_bgra = env->GetIntArrayElements(rgba, 0);

    cv::Mat myuv(height + height / 2, width, CV_8UC1, (uchar *) _yuv);
    cv::Mat mrgba(height, width, CV_8UC4, (uchar *) _bgra);

    cvtColor(myuv, mrgba, CV_YUV2RGBA_I420);  //CV_YUV2RGBA_IYUV
    env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(rgba, _bgra, 0);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(yuv, _yuv, 0);

//420sp,对应NV12,交叉先U后V, YYYYYYYY UV UV
Java_com_hxdl_coco_ai_AIEngineNative_yuv2rgbaNv12(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jint width, jint height,
                                                  jbyteArray yuv, jintArray rgba) {
    jbyte *_yuv = env->GetByteArrayElements(yuv, 0);
    jint *_bgra = env->GetIntArrayElements(rgba, 0);

    cv::Mat myuv(height + height / 2, width, CV_8UC1, (uchar *) _yuv);
    cv::Mat mrgba(height, width, CV_8UC4, (uchar *) _bgra);

    //cvtColor(myuv, mrgba, CV_YUV420sp2RGBA);
    cvtColor(myuv, mrgba, CV_YUV2RGBA_NV12);
    env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(rgba, _bgra, 0);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(yuv, _yuv, 0);

Java_com_hxdl_coco_ai_AIEngineNative_yuv2bgraNv12(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jint width, jint height,
                                                  jbyteArray yuv, jintArray bgra) {
    jbyte *_yuv = env->GetByteArrayElements(yuv, 0);
    jint *_bgra = env->GetIntArrayElements(bgra, 0);

    cv::Mat myuv(height + height / 2, width, CV_8UC1, (uchar *) _yuv);
    cv::Mat mbgra(height, width, CV_8UC4, (uchar *) _bgra);

    cvtColor(myuv, mbgra, CV_YUV2BGRA_NV12);
    env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(bgra, _bgra, 0);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(yuv, _yuv, 0);
Java_com_hxdl_coco_ai_AIEngineNative_yuv2bgrNv12(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jint width, jint height,
                                                 jbyteArray yuv, jintArray bgr) {
    jbyte *_yuv = env->GetByteArrayElements(yuv, 0);
    jint *_bgr = env->GetIntArrayElements(bgr, 0);

    cv::Mat myuv(height + height / 2, width, CV_8UC1, (uchar *) _yuv);
    cv::Mat mbgr(height, width, CV_8UC3, (uchar *) _bgr);

    cvtColor(myuv, mbgr, CV_YUV2BGR_NV12);
    env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(bgr, _bgr, 0);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(yuv, _yuv, 0);
Java_com_hxdl_coco_ai_AIEngineNative_yuv2bgraNv21(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jint width,
                                                  jint height, jbyteArray yuv, jintArray bgra) {
    jbyte *_yuv = env->GetByteArrayElements(yuv, 0);
    jint *_bgra = env->GetIntArrayElements(bgra, 0);

    cv::Mat myuv(height + height / 2, width, CV_8UC1, (uchar *) _yuv);
    cv::Mat mbgra(height, width, CV_8UC4, (uchar *) _bgra);

    cvtColor(myuv, mbgra, CV_YUV2BGRA_NV21);
    env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(bgra, _bgra, 0);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(yuv, _yuv, 0);
Java_com_hxdl_coco_ai_AIEngineNative_yuv2bgrNv21(JNIEnv *env, jclass type, jint width,
                                                 jint height, jbyteArray yuv, jintArray bgr) {
    jbyte *_yuv = env->GetByteArrayElements(yuv, 0);
    jint *_bgr = env->GetIntArrayElements(bgr, 0);

    cv::Mat myuv(height + height / 2, width, CV_8UC1, (uchar *) _yuv);
    cv::Mat mbgr(height, width, CV_8UC3, (uchar *) _bgr);

    cvtColor(myuv, mbgr, CV_YUV2BGR_NV21);
    env->ReleaseIntArrayElements(bgr, _bgr, 0);
    env->ReleaseByteArrayElements(yuv, _yuv, 0);

java 转换库

public final class ImageUtil {
    private static final String TAG = ImageUtil.class.getSimpleName();

     * YUV420p I420=YU12
    public static final int YUV420PYU12 = 0;
    public static final int YUV420PI420 = YUV420PYU12;
    public static final int YUV420PYV12 = 3;
     * YUV420SP NV12
    public static final int YUV420SPNV12 = 1;

     * YUV420SP NV21
    public static final int YUV420SPNV21 = 2;

     * 高速变换,减少内存分配的开销和防OOM
    private static byte[] Bytes_y = null;
    private static byte[] uBytes = null;
    private static byte[] vBytes = null;
    private static byte[] Bytes_uv = null;

     * Image YUV420_888转NV12, NV21, I420(YU12)
     * @param image
     * @param type
     * @param yuvBytes
    public static void getBytesFromImageAsType(Image image, int type, byte[] yuvBytes) {
        try {
            //获取源数据,如果是YUV格式的数据planes.length = 3
            //plane[i]里面的实际数据可能存在byte[].length <= capacity (缓冲区总大小)
            final Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();

            //数据有效宽度,一般的,图片width <= rowStride,这也是导致byte[].length <= capacity的原因
            // 所以我们只取width部分
            int width = image.getWidth();
            int height = image.getHeight();

            //此处用来装填最终的YUV数据,需要1.5倍的图片大小,因为Y U V 比例为 4:1:1
            //byte[] yuvBytes = new byte[width * height * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) / 8];
            int dstIndex = 0;

            //byte[] uBytes = new byte[width * height / 4];
            //byte[] vBytes = new byte[width * height / 4];
            if (uBytes == null) {
                uBytes = new byte[width * height / 4];
            if (vBytes == null) {
                vBytes = new byte[width * height / 4];

            int uIndex = 0;
            int vIndex = 0;
            LogUtil.d("jiaAAA", "planes.length="+ planes.length);
            LogUtil.d("jiaAAA", "buffer="+ width * height);
            LogUtil.d("jiaAAA", "buffer="+ width);
            LogUtil.d("jiaAAA", "buffer="+ height);
            LogUtil.d("jiaAAA", "buffer="+ image.getCropRect());
            int pixelsStride, rowStride;
            for (int i = 0; i < planes.length; i++) {
                pixelsStride = planes[i].getPixelStride();
                rowStride = planes[i].getRowStride();

                ByteBuffer buffer = planes[i].getBuffer();
                LogUtil.d("jiaAAA", "i="+i);
                LogUtil.d("jiaAAA", "pixelsStride="+pixelsStride);
                LogUtil.d("jiaAAA", "rowStride="+rowStride);
                LogUtil.d("jiaAAA", "buffer="+buffer.capacity());
                //int cap = buffer.capacity();

                LogUtil.d("malloc_buffer",  "===" + buffer.capacity());
                byte[] bytes;
                if (buffer.capacity() >=(width*height)) {
                    if (Bytes_y == null){
                        Bytes_y = new byte[buffer.capacity()];
                    bytes = Bytes_y;
                    LogUtil.d("malloc1","1"  +"===" + buffer.capacity());
                }else if(buffer.capacity() >= (((width*height)/2) - 1)){
                    if (Bytes_uv == null){
                        Bytes_uv = new byte[buffer.capacity()];
                    bytes = Bytes_uv;
                    LogUtil.d("malloc2","2" +"===" + buffer.capacity());
                    bytes = new byte[buffer.capacity()];
                    LogUtil.d("malloc3","3"+"==="+ buffer.capacity());

                int srcIndex = 0;
                if (i == 0) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                        System.arraycopy(bytes, srcIndex, yuvBytes, dstIndex, width);
                        srcIndex += rowStride;
                        dstIndex += width;
                } else if (i == 1) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < width / 2; k++) {
                            uBytes[uIndex++] = bytes[srcIndex];
                            srcIndex += pixelsStride;
                        if (pixelsStride == 2) {
                            srcIndex += rowStride - width;
                        } else if (pixelsStride == 1) {
                            srcIndex += rowStride - width / 2;
                } else if (i == 2) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                        for (int k = 0; k < width / 2; k++) {
                            vBytes[vIndex++] = bytes[srcIndex];
                            srcIndex += pixelsStride;
                        if (pixelsStride == 2) {
                            srcIndex += rowStride - width;
                        } else if (pixelsStride == 1) {
                            srcIndex += rowStride - width / 2;

            //   image.close();

            switch (type) {
                case YUV420PI420:
                    System.arraycopy(uBytes, 0, yuvBytes, dstIndex, uBytes.length);
                    System.arraycopy(vBytes, 0, yuvBytes, dstIndex + uBytes.length, vBytes.length);
                case YUV420SPNV12:
                    for (int i = 0; i < vBytes.length; i++) {
                        yuvBytes[dstIndex++] = uBytes[i];
                        yuvBytes[dstIndex++] = vBytes[i];
                case YUV420SPNV21:
                    for (int i = 0; i < vBytes.length; i++) {
                        yuvBytes[dstIndex++] = vBytes[i];
                        yuvBytes[dstIndex++] = uBytes[i];
                case YUV420PYV12:
                    System.arraycopy(vBytes, 0, yuvBytes, dstIndex, vBytes.length);
                    System.arraycopy(uBytes, 0, yuvBytes, dstIndex + vBytes.length, uBytes.length);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (image != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, e.toString());

    public static void getBytesFromImageAsTypeImagePlanes(ImagePlanes imagePlanes, int type, byte[] yuvBytes) {
        try {
            //数据有效宽度,一般的,图片width <= rowStride,这也是导致byte[].length <= capacity的原因
            // 所以我们只取width部分
            int width = imagePlanes.getWidth();
            int height = imagePlanes.getHeight();

            //此处用来装填最终的YUV数据,需要1.5倍的图片大小,因为Y U V 比例为 4:1:1
            //byte[] yuvBytes = new byte[width * height * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) / 8];
            int dstIndex = 0;

            //byte[] uBytes = new byte[width * height / 4];
            //byte[] vBytes = new byte[width * height / 4];
            if (uBytes == null) {
                uBytes = new byte[width * height / 4];
            if (vBytes == null) {
                vBytes = new byte[width * height / 4];

            int uIndex = 0;
            int vIndex = 0;

            int pixelsStride, rowStride;

            int srcIndex = 0;
            pixelsStride = imagePlanes.getYPixelsStride();
            rowStride = imagePlanes.getYRowStride();
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                System.arraycopy(imagePlanes.getYByte(), srcIndex, yuvBytes, dstIndex, width);
                srcIndex += rowStride;
                dstIndex += width;


            srcIndex = 0;
            pixelsStride = imagePlanes.getUPixelsStride();
            rowStride = imagePlanes.getURowStride();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < width / 2; k++) {
                    uBytes[uIndex++] = imagePlanes.getUByte()[srcIndex];
                    srcIndex += pixelsStride;
                if (pixelsStride == 2) {
                    srcIndex += rowStride - width;
                } else if (pixelsStride == 1) {
                    srcIndex += rowStride - width / 2;

            pixelsStride = imagePlanes.getVPixelsStride();
            rowStride = imagePlanes.getVRowStride();
            srcIndex = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < width / 2; k++) {
                    vBytes[vIndex++] = imagePlanes.getVByte()[srcIndex];
                    srcIndex += pixelsStride;
                if (pixelsStride == 2) {
                    srcIndex += rowStride - width;
                } else if (pixelsStride == 1) {
                    srcIndex += rowStride - width / 2;

            //   image.close();

            switch (type) {
                case YUV420PI420:
                    System.arraycopy(uBytes, 0, yuvBytes, dstIndex, uBytes.length);
                    System.arraycopy(vBytes, 0, yuvBytes, dstIndex + uBytes.length, vBytes.length);
                case YUV420SPNV12:
                    for (int i = 0; i < vBytes.length; i++) {
                        yuvBytes[dstIndex++] = uBytes[i];
                        yuvBytes[dstIndex++] = vBytes[i];
                case YUV420SPNV21:
                    for (int i = 0; i < vBytes.length; i++) {
                        yuvBytes[dstIndex++] = vBytes[i];
                        yuvBytes[dstIndex++] = uBytes[i];
                case YUV420PYV12:
                    System.arraycopy(vBytes, 0, yuvBytes, dstIndex, vBytes.length);
                    System.arraycopy(uBytes, 0, yuvBytes, dstIndex + vBytes.length, uBytes.length);
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            Log.i(TAG, e.toString());
     * Image Yuv420_888转Yu12
     * @param image Image
     * @param yuvBytes data
     * 又叫I420,先存Y,再存U,最后存v,四个Y对应一个U,一个V 4X4图像
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * UUUU
     * VVVV
    public static void getBytes420PYu12(Image image, byte[] yuvBytes) {
        try {
            //获取源数据,如果是YUV格式的数据planes.length = 3
            //plane[i]里面的实际数据可能存在byte[].length <= capacity (缓冲区总大小)
            final Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();

            //数据有效宽度,一般的,图片width <= rowStride,这也是导致byte[].length <= capacity的原因
            // 所以我们只取width部分
            int width = image.getWidth();
            int height = image.getHeight();

            int Y_pixelsStride = planes[0].getPixelStride();
            int Y_rowStride = planes[0].getRowStride();
            int Y_srcIndex = 0;
            int Y_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt = planes[0].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                tt.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                Y_srcIndex += Y_rowStride;
                Y_dstIndex += width;
                if (Y_srcIndex < tt.capacity()) {

            int U_pixelsStride = planes[1].getPixelStride();
            int U_rowStride = planes[1].getRowStride();
            int U_srcIndex = 0;
            int U_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt2 = planes[1].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < width/2 ; k++) {
                    yuvBytes[Y_dstIndex+U_dstIndex] = tt2.get(U_srcIndex);
                    U_srcIndex += U_pixelsStride;
                    U_dstIndex += 1;
                if (U_pixelsStride == 2) {
                    U_srcIndex += U_rowStride - width;
                } else if (U_pixelsStride == 1) {
                    U_srcIndex += U_rowStride - width / 2;

            int V_pixelsStride = planes[2].getPixelStride();
            int V_rowStride = planes[2].getRowStride();
            int V_srcIndex = 0;
            int V_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt3 = planes[2].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < width/2 ; k++) {
                    yuvBytes[Y_dstIndex+U_dstIndex+V_dstIndex] = tt3.get(V_srcIndex);
                    V_srcIndex += V_pixelsStride;
                    V_dstIndex += 1;
                if (V_pixelsStride == 2) {
                    V_srcIndex += V_rowStride - width;
                } else if (V_pixelsStride == 1) {
                    V_srcIndex += V_rowStride - width / 2;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (image != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, e.toString());

     * Image Yuv420_888转YV12
     * @param image Image
     * @param yuvBytes data
     * 先存Y,再存V,最后存U,四个Y对应一个U,一个V 4X4图像
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * VVVV
     * UUUU
    public static void getBytes420PYv12(Image image, byte[] yuvBytes) {
        try {
            //获取源数据,如果是YUV格式的数据planes.length = 3
            //plane[i]里面的实际数据可能存在byte[].length <= capacity (缓冲区总大小)
            final Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();

            //数据有效宽度,一般的,图片width <= rowStride,这也是导致byte[].length <= capacity的原因
            // 所以我们只取width部分
            int width = image.getWidth();
            int height = image.getHeight();

            int Y_pixelsStride = planes[0].getPixelStride();
            int Y_rowStride = planes[0].getRowStride();
            int Y_srcIndex = 0;
            int Y_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt = planes[0].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                tt.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                Y_srcIndex += Y_rowStride;
                Y_dstIndex += width;
                if (Y_srcIndex < tt.capacity()) {

            int U_pixelsStride = planes[2].getPixelStride();
            int U_rowStride = planes[2].getRowStride();
            int U_srcIndex = 0;
            int U_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt2 = planes[2].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < width/2 ; k++) {
                    yuvBytes[Y_dstIndex+U_dstIndex] = tt2.get(U_srcIndex);
                    U_srcIndex += U_pixelsStride;
                    U_dstIndex += 1;
                if (U_pixelsStride == 2) {
                    U_srcIndex += U_rowStride - width;
                } else if (U_pixelsStride == 1) {
                    U_srcIndex += U_rowStride - width / 2;

            int V_pixelsStride = planes[1].getPixelStride();
            int V_rowStride = planes[1].getRowStride();
            int V_srcIndex = 0;
            int V_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt3 = planes[1].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < width/2 ; k++) {
                    yuvBytes[Y_dstIndex+U_dstIndex+V_dstIndex] = tt3.get(V_srcIndex);
                    V_srcIndex += V_pixelsStride;
                    V_dstIndex += 1;
                if (V_pixelsStride == 2) {
                    V_srcIndex += V_rowStride - width;
                } else if (V_pixelsStride == 1) {
                    V_srcIndex += V_rowStride - width / 2;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (image != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, e.toString());

     * Image Yuv420_888转Nu12
     * @param image Image
     * @param yuvBytes data
     * 先存Y,再UV交叉存储,U前V后,四个Y对应一个U,一个V 4X4图像
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * UVUV
     * UVUV
    public static void getBytes420SPNv12(Image image, byte[] yuvBytes) {
        try {
            //获取源数据,如果是YUV格式的数据planes.length = 3
            //plane[i]里面的实际数据可能存在byte[].length <= capacity (缓冲区总大小)
            final Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();

            //数据有效宽度,一般的,图片width <= rowStride,这也是导致byte[].length <= capacity的原因
            // 所以我们只取width部分
            int width = image.getWidth();
            int height = image.getHeight();

            int Y_pixelsStride = planes[0].getPixelStride();
            int Y_rowStride = planes[0].getRowStride();
            int Y_srcIndex = 0;
            int Y_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt = planes[0].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                //System.arraycopy(planes[0].getBuffer().array(), Y_srcIndex, yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                tt.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                Y_srcIndex += Y_rowStride;
                Y_dstIndex += width;
                if (Y_srcIndex < tt.capacity()) {

            int U_pixelsStride = planes[1].getPixelStride();
            int U_rowStride = planes[1].getRowStride();
            int U_srcIndex = 0;
            int U_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt2 = planes[1].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                //System.arraycopy(planes[1].getBuffer().array(), U_srcIndex, yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex+U_dstIndex, width);
                if (j == (height /2 -1)){
                    tt2.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex + U_dstIndex, width-1);
                }else {
                    tt2.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex + U_dstIndex, width);
                U_srcIndex += U_rowStride;
                U_dstIndex += width;
                if (U_srcIndex < tt2.capacity()) {

            //System.arraycopy(planes[0].getBuffer().array(), 0, yuvBytes, 0, width*height);
            //System.arraycopy(planes[2].getBuffer().array(), 0, yuvBytes, width*height, width*height/2);
            int V_pixelsStride = planes[2].getPixelStride();
            int V_rowStride = planes[2].getRowStride();
            int V_srcIndex = 0;
            int V_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt3 = planes[2].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < width/2 ; k++) {
                    yuvBytes[Y_dstIndex+V_dstIndex+1] = tt3.get(V_srcIndex);
                    V_srcIndex += V_pixelsStride;
                    V_dstIndex += V_pixelsStride;
                if (V_pixelsStride == 2) {
                    V_srcIndex += V_rowStride - width;
                } else if (V_pixelsStride == 1) {
                    V_srcIndex += V_rowStride - width / 2;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (image != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, e.toString());

     * Image Yuv420_888转NV21
     * @param image Image
     * @param yuvBytes data
     * 先存Y,再VU交叉存储,V前U后,四个Y对应一个U,一个V 4X4图像
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * YYYY
     * VUVU
     * VUVU
    public static void getBytes420SPNv21(Image image, byte[] yuvBytes) {
        try {
            //获取源数据,如果是YUV格式的数据planes.length = 3
            //plane[i]里面的实际数据可能存在byte[].length <= capacity (缓冲区总大小)
            final Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();

            //数据有效宽度,一般的,图片width <= rowStride,这也是导致byte[].length <= capacity的原因
            // 所以我们只取width部分
            int width = image.getWidth();
            int height = image.getHeight();

            int Y_pixelsStride = planes[0].getPixelStride();
            int Y_rowStride = planes[0].getRowStride();
            int Y_srcIndex = 0;
            int Y_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt = planes[0].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                //System.arraycopy(planes[0].getBuffer().array(), Y_srcIndex, yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                tt.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                Y_srcIndex += Y_rowStride;
                Y_dstIndex += width;
                if (Y_srcIndex < tt.capacity()) {

            int U_pixelsStride = planes[2].getPixelStride();
            int U_rowStride = planes[2].getRowStride();
            int U_srcIndex = 0;
            int U_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt2 = planes[2].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                //System.arraycopy(planes[1].getBuffer().array(), U_srcIndex, yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex+U_dstIndex, width);
                if (j == (height /2 -1)){
                    tt2.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex + U_dstIndex, width-1);
                }else {
                    tt2.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex + U_dstIndex, width);
                U_srcIndex += U_rowStride;
                U_dstIndex += width;
                if (U_srcIndex < tt2.capacity()) {

            int V_pixelsStride = planes[1].getPixelStride();
            int V_rowStride = planes[1].getRowStride();
            int V_srcIndex = 0;
            int V_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt3 = planes[1].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < width/2 ; k++) {
                    yuvBytes[Y_dstIndex+V_dstIndex+1] = tt3.get(V_srcIndex);
                    V_srcIndex += V_pixelsStride;
                    V_dstIndex += V_pixelsStride;
                if (V_pixelsStride == 2) {
                    V_srcIndex += V_rowStride - width;
                } else if (V_pixelsStride == 1) {
                    V_srcIndex += V_rowStride - width / 2;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (image != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, e.toString());

    public static void getBytes420SPNv21_ImagePlanes(ImagePlanes imagePlanes, byte[] yuvBytes) {
        try {
            // 所以我们只取width部分
            LogUtil.e("jiaUUU", "imagePlanes="+imagePlanes);
            LogUtil.e("jiaUUU", "imagePlanes="+imagePlanes.getWidth());
            LogUtil.e("jiaUUU", "imagePlanes="+imagePlanes.getHeight());
            LogUtil.e("jiaUUU", "imagePlanes="+imagePlanes.getYByte().length);
            LogUtil.e("jiaUUU", "imagePlanes="+imagePlanes.getUByte().length);
            LogUtil.e("jiaUUU", "imagePlanes="+imagePlanes.getVByte().length);

            int width = imagePlanes.getWidth();
            int height = imagePlanes.getHeight();

            int Y_pixelsStride = imagePlanes.getYPixelsStride();
            int Y_rowStride = imagePlanes.getYRowStride();
            int Y_srcIndex = 0;
            int Y_dstIndex = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                System.arraycopy(imagePlanes.getYByte(), Y_srcIndex, yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                Y_srcIndex += Y_rowStride;
                Y_dstIndex += width;


            int U_pixelsStride = imagePlanes.getVPixelsStride();
            int U_rowStride = imagePlanes.getVRowStride();
            int U_srcIndex = 0;
            int U_dstIndex = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {

                if (j == (height /2 -1)){
                    System.arraycopy(imagePlanes.getVByte(), U_srcIndex, yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex+U_dstIndex, width-1);
                }else {
                    System.arraycopy(imagePlanes.getVByte(), U_srcIndex, yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex+U_dstIndex, width);
                U_srcIndex += U_rowStride;
                U_dstIndex += width;

            int V_pixelsStride = imagePlanes.getUPixelsStride();
            int V_rowStride = imagePlanes.getURowStride();
            int V_srcIndex = 0;
            int V_dstIndex = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                for (int k = 0; k < width/2 ; k++) {
                    yuvBytes[Y_dstIndex+V_dstIndex+1] = imagePlanes.getUByte()[V_srcIndex];
                    V_srcIndex += V_pixelsStride;
                    V_dstIndex += V_pixelsStride;
                if (V_pixelsStride == 2) {
                    V_srcIndex += V_rowStride - width;
                } else if (V_pixelsStride == 1) {
                    V_srcIndex += V_rowStride - width / 2;

        } catch (final Exception e) {
            Log.i(TAG, "jiaUUU"+e.toString());

    public static byte[] NV21toJPEG(byte[] nv21, int width, int height, int quality) {
        ByteStreamWrapper out = ByteStreamPool.get();
        YuvImage yuv = new YuvImage(nv21, ImageFormat.NV21, width, height, null);
        yuv.compressToJpeg(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), quality, out);
        byte[] result = out.toByteArray();
        return result;

    public static void Rgba2Bgr(byte[] src, byte[] dest, boolean isAlpha){
        if (isAlpha) {
            //RGBA TO BGRA
            if (src != null && src.length == dest.length) {
                for (int i = 0; i < src.length / 4; i++) {
                    dest[i * 4] = src[i * 4 + 2];        //B
                    dest[i * 4 + 1] = src[i * 4 + 1];    //G
                    dest[i * 4 + 2] = src[i * 4];        //R
                    dest[i * 4 + 3] = src[i * 4 + 3];        //a
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "RGBA2BGR error, dest length too short");
            //RGBA TO BGR
            if (src != null && src.length == (dest.length/4)*3) {
                for (int i = 0; i < src.length / 4; i++) {
                    dest[i * 3] = src[i * 4 + 2];        //B
                    dest[i * 3 + 1] = src[i * 4 + 1];    //G
                    dest[i * 3 + 2] = src[i * 4];        //R
                LogUtil.d(TAG, "RGBA2BGR error, dest length too short");

    public static Bitmap getOriBitmap(byte[] jpgArray){
        return BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(jpgArray,
                0, jpgArray.length);
    public static byte[] getOriBitmapRgba(byte[] jpgArray){
        Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(jpgArray,
                0, jpgArray.length);
        int bytes = bitmap.getByteCount();
        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytes);
        return buffer.array();

    public static byte[] getJpegByte(byte[] rgba, int w, int h){
        Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(rgba);
        ByteArrayOutputStream fos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, fos);
        return fos.toByteArray();
    public static int[] byte2int(byte[] byteArray){
        IntBuffer intBuf =
        int[] array = new int[intBuf.remaining()];

        return array;
    public byte[] int2byte(int[] intArray){
        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(intArray.length * 4);
        IntBuffer intBuffer = byteBuffer.asIntBuffer();
        byte[] byteConverted = byteBuffer.array();
        for (int i = 0; i < 840; i++) {
            Log.d("Bytes sfter Insert", ""+byteConverted[i]);

        return byteConverted;
    public void testXXX(String path){
        Bitmap bm = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(path);
        ByteStreamWrapper baos = ByteStreamPool.get();
        bm.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);
        byte[] bytes = baos.toByteArray();
        long x = System.currentTimeMillis();
        System.out.println("jiaXXX"+ "testXXX");
        System.out.println("jiaXXX"+ "testXXX"+(System.currentTimeMillis()-x));

    //Image to nv21
    private ByteBuffer imageToByteBuffer(final Image image) {
        final Rect crop = image.getCropRect();
        final int width = crop.width();
        final int height = crop.height();

        final Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();
        final int bufferSize = width * height * ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) / 8;
        final ByteBuffer output = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bufferSize);

        int channelOffset = 0;
        int outputStride = 0;

        for (int planeIndex = 0; planeIndex < planes.length; planeIndex++) {
            if (planeIndex == 0) {
                channelOffset = 0;
                outputStride = 1;
            } else if (planeIndex == 1) {
                channelOffset = width * height + 1;
                outputStride = 2;
            } else if (planeIndex == 2) {
                channelOffset = width * height;
                outputStride = 2;

            final ByteBuffer buffer = planes[planeIndex].getBuffer();
            final int rowStride = planes[planeIndex].getRowStride();
            final int pixelStride = planes[planeIndex].getPixelStride();
            byte[] rowData = new byte[rowStride];

            final int shift = (planeIndex == 0) ? 0 : 1;
            final int widthShifted = width >> shift;
            final int heightShifted = height >> shift;

            buffer.position(rowStride * ( >> shift) + pixelStride * (crop.left >> shift));

            for (int row = 0; row < heightShifted; row++) {
                final int length;

                if (pixelStride == 1 && outputStride == 1) {
                    length = widthShifted;
                    buffer.get(output.array(), channelOffset, length);
                    channelOffset += length;
                } else {
                    length = (widthShifted - 1) * pixelStride + 1;
                    buffer.get(rowData, 0, length);

                    for (int col = 0; col < widthShifted; col++) {
                        output.array()[channelOffset] = rowData[col * pixelStride];
                        channelOffset += outputStride;

                if (row < heightShifted - 1) {
                    buffer.position(buffer.position() + rowStride - length);

        return output;

    private static byte[] NV21toJPEG(byte[] nv21, int width, int height) {
        ByteStreamWrapper out = ByteStreamPool.get();
        try {
            YuvImage yuv = new YuvImage(nv21, ImageFormat.NV21, width, height, null);
            yuv.compressToJpeg(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 100, out);
            return out.toByteArray();

    private static byte[] NV21toRgba(byte[] nv21, int width, int height) {
        ByteStreamWrapper out = ByteStreamPool.get();
        try {
            YuvImage yuv = new YuvImage(nv21, ImageFormat.NV21, width, height, null);
            yuv.compressToJpeg(new Rect(0, 0, width, height), 100, out);

            final Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(out.getInputStream());
            int bytes = bitmap.getByteCount();
            ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(bytes);
            bitmap.copyPixelsToBuffer(buffer); //Move the byte data to the buffer
            return buffer.array();

    private static Bitmap getBitmapFromByte(byte[] rgba, int w, int h){
        ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(rgba);
        Bitmap bm = Bitmap.createBitmap(w, h, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        return bm;

    public static void getBytes420SPNv21_New(Image image, byte[] yuvBytes) {
        try {
            //获取源数据,如果是YUV格式的数据planes.length = 3
            //plane[i]里面的实际数据可能存在byte[].length <= capacity (缓冲区总大小)
            final Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();

            //数据有效宽度,一般的,图片width <= rowStride,这也是导致byte[].length <= capacity的原因
            // 所以我们只取width部分
            int width = image.getWidth();
            int height = image.getHeight();

            int Y_pixelsStride = planes[0].getPixelStride();
            int Y_rowStride = planes[0].getRowStride();
            int Y_srcIndex = 0;
            int Y_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt = planes[0].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                //System.arraycopy(planes[0].getBuffer().array(), Y_srcIndex, yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                tt.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                Y_srcIndex += Y_rowStride;
                Y_dstIndex += width;
                if (Y_srcIndex < tt.capacity()) {

            int U_pixelsStride = planes[2].getPixelStride();
            int U_rowStride = planes[2].getRowStride();
            int U_srcIndex = 0;
            int U_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt2 = planes[2].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                //System.arraycopy(planes[1].getBuffer().array(), U_srcIndex, yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex+U_dstIndex, width);
                if (j == (height /2 -1)){
                    tt2.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex + U_dstIndex, width-1);
                }else {
                    tt2.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex + U_dstIndex, width);
                U_srcIndex += U_rowStride;
                U_dstIndex += width;
                if (U_srcIndex < tt2.capacity()) {
            yuvBytes[(int) (width*height*1.5-1)]= planes[1].getBuffer().get(planes[1].getBuffer().capacity());
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (image != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, e.toString());



    public static void getBytes420SPNv12_New(Image image, byte[] yuvBytes) {
        try {
            //获取源数据,如果是YUV格式的数据planes.length = 3
            //plane[i]里面的实际数据可能存在byte[].length <= capacity (缓冲区总大小)
            final Image.Plane[] planes = image.getPlanes();

            //数据有效宽度,一般的,图片width <= rowStride,这也是导致byte[].length <= capacity的原因
            // 所以我们只取width部分
            int width = image.getWidth();
            int height = image.getHeight();

            int Y_pixelsStride = planes[0].getPixelStride();
            int Y_rowStride = planes[0].getRowStride();
            int Y_srcIndex = 0;
            int Y_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt = planes[0].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {
                //System.arraycopy(planes[0].getBuffer().array(), Y_srcIndex, yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                tt.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex, width);
                Y_srcIndex += Y_rowStride;
                Y_dstIndex += width;
                if (Y_srcIndex < tt.capacity()) {

            int U_pixelsStride = planes[1].getPixelStride();
            int U_rowStride = planes[1].getRowStride();
            int U_srcIndex = 0;
            int U_dstIndex = 0;
            ByteBuffer tt2 = planes[1].getBuffer();
            for (int j = 0; j < height / 2; j++) {
                if (j == (height /2 -1)){
                    tt2.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex + U_dstIndex, width-1);
                }else {
                    tt2.get(yuvBytes, Y_dstIndex + U_dstIndex, width);
                U_srcIndex += U_rowStride;
                U_dstIndex += width;
                if (U_srcIndex < tt2.capacity()) {
            yuvBytes[(int) (width*height*1.5-1)]= planes[2].getBuffer().get(planes[2].getBuffer().capacity());
        } catch (final Exception e) {
            if (image != null) {
            Log.i(TAG, e.toString());
