使用OS Watcher监控操作系统



对于数据库端出现的问题,我们可以使用诸如AWR报告、ASH报告进行全方位的监控和诊断。但是对于操作系统,我们通常需要专门的监控工具,甚至专门的软件。实际上,各个操作系统(AIXLinux)都提供了一些基本的性能监控检查工具,如topasiostat等,我们需要做的就是周期性的进行工具调用和数据收集、分析。Oracle提供的免费工具OS Watcher就是这样的利器。




OS WatcherOracle提供给授权客户的一个免费使用小工具,我们可以通过官方支持网站MOS上下载,文章号Note: 301137.1


我们从网站下载的文档是一个压缩格式包文件。OS Watcher作为轻量型性能监控软件,自身运行的低消耗是非常重要的。OS Watcher本身不需要安装,软件就是一系列的shell脚本文件。


笔者下载的文件是最新的版本6.01,压缩格式文件为oswbb601.tar。顺便说一句,OS Watcher目前支持LinuxUnix系列的操作系统,Windows平台目前还不支持~


安装OS Watcher的过程及其简单,我们首先创建一个专门运行的目录,之后将文件传入到目录中。



[root@bspdev /]# mkdir osw

[root@bspdev /]# ls -l | grep osw

drwxr-xr-x  2 root   root      4096 Feb 22 14:45 osw

[root@bspdev /]#


[root@bspdev osw]# ls -l

total 1316

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1341440 Feb 22 14:57 oswbb601.tar





[root@bspdev osw]# tar xvf oswbb601.tar







[root@bspdev osw]#


[root@bspdev osw]# ls -l

total 1320

drwxr-xr-x 9 oracle oinstall    4096 Feb 21 05:09 oswbb

-rw-r--r-- 1 root   root     1341440 Feb 22 14:57 oswbb601.tar






[oracle@bspdev osw]$ cd oswbb

[oracle@bspdev oswbb]$ ls -l

total 344

drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall   4096 Feb 15 00:08 analysis

-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall     67 Feb 19 01:37 call_du.sh

-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall     68 Nov 13 01:31 call_sar.sh


-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall    544 Nov  8 00:55 vmsub.sh

-rwxr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall   1404 Oct 11 01:53 xtop.sh

[oracle@bspdev oswbb]$







OS Watcher的本质就是借助操作系统自身的性能数据收集接口,定期以作业的方式调用程序,并且收集数据。OS Watcher基于的几个常用性能监控程序,如topasvmstatiostat。我们调用OS Watcher的时候,一定要注意调用用户的权限情况,要有权限执行这几个程序。




startOSWbb.sh参数有四个,头两个是我们最常使用的,监控收集间隔和运行时间。OS Watcher会在后台运行,在特定间隔启动收集,并且将数据收集在OS Watcher的归档archive信息库中。间隔时间的参数单位是秒。运行时间设置程序运行的时间,单位是小时,经过了这个时间,OS Watcher自动终止。









[oracle@bspdev oswbb]$ ./startOSWbb.sh 30 1 gzip

[oracle@bspdev oswbb]$ Info...Zip option IS specified.

Info...OSW will use gzip to compress files.

Setting the archive log directory to/osw/oswbb/archive



Testing for discovery of OS Utilities...

VMSTAT found on your system.

IOSTAT found on your system.

MPSTAT found on your system.

NETSTAT found on your system.

TOP found on your system.


Testing for discovery of OS CPU COUNT

oswbb is looking for the CPU COUNT on your system

CPU COUNT will be used by oswbba to automatically look for cpu problems


CPU COUNT found on your system.



Discovery completed.



Starting OSWatcher Black Box v6.0.1  on Fri Feb 22 15:04:30 CST 2013

With SnapshotInterval = 30

With ArchiveInterval = 1


OSWatcher Black Box - Written by Carl Davis, Center of Expertise,

Oracle Corporation

For questions on install/usage please go to MOS (Note:301137.1)

If you need further assistance or have comments or enhancement

requests you can email me [email protected]


Data is stored in directory: /osw/oswbb/archive


Starting Data Collection...



oswbb heartbeat:Fri Feb 22 15:04:35 CST 2013



从工具检测上,OS Watcher涉及到CPUIO Disk、内存和网络多个方面。一般OS层面的性能测试基本已经涵盖。


每隔一个时间间隔,OS Watcher就会在后台启动收集信息。




oswbb heartbeat:Fri Feb 22 15:04:35 CST 2013

oswbb heartbeat:Fri Feb 22 15:05:10 CST 2013

oswbb heartbeat:Fri Feb 22 15:05:44 CST 2013

oswbb heartbeat:Fri Feb 22 15:06:19 CST 2013




[oracle@bspdev oswbb]$ ps -ef | grep OSW

oracle    2573     1  0 15:04 pts/0    00:00:01 /bin/sh ./OSWatcher.sh 30 1 gzip

oracle    2726  2573  0 15:04 pts/0    00:00:00 /bin/sh ./OSWatcherFM.sh 1 /osw/oswbb/archive

oracle    5266  2525  0 15:07 pts/0    00:00:00 grep OSW

[oracle@bspdev oswbb]$



除了经过设置时间终止监控外,OS Watcher还可以通过stopOSWbb.sh脚本来终止执行。



[oracle@bspdev oswbb]$ ./stopOSWbb.sh

[oracle@bspdev oswbb]$ ps -ef | grep OSW

oracle    3042  2435  0 15:47 pts/2    00:00:00 grep OSW






[oracle@bspdev osw]$ du

4       ./oswbb/gif

228     ./oswbb/docs/OSWatcher_Black_Box

776     ./oswbb/docs/The_Analyzer

1008    ./oswbb/docs

4       ./oswbb/tmp

4       ./oswbb/locks

20      ./oswbb/archive/oswmpstat

276     ./oswbb/archive/oswslabinfo

4       ./oswbb/archive/oswprvtnet

20      ./oswbb/archive/oswmeminfo

20      ./oswbb/archive/oswiostat

152     ./oswbb/archive/oswps

12      ./oswbb/archive/oswvmstat

32      ./oswbb/archive/oswnetstat

76      ./oswbb/archive/oswtop

616     ./oswbb/archive

76      ./oswbb/src

4       ./oswbb/profile

4       ./oswbb/analysis

2040    ./oswbb

3360    .





3OS Watcher收集结果处理


OS Watcher的全名为Operation System Watcher Black Box(简称oswbb)。oswbb只负责收集数据,并不能够直接分析结果。Oracleoswbb 4.0之后,提供了专门的分析图形化工具,oswbbaOperation System Watcher Black Box Analyzer)被加入到oswbb工具包中,对数据可以进行完全的分析和处理。






C:\Users\Tomas\Desktop\OSWatch\oswbb>java -jar oswbba.jar -i C:\Users\Tomas\Desktop\OSWatch\oswbb\archive


Starting OSW Black Box Analyzer V6.0.1

OSWatcher Black Box Analyzer Written by Oracle Center of Expertise

Copyright (c)  2012 by Oracle Corporation


Parsing Data. Please Wait...


Scanning file headers for version and platform. info...



Parsing file bspdev.localdomain_iostat_13.02.22.1500.dat ...

Timestamp Error. Expected format: May 3 16:11:12 2006.

Timestamp Error. Found format: Feb 22 15:04:35 2013

Timestamp Error. Expected format: May 3 16:11:12 2006.

Timestamp Error. Found format: Feb 22 15:05:10 2013

Timestamp Error. Expected format: May 3 16:11:12 2006.



An exception occured in insertVmstatLists on line 0

An exception occured in insertVmstatLists on line 0


Parsing file bspdev.localdomain_netstat_13.02.22.1500.dat ...

Parsing file bspdev.localdomain_top_13.02.22.1500.dat ...


No data found in input archive directory C:\Users\Tomas\Desktop\OSWatch\oswbb\archive

Please rerun oswbba with proper input directory containing OSW archive data.

Program aborting...










C:\Users\Tomas\Desktop\OSWatch\oswbb>java -jar oswbba.jar -i C:\Users\Tomas\Des



Starting OSW Black Box Analyzer V6.0.1

OSWatcher Black Box Analyzer Written by Oracle Center of Expertise

Copyright (c)  2012 by Oracle Corporation


Parsing Data. Please Wait...


Scanning file headers for version and platform. info...

Parsing file bspdev.localdomain_iostat_13.02.22.1500.dat ...

Parsing file bspdev.localdomain_vmstat_13.02.22.1500.dat ...

Parsing file bspdev.localdomain_netstat_13.02.22.1500.dat ...

Parsing file bspdev.localdomain_top_13.02.22.1500.dat ...


Parsing Completed.


Enter 1 to Display CPU Process Queue Graphs

Enter 2 to Display CPU Utilization Graphs

Enter 3 to Display CPU Other Graphs

Enter 4 to Display Memory Graphs

Enter 5 to Display Disk IO Graphs


Enter 6 to Generate All CPU Gif Files

Enter 7 to Generate All Memory Gif Files

Enter 8 to Generate All Disk Gif Files


Enter L to Specify Alternate Location of Gif Directory

Enter T to Specify Different Time Scale

Enter D to Return to Default Time Scale

Enter R to Remove Currently Displayed Graphs

Enter P to Generate A Profile

Enter A to Analyze Data

Enter Q to Quit Program


Please Select an Option:













OS Watcher及其分析工具,是非常方便的性能监控程序。在很多场合下,结合数据库原有的AWR报告,可以让我们更加全面的了解系统瓶颈,优化系统。


来自 “ ITPUB博客 ” ,链接:http://blog.itpub.net/17203031/viewspace-754646/,如需转载,请注明出处,否则将追究法律责任。


你可能感兴趣的:(使用OS Watcher监控操作系统)