在虚拟化环境中,宿主机的资源(包括CPU cache和内存带宽)都是共享的。但是如果有一个消耗cache的应用快速消耗了L3缓存,或者一个应用消耗了系统大量内存带宽,那么如何保证其他虚拟机应用呢?如何限制这些“可恶”的邻居Noisy Neighbors呢?
Cache Allocation Technology (CAT)缓存分配技术、
Cache Monitoring Technology (CMT)缓存监测技术、
Memory Bandwidth Allocation (MBA)内存带宽分配技术、
Memory Bandwidth Monitoring (MBM)内存带宽监测技术、
Code and Data Prioritization (CDP)代码和数据分区技术。
RMID:OS或VMM会给每个应用或虚拟机标记一个软件定义的ID,叫做RMID(Resource Monitoring ID),通过RMID可以同时监控运行在多处理器上相互独立的线程,注意这里是指应用线程而是不是硬件的core,这个是由根本差异的。每个处理器可用的RMIDs数量是不一样的,这个可以通过CPUID指令获取得到,RMID数量不一样意味着可以监控独立线程的数量会有差异,如果一个系统上运行过多的线程可能会导致不能监控到所有线程的资源使用。
每个core上存在一个MSR (IA32_PQR_ASSOC),可以关联一个RMID(而一个RMID对应一个线程),该RMID就记录在这个MSR上,然后通过硬件监控资源使用率。其中COS用于资源分配后面再说。
也是通过寄存器来实现,通过MSR (IA32_QM_EVTSEL) 选择寄存器中设置RMID和Event ID。
在软件设置了合理的RMID+Event ID后,硬件会查看指定的数据,并通过MSR (IA32_QM_CTR)返回。
其中E/U 位表示Error和Unavailable,当数据合法时不会设置这两个位。那么数据就可以被软件使用。
RMID对OS的需求:这个里有个问题,就是如果线程发生调度到其他core,那么硬件core上的MSR (IA32_PQR_ASSOC)上所记录的RMID对应的线程并没有运行在本core上了,就会导致数据不准确了。所以希望OS/VMM支持,将RMID加入到应用线程状态结构体中,这样在线程切换的时候MSR (IA32_PQR_ASSOC)中RMID能自动更新,确保跟踪的正确性。
COS:CAT中引入了一个中间结构叫做COS(Class of Service),可以理解为资源控制标签。此外每个COS定义了CBM(capacity bitmasks),COS和CBM一起,确定有多少cache可以被这个COS使用。
然后资源空间掩码(CBM)来标记相对可用空间、重复读和隔离情况。如下图中COS1 比COS3使用更少的cache,可以理解为更低的优先级。
$ pqos -m all:[0-7],[8-17]
TIME 2019-01-03 01:38:02
0-7 0.95 193k 9432.0 6.3 5.7
8-17 0.41 134k 7416.0 4.9 4.1
控制内存带宽和cache,需要先打标 -a,而后分配 -e:
# cat config_rdt.sh
pqos -R
pqos -a "llc:${HP_COS}=${HP_CORES}"
pqos -a "llc:${LP_COS}=${LP_CORES}"
pqos -e "llc:${LP_COS}=${mask}"
pqos -e "mba:${LP_COS}=${LP_MBA_CONFIG}"
# pqos -h
NOTE: Mixed use of MSR and kernel interfaces to manage
CAT or CMT & MBM may lead to unexpected behavior.
Usage: pqos [-h] [--help] [-v] [--verbose] [-V] [--super-verbose]
[-l FILE] [--log-file=FILE] [-I] [--iface-os]
pqos [-s] [--show]
pqos [-d] [--display] [-D] [--display-verbose]
pqos [-m EVTCORES] [--mon-core=EVTCORES] | [-p [EVTPIDS]] [--mon-pid[=EVTPIDS]]
[-t SECONDS] [--mon-time=SECONDS]
[-i N] [--mon-interval=N]
[-T] [--mon-top]
[-o FILE] [--mon-file=FILE]
[-u TYPE] [--mon-file-type=TYPE]
[-r] [--mon-reset]
pqos [-e CLASSDEF] [--alloc-class=CLASSDEF]
[-a CLASS2ID] [--alloc-assoc=CLASS2ID]
pqos [-R] [--alloc-reset]
pqos [-H] [--profile-list] | [-c PROFILE] [--profile-set=PROFILE]
pqos [-f FILE] [--config-file=FILE]
-h, --help help page
-v, --verbose verbose mode
-V, --super-verbose super-verbose mode
-s, --show show current PQoS configuration
-d, --display display supported capabilities
-D, --display-verbose display supported capabilities in verbose mode
-f FILE, --config-file=FILE load commands from selected file
-l FILE, --log-file=FILE log messages into selected file
-e CLASSDEF, --alloc-class=CLASSDEF
define allocation classes.
To specify specific resources 'TYPE[@RESOURCE_ID]:ID=DEFINITION;'.
Examples: 'llc:0=0xffff;llc:1=0x00ff;llc@0-1:2=0xff00',
-a CLASS2ID, --alloc-assoc=CLASS2ID
associate cores/tasks with an allocation class.
Example 'llc:0=0,2,4,6-10;llc:1=1'.
Example 'core:0=0,2,4,6-10;core:1=1'.
Example 'pid:0=3543,7643,4556;pid:1=7644'.
-R [CONFIG[,CONFIG]], --alloc-reset[=CONFIG[,CONFIG]]
reset allocation configuration (L2/L3 CAT & MBA)
CONFIG can be: l3cdp-on, l3cdp-off, l3cdp-any,
l2cdp-on, l2cdp-off, l2cdp-any,
mbaCtrl-on, mbaCtrl-off, mbaCtrl-any
(default l3cdp-any,l2cdp-any,mbaCtrl-any).
-m EVTCORES, --mon-core=EVTCORES
select cores and events for monitoring.
Example: "all:0,2,4-10;llc:1,3;mbr:11-12".
Cores can be grouped by enclosing them in square brackets,
example: "llc:[0-3];all:[4,5,6];mbr:[0-3],7,8".
-p [EVTPIDS], --mon-pid[=EVTPIDS]
select top 10 most active (CPU utilizing) process ids to monitor
or select process ids and events to monitor.
Examples: 'llc:22,25673' or 'all:892,4588-4592'
Process' IDs can be grouped by enclosing them in square brackets,
Examples: 'llc:[22,25673]' or 'all:892,[4588-4592]'
Requires Linux and kernel versions 4.10 and newer.
The -I option must be used for PID monitoring.
Processes and cores cannot be monitored together.
-o FILE, --mon-file=FILE output monitored data in a FILE
-u TYPE, --mon-file-type=TYPE
select output file format type for monitored data.
TYPE is one of: text (default), xml or csv.
-i N, --mon-interval=N set sampling interval to Nx100ms,
default 10 = 10 x 100ms = 1s.
-T, --mon-top top like monitoring output
-t SECONDS, --mon-time=SECONDS
set monitoring time in seconds. Use 'inf' or 'infinite'
for infinite monitoring. CTRL+C stops monitoring.
-r, --mon-reset monitoring reset, claim all RMID's
-H, --profile-list list supported allocation profiles
-c PROFILE, --profile-set=PROFILE
select a PROFILE of predefined allocation classes.
Use -H to list available profiles.
-I, --iface-os
set the library interface to use the kernel
implementation. If not set the default implementation is
to program the MSR's directly.
show:L3CA, L3Cache总共可以有11位可以设置,表示设置cache的大小,0x7ff表示Cache全部可以使用,0x3只能使用cache中最低位的2个分区。
# ./config_rdt.sh 2 10
Allocation reset successful
Allocation configuration altered.
Allocation configuration altered.
Allocation configuration altered.
SOCKET 0 MBA COS5 => 10% requested, 10% applied
SOCKET 1 MBA COS5 => 10% requested, 10% applied
Allocation configuration altered.
# pqos -s
NOTE: Mixed use of MSR and kernel interfaces to manage
CAT or CMT & MBM may lead to unexpected behavior.
L3CA/MBA COS definitions for Socket 0:
L3CA COS0 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS1 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS2 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS3 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS4 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS5 => MASK 0x3
L3CA COS6 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS7 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS8 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS9 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS10 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS11 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS12 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS13 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS14 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS15 => MASK 0x7ff
MBA COS0 => 100% available
MBA COS1 => 100% available
MBA COS2 => 100% available
MBA COS3 => 100% available
MBA COS4 => 100% available
MBA COS5 => 10% available
MBA COS6 => 100% available
MBA COS7 => 100% available
L3CA/MBA COS definitions for Socket 1:
L3CA COS0 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS1 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS2 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS3 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS4 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS5 => MASK 0x3
L3CA COS6 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS7 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS8 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS9 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS10 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS11 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS12 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS13 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS14 => MASK 0x7ff
L3CA COS15 => MASK 0x7ff
MBA COS0 => 100% available
MBA COS1 => 100% available
MBA COS2 => 100% available
MBA COS3 => 100% available
MBA COS4 => 100% available
MBA COS5 => 10% available
MBA COS6 => 100% available
MBA COS7 => 100% available
Core information for socket 0:
Core 0, L2ID 0, L3ID 0 => COS4, RMID0
Core 1, L2ID 1, L3ID 0 => COS4, RMID0
Core 2, L2ID 2, L3ID 0 => COS4, RMID0
Core 3, L2ID 3, L3ID 0 => COS4, RMID0
Core 4, L2ID 4, L3ID 0 => COS4, RMID0
Core 5, L2ID 8, L3ID 0 => COS4, RMID0
Core 6, L2ID 9, L3ID 0 => COS4, RMID0
Core 7, L2ID 10, L3ID 0 => COS4, RMID0
Core 8, L2ID 11, L3ID 0 => COS5, RMID0
Core 9, L2ID 16, L3ID 0 => COS5, RMID0
Core 10, L2ID 17, L3ID 0 => COS5, RMID0
Core 11, L2ID 18, L3ID 0 => COS5, RMID0
Core 12, L2ID 19, L3ID 0 => COS5, RMID0
Core 13, L2ID 20, L3ID 0 => COS5, RMID0
Core 14, L2ID 24, L3ID 0 => COS5, RMID0
Core 15, L2ID 25, L3ID 0 => COS5, RMID0
Core 16, L2ID 26, L3ID 0 => COS5, RMID0
Core 17, L2ID 27, L3ID 0 => COS5, RMID0
Core 36, L2ID 0, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 37, L2ID 1, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 38, L2ID 2, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 39, L2ID 3, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 40, L2ID 4, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 41, L2ID 8, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 42, L2ID 9, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 43, L2ID 10, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 44, L2ID 11, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 45, L2ID 16, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 46, L2ID 17, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 47, L2ID 18, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 48, L2ID 19, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 49, L2ID 20, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 50, L2ID 24, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 51, L2ID 25, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 52, L2ID 26, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core 53, L2ID 27, L3ID 0 => COS0, RMID0
Core information for socket 1:
Core 18, L2ID 32, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 19, L2ID 33, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 20, L2ID 34, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 21, L2ID 35, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 22, L2ID 36, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 23, L2ID 40, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 24, L2ID 41, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 25, L2ID 42, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 26, L2ID 43, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 27, L2ID 48, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 28, L2ID 49, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 29, L2ID 50, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 30, L2ID 51, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 31, L2ID 52, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 32, L2ID 56, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 33, L2ID 57, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 34, L2ID 58, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 35, L2ID 59, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 54, L2ID 32, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 55, L2ID 33, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 56, L2ID 34, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 57, L2ID 35, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 58, L2ID 36, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 59, L2ID 40, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 60, L2ID 41, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 61, L2ID 42, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 62, L2ID 43, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 63, L2ID 48, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 64, L2ID 49, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 65, L2ID 50, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 66, L2ID 51, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 67, L2ID 52, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 68, L2ID 56, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 69, L2ID 57, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 70, L2ID 58, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0
Core 71, L2ID 59, L3ID 1 => COS0, RMID0