from numpy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
def leastSquares(train_x,train_y):
train_xt = train_x.T
dotTrainX = dot(train_xt,train_x)
matX = mat(dotTrainX)
dotTrainXInversion = matX.I
theta = dotTrainXInversion*train_xt;
theta = theta*train_y;
return theta
def LMS(train_x,train_y,opts):
numSamples, numfeatures = shape(train_x)
alpha = opts['alpha'];
maxIter = opts['maxIter']
weights = ones((numfeatures, 1))
if (opts['optimizeType'] == 'gradDescent'):
for k in range(maxIter):
output = train_x*weights
error = train_y - output
weights = weights + alpha * train_x.transpose()*error
return weights
def showLogRegres(weights, train_x, train_y):
# notice: train_x and train_y is mat datatype
numSamples, numFeatures = shape(train_x)
if numFeatures != 2:
print "Sorry! I can not draw because the dimension of your data is not 2!"
return 1
# draw all samples
for i in xrange(numSamples):
plt.plot(train_x[i, 1], train_y[i, 0], 'or')
# draw the classify line
min_x = min(train_x[:, 1])[0, 0]
max_x = max(train_x[:, 1])[0, 0]
weights = weights.getA() # convert mat to array
y_min_x = float(weights[0] + weights[1] * min_x)
y_max_x = float(weights[0] + weights[1] * max_x)
plt.plot([min_x, max_x], [y_min_x, y_max_x], '-g')
plt.xlabel('X1'); plt.ylabel('X2')
if __name__ == '__main__':
train_x = mat([(1,2104),(1,1600),(1,2400),(1,1416),(1,3000)]);
train_y = mat([400,330,369,232,540]).transpose();
opts = {'alpha': 0.00000001,
'maxIter': 10000,
'optimizeType': 'gradDescent'}
weights= LMS(train_x,train_y,opts);
theta = leastSquares(train_x, train_y)
showLogRegres(theta, train_x, train_y)