卡梅 ETC专业介绍

Background Information and Introduction

1.1 Introduction

The ETC is the premiere professional graduate program for interactive entertainment as it’s applied across a variety of fields. Our unique, two-year, Master of Entertainment Technology (MET) degree is jointly conferred by Carnegie Mellon University’s School of Computer Science and the College of Fine Arts. The MET is currently considered a terminal degree.

Mission: Providing leadership in education and applied research that combines technology and art, to explore learning, storytelling, innovation and entertainment, and to create experiences that educate, engage and inspire.   

1.2 History

The ETC was founded in 1998 with Randy Pausch and Don Marinelli as the co-directors. The faculty and staff worked together to articulate our academic mission which focuses on educational goals and creative development. And we also created an R&D Agenda exploring transformational games, innovation by design and interactive storytelling. Throughout, we work to prepare students to graduate as creative professionals.

1.3 Research and Development Agenda

Transformational Games:including educational games, game for health, games for change, simulations meaningful game play, and in-game assessments, humanities and civics

– To continue iterative rapid-prototyping of games for impact to develop the most effective and impactful games.

Innovation by Design:including next-gen interfaces, experimental prototyping, entertainment creative development best practices, and iterative experience design

– To innovate through development processes and apply the latest technologies to create engaging experiences

Interactive Storytelling:including location-based experiences, mobile, transmedia, augmented reality, and live interactive performance

– To design the most engaging narrative experiences that incorporates multiple forms of  media and audience engagement

Across all three areas – Game, Design, and Story – we are interested in how engagement and learning occurs with different topics, media, groups, and contexts. We explore K-12, STEAM, informal learning, lifelong learning, and transference as we focus on designing the experience that the user, player, or guest has. With the ETC R&D agenda, we are applying methodological techniques (rapid-prototyping, iterative design, agile development) to discover fundamental principles (game play mechanics, indirect control, interest curves, improvisational storytelling) of how interactive experiences best perform.


Semester 1: Fundamentals of the ETC; Improvisational Acting; Visual Storytelling;Building Virtual Worlds

Semester 2: Interdisciplinary Project – I; One Elective

Semester 3: Interdisciplinary Project – II; One Elective

Semester 4: Interdisciplinary Project – III; One Elective

Optional courses:

Integrated Co-Op: during the second year of study (semesters 3 or 4) students can apply for a semester academic co-op with a company.

Student-Defined Semester: after the first semester of study, students can apply for one student-defined semester of study in Pittsburgh during which they take four courses.

Accelerated Master’s Program: students accepted into the ETC through an accelerated master’s program from an ETC-approved undergraduate program complete the first semester curriculum, followed by two project course semesters. (CMU CS / NUS CS)

Highlight: After the first semester, students in good academic standing can apply to study at ETC-SV in California. ETC students can take specific sets of courses to graduate with a concentration in a distinct area of study (game design, themed entertainment or interactive storytelling). Students can do either a co-op or a student-defined semester, but they cannot do both. Students in an accelerated master’s program are not eligible for co-ops, student-defined semesters or concentrations. 

Graduate concentrations (Current for 2016 Fall Semester): The ETC offers three graduate concentrations:

– Game Design

– Themed Entertainment

– Interactive Storytelling


After students finish their immersion semester, they put their newfound collaboration skills to use on semester-long projects. Each project course challenges teams of interdisciplinary students to produce working artifacts and playable prototypes. Project sponsors include Amazon, NASA and XBOX 360.

Other Academics


IDEATE UNDERGRADUATE GAME DESIGN MINOR: As part of Carnegie Mellon’s interdisciplinary IDEATE (the Integrative Design, Arts, and Technology) Network, the ETC offers an undergraduate minor in Game Design. Carnegie Mellon’s diverse and top-ranked departments in computing, engineering, design, and arts are uniquely positioned to serve students who have interdisciplinary interests bridging technology and creative practice. The IDEATE concentrations and minors connect students and faculty from across the university through coursework and collaborative studio experiences. Through IDEATE, all CMU undergraduates can get interdisciplinary minors and concentrations in eight creative industry areas as part of their major degree.

HCI PH.D.: Carnegie Mellon’s Ph.D. Program in Human-Computer Interaction is rigorous, creative, and deeply interdisciplinary. Dr. Jessica Hammer is an assistant professor, jointly appointed between the HCI Institute and the Entertainment Technology Center. She combines game design with qualitative and quantitative research techniques to understand how games impact human behavior. Her doctoral research lab explores games for impact meaning; games for health, games for learning, and games for social change – but also games for intimacy, games for creativity, and games for inspiration.

ALICE (online): Randy Pausch helped start both Alice and the ETC, so it’s fitting to serve as the academic home for Alice at CMU and honor Randy’s legacy. 

Application Requirement

A completed online Application

Statement of Purpose

A $75 application fee payable by credit card

Three letters of recommendation

A copy of official transcripts

ibTOEFL Requirements: 92 total

•ibTOEFL Listening Subscore 23

•ibTOEFL Reading Subscore 23

•ibTOEFL Speaking Subscore 23

•ibTOEFL Writing Subscore 23

IELTS minimum 7.

Please use institution code 2074 when having your scores sent to the ETC.

A admission’s interview after you have submitted your interview.  We will be conducting interviews on site and via Skype.  After your application has been submitted, you will be given further instructions.



ETC是互动娱乐的首选专业研究生课程,因为它应用于各个领域。我们独特的,两年制的娱乐技术硕士学位是由卡内基梅隆大学计算机科学学院和美术学院联合授予的。 MET目前被视为终端学位。



ETC成立于1998年,Randy Pausch和Don Marinelli担任联合董事。教职员工共同阐明了我们的教育目标和创意发展的学术使命。此外,我们还创建了一个研发议程,探索转型游戏,设计创新和互动故事讲述。在整个过程中,我们努力让学生成为有创意的专业人员。



- 继续迭代快速原型游戏的影响,以开发最有效和有影响力的游戏。


- 通过开发流程进行创新,并应用最新技术创造有吸引力的体验


- 设计最吸引人的叙述体验,融合多种形式的媒体和观众参与




第二学期:跨学科项目 - 我;一个选修课

第三学期:跨学科项目 - 二;一个选修课

第四学期:跨学科项目 - 三;一个选修课




加速硕士课程:学生通过ETC批准的本科课程的加速硕士课程进入ETC,完成第一学期的课程,然后是两个课程学期。 (CMU CS / NUS CS)

突出显示:第一学期后,学习成绩优秀的学生可以申请加州ETC-SV学习。 ETC学生可以选择特定的课程集中在一个独特的学习领域(游戏设计,主题娱乐或交互式故事)。学生可以做一个合作社或学生定义的学期,但他们不能做这两个。在加速硕士课程的学生不符合合作社,学生定义的学期或集中的资格。


- 游戏设计

- 主题娱乐

- 交互式讲故事


学生完成沉浸式学期后,他们将新发现的合作技能用于学期长的项目。每个项目课程挑战跨学科学生团队,以制作工作文物和可玩原型。项目赞助商包括亚马逊,美国宇航局和XBOX 360。



理想本科生游戏设计少数:作为卡内基梅隆大学跨学科IDEATE(综合设计,艺术和技术)网络的一部分,ETC提供游戏设计专业的本科学生。卡内基梅隆大学在计算机,工程,设计和艺术方面多元化,排名第一的部门具有独特的优势,可以为跨学科的学生提供技术和创意实践方面的服务。 IDEATE集中和未成年人通过课程作业和协作工作室的经验连接来自整个大学的学生和教师。通过IDEATE,所有CMU大学生都可以在八个创意产业领域获得跨学科的未成年人和专业学位,这是其主要学位的一部分。

HCI博士:卡内基梅隆博士人机交互方案严谨,创新,深入跨学科。 Jessica Hammer博士是HCI研究所和娱乐技术中心共同任命的助理教授。她将游戏设计与定性和定量研究技术相结合,以了解游戏如何影响人类的行为。她的博士研究实验室探索游戏的影响意义;健康游戏,学习游戏和社交变化游戏 - 还有亲密游戏,创意游戏和灵感游戏。

ALICE(在线):Randy Pausch帮助Alice和ETC开始,所以适合在CMU担任Alice的学术之家,并尊重Randy的传统。









•ibTOEFL Reading Subscore 23






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