深入浅出Head First设计模式配套视频

O'Reilly的Head First(深入浅出)系列教程可谓是大名鼎鼎。

最近拜读了Design Pattern(设计模式),写得真是不错。

可以从以下地址下载其中两位作者Elisabeth Robson和Eric Freeman录制的配套视频。

【Part 1/2】https://download.csdn.net/download/zbbfb2001/10680196

【Part 2/2】https://download.csdn.net/download/zbbfb2001/10680201

深入浅出Head First设计模式配套视频_第1张图片



|   Exercise Files.zip
+---00. Introduction
|       01. Welcome.mp4
|       02. What you should know before watching this course.mp4
|       03. Using the exercise files.mp4
+---01. Design Patterns
|       01. Understanding the need for design patterns.mp4
|       02. What are design patterns.mp4
|       03. Using design patterns.mp4
+---02. The Strategy Pattern
|       01. Understanding the pitfalls of inheritance and interfaces.mp4
|       02. Encapsulating code that varies.mp4
|       03. Programming to an interface.mp4
|       04. Setting behavior dynamically.mp4
|       05. Exploring the strategy pattern.mp4
|       06. Understanding why HAS-A is better than IS-A.mp4
+---03. The Observer Pattern
|       01. Using the observer pattern in the real world.mp4
|       02. Exploring the observer pattern.mp4
|       03. Understanding the observer pattern.mp4
|       04. Implementing the observer pattern.mp4
|       05. Using Java's Observer and Observable classes.mp4
|       06. Implementing the observer pattern with Java's Observer and Observable classes.mp4
|       07. The advantages of loose coupling.mp4
+---04. The Decorator Pattern
|       01. Creating chaos with inheritance.mp4
|       02. Understanding the open-closed principle.mp4
|       03. Extending behavior with composition.mp4
|       04. Understanding the decorator pattern.mp4
|       05. Implementing the decorator pattern.mp4
|       06. Understanding decorators in Java libraries.mp4
|       07. Using java.io decorators.mp4
+---05. The Singleton Pattern
|       01. What is the singleton pattern.mp4
|       02. Understanding the classic singleton pattern.mp4
|       03. Implementing the classic singleton pattern.mp4
|       04. Dealing with multithreading.mp4
|       05. Improving the singleton pattern implementation.mp4
+---06. The State Pattern
|       01. What is a state machine.mp4
|       02. Revisiting the design for a state machine.mp4
|       03. Understanding the state pattern.mp4
|       04. Implementing the state pattern.mp4
|       05. Comparing the state and strategy patterns.mp4
+---07. The Collection Pattern
|       01. Encapsulating iteration.mp4
|       02. Exploring the iterator pattern.mp4
|       03. Implementing the iterator pattern.mp4
|       04. Using Java's built-in iterators.mp4
|       05. Implementing with Java's built-in iterators.mp4
|       06. Making sure classes have only one responsibility.mp4
+---08. Factories
|       01. Encapsulating object creation.mp4
|       02. Understanding the Simple Factory idiom.mp4
|       03. Implementing the Simple Factory idiom.mp4
|       04. Exploring the factory method pattern.mp4
|       05. Implementing the factory method pattern.mp4
\---09. Conclusion
        01. Looking at what we've done and where to go from here.mp4
        02. Additional resources.mp4

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