There are three way to change the default (i.e., start-up) directory of jupyter notebook.
1.Use command line (aka, cmd), run the following command: this will generate a config file (, in your working location (C:\Users[Your Username].jupyter).
jupyter notebook --generate-config
2.Goto that location (C:\Users[Your Username].jupyter) and edit file as follow.
Find line:
## The directory to use for notebooks and kernels.
#c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = ''
3.Delete the “#” and type your default directory inside the ”. (Make sure the directory is exist, or it may causes some troubles)
For example:
## The directory to use for notebooks and kernels.
c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = 'E:\Default Jupyter Dir\'
1.Find the Jupyter Notebook execute file.
2.Right click the file
3.Find “properties” tab and click it; this will lead you to the “Jupyter Notebook Properties”
4.Check the pop-up window, and you should see “Start in” property.
5.Change the directory to your default directory, e.g., ‘E:\Default Jupyter Dir\’
This solution is based on Anaconda, since Jupyter Notebook load the profile from Anaconda.
You may see the following information from properties window if you had gone through Solution #2.
"Target: D:\Anaconda3\python.exe d:\Anaconda3\ d:\Anaconda3 "d:/Anaconda3/python.exe" "d:/Anaconda3/Scripts/" %USERPROFILE%"
1.Goto the Anaconda installed location.
2.Find the ‘etc’ directory in Anaconda.
3.Open file ‘jupyter_notebook_config.json’
4.Add your default directory to the ‘notebook_dir’.