


楼主 lins05(lins)

zz from http://bbs.yingjiesheng.com/thread-785069-1-1.html

Jane Street Capital, 一家quantitative trading公司。主要是靠arbitrage来创利。和hedge fund不同的是这家公司不替任何客户管理资本。这家公司用的是自己的钱。所以对风险的喜好没有hedge fund那么高。其实具体操作起来,和hedge fund没什么区别。都是通过建立模型预测市场走向来套利的。所以在这种地方工作还是蛮有挑战的。正如这家公司自己网站上说的:

Jane Street is a quantitative proprietary trading firm that operates around the clock and around the globe. We bring a deep understanding of markets, a scientific approach, and innovative technology to bear on the problem of trading profitably in the world's highly competitive financial markets.

网上搜了下,这家公司在华尔街还是比较有名的。想进这家公司可是没那么容易。可以想像,2000年成立,全球三所offices(纽约,伦敦,香港), 到现在才一共200多人。而且每年都在招人……

我今年11月中旬参加了这家公司在我们学校的宣讲。居然是公司三个创始人之一直接上阵。可见对我们学校还是蛮重视的。从这家公司的网站上看,这家公司居然只对英国4所学校感兴趣……我很无语……其实说实在的,在听了宣讲之后,我并不是很想投这家公司。因为会上有人问到面试会有什么问题。那CEO举了一些例子,没有一个我能答上来的。自己掂量掂量,觉得可能性不大。可是,由于马上要毕业了,而且他们做的也确实挺有意思,我还是抱着试试看的心情投了简历。没想到不到一周收到邮件说要有一个initial telephone interview。当时正在修改论文的紧张阶段。于是就推到12月2号了。也好有个时间好好准备准备。这期间把概率恶补了一下。于是在2号上迎来了本学年第一个正式的工作面试。

另,据小道消息报道,这家公司纽约部门给毕业生的工资是10万刀每年,加2万刀signing bonus。不知道是真是假……


(15 mins)

1. mental arithmetics (no calculator, no paper and pen)
38*42=? What is the percentage you are confident with your answer?

2. I roll a die, and I will give you an amount in pounds equal to the number on the die. For example, if I get 5, I will give you 5 pounds. What is the price you are willing to pay for this game? (a: 3.5)

now say that when you roll the die, you are allowed to either take the money that you get with the roll, or roll a second time. But you have to take whatever it is of the second roll. what is the price you willing to pay to play? (a: 4.25)

3. 3 coins, what is the probability that I get two heads? If 4 coins, what is the probability that I get at least two heads? How confident you are with this answer? (a: 0.5, 11/16)

4. One normal ball has length 8-inch weighs 80kg, what is a 12-inch ball weigh? (a: 270kg)

5. If I drop a ball from 10 meters high, it will always rebound half the distance, e.g. the first time, it rebounds 5m high, then the second time 2.5m, etc. So how long does the ball travel after it finally stops? Confident? (a: 30m)

最后,如果有人有志做quant,我很建议大家看看Crack 的"Heard on the street"这本书。对准备quant面试相当有帮助!建议大家搜索下载。我下了一本,可是附件太大没有办法发到这里。有兴趣的朋友可是又找不到下载地方的可以留下邮箱地址。我有空的时候发给你。


