既然如此,就到元数据表中将相关的信息删除掉好了,所以就到sde用户下删除了table_registry表中的相关记录,再次新建要素,这次又报出了一个错误,“图层已存在[Error executing stored procedure
- sdetable -o unregister -t tablename
Remove a table from the ArcSDE table registry
Use unregister to remove a table from the TABLE_REGISTRY table (SDE_table_registry in SQL Server databases).
sdetable -o unregister -t av.world -u av -p mo -i 7654
NOTE: Tables cannot be unregistered if they have been registered as multiversioned, are part of a geodatabase object, or have a spatial column. In all cases, the dependencies must be removed first or you must use the -F option.
To manually remove the dependencies, unregister the table from the geodatabase using ArcCatalog (if it has been registered with the geodatabase) and remove the spatial column (if it has one) using the sdelayer -o delete operation.
Alternatively, you can use the -F option to force the unregistering of the table. However, when you do so, all edits stored in the delta tables are lost. The table will not be unregistered with the geodatabase.
大体就是说使用unregister可以从table_registry(在SQL Server中叫做SDE_table_registry)表中删除一个表记录,但是被删除表如果已经被注册为多版本,或是一个地理数据库对象的一部分,或是有一个空间列,则不能被取消注册,在任何情况下都应该先删除这些依赖关系才能再取消注册,或者也可以使用-F选项。大概是这么个意思,不过具体需要怎么取消依赖,毕竟笔者对ArcGIS不熟悉,也不甚了解。