[pɑrt] | [wɝk] |
An | organization | is | a | machine | consisting | of | two | major | parts | culture | and | people. |
[͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [məˋʃin] | [tu] | [ˋmedʒɚ] | [ˋkʌltʃɚ] | [ænd] | [ˋpip!] |
a. | A | great | organization | has | both | great | people | and | a | great | culture. |
[gret] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [hæz] | [boθ] | [gret] | [ˋpip!] | [ænd] | [gret] | [ˋkʌltʃɚ] |
a. 一個偉大的組織既有偉大的人民,也有偉大的文化。
b. | Great | people | have | both | great | character | and | great | capabilities. |
[gret] | [ˋpip!] | [hæv] | [boθ] | [gret] | [ˋkærɪktɚ] | [ænd] | [gret] |
b. 偉大的人具有偉大的品格和強大的能力。
c. | Great | cultures | bring | problems | and | disagreements | to | the | surface | and | solve | them | well, | and | they | love | imagining | and | building | great | things | that | haven't | been | built | before. |
[gret] | [brɪŋ] | [ænd] | [ðə] | [ˋsɝfɪs] | [ænd] | [ðɛm] | [wɛl] | [ænd] | [ðe] | [lʌv] | [ænd] | [ˋbɪldɪŋ] | [gret] | [ðæt] | [bɪn] | [bɪlt] | [bɪˋfor] |
c. 偉大的文化給表面帶來了問題和分歧,並且很好地解決了這些問題,他們喜歡想像和建造以前沒有建過的偉大事物。
Tough | love | is | effective | for | achieving | both | great | work | and | great | relationships. |
[tʌf] | [lʌv] | [ɪˋfɛktɪv] | [fɔr] | [boθ] | [gret] | [wɝk] | [ænd] | [gret] |
a. | In | order | to | be | great, | one | can't | compromise | the uncompromisable. |
[ˋɔrdɚ] | [gret] | [wʌn] | [ˋkɑmprə͵maɪz] |
a. 為了變得偉大,人們不能妥協不妥協。
A | believability-weighted | idea | meritocracy | is | the | best | system | for | making | effective | decisions. |
[aɪˋdiə] | [͵mɛrəˋtɑkrəsɪ] | [ðə] | [bɛst] | [ˋsɪstəm] | [fɔr] | [ˋmekɪŋ] | [ɪˋfɛktɪv] |
Make | your | passion | and | your | work | one | and | the | same | and | do | it | with | people | you | want | to | be | with. |
[mek] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpæʃən] | [ænd] | [jʊɚ] | [wɝk] | [wʌn] | [ænd] | [ðə] | [sem] | [ænd] | [wɪð] | [ˋpip!] | [ju] | [wɑnt] | [wɪð] |
TO | GET | THE | CULTURE | RIGHT | . | . | . |
[gɛt] | [ðə] | [ˋkʌltʃɚ] | [raɪt] |
獲得文化權利。 。 。
1 | Trust | in | Radical | Truth | and | Radical | Transparency |
[trʌst] | [ˋrædɪk!] | [truθ] | [ænd] | [ˋrædɪk!] | [trænsˋpɛrənsɪ] |
1.1 | Realize | that | you | have | nothing | to | fear | from | knowing | the | truth. |
[ˋrɪə͵laɪz] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [hæv] | [ˋnʌθɪŋ] | [fɪr] | [frɑm] | [noɪŋ] | [ðə] | [truθ] |
1.2 | Have | integrity | and | demand | it | from | others. |
[hæv] | [ɪnˋtɛgrətɪ] | [ænd] | [dɪˋmænd] | [frɑm] |
a. | Never | say | anything | about | someone | that | you | wouldn't | say | to | them | directly | and | don't | try | people | without | accusing | them | to | their | face. |
[ˋnɛvɚ] | [se] | [ˋɛnɪ͵θɪŋ] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [se] | [ðɛm] | [dəˋrɛktlɪ] | [ænd] | [traɪ] | [ˋpip!] | [wɪˋðaʊt] | [əˋkjuzɪŋ] | [ðɛm] | [ðɛr] | [fes] |
a. 永遠不要說任何你不會直接對他們說話的人,也不要在不指責他們的情況下嘗試別人。
b. | Don't | let | loyalty | to | people | stand | in | the |
[lɛt] | [ˋlɔɪəltɪ] | [ˋpip!] | [stænd] | [ðə] |
b. 不要讓忠誠於人民站在
1.3 | Create | an | environment | in | which | everyone | has | the | right | to | understand | what | makes | sense | and | no | one | has | the | right | to | hold | a | critical | opinion | without | speaking | up. |
[krɪˋet] | [ɪnˋvaɪrənmənt] | [hwɪtʃ] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [hæz] | [ðə] | [raɪt] | [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [hwɑt] | [ænd] | [wʌn] | [hæz] | [ðə] | [raɪt] | [hold] | [ˋkrɪtɪk!] | [əˋpɪnjən] | [wɪˋðaʊt] |
a. | Speak | up, | own | it, | or | get | out. |
[on] | [gɛt] | [aʊt] |
a. 說出來,擁有它,或者離開。
b. | Be | extremely | open. |
[ɪkˋstrimlɪ] | [ˋopən] |
b. 要非常開放。
c. | Don't | be | naive | about | dishonesty. |
[nɑˋiv] | [əˋbaʊt] | [dɪsˋɑnɪstɪ] |
c. 不要對不誠實行為天真。
1.4 | Be | radically | transparent. |
[ˋrædɪk!ɪ] | [trænsˋpɛrənt] |
a. | Use | transparency | to | help | enforce | justice. |
[jus] | [trænsˋpɛrənsɪ] | [hɛlp] | [ɪnˋfors] | [ˋdʒʌstɪs] |
a. 使用透明度來幫助實現正義。
b. | Share | the | things | that | are | hardest | to | share. |
[ðə] | [ðæt] | [ɑr] |
b. 分享最難分享的東西。
c. | Keep | exceptions | to | radical | transparency | very | rare. |
[kip] | [ˋrædɪk!] | [trænsˋpɛrənsɪ] | [ˋvɛrɪ] | [rɛr] |
c. 保持極端透明度的例外非常罕見。
d. | Make | sure | those | who | are | given | radical | transparency | recognize | their | responsibilities | to | handle | it | well | and | to | weigh | things | intelligently. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ðoz] | [hu] | [ɑr] | [ˋgɪvən] | [ˋrædɪk!] | [trænsˋpɛrənsɪ] | [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðɛr] | [ˋhænd!] | [wɛl] | [ænd] | [we] | [ɪnˋtɛlədʒəntlɪ] |
d. 確保那些給予極端透明度的人認識到他們有責任妥善處理並明智地權衡事物。
e. | Provide | transparency | to | people | who | handle | it | well | and | either | deny | it | to | people | who | don't | handle | it | well | or | remove | those | people | from | the | organization. |
[prəˋvaɪd] | [trænsˋpɛrənsɪ] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [ˋhænd!] | [wɛl] | [ænd] | [ˋiðɚ] | [dɪˋnaɪ] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [ˋhænd!] | [wɛl] | [rɪˋmuv] | [ðoz] | [ˋpip!] | [frɑm] | [ðə] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] |
f. | Don't | share | sensitive | information | with | the | organization's | enemies. |
[͵ɪnfɚˋmeʃən] | [wɪð] | [ðə] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] |
1.5 | Meaningful | relationships | and | meaningful | work | are | mutually | reinforcing, | especially | when | supported | by | radical | truth | and | radical | transparency. |
[ˋminɪŋfəl] | [ænd] | [ˋminɪŋfəl] | [wɝk] | [ɑr] | [ˋmjutʃʊəlɪ] | [əˋspɛʃəlɪ] | [hwɛn] | [ˋrædɪk!] | [truθ] | [ænd] | [ˋrædɪk!] | [trænsˋpɛrənsɪ] |
2 | Cultivate | Meaningful | Work | and | Meaningful | Relationships |
[ˋkʌltə͵vet] | [ˋminɪŋfəl] | [wɝk] | [ænd] | [ˋminɪŋfəl] |
2.1 | Be | loyal | to | the | common | mission | and | not | to | anyone | who | is | not | operating | consistently | with | it. |
[ˋlɔɪəl] | [ðə] | [ˋkɑmən] | [ˋmɪʃən] | [ænd] | [nɑt] | [ˋɛnɪ͵wʌn] | [hu] | [nɑt] | [ˋɑpəretɪŋ] | [kənˋsɪstəntlɪ] | [wɪð] |
2.2 | Be | crystal | clear | on | what | the | deal | is. |
[ˋkrɪst!] | [klɪr] | [hwɑt] | [ðə] | [dil] |
a. | Make | sure | people | give | more | consideration | to | others | than | they | demand | for | themselves. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ˋpip!] | [gɪv] | [mor] | [kənsɪdəˋreʃən] | [ðæn] | [ðe] | [dɪˋmænd] | [fɔr] | [ðəmˋsɛlvz] |
a. 確保人們更多地考慮他人而不是他們自己的需求。
b. | Make | sure | that | people | understand | the | difference | between | fairness | and | generosity. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ðæt] | [ˋpip!] | [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðə] | [ˋdɪfərəns] | [bɪˋtwin] | [ˋfɛrnɪs] | [ænd] | [͵dʒɛnəˋrɑsətɪ] |
b. 確保人們理解公平與慷慨之間的區別。
c. | Know | where | the | line | is | and | be | on | the | far | side | of | fair. |
[no] | [hwɛr] | [ðə] | [laɪn] | [ænd] | [ðə] | [fɑr] | [fɛr] |
c. 知道線路在哪裡,並在公平的遠端。
d. | Pay | for | work. |
[pe] | [fɔr] | [wɝk] |
d. 支付工作。
2.3 | Recognize | that | the | size | of | the | organization | can | pose | a | threat | to | meaningful | relationships. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [ðə] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [kæn] | [poz] | [θrɛt] | [ˋminɪŋfəl] |
2.4 | Remember | that | most | people | will | pretend | to | operate | in | your | interest | while | operating | in | their | own. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [most] | [ˋpip!] | [wɪl] | [prɪˋtɛnd] | [ˋɑpə͵ret] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋɪntərɪst] | [hwaɪl] | [ˋɑpəretɪŋ] | [ðɛr] | [on] |
2.5 | Treasure | honorable | people | who | are | capable | and | will | treat | you | well | even | when | you're | not | looking. |
[ˋtrɛʒɚ] | [ˋɑnərəb!] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [ɑr] | [ˋkepəb!] | [ænd] | [wɪl] | [trit] | [ju] | [wɛl] | [ˋivən] | [hwɛn] | [nɑt] | [ˋlʊkɪŋ] |
3 | Create | a | Culture | in | Which | It | Is | Okay | to | Make | Mistakes | and | Unacceptable | Not | to | Learn | from | Them |
[krɪˋet] | [ˋkʌltʃɚ] | [hwɪtʃ] | [ˋoˋke] | [mek] | [ænd] | [͵ʌnəkˋsɛptəb!] | [nɑt] | [lɝn] | [frɑm] | [ðɛm] |
3.1 | Recognize | that | mistakes | are | a | natural | part | of | the | evolutionary | process. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ɑr] | [ˋnætʃərəl] | [pɑrt] | [ðə] | [͵ɛvəˋluʃən͵ɛrɪ] | [ˋprɑsɛs] |
a. Fail | well. |
[wɛl] |
a. 失敗了。
b. Don't | feel | bad | about | your | mistakes | or | those | of | others. | Love | them! |
[fil] | [bæd] | [əˋbaʊt] | [jʊɚ] | [ðoz] | [lʌv] |
b. 不要為自己或他人的錯誤感到沮喪。愛他們!
3.2 | Don't | worry | about | looking | good-worry | about | achieving | your | goals. |
[ˋwɝɪ] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋlʊkɪŋ] | [əˋbaʊt] | [jʊɚ] |
3.2不要擔心看起來很好 - 擔心實現目標。
a. | Get | over | "blame" | and | "credit" | and | get | on | with | "accurate" | and | "inaccurate." |
[gɛt] | [ˋovɚ] | [blem] | [ænd] | [ˋkrɛdɪt] | [ænd] | [gɛt] | [wɪð] | [ˋækjərɪt] | [ænd] | [ɪnˋækjərɪt] |
a. 克服“責備”和“信用”,繼續“準確”和“不准確”。
3.3 | Observe | the | patterns | of | mistakes | to | see | if | they | are | products | of | weaknesses. |
[əbˋzɝv] | [ðə] | [si] | [ðe] | [ɑr] |
3.4 | Remember | to | reflect | when | you | experience | pain. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [rɪˋflɛkt] | [hwɛn] | [ju] | [ɪkˋspɪrɪəns] | [pen] |
a. | Be | self-reflective | and | make | sure | your | people | are | self-reflective. |
[ænd] | [mek] | [ʃʊr] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpip!] | [ɑr] |
a. 要自我反省,確保你的員工自我反省。
b. | Know | that | nobody | can | see | themselves | objectively. |
[no] | [ðæt] | [ˋnobɑdɪ] | [kæn] | [si] | [ðəmˋsɛlvz] | [əbˋdʒɛktɪvlɪ] |
b. 知道沒有人能客觀地看待自己。
c. | Teach | and | reinforce | the | merits | of | mistake-based | learning. |
[titʃ] | [ænd] | [͵riɪnˋfɔrs] | [ðə] | [ˋlɝnɪŋ] |
c. 教導並強化基於錯誤的學習的優點。
3.5 | Know | what | types | of | mistakes | are | acceptable | and | what | types | are | unacceptable, | and | don't | allow | the | people | who | work | for | you | to | make | the | unacceptable | ones. |
[no] | [hwɑt] | [ɑr] | [əkˋsɛptəb!] | [ænd] | [hwɑt] | [ɑr] | [͵ʌnəkˋsɛptəb!] | [ænd] | [əˋlaʊ] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [wɝk] | [fɔr] | [ju] | [mek] | [ðə] | [͵ʌnəkˋsɛptəb!] |
4 | Get | and | Stay | in | Sync |
[gɛt] | [ænd] | [ste] | [sɪŋk] |
4.1 | Recognize | that | conflicts | are | essential | for | great | relationships | because | they | are | how | people | determine | whether | their | principles | are | aligned | and | resolve | their | differences. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ɑr] | [ɪˋsɛnʃəl] | [fɔr] | [gret] | [bɪˋkɔz] | [ðe] | [ɑr] | [haʊ] | [ˋpip!] | [dɪˋtɝmɪn] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ðɛr] | [ɑr] | [ænd] | [rɪˋzɑlv] | [ðɛr] |
a. | Spend | lavishly | on | the | time | and | energy | you | devote | to | getting | in | sync, | because | it's | the | best | investment | you | can | make. |
[spɛnd] | [ˋlævɪʃlɪ] | [ðə] | [taɪm] | [ænd] | [ˋɛnɚdʒɪ] | [ju] | [dɪˋvot] | [sɪŋk] | [bɪˋkɔz] | [ðə] | [bɛst] | [ɪnˋvɛstmənt] | [ju] | [kæn] | [mek] |
a. 花大量時間和精力投入到同步上,因為這是您可以做出的最佳投資。
4.2 | Know | how | to | get | in | sync | and | disagree | well. |
[no] | [haʊ] | [gɛt] | [sɪŋk] | [ænd] | [͵dɪsəˋgri] | [wɛl] |
a. | Surface | areas | of | possible | out-of-syncness. |
[ˋsɝfɪs] | [ˋpɑsəb!] |
a. 可能不同步的表面區域。
b. | Distinguish | between | idle | complaints | and | complaints | meant | to | lead | to | improvement. |
[dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] | [bɪˋtwin] | [ˋaɪd!] | [ænd] | [mɛnt] | [lid] | [ɪmˋpruvmənt] |
b. 區分閒置投訴和旨在改善投訴的投訴。
c. | Remember | that | every | story | has | another | side. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ˋɛvrɪ] | [ˋstorɪ] | [hæz] | [əˋnʌðɚ] |
c. 請記住,每個故事都有另一面。
4.3 | Be | open-minded | and | assertive | at | the | same | time. |
[ænd] | [əˋsɝtɪv] | [ðə] | [sem] | [taɪm] |
a. | Distinguish | open-minded | people | from | closed-minded | people. |
[dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] | [ˋpip!] | [frɑm] | [ˋpip!] |
a. 區別開明的人與心胸狹窄的人。
b. | Don't | have | anything | to | do | with | closed-minded | people. |
[hæv] | [ˋɛnɪ͵θɪŋ] | [wɪð] | [ˋpip!] |
b. 與封閉的人沒有任何關係。
c. | Watch | out | for | people | who | think | it's | embarrassing | not | to | know. |
[wɑtʃ] | [aʊt] | [fɔr] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [θɪŋk] | [ɪmˋbærəsɪŋ] | [nɑt] | [no] |
c. 注意那些認為不知道的尷尬的人。
d. | Make | sure | that | those | in | charge | are | open-minded | about | the | questions | and | comments | of | others. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ðæt] | [ðoz] | [tʃɑrdʒ] | [ɑr] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ðə] | [ænd] |
d. 確保負責人對其他人的問題和評論持開放態度。
e. | Recognize | that | getting | in | sync | is | a | two-way | responsibility. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [sɪŋk] | [rɪ͵spɑnsəˋbɪlətɪ] |
f. | Worry | more | about | substance | than | style. |
[ˋwɝɪ] | [mor] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋsʌbstəns] | [ðæn] | [staɪl] |
g. | Be | reasonable | and | expect | others | to | be | reasonable. |
[ˋriznəb!] | [ænd] | [ɪkˋspɛkt] | [ˋriznəb!] |
h. | Making | suggestions | and | questioning | are | not | the | same | as | criticizing, | so | don't | treat | them | as | if | they | are. |
[ˋmekɪŋ] | [ænd] | [ɑr] | [nɑt] | [ðə] | [sem] | [trit] | [ðɛm] | [ðe] | [ɑr] |
4.4 | If | it | is | your | meeting | to | run, | manage | the | conversation. |
[jʊɚ] | [ˋmitɪŋ] | [rʌn] | [ˋmænɪdʒ] | [ðə] | [͵kɑnvɚˋseʃən] |
a. | Make | it | clear | who | is | directing | the | meeting | and | whom | it | is | meant | to | serve. |
[mek] | [klɪr] | [hu] | [ðə] | [ˋmitɪŋ] | [ænd] | [hum] | [mɛnt] |
a. 明確指導會議的人員以及會員的意圖。
b. | Be | precise | in | what | you're | talking | about | to | avoid | confusion. |
[prɪˋsaɪs] | [hwɑt] | [ˋtɔkɪŋ] | [əˋbaʊt] | [əˋvɔɪd] | [kənˋfjuʒən] |
b. 準確地說出你正在談論的內容以避免混淆。
c. | Make | clear | what | type | of | communication | you | are | going | to | have | in | light | of | the | objectives | and | priorities. |
[mek] | [klɪr] | [hwɑt] | [taɪp] | [kə͵mjunəˋkeʃən] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [ˋgoɪŋ] | [hæv] | [laɪt] | [ðə] | [ænd] |
c. 根據目標和優先事項,明確您將要進行的溝通類型。
d. | Lead | the | discussion | by | being | assertive | and | open-minded. |
[lid] | [ðə] | [dɪˋskʌʃən] | [ˋbiɪŋ] | [əˋsɝtɪv] | [ænd] |
d. 以堅定和開放的態度引導討論。
e. | Navigate | between | the | different | levels | of | the | conversation. |
[ˋnævə͵get] | [bɪˋtwin] | [ðə] | [ˋdɪfərənt] | [ðə] | [͵kɑnvɚˋseʃən] |
f. | Watch | out | for | "topic | slip." |
[wɑtʃ] | [aʊt] | [fɔr] | [ˋtɑpɪk] |
g. | Enforce | the | logic | of | conversations. |
[ɪnˋfors] | [ðə] | [ˋlɑdʒɪk] |
h. | Be | careful | not | to | lose | personal | responsibility | via | group | decision | making. |
[ˋkɛrfəl] | [nɑt] | [luz] | [ˋpɝsn!] | [rɪ͵spɑnsəˋbɪlətɪ] | [ˋvaɪə] | [grup] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [ˋmekɪŋ] |
i. | Utilize | the | "two-minute | rule" | to | avoid | persistent | interruptions. |
[ˋjut!͵aɪz] | [ðə] | [rul] | [əˋvɔɪd] | [pɚˋsɪstənt] |
j. | Watch | out | for | assertive | "fast | talkers." |
[wɑtʃ] | [aʊt] | [fɔr] | [əˋsɝtɪv] | [fæst] |
k. | Achieve | completion | in | conversations. |
[əˋtʃiv] | [kəmˋpliʃən] |
l. | Leverage | your | communication. |
[ˋlɛvərɪdʒ] | [jʊɚ] | [kə͵mjunəˋkeʃən] |
4.5 | Great | collaboration | feels | like | playing | jazz. |
[gret] | [kə͵læbəˋreʃən] | [ˋfilɪŋ] | [laɪk] | [dʒæz] |
a. | 1+1=3. |
a. 1 +1 = 3。
b. | 3 | to | 5 | is | more | than | 20. |
[mor] | [ðæn] |
b. 3到5超過20。
4.6 | When | you | have | alignment, | cherish | it. |
[hwɛn] | [ju] | [hæv] | [əˋlaɪnmənt] | [ˋtʃɛrɪʃ] |
4.7 | If | you | find | you | can't | reconcile | major | differences-especially | in | values-consider | whether | the | relationship | is | worth | preserving. |
[ju] | [faɪnd] | [ju] | [ˋrɛkənsaɪl] | [ˋmedʒɚ] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ðə] | [rɪˋleʃənˋʃɪp] | [wɝθ] |
4.7如果您發現無法調和主要差異 - 尤其是價值觀 - 請考慮這種關係是否值得保留。
5 | Believability | Weight | Your | Decision | Making |
IPA[bɪˌliːvəˈbɪlɪti] | [wet] | [jʊɚ] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [ˋmekɪŋ] |
5.1 | Recognize | that | having | an | effective | idea | meritocracy | requires | that | you | understand | the | merit | of | each | person's | ideas. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ˋhævɪŋ] | [ɪˋfɛktɪv] | [aɪˋdiə] | [͵mɛrəˋtɑkrəsɪ] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðə] | [ˋmɛrɪt] | [itʃ] | [ˋpɝsn] |
a. | If | you | can't | successfully | do | something, | don't | think | you | can | tell | others | how | it | should | be | done. |
[ju] | [səkˋsɛsfəlɪ] | [θɪŋk] | [ju] | [kæn] | [tɛl] | [haʊ] | [dʌn] |
a. 如果你不能成功地做某事,不要認為你可以告訴別人應該怎麼做。
b. | Remember | that | everyone | has | opinions | and | they | are | often | bad. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [hæz] | [ænd] | [ðe] | [ɑr] | [ˋɔfən] | [bæd] |
b. 請記住,每個人都有意見,而且往往很糟糕。
5.2 | Find | the | most | believable | people | possible | who | disagree | with | you | and | try | to | understand | their | reasoning. |
[faɪnd] | [ðə] | [most] | [bɪˋlivəb!] | [ˋpip!] | [ˋpɑsəb!] | [hu] | [͵dɪsəˋgri] | [wɪð] | [ju] | [ænd] | [traɪ] | [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðɛr] | [ˋriznɪŋ] |
a. | Think | about | people's | believability | in | order | to | assess | the | likelihood | that | their | opinions | are | good. |
[θɪŋk] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋpip!] | IPA[bɪˌliːvəˈbɪlɪti] | [ˋɔrdɚ] | [əˋsɛs] | [ðə] | [ˋlaɪklɪ͵hʊd] | [ðæt] | [ðɛr] | [ɑr] | [gʊd] |
a. 考慮一下人們的可信度,以評估他們的意見是否良好的可能性。
b. | Remember | that | believable | opinions | are | most | likely | to | come | from | people | (1)who | have | successfully | accomplished | the | thing | in | question | at | least | three | times, | and | (2) | who | have | great | explanations | of | the | cause-effect | relationships | that | lead | them | to | their | conclusions. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [bɪˋlivəb!] | [ɑr] | [most] | [ˋlaɪklɪ] | [kʌm] | [frɑm] | [ˋpip!] | [hæv] | [səkˋsɛsfəlɪ] | [əˋkɑmplɪʃt] | [ðə] | [θɪŋ] | [ˋkwɛstʃən] | [list] | [θri] | [taɪmz] | [ænd] | [hu] | [hæv] | [gret] | [ðə] | [ðæt] | [lid] | [ðɛm] | [ðɛr] |
b. 請記住,可信的意見最有可能來自成功完成有關事物至少三次的人(1),以及(2)對導致他們得出結論的因果關係有很好的解釋。
c. | I | f | someone | hasn't | done | something | but | has | a | theory | that | seems | logical | and | can | be | stress-tested, | then | by | all | means | test | it. |
[dʌn] | [bʌt] | [hæz] | [ˋθiərɪ] | [ðæt] | [ˋlɑdʒɪk!] | [ænd] | [kæn] | [ðɛn] | [ɔl] | [minz] | [tɛst] |
c. 我有人沒有做過什麼,但有一個似乎合乎邏輯且可以進行壓力測試的理論,然後通過各種方式測試它。
d. | Don't | pay | as | much | attention | to | people's | conclusions | as | to | the | reasoning | that | led | them | to | their | conclusions. |
[pe] | [mʌtʃ] | [əˋtɛnʃən] | [ˋpip!] | [ðə] | [ˋriznɪŋ] | [ðæt] | abbr. | [ðɛm] | [ðɛr] |
d. 不要過多關注人們對導致他們得出結論的推理的結論。
e. | Inexperienced | people | can | have | great | ideas | too, | sometimes | far | better | ones | than | more | experienced | people. |
[͵ɪnɪkˋspɪrɪənst] | [ˋpip!] | [kæn] | [hæv] | [gret] | [tu] | [fɑr] | [ˋbɛtɚ] | [ðæn] | [mor] | [ɪkˋspɪrɪənst] | [ˋpip!] |
f. | Everyone | should | be | up-front | in | expressing | how | confident | they | are | in | their | thoughts. |
[ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [haʊ] | [ˋkɑnfədənt] | [ðe] | [ɑr] | [ðɛr] |
5.3 | Think | about | whether | you | are | playing | the | role | of | a | teacher, | a | student, | or | a | peer | and | whether | you | should | be | teaching, | asking | questions, | or | debating. |
[θɪŋk] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [ðə] | [rol] | [ˋtitʃɚ] | [ˋstjudnt] | [pɪr] | [ænd] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ju] | [ˋtitʃɪŋ] | [ˋæskɪŋ] |
a. | I | t's | more | important | that | the | student | understand | the | teacher | than | that | the | teacher | understand | the | student, | though | both | are | important. |
[mor] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [ˋstjudnt] | [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðə] | [ˋtitʃɚ] | [ðæn] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [ˋtitʃɚ] | [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðə] | [ˋstjudnt] | [ðo] | [boθ] | [ɑr] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] |
a. 學生對老師的理解比老師理解學生更重要,儘管兩者都很重要。
b. | Recognize | that | while | everyone | has | the | right | and | responsibility |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [hwaɪl] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [hæz] | [ðə] | [raɪt] | [ænd] | [rɪ͵spɑnsəˋbɪlətɪ] |
b. 認識到每個人都有權利和責任
c. | to | try | to | make | sense | of | important | things, | they | must | do | so | with | humility | and | radical | open-mindedness. |
[traɪ] | [mek] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [ðe] | [mʌst] | [wɪð] | [hjuˋmɪlətɪ] | [ænd] | [ˋrædɪk!] |
c. 為了弄清楚重要的事情,他們必須以謙遜和激進的開放態度來做。
5.4 | Understand | how | people | came | by | their | opinions. |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [haʊ] | [ˋpip!] | [kem] | [ðɛr] |
a. | If | you | ask | someone | a | question, | they | will | probably | give | you | an | answer, | so | think | through | to | whom | you | should | address | your | questions. |
[ju] | [æsk] | [ˋkwɛstʃən] | [ðe] | [wɪl] | [ˋprɑbəblɪ] | [gɪv] | [ju] | [ˋænsɚ] | [θɪŋk] | [θru] | [hum] | [ju] | [əˋdrɛs] | [jʊɚ] |
a. 如果你問某人一個問題,他們可能會給你一個答案,所以想一想你應該向誰提出問題。
b. | Having | everyone | randomly | probe | everyone | else | is | an | unproductive | waste | of | time. |
[ˋhævɪŋ] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [ˋrændəmlɪ] | [prob] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [ɛls] | [͵ʌnprəˋdʌktɪv] | [west] | [taɪm] |
b. 讓每個人隨機調查其他人是浪費時間的非生產性。
c. | Beware | of | statements | that | begin | with | "I | think | that | . | . | ." |
[bɪˋwɛr] | [ðæt] | [bɪˋgɪn] | [wɪð] | [θɪŋk] | [ðæt] |
c. 謹防以“我認為......”開頭的陳述。
d. | Assess | believability | by | systematically | capturing | people's | track | records | over | time. |
[əˋsɛs] | IPA[bɪˌliːvəˈbɪlɪti] | [͵sɪstəˋmætɪk!ɪ] | [ˋpip!] | [træk] | [ˋovɚ] | [taɪm] |
d. 通過系統地捕捉人們的跟踪記錄來評估可信度。
5.5 | Disagreeing | must | be | done | efficiently. |
[mʌst] | [dʌn] | [ɪˋfɪʃəntlɪ] |
a. | Know | when | to | stop | debating | and | move | on | to | agreeing |
[no] | [hwɛn] | [stɑp] | [ænd] | [muv] |
a. 知道何時停止辯論並繼續同意
about | what | should | be | done. |
[əˋbaʊt] | [hwɑt] | [dʌn] |
b. | Use | believability | weighting | as | a | tool | rather | than | a | substitute | for | decision | making | by | c. | Responsible | Parties. |
[jus] | IPA[bɪˌliːvəˈbɪlɪti] | [ˋwetɪŋ] | [tul] | [ˋræðɚ] | [ðæn] | [ˋsʌbstə͵tjut] | [fɔr] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [ˋmekɪŋ] | [rɪˋspɑnsəb!] |
b. 使用可信度加權作為工具而不是c的決策替代。責任方。
d. | Since | you | don't | have | the | time | to | thoroughly | examine | everyone's | thinking | yourself, | choose | your | believable | people | wisely. |
[ju] | [hæv] | [ðə] | [taɪm] | [ˋθɝolɪ] | [ɪgˋzæmɪn] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [ˋθɪŋkɪŋ] | [jʊɚˋsɛlf] | [tʃuz] | [jʊɚ] | [bɪˋlivəb!] | [ˋpip!] | [ˋwaɪzlɪ] |
d. 既然你沒有時間徹底檢查每個人自己的想法,那麼明智地選擇你的可信人。
e. | When | you're | responsible | for | a | decision, | compare | the | believability-weighted | decision | making | of | the | crowd | to |
[hwɛn] | [rɪˋspɑnsəb!] | [fɔr] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [kəmˋpɛr] | [ðə] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [ˋmekɪŋ] | [ðə] | [kraʊd] |
what | you | believe. |
[hwɑt] | [ju] | [bɪˋliv] |
5.6 | Recognize | that | everyone | has | the | right | and | responsibility | to | try | to | make | sense | of | important | things. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [hæz] | [ðə] | [raɪt] | [ænd] | [rɪ͵spɑnsəˋbɪlətɪ] | [traɪ] | [mek] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] |
a. | Communications | aimed | at | getting | the | best | answer | should | involve | the | most | relevant | people. |
[ðə] | [bɛst] | [ˋænsɚ] | [ɪnˋvɑlv] | [ðə] | [most] | [ˋrɛləvənt] | [ˋpip!] |
a. 旨在獲得最佳答案的溝通應該涉及最相關的人。
b. | Communication | aimed | at | educating | or | boosting | cohesion | should | involve | a | broader | set | of | people | than | would | be | needed | if | the | aim | were | just | getting | the | best | answer. |
[kə͵mjunəˋkeʃən] | [koˋhiʒən] | [ɪnˋvɑlv] | [ˋpip!] | [ðæn] | [wʊd] | [ðə] | [em] | [wɝ] | [dʒʌst] | [ðə] | [bɛst] | [ˋænsɚ] |
b. 旨在教育或提高凝聚力的溝通應該涉及比目標只是得到最佳答案所需的更廣泛的人群。
c. | Recognize | that | you | don't | need | to | make | judgments | about | everything. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [nid] | [mek] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ] |
c. 認識到你不需要對所有事情做出判斷。
5.7 | Pay | more | attention | to | whether | the | decision-making | system | is | fair | than | whether | you | get | your | way. |
[pe] | [mor] | [əˋtɛnʃən] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ðə] | [ˋsɪstəm] | [fɛr] | [ðæn] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ju] | [gɛt] | [jʊɚ] | [we] |
6 | Recognize | How | to | Get | Beyond | Disagreements |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [haʊ] | [gɛt] | [bɪˋjɑnd] |
6.1 | Remember | Principles | can't | be | ignored | by | mutual | agreement. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ˋmjutʃʊəl] | [əˋgrimənt] |
a. | The | same | standards | of | behavior | apply | to | everyone. |
[ðə] | [sem] | [bɪˋhevjɚ] | [əˋplaɪ] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] |
a. 相同的行為標準適用於每個人。
6.2 | Make | sure | people | don't | confuse | the | right | to | complain, | give | advice, | and | openly | debate | with | the | right | to | make | decisions. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ˋpip!] | [kənˋfjuz] | [ðə] | [raɪt] | [kəmˋplen] | [gɪv] | [ədˋvaɪs] | [ænd] | [ˋopənlɪ] | [dɪˋbet] | [wɪð] | [ðə] | [raɪt] | [mek] |
a. | When | challenging | a | decision | and/or | a | decision | maker, | consider | the | broader | context. |
[hwɛn] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [ˋmekɚ] | [kənˋsɪdɚ] | [ðə] | [ˋkɑntɛkst] |
a. 在挑戰決策和/或決策者時,請考慮更廣泛的背景。
6.3 | Don't | leave | important | conflicts | unresolved. |
[liv] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [͵ʌnrɪˋzɑlvd] |
a. | Don't | let | the | little | things | divide | you | when | your | agreement | on | the | big | things | should | bind | you. |
[lɛt] | [ðə] | [ˋlɪt!] | [dəˋvaɪd] | [ju] | [hwɛn] | [jʊɚ] | [əˋgrimənt] | [ðə] | [bɪg] | [baɪnd] | [ju] |
a. 當你對大事的約定應該束縛你時,不要讓小事分開你。
b. | Don't | get | stuck | in | disagreement-escalate | or | vote! |
[gɛt] | [stʌk] |
b. 不要陷入分歧 - 升級或投票!
6.4 | Once | a | decision | is | made, | everyone | should | get | behind | it | even | though | individuals | may | still | disagree. |
[wʌns] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [med] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [gɛt] | [bɪˋhaɪnd] | [ˋivən] | [ðo] | [me] | [stɪl] | [͵dɪsəˋgri] |
a. | See | things | from | the | higher | level. |
[si] | [frɑm] | [ðə] | [ˋlɛv!] |
a. 從更高層次看事情。
b. | Never | allow | the | idea | meritocracy | to | slip | into | anarchy. |
[ˋnɛvɚ] | [əˋlaʊ] | [ðə] | [aɪˋdiə] | [͵mɛrəˋtɑkrəsɪ] | [ˋɪntu] | [ˋænɚkɪ] |
b. 永遠不要讓精神制度陷入無政府狀態。
c. | Don't | allow | lynch | mobs | or | mob | rule. |
[əˋlaʊ] | [lɪntʃ] | [mɑb] | [rul] |
c. 不要讓暴徒或暴徒統治。
6.5 | Remember | that | if | the | idea | meritocracy | comes | into | conflict | with | the | well-being | of | the | organization, | it | will | inevitably | suffer. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [aɪˋdiə] | [͵mɛrəˋtɑkrəsɪ] | [kʌm] | [ˋɪntu] | [kənˋflɪkt] | [wɪð] | [ðə] | [ðə] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [wɪl] | [ɪnˋɛvətəblɪ] | [ˋsʌfɚ] |
a. Declare | "martial | law" | only | in | rare | or | extreme | circumstances | when | the | principles | need | to | be | suspended. |
[ˋmɑrʃəl] | [lɔ] | [ˋonlɪ] | [rɛr] | [ɪkˋstrim] | [hwɛn] | [ðə] | [nid] |
a. 只有在需要暫停原則的罕見或極端情況下才宣布“戒嚴法”。
b. Be | wary | of | people | who | argue | for | the | suspension | of | the | idea | meritocracy | for | the | "good | of | the | organization." |
[ˋwɛrɪ] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [ˋɑrgjʊ] | [fɔr] | [ðə] | [səˋspɛnʃən] | [ðə] | [aɪˋdiə] | [͵mɛrəˋtɑkrəsɪ] | [fɔr] | [ðə] | [gʊd] | [ðə] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] |
b. 要警惕那些為“組織的利益”而暫停精神制度的人們。
6.6 | Recognize | that | if | the | people | who | have | the | power | don't | want | to | operate | by | principles, | the | principled | way | of | operating | will | fail. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [hæv] | [ðə] | [ˋpaʊɚ] | [wɑnt] | [ˋɑpə͵ret] | [ðə] | [ˋprɪnsəp!d] | [we] | [ˋɑpəretɪŋ] | [wɪl] | [fel] |
TO | GET | THE | PEOPLE | RIGHT | . | . | . |
[gɛt] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [raɪt] |
7 | Remember | That | the | WHO | Is | More | Important | than | the | WHAT |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [hu] | [mor] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [ðæn] | [ðə] | [hwɑt] |
7記住, 誰是比什麼更重要的是什麼
7.1 | Recognize | that | the | most | important | decision | for | you | to | make | is | who | you | choose | as | your | Responsible | Parties. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [most] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [fɔr] | [ju] | [mek] | [hu] | [ju] | [tʃuz] | [jʊɚ] | [rɪˋspɑnsəb!] |
7.1 認識到最重要的決定為您做是誰您選擇作為您的負責任的党。
a. | Understand | that | the | most | important | RPs | are | those | responsible | for | the | goals, | outcomes, | and | machines | at | the | highest | levels. |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [most] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [ɑr] | [ðoz] | [rɪˋspɑnsəb!] | [fɔr] | [ðə] | [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] | [ænd] | [ðə] |
7.2 | Know | that | the | ultimate | Responsible | Party | will | be | the | person | who | bears | the | consequences | of | what | is | done. |
[no] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [ˋʌltəmɪt] | [rɪˋspɑnsəb!] | [ˋpɑrtɪ] | [wɪl] | [ðə] | [ˋpɝsn] | [hu] | [ðə] | [hwɑt] | [dʌn] |
7.2 知道最終責任方將是承擔所做事情後果的人。
a. | Make | sure | that | everyone | has | someone | they | report | to. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ðæt] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [hæz] | [ðe] |
a. 確保每個人都有他們報告的人。
7.3 | Remember | the | force | behind | the | thing. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðə] | [fors] | [bɪˋhaɪnd] | [ðə] | [θɪŋ] |
8 | Hire | Right, | Because | the | Penalties | for | Hiring | Wrong | Are | Huge |
[haɪr] | [raɪt] | [bɪˋkɔz] | [ðə] | [fɔr] | [rɔŋ] | [ɑr] | [hjudʒ] |
8.1 | Match | the | person | to | the | design. |
[mætʃ] | [ðə] | [ˋpɝsn] | [ðə] | [dɪˋzaɪn] |
a. | Think | through | which | values, | abilities, | and | skills | you | are | looking | for | (in | that | order). |
[θɪŋk] | [θru] | [hwɪtʃ] | [ˋvæljʊz] | [ænd] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [ˋlʊkɪŋ] | [fɔr] | [ðæt] |
a. 考慮您正在尋找的價值觀,能力和技能(按此順序)。
b. | Make | finding | the | right | people | systematic | and | scientific. |
[mek] | [ˋfaɪndɪŋ] | [ðə] | [raɪt] | [ˋpip!] | [͵sɪstəˋmætɪk] | [ænd] | [͵saɪənˋtɪfɪk] |
b. 讓找到合適的人系統和科學。
c. | Hear | the | click | Find | the | right | fit | between | the | role | and | the | person. |
[hɪr] | [ðə] | [klɪk] | [faɪnd] | [ðə] | [raɪt] | [fɪt] | [bɪˋtwin] | [ðə] | [rol] | [ænd] | [ðə] | [ˋpɝsn] |
c. 聽到點擊在角色和人物之間找到合適的點。
d. | Look | for | people | who | sparkle, | not | just | "any | ol' | one | of | those." |
[lʊk] | [fɔr] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [nɑt] | [dʒʌst] | [ˋɛnɪ] | [wʌn] | [ðoz] |
d. 尋找閃耀的人,而不僅僅是“任何一個人”。
e. | Don't | use | your | pull | to | get | someone | a | job. |
[jus] | [jʊɚ] | [pʊl] | [gɛt] | [dʒɑb] |
8.2 | Remember | that | people | are | built | very | differently | and | that | different | ways | of | seeing | and | thinking | make | people | suitable | for | different | jobs. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ˋpip!] | [ɑr] | [bɪlt] | [ˋvɛrɪ] | [ˋdɪfərəntlɪ] | [ænd] | [ðæt] | [ˋdɪfərənt] | [ˋsiɪŋ] | [ænd] | [ˋθɪŋkɪŋ] | [mek] | [ˋpip!] | [ˋsutəb!] | [fɔr] | [ˋdɪfərənt] |
a. | Understand | how | to | use | and | interpret | personality | assessments. |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [haʊ] | [jus] | [ænd] | [ɪnˋtɝprɪt] | [͵pɝsnˋælətɪ] |
a. 了解如何使用和解釋人格評估。
b. | Remember | that | people | tend | to | pick | people | like | themselves, | so | choose | interviewers | who | can | identify | what | you | are | looking | for. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ˋpip!] | [tɛnd] | [pɪk] | [ˋpip!] | [laɪk] | [ðəmˋsɛlvz] | [tʃuz] | [ˋɪntɚvjuɚ] | [hu] | [kæn] | [aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] | [hwɑt] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [ˋlʊkɪŋ] | [fɔr] |
b. 請記住,人們傾向於選擇喜歡自己的人,因此請選擇能夠識別您所尋找內容的訪調員。
c. | Look | for | people | who | are | willing | to | look | at | themselves | objectively. |
[lʊk] | [fɔr] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [ɑr] | [ˋwɪlɪŋ] | [lʊk] | [ðəmˋsɛlvz] | [əbˋdʒɛktɪvlɪ] |
c. 尋找願意客觀地看待自己的人。
d. | Remember | that | people | typically | don't | change | all | that | much. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ˋpip!] | [ˋtɪpɪklɪ] | [tʃendʒ] | [ɔl] | [ðæt] | [mʌtʃ] |
d. 請記住,人們通常不會改變這麼多。
8.3 | Think | of | your | teams | the | way | that | sports | managers | do | No | one | person | possesses | everything | required | to | produce | success, | yet | everyone | must | excel. |
[θɪŋk] | [jʊɚ] | [ðə] | [we] | [ðæt] | [spɔrts] | [wʌn] | [ˋpɝsn] | [pəˋzɛs] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ] | [rɪˋkwaɪrd] | [prəˋdjus] | [səkˋsɛs] | [jɛt] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [mʌst] | [ɪkˋsɛl] |
8.4 | Pay | attention | to | people's | track | records. |
[pe] | [əˋtɛnʃən] | [ˋpip!] | [træk] |
a. | Check | references. |
[tʃɛk] |
a. 檢查參考。
b. | Recognize | that | performance | in | school | doesn't | tell | you | much | about | whether | a | person | has | the | values | and | abilities | you | are | looking | for. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [pɚˋfɔrməns] | [skul] | [tɛl] | [ju] | [mʌtʃ] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ˋpɝsn] | [hæz] | [ðə] | [ˋvæljʊz] | [ænd] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [ˋlʊkɪŋ] | [fɔr] |
b. 認識到學校的表現並不能告訴你一個人是否具備你正在尋找的價值觀和能力。
c. | While | it's | best | to | have | great | conceptual | thinkers, | understand | that | great | experience | and | a | great | track | record | also | count | for | a | lot. |
[hwaɪl] | [bɛst] | [hæv] | [gret] | [kənˋsɛptʃʊəl] | [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðæt] | [gret] | [ɪkˋspɪrɪəns] | [ænd] | [gret] | [træk] | [rɪˋkɔrd] | [ˋɔlso] | [kaʊnt] | [fɔr] | [lɑt] |
c. 雖然最好有偉大的概念思考者,但要明白,良好的經驗和良好的記錄也很重要。
d. | Beware | of | the | impractical | idealist. |
[bɪˋwɛr] | [ðə] | [ɪmˋpræktɪk!] | [aɪˋdɪəlɪst] |
d. 謹防那些不切實際的理想主義者。
e. | Don't | assume | that | a | person | who | has | been | successful | elsewhere | will | be | successful | in | the | job | you're | giving | them. |
[əˋsjum] | [ðæt] | [ˋpɝsn] | [hu] | [hæz] | [bɪn] | [səkˋsɛsfəl] | [ˋɛls͵hwɛr] | [wɪl] | [səkˋsɛsfəl] | [ðə] | [dʒɑb] | [ˋgɪvɪŋ] | [ðɛm] |
f. | Make | sure | your | people | have | character | and | are | capable. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpip!] | [hæv] | [ˋkærɪktɚ] | [ænd] | [ɑr] | [ˋkepəb!] |
8.5 | Don't | hire | people | just | to | fit | the | first | job | they | will | do; | hire | people | you | want | to | share | your | life | with. |
[haɪr] | [ˋpip!] | [dʒʌst] | [fɪt] | [ðə] | [fɝst] | [dʒɑb] | [ðe] | [wɪl] | [haɪr] | [ˋpip!] | [ju] | [wɑnt] | [jʊɚ] | [laɪf] | [wɪð] |
a. | Look | for | people | who | have | lots | of | great | questions. |
[lʊk] | [fɔr] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [hæv] | [gret] |
a. 尋找有很多好問題的人。
b. | Show | candidates | your | warts. |
[jʊɚ] | [wɔrt] |
b. 向候選人展示你的疣。
c. | Play | jazz | with | people | with | whom | you | are | compatible | but | who | will | also | challenge | you. |
[ple] | [dʒæz] | [wɪð] | [ˋpip!] | [wɪð] | [hum] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [kəmˋpætəb!] | [bʌt] | [hu] | [wɪl] | [ˋɔlso] | [ˋtʃælɪndʒ] | [ju] |
c. 與那些與你兼容但又會挑戰你的人一起演奏爵士樂。
8.6 | When | considering | compensation, | provide | both | stability | and | opportunity. |
[hwɛn] | [kənˋsɪdərɪŋ] | [͵kɑmpənˋseʃən] | [prəˋvaɪd] | [boθ] | [stəˋbɪlətɪ] | [ænd] | [͵ɑpɚˋtjunətɪ] |
a. | Pay | for | the | person, | not | the | job. |
[pe] | [fɔr] | [ðə] | [ˋpɝsn] | [nɑt] | [ðə] | [dʒɑb] |
a. 為人付錢,而不是工作。
b. | Have | performance | metrics | tied | at | least | loosely | to | compensation. |
[hæv] | [pɚˋfɔrməns] | [ˋmɛtrɪks] | [taɪd] | [list] | [ˋluslɪ] | [͵kɑmpənˋseʃən] |
b. 績效指標至少與薪酬掛鉤。
c. | Pay | north | of | fair |
[pe] | [nɔrθ] | [fɛr] |
c. 支付北部的公平
d. | Focus | more | on | making | the | pie | bigger | than | on | exactly | how | to | slice | it | so | that | you | or | anyone | else | gets | the | biggest | piece. |
[ˋfokəs] | [mor] | [ˋmekɪŋ] | [ðə] | [paɪ] | [ðæn] | [ɪgˋzæktlɪ] | [haʊ] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [ˋɛnɪ͵wʌn] | [ɛls] | [gɛt] | [ðə] | [pis] |
d. 更專注於使餡餅更大,而不是如何切片,以便你或其他任何人獲得最大的一塊。
8.7 | Remember | that | in | great | partnerships, | consideration | and | generosity | are | more | important | than | money. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [gret] | [kənsɪdəˋreʃən] | [ænd] | [͵dʒɛnəˋrɑsətɪ] | [ɑr] | [mor] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [ðæn] | [ˋmʌnɪ] |
a. | Be | generous | and | expect | generosity | from | others. |
[ˋdʒɛnərəs] | [ænd] | [ɪkˋspɛkt] | [͵dʒɛnəˋrɑsətɪ] | [frɑm] |
a. 要慷慨,期待別人的慷慨。
8.8 | Great | people | are | hard | to | find | so | make | sure | you | think | about | how | to | keep | them. |
[gret] | [ˋpip!] | [ɑr] | [hɑrd] | [faɪnd] | [mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ju] | [θɪŋk] | [əˋbaʊt] | [haʊ] | [kip] | [ðɛm] |
9 | Constantly | Train, | Test, | Evaluate, | and | Sort | People |
[ˋkɑnstəntlɪ] | [tren] | [tɛst] | [ɪˋvæljʊ͵et] | [ænd] | [ˋpip!] |
9.1 | Understand | that | you | and | the | people | you | manage | will | go | through | a | process | of | personal | evolution. |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [ænd] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [ju] | [ˋmænɪdʒ] | [wɪl] | [θru] | [ˋprɑsɛs] | [ˋpɝsn!] | [͵ɛvəˋluʃən] |
a. | Recognize | that | personal | evolution | should | be | relatively | rapid | and | a | natural | consequence | of | discovering | one's | strengths | and | weaknesses; | as | a | result, | career | paths | are | not | planned | at | the | outset. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ˋpɝsn!] | [͵ɛvəˋluʃən] | [ˋrɛlətɪvlɪ] | [ˋræpɪd] | [ænd] | [ˋnætʃərəl] | [ˋkɑnsə͵kwɛns] | [wʌn] | [strɛŋθ] | [ænd] | [rɪˋzʌlt] | [kəˋrɪr] | [ɑr] | [nɑt] | [plænd] | [ðə] | [ˋaʊt͵sɛt] |
a. 認識到個人進化應該是相對迅速的,並且是發現自己的優點和缺點的自然結果;因此,職業道路一開始就沒有計劃好。
b. | Understand | that | training | guides | the | process | of | personal | evolution. |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðæt] | [ˋtrenɪŋ] | [ðə] | [ˋprɑsɛs] | [ˋpɝsn!] | [͵ɛvəˋluʃən] |
b. 了解培訓指導個人進化過程。
c. | Teach | your | people | to | fish | rather | than | give | them | fish, | even | if | that | means | letting | them | make | some | mistakes. |
[titʃ] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpip!] | [fɪʃ] | [ˋræðɚ] | [ðæn] | [gɪv] | [ðɛm] | [fɪʃ] | [ˋivən] | [ðæt] | [minz] | [ˋlɛtɪŋ] | [ðɛm] | [mek] |
c. 教你的人釣魚,而不是給他們魚,即使這意味著讓他們犯錯。
d. | Recognize | that | experience | creates | internalized | learning | that | book | learning | can't | replace. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ɪkˋspɪrɪəns] | [krɪˋet] | [ˋlɝnɪŋ] | [ðæt] | [bʊk] | [ˋlɝnɪŋ] | [rɪˋples] |
d. 認識到經驗創造了書本學習無法取代的內化學習。
9.2 | Provide | constant | feedback. |
[prəˋvaɪd] | [ˋkɑnstənt] | [ˋfid͵bæk] |
9.3 | Evaluate | accurately, | not | kindly. |
[ɪˋvæljʊ͵et] | [ˋækjərɪtlɪ] | [nɑt] | [ˋkaɪndlɪ] |
a. | In | the | end, | accuracy | and | kindness | are | the | same | thing. |
[ðə] | [ɛnd] | [ˋækjərəsɪ] | [ænd] | [ˋkaɪndnɪs] | [ɑr] | [ðə] | [sem] | [θɪŋ] |
a. 最後,準確性和善意是一回事。
b. | Put | your | compliments | and | criticisms | in | perspective. |
[pʊt] | [jʊɚ] | [ænd] | [pɚˋspɛktɪv] |
b. 正確看待你的讚美和批評。
c. | Think | about | accuracy, | not | implications. |
[θɪŋk] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋækjərəsɪ] | [nɑt] |
c. 考慮準確性而不是影響。
d. | Make | accurate | assessments. |
[mek] | [ˋækjərɪt] |
d. 做出準確的評估。
e. | Learn | from | success | as | well | as | from | failure. |
[lɝn] | [frɑm] | [səkˋsɛs] | [wɛl] | [frɑm] | [ˋfeljɚ] |
f. | Know | that | most | everyone | thinks | that | what | they | did, | and | what | they | are | doing, | is | much | more | important | than | it | really | is. |
[no] | [ðæt] | [most] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [θɪŋk] | [ðæt] | [hwɑt] | [ðe] | [dɪd] | [ænd] | [hwɑt] | [ðe] | [ɑr] | [ˋduɪŋ] | [mʌtʃ] | [mor] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [ðæn] | [ˋrɪəlɪ] |
9.4 | Recognize | that | tough | love | is | both | the | hardest | and | the | most | important | type | of | love | to | give | (because | it | is | so | rarely | welcomed). |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [tʌf] | [lʌv] | [boθ] | [ðə] | [ænd] | [ðə] | [most] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [taɪp] | [lʌv] | [gɪv] | [ˋrɛrlɪ] |
a. | Recognize | that | while | most | people | prefer | compliments, | accurate | criticism | is | more | valuable. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [hwaɪl] | [most] | [ˋpip!] | [prɪˋfɝ] | [ˋækjərɪt] | [ˋkrɪtə͵sɪzəm] | [mor] | [ˋvæljʊəb!] |
認識到雖然大多數人都喜歡讚美, 但準確的批評更有價值。
9.5 | Don't | hide | your | observations | about | people. |
[haɪd] | [jʊɚ] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋpip!] |
9.5 不要隱藏你對人的觀察。
a. | Build | your | synthesis | from | the | specifics | up. |
[bɪld] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋsɪnθəsɪs] | [frɑm] | [ðə] | [spɪˋsɪfɪks] |
b. | Squeeze | the | dots. |
[skwiz] | [ðə] |
c. | Don't | over-squeeze | a | dot. |
[dɑt] |
d. | Use | evaluation | tools | such | as | performance | surveys, | metrics, | and | formal | reviews | to | document | all | aspects | of | a | person's | performance. |
[jus] | [ɪ͵væljʊˋeʃən] | [sʌtʃ] | [pɚˋfɔrməns] | [ˋmɛtrɪks] | [ænd] | [ˋfɔrm!] | [ˋdɑkjəmənt] | [ɔl] | [ˋpɝsn] | [pɚˋfɔrməns] |
d. 使用評估工具, 如績效調查、指標和正式審查, 以記錄一個人的所有方面的表現。
9.6 | Make | the | process | of | learning | what | someone | is | like | open, | evolutionary, | and | iterative. | a. | Make | your | metrics | clear | and | impartial. |
[mek] | [ðə] | [ˋprɑsɛs] | [ˋlɝnɪŋ] | [hwɑt] | [laɪk] | [ˋopən] | [͵ɛvəˋluʃən͵ɛrɪ] | [ænd] | [ˋɪtə͵retɪv] | [mek] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋmɛtrɪks] | [klɪr] | [ænd] | [ɪmˋpɑrʃəl] |
9.6 使學習過程中的人是開放的, 進化的和反覆運算的。使你的指標清晰、公正。
b. | Encourage | people | to | be | objectively | reflective | about | their | performance. |
[ɪnˋkɝɪdʒ] | [ˋpip!] | [əbˋdʒɛktɪvlɪ] | [rɪˋflɛktɪv] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ðɛr] | [pɚˋfɔrməns] |
c. | Look | at | the | whole | picture. |
[lʊk] | [ðə] | [hol] | [ˋpɪktʃɚ] |
d. | For | performance | reviews, | start | from | specific | cases, | look | for | patterns, | and | get | in | sync | with | the | person | being | reviewed | by | looking | at | the | evidence | together. |
[fɔr] | [pɚˋfɔrməns] | [stɑrt] | [frɑm] | [spɪˋsɪfɪk] | [lʊk] | [fɔr] | [ænd] | [gɛt] | [sɪŋk] | [wɪð] | [ðə] | [ˋpɝsn] | [ˋbiɪŋ] | [ˋlʊkɪŋ] | [ðə] | [ˋɛvədəns] | [təˋgɛðɚ] |
d. 進行績效審查, 從具體案例開始, 尋找模式, 並與正在審查的人一起查看證據。
e. | Remember | that | when | it | comes | to | assessing | people, | the | two | biggest | mistakes | you | can | make | are | being | overconfident | in | your | assessment | and | failing | to | get | in | sync | on | it. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [hwɛn] | [kʌm] | [ˋpip!] | [ðə] | [tu] | [ju] | [kæn] | [mek] | [ɑr] | [ˋbiɪŋ] | [ˋovɚˋkɑnfɪdənt] | [jʊɚ] | [əˋsɛsmənt] | [ænd] | [ˋfelɪŋ] | [gɛt] | [sɪŋk] |
記住, 在評估人的時候, 你可以做的兩個最大的錯誤是對你的評估過於自信, 並且無法同步。
f. | Get | in | sync | on | assessments | in | a | nonhierarchical | way. |
[gɛt] | [sɪŋk] | [we] |
f. 以非階層式方式對評估進行同步。
g. | Learn | about | your | people | and | have | them | learn | about | you | through | frank | conversations | about | mistakes | and | their | root | causes. |
[lɝn] | [əˋbaʊt] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpip!] | [ænd] | [hæv] | [ðɛm] | [lɝn] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ju] | [θru] | [fræŋk] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ænd] | [ðɛr] | [rut] |
瞭解你的人民, 讓他們通過坦率的對話瞭解你的錯誤和他們的根本原因。
h. | Understand | that | making | sure | people | are | doing | a | good | job | doesn't | require | watching | everything | that | everybody | is | doing | at | all | times. |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðæt] | [ˋmekɪŋ] | [ʃʊr] | [ˋpip!] | [ɑr] | [ˋduɪŋ] | [gʊd] | [dʒɑb] | [rɪˋkwaɪr] | [ˋwɑtʃɪŋ] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ] | [ðæt] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵bɑdɪ] | [ˋduɪŋ] | [ɔl] | [taɪmz] |
理解, 確保人們做好工作並不需要看每個人都在做什麼。
i. | Recognize | that | change | is | difficult. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [tʃendʒ] | [ˋdɪfə͵kəlt] |
j. | Help | people | through | the | pain | that | comes | with | exploring | their | weaknesses. |
[hɛlp] | [ˋpip!] | [θru] | [ðə] | [pen] | [ðæt] | [kʌm] | [wɪð] | [ðɛr] |
9.7 | Knowing | how | people | operate | and | being | able | to | judge | whether | that | way | of | operating | will | lead | to | good | results | is | more | important | than | knowing | what | they | did. |
[noɪŋ] | [haʊ] | [ˋpip!] | [ˋɑpə͵ret] | [ænd] | [ˋbiɪŋ] | [ˋeb!] | [dʒʌdʒ] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ðæt] | [we] | [ˋɑpəretɪŋ] | [wɪl] | [lid] | [gʊd] | [mor] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [ðæn] | [noɪŋ] | [hwɑt] | [ðe] | [dɪd] |
9.7 知道人們是如何運作的, 並且能夠判斷這種操作方式是否會導致好的結果比知道他們做了什麼更重要。
a. | If | someone | is | doing | their | job | poorly, | consider | whether | it | is | due | to | inadequate | learning | or | inadequate | ability. |
[ˋduɪŋ] | [ðɛr] | [dʒɑb] | [ˋpʊrlɪ] | [kənˋsɪdɚ] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [dju] | [ɪnˋædəkwɪt] | [ˋlɝnɪŋ] | [ɪnˋædəkwɪt] | [əˋbɪlətɪ] |
如果某人的工作做得不好, 考慮是否因為學習不足或能力不足。
b. | Training | and | testing | a | poor | performer | to | see | if | he | or | she | can | acquire | the | required | skills | without | simultaneously | trying | to | assess | their | abilities | is | a | common | mistake. |
[ˋtrenɪŋ] | [ænd] | [ˋtɛstɪŋ] | [pʊr] | [pɚˋfɔrmɚ] | [si] | [kæn] | [əˋkwaɪr] | [ðə] | [rɪˋkwaɪrd] | [wɪˋðaʊt] | [ˋtraɪɪŋ] | [əˋsɛs] | [ðɛr] | [ˋkɑmən] | [mɪˋstek] |
訓練和測試一個差勁的表演者, 看看他/她能否獲得所需的技能而不同時嘗試評估他們的能力是一個常見的錯誤。
9.8 | Recognize | that | when | you | are | really | in | sync | with | someone | about | their | weaknesses, | the | weaknesses | are | probably | true. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [hwɛn] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [ˋrɪəlɪ] | [sɪŋk] | [wɪð] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ðɛr] | [ðə] | [ɑr] | [ˋprɑbəblɪ] | [tru] |
a. | When | judging | people, | remember | that | you | don't | have | to | get | to | the | point | of | "beyond | a | shadow | of | a | doubt." |
[hwɛn] | [ˋpip!] | [rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [hæv] | [gɛt] | [ðə] | [pɔɪnt] | [bɪˋjɑnd] | [daʊt] |
a. 在評判人物時,請記住,你不必達到“超越疑點的陰影”。
b. | It | should | take | you | no | more | than | a | year | to | learn | what | a | person | is | like | and | whether | they | are | a | click | for | their | job. |
[tek] | [ju] | [mor] | [ðæn] | [jɪr] | [lɝn] | [hwɑt] | [ˋpɝsn] | [laɪk] | [ænd] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ðe] | [ɑr] | [klɪk] | [fɔr] | [ðɛr] | [dʒɑb] |
b. 你應該花費不超過一年的時間來了解一個人是什麼樣的,以及他們是否點擊了他們的工作。
c. | Continue | assessing | people | throughout | their | tenure. |
[kənˋtɪnjʊ] | [ˋpip!] | [θruˋaʊt] | [ðɛr] | [ˋtɛnjʊr] |
c. 在整個任期內繼續評估人員。
d. | Evaluate | employees | with | the | same | rigor | as | you | evaluate | job | candidates. |
[ɪˋvæljʊ͵et] | [wɪð] | [ðə] | [sem] | [ˋrɪgɚ] | [ju] | [ɪˋvæljʊ͵et] | [dʒɑb] |
d. 在評估求職者時,要嚴格評估員工。
9.9 | Train, | guardrail, | or | remove | people; | don't | rehabilitate | them. |
[tren] | [ˋgɑrd͵rel] | [rɪˋmuv] | [ˋpip!] | [͵rihəˋbɪlə͵tet] | [ðɛm] |
a. | Don't | collect | people. |
[kəˋlɛkt] | [ˋpip!] |
a. 不要收集人。
b. | Be | willing | to | "shoot | the | people | you | love." |
[ˋwɪlɪŋ] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [ju] | [lʌv] |
b. 願意“拍攝你愛的人”。
c. | When | someone | is | "without | a | box," | consider | whether | there | is | an | open | box | that | would | be | a | better | fit | or | whether | you | need | to | get | them | out | of | the | company. |
[hwɛn] | [wɪˋðaʊt] | [bɑks] | [kənˋsɪdɚ] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ðɛr] | [ˋopən] | [bɑks] | [ðæt] | [wʊd] | [ˋbɛtɚ] | [fɪt] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ju] | [nid] | [gɛt] | [ðɛm] | [aʊt] | [ðə] | [ˋkʌmpənɪ] |
c. 當某人“沒有盒子”時,考慮是否有一個更合適的開放式盒子,或者是否需要讓它們離開公司。
d. | Be | cautious | about | allowing | people | to | step | back | to | another | role | after | failing. |
[ˋkɔʃəs] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋpip!] | [stɛp] | [bæk] | [əˋnʌðɚ] | [rol] | [ˋæftɚ] | [ˋfelɪŋ] |
d. 在讓失敗後讓人們回到另一個角色時要小心謹慎。
9.10 | Remember | that | the | goal | of | a | transfer | is | the | best, | highest | use | of | the | person | in | a | way | that | benefits | the | community | as | a | whole. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [gol] | [trænsˋfɝ] | [ðə] | [bɛst] | [jus] | [ðə] | [ˋpɝsn] | [we] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [kəˋmjunətɪ] | [hol] |
a. | Have | people | "complete | their | swings" | before | moving | on | to | new | roles. |
[hæv] | [ˋpip!] | [kəmˋplit] | [ðɛr] | [bɪˋfor] | [ˋmuvɪŋ] | [nju] |
a. 在繼續擔任新角色之前,讓人們“完成他們的搖擺”。
9.11 | Don't | lower | the | bar. |
[ˋloɚ] | [ðə] | [bɑr] |
10. | Manage | as | Someone | Operating | a | Machine | to | Achieve | a | Goal |
[ˋmænɪdʒ] | [ˋɑpəretɪŋ] | [məˋʃin] | [əˋtʃiv] | [gol] |
10.1 | Look | down | on | your | machine | and | yourself | within | it | from | the | higher | level. |
[lʊk] | [daʊn] | [jʊɚ] | [məˋʃin] | [ænd] | [jʊɚˋsɛlf] | [wɪˋðɪn] | [frɑm] | [ðə] | [ˋlɛv!] |
a. | Constantly | compare | your | outcomes | to | your | goals. |
[ˋkɑnstəntlɪ] | [kəmˋpɛr] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] | [jʊɚ] |
a. 不斷將您的結果與您的目標進行比較。
b. | Understand | that | a | great | manager | is | essentially | an | organizational | engineer. |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðæt] | [gret] | [ˋmænɪdʒɚ] | [ɪˋsɛnʃəlɪ] | [͵ɔrgənaɪˋzeʃənəl] | [͵ɛndʒəˋnɪr] |
b. 了解一位優秀的經理本質上是一名組織工程師。
c. | Build | great | metrics. |
[bɪld] | [gret] | [ˋmɛtrɪks] |
c. 建立出色的指標。
d. | Beware | of | paying | too | much | attention | to | what | is | coming | at | you | and | not | enough | attention | to | your | machine. |
[bɪˋwɛr] | [tu] | [mʌtʃ] | [əˋtɛnʃən] | [hwɑt] | [ˋkʌmɪŋ] | [ju] | [ænd] | [nɑt] | [əˋnʌf] | [əˋtɛnʃən] | [jʊɚ] | [məˋʃin] |
d. 小心過分關注你的內容,而不要過多關注你的機器。
e. | Don't | get | distracted | by | shiny | objects. |
[gɛt] | [dɪˋstræktɪd] |
10.2 | Remember | that | for | every | case | you | deal | with, | your | approach | should | have | two | purposes | (1)to | move | you | closer | to | your | goal, | and | (2) | to | train | and | test | your | machine | (i.e., | your | people | and | your | design). |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [fɔr] | [ˋɛvrɪ] | [kes] | [ju] | [dil] | [wɪð] | [jʊɚ] | [əˋprotʃ] | [hæv] | [tu] | [muv] | [ju] | [ˋklozɚ] | [jʊɚ] | [gol] | [ænd] | [tren] | [ænd] | [tɛst] | [jʊɚ] | [məˋʃin] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpip!] | [ænd] | [jʊɚ] |
a. | Everything | is | a | case | study. |
[ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ] | [kes] | [ˋstʌdɪ] |
a. 一切都是案例研究。
b. | When | a | problem | occurs | conduct | the | discussion | at | two | levels | (1)the | machine | level | (why | that | outcome | was | produced) | and | (2) | the | case-at-hand | level | (what | to | do | about | it). |
[hwɛn] | [ˋprɑbləm] | [kənˋdʌkt] | [ðə] | [dɪˋskʌʃən] | [tu] | [məˋʃin] | [ˋlɛv!] | [ðæt] | [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] | [wɑz] | [ænd] | [ðə] | [ˋlɛv!] | [əˋbaʊt] |
b. 當出現問題時,在兩個級別(1)機器級別(為什麼產生結果)和(2)手頭級別(如何處理)進行討論。
c. | When | making | rules, | explain | the | principles | behind | them. |
[hwɛn] | [ˋmekɪŋ] | [ɪkˋsplen] | [ðə] | [bɪˋhaɪnd] | [ðɛm] |
c. 制定規則時,請解釋其背後的原則。
d. | Your | policies | should | be | natural | extensions | of | your | principles. |
[jʊɚ] | [ˋnætʃərəl] | [jʊɚ] |
d. 您的政策應該是您原則的自然延伸。
e. | While | good | principles | and | policies | almost | always | provide | good | guidance, | remember | that | there | are | exceptions | to | every | rule. |
[hwaɪl] | [gʊd] | [ænd] | [ˋɔl͵most] | [ˋɔlwez] | [prəˋvaɪd] | [gʊd] | [ˋgaɪdns] | [rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ðɛr] | [ɑr] | [ˋɛvrɪ] | [rul] |
10.3 | Understand | the | differences | between | managing, | micromanaging, | and | not | managing. |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðə] | [bɪˋtwin] | [ˋmænɪdʒɪŋ] | [ænd] | [nɑt] | [ˋmænɪdʒɪŋ] |
a. | Managers | must | make | sure | that | what | they | are | responsible | for | works | well. |
[mʌst] | [mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ðæt] | [hwɑt] | [ðe] | [ɑr] | [rɪˋspɑnsəb!] | [fɔr] | [wɛl] |
a. 經理必須確保他們負責的工作做得很好。
b. | Managing | the | people | who | report | to | you | should | feel | like | skiing | together. |
[ˋmænɪdʒɪŋ] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [ju] | [fil] | [laɪk] | [təˋgɛðɚ] |
b. 管理向您報告的人應該感覺像一起滑雪。
c. | An | excellent | skier | is | probably | going | to | be | a | better | ski | coach | than | a | novice | skier. |
[ˋɛks!ənt] | [ˋprɑbəblɪ] | [ˋgoɪŋ] | [ˋbɛtɚ] | [kotʃ] | [ðæn] | [ˋnɑvɪs] |
c. 一個出色的滑雪者可能會成為一個比新手滑雪更好的滑雪教練。
d. | You | should | be | able | to | delegate | the | details. |
[ju] | [ˋeb!] | [ˋdɛlə͵get] | [ðə] |
10.4 | Know | what | your | people | are | like | and | what | makes | them | tick, | because | your | people | are | your | most | important | resource. |
[no] | [hwɑt] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpip!] | [ɑr] | [laɪk] | [ænd] | [hwɑt] | [ðɛm] | [tɪk] | [bɪˋkɔz] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpip!] | [ɑr] | [jʊɚ] | [most] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [rɪˋsors] |
10.4 知道你的人是什麼樣子, 什麼使他們滴答作響, 因為你的人是你最重要的資源。
a. | Regularly | take | the | temperature | of | each | person | who | is | important | to | you | and | to | the | organization. |
[ˋrɛgjəlɚlɪ] | [tek] | [ðə] | [ˋtɛmprətʃɚ] | [itʃ] | [ˋpɝsn] | [hu] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [ju] | [ænd] | [ðə] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] |
b. | Learn | how | much | confidence | to | have | in | your | people-don't | assume | it. |
[lɝn] | [haʊ] | [mʌtʃ] | [ˋkɑnfədəns] | [hæv] | [jʊɚ] | [əˋsjum] |
c. | Vary | your | involvement | based | on | your | confidence. |
[ˋvɛrɪ] | [jʊɚ] | [ɪnˋvɑlvmənt] | [best] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋkɑnfədəns] |
根據你的信心, 改變你的參與。
10.5 | Clearly | assign | responsibilities. |
[ˋklɪrlɪ] | [əˋsaɪn] |
10.5 明確分配責任。
a. | Remember | who | has | what | responsibilities. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [hu] | [hæz] | [hwɑt] |
b. | Watch | out | for | "job | slip." |
[wɑtʃ] | [aʊt] | [fɔr] | [dʒɑb] |
當心 "工作單"。
10.6 | Probe | deep | and | hard | to | learn | what | you | can | expect | from | your | machine. |
[prob] | [dip] | [ænd] | [hɑrd] | [lɝn] | [hwɑt] | [ju] | [kæn] | [ɪkˋspɛkt] | [frɑm] | [jʊɚ] | [məˋʃin] |
10.6 深入探索, 努力學習你能從機器中得到什麼。
a. | Get | a | threshold | level | of | understanding. |
[gɛt] | [ˋθrɛʃhold] | [ˋlɛv!] | [͵ʌndɚˋstændɪŋ] |
a. 獲得瞭解的門檻級別。
b. | Avoid | staying | too | distant. |
[əˋvɔɪd] | [tu] | [ˋdɪstənt] |
c. | Use | daily | updates | as | a | tool | for | staying | on | top | of | what | your | people | are | doing | and | thinking. |
[jus] | [ˋdelɪ] | [ʌpˋdet] | [tul] | [fɔr] | [tɑp] | [hwɑt] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpip!] | [ɑr] | [ˋduɪŋ] | [ænd] | [ˋθɪŋkɪŋ] |
使用每日更新作為一個工具, 在你的人民所做和思考的事情上保持不放。
d. | Probe | so | you | know | whether | problems | are | likely | to | occur | before | they | actually | do. |
[prob] | [ju] | [no] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ɑr] | [ˋlaɪklɪ] | [əˋkɝ] | [bɪˋfor] | [ðe] | [ˋæktʃʊəlɪ] |
d. 探針, 所以你知道問題是否可能發生之前, 他們實際做。
e. | Probe | to | the | level | below | the | people | who | report | to | you. |
[prob] | [ðə] | [ˋlɛv!] | [bəˋlo] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [ju] |
f. | Have | the | people | who | report | to | the | people | report | to | you | feel | free | to | escalate | their | problems | to | you. |
[hæv] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [ju] | [fil] | [fri] | [ˋɛskə͵let] | [ðɛr] | [ju] |
g. | Don't | assume | that | people's | answers | are | correct. |
[əˋsjum] | [ðæt] | [ˋpip!] | [ɑr] | [kəˋrɛkt] |
h. | Train | your | ear. |
[tren] | [jʊɚ] | [ɪr] |
i. | Make | your | probing | transparent | rather | than | private. |
[mek] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋprobɪŋ] | [trænsˋpɛrənt] | [ˋræðɚ] | [ðæn] | [ˋpraɪvɪt] |
j. | Welcome | probing. |
[ˋwɛlkəm] | [ˋprobɪŋ] |
k. | Remember | that | people | who | see | things | and | think | one | way | often | have | difficulty | communicating | with | and | relating | to | people | who | see | things | and | think | another | way. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [si] | [ænd] | [θɪŋk] | [wʌn] | [we] | [ˋɔfən] | [hæv] | [ˋdɪfə͵kʌltɪ] | [wɪð] | [ænd] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [si] | [ænd] | [θɪŋk] | [əˋnʌðɚ] | [we] |
記住, 那些看到事物並認為某種方式的人常常很難與那些看到事物和思考另一種方式的人溝通和聯繫。
l. | Pull | all | suspicious | threads. |
[pʊl] | [ɔl] | [səˋspɪʃəs] |
m. | Recognize | that | there | are | many | ways | to | skin | a | cat. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ðɛr] | [ɑr] | [ˋmɛnɪ] | [kæt] |
10.7 | Think | like | an | owner, | and | expect | the | people | you | work | with | to | do | the | same. |
[θɪŋk] | [laɪk] | [ˋonɚ] | [ænd] | [ɪkˋspɛkt] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [ju] | [wɝk] | [wɪð] | [ðə] | [sem] |
10.7 像一個老闆那樣思考, 並期望你工作的人也這樣做。
a. | Going | on | vacation | doesn't | mean | one | can | neglect | one's | responsibilities. |
[ˋgoɪŋ] | [veˋkeʃən] | [min] | [wʌn] | [kæn] | [nɪgˋlɛkt] | [wʌn] |
a. 去度假並不意味著可以忽視一個人的責任。
b. | Force | yourself | and | the | people | who | work | for | you | to | do | difficult | things. |
[fors] | [jʊɚˋsɛlf] | [ænd] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [wɝk] | [fɔr] | [ju] | [ˋdɪfə͵kəlt] |
b. 強迫自己和為你工作的人做困難的事情。
10.8 | Recognize | and | deal | with | key-man | risk. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ænd] | [dil] | [wɪð] | [rɪsk] |
10.9 | Don't | treat | everyone | the | same-treat | them | appropriately. |
[trit] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [ðə] | [ðɛm] | [əˋproprɪ͵etlɪ] |
10.9不要對待每個人 - 對待他們。
a. | Don't | let | yourself | get | squeezed. |
[lɛt] | [jʊɚˋsɛlf] | [gɛt] |
a. 不要讓自己受到擠壓。
b. | Care | about | the | people | who | work | for | you. |
[kɛr] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [wɝk] | [fɔr] | [ju] |
b. 關心為你工作的人。
10.10 | Know | that | great | leadership | is | generally | not | what | it's | made | out | to | be. |
[no] | [ðæt] | [gret] | [ˋlidɚʃɪp] | [ˋdʒɛnərəlɪ] | [nɑt] | [hwɑt] | [med] | [aʊt] |
a. | Be | weak | and | strong | at | the | same | time. |
[wik] | [ænd] | [strɔŋ] | [ðə] | [sem] | [taɪm] |
a. 同時要軟弱強壯。
b. | Don't | worry | about | whether | or | not | your | people | like | you | and | don't | look | to | them | to | tell | you | what | you | should | do. |
[ˋwɝɪ] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [nɑt] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpip!] | [laɪk] | [ju] | [ænd] | [lʊk] | [ðɛm] | [tɛl] | [ju] | [hwɑt] | [ju] |
b. 不要擔心你的人是否喜歡你,也不要讓他們告訴你應該做什麼。
c. | Don't | give | orders | and | try | to | be | followed; | try | to | be | understood | and | to | understand | others | by | getting | in | sync. |
[gɪv] | [ænd] | [traɪ] | [traɪ] | [͵ʌndɚˋstʊd] | [ænd] | [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [sɪŋk] |
c. 不要下令並儘量遵守;嘗試通過同步來理解和理解他人。
10.11 | Hold | yourself | and | your | people | accountable | and | appreciate | them | for | holding | you | accountable. |
[hold] | [jʊɚˋsɛlf] | [ænd] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋpip!] | [əˋkaʊntəb!] | [ænd] | [əˋpriʃɪ͵et] | [ðɛm] | [fɔr] | [ˋholdɪŋ] | [ju] | [əˋkaʊntəb!] |
a. | If | you've | agreed | with | someone | that | something | is | supposed | to | go | a | certain | way, | make | sure | it | goes | that | way-unless | you | get | in | sync | about | doing | it | differently. |
[əˋgrid] | [wɪð] | [ðæt] | [səˋpozd] | [ˋsɝtən] | [we] | [mek] | [ʃʊr] | [goz] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [gɛt] | [sɪŋk] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋduɪŋ] | [ˋdɪfərəntlɪ] |
a. 如果你已經與某人達成一致意見,那就確定它會採用這種方式 - 除非你以不同方式做到這一點。
b. | Distinguish | between | a | failure | in | which | someone | broke | their | "contract" | and | a | failure | in | which | there | was | no | contract | to | begin | with. |
[dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] | [bɪˋtwin] | [ˋfeljɚ] | [hwɪtʃ] | [brok] | [ðɛr] | [kənˋtrækt] | [ænd] | [ˋfeljɚ] | [hwɪtʃ] | [ðɛr] | [wɑz] | [kənˋtrækt] | [bɪˋgɪn] | [wɪð] |
b. 區分某人違反“合同”的失敗與沒有合同開始的失敗。
c. | Avoid | getting | sucked | down. |
[əˋvɔɪd] | [daʊn] |
c. 避免被吸吮。
d. | Watch | out | for | people | who | confuse | goals | and | tasks, | because | if | they | can't | make | that | distinction, | you | can't | trust | them | with | responsibilities. |
[wɑtʃ] | [aʊt] | [fɔr] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [kənˋfjuz] | [ænd] | [bɪˋkɔz] | [ðe] | [mek] | [ðæt] | [dɪˋstɪŋkʃən] | [ju] | [trʌst] | [ðɛm] | [wɪð] |
d. 注意那些混淆目標和任務的人,因為如果他們不能做出這種區分,你就不能相信他們的責任。
e. | Watch | out | for | the | unfocused | and | unproductive | "theoretical | should." |
[wɑtʃ] | [aʊt] | [fɔr] | [ðə] | [ʌnˋfokəst] | [ænd] | [͵ʌnprəˋdʌktɪv] | [͵θiəˋrɛtɪk!] |
10.12 | Communicate | the | plan | clearly | and | have | clear | metrics | conveying | whether | you | are | progressing | according | to | it. |
[kəˋmjunə͵ket] | [ðə] | [plæn] | [ˋklɪrlɪ] | [ænd] | [hæv] | [klɪr] | [ˋmɛtrɪks] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [əˋkɔrdɪŋ] |
a. | Put | things | in | perspective | by | going | back | before | going | forward. |
[pʊt] | [pɚˋspɛktɪv] | [ˋgoɪŋ] | [bæk] | [bɪˋfor] | [ˋgoɪŋ] | [ˋfɔrwɚd] |
a. 在前進之前回過頭來看待事物。
10.13 | Escalate | when | you | can't | adequately | handle | your | responsibilities | and | make | sure | that | the | people | who | work | for | you | are | proactive | about | doing | the | same. |
[ˋɛskə͵let] | [hwɛn] | [ju] | [ˋædəkwɪtlɪ] | [ˋhænd!] | [jʊɚ] | [ænd] | [mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [wɝk] | [fɔr] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [proˋæktɪv] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ˋduɪŋ] | [ðə] | [sem] |
11 | Perceive | and | Don't | Tolerate | Problems |
[pɚˋsiv] | [ænd] | [ˋtɑlə͵ret] |
11.1 | If | you're | not | worried, | you | need | to | worry-and | if | you're | worried, | you | don't | need | to | worry. |
[nɑt] | [ˋwɝɪd] | [ju] | [nid] | [ˋwɝɪd] | [ju] | [nid] | [ˋwɝɪ] |
11.1如果你不擔心,你需要擔心 - 如果你擔心,你不必擔心。
11.2 | Design | and | oversee | a | machine | to | perceive | whether | things | are | good | enough | or | not | good | enough, | or | do | it | yourself. |
[dɪˋzaɪn] | [ænd] | [ˋovɚˋsi] | [məˋʃin] | [pɚˋsiv] | [ˋhwɛðɚ] | [ɑr] | [gʊd] | [əˋnʌf] | [nɑt] | [gʊd] | [əˋnʌf] | [jʊɚˋsɛlf] |
a. | Assign | people | the | job | of | perceiving | problems, | give | them | time | to | investigate, | and | make | sure | they | have | independent | reporting | lines | so | that | they | can | convey | problems | without | any | fear | of | recrimination. |
[əˋsaɪn] | [ˋpip!] | [ðə] | [dʒɑb] | [gɪv] | [ðɛm] | [taɪm] | [ɪnˋvɛstə͵get] | [ænd] | [mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ðe] | [hæv] | [͵ɪndɪˋpɛndənt] | [ðæt] | [ðe] | [kæn] | [kənˋve] | [wɪˋðaʊt] | [ˋɛnɪ] | [fɪr] | [rɪ͵krɪməˋneʃən] |
a. 為人們分配感知問題的工作,給他們時間進行調查,並確保他們有獨立的報告線,以便他們可以在不擔心指責的情況下傳達問題。
b. | Watch | out | for | the | "Frog | in | the | Boiling | Water | Syndrome." |
[wɑtʃ] | [aʊt] | [fɔr] | [ðə] | [frɑg] | [ðə] | [ˋbɔɪlɪŋ] | [ˋwɔtɚ] | [ˋsɪn͵drom] |
b. 注意“沸水綜合症中的青蛙”。
c. | Beware | of | group-think | The | fact | that | no | one | seems | concerned | doesn't | mean | nothing | is | wrong. |
[bɪˋwɛr] | [ðə] | [fækt] | [ðæt] | [wʌn] | [kənˋsɝnd] | [min] | [ˋnʌθɪŋ] | [rɔŋ] |
c. 謹防團體思考沒有人關注的事實並不意味著沒有錯。
d. | To | perceive | problems, | compare | how | the | outcomes | are | lining | up | with | your | goals. |
[pɚˋsiv] | [kəmˋpɛr] | [haʊ] | [ðə] | [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] | [ɑr] | [ˋlaɪnɪŋ] | [wɪð] | [jʊɚ] |
d. 要了解問題,請比較結果與目標的對比情況。
e. | Taste | the | soup. |
[test] | [ðə] | [sup] |
f. | Have | as | many | eyes | looking | for | problems | as | possible. |
[hæv] | [ˋmɛnɪ] | [ˋlʊkɪŋ] | [fɔr] | [ˋpɑsəb!] |
g. | Pop | the | cork. |
[pɑp] | [ðə] | [kɔrk] |
h. | Realize | that | the | people | closest | to | certain | jobs | probably | know | them | best. |
[ˋrɪə͵laɪz] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [ˋsɝtən] | [ˋprɑbəblɪ] | [no] | [ðɛm] | [bɛst] |
11.3 | Be | very | specific | about | problems; | don't | start | with | generalizations. |
[ˋvɛrɪ] | [spɪˋsɪfɪk] | [əˋbaʊt] | [stɑrt] | [wɪð] | [͵dʒɛnərələˋzeʃən] |
a. | Avoid | the | anonymous | "a. | we" | and | "they," | because | they | mask | personal | responsibility. |
[əˋvɔɪd] | [ðə] | [əˋnɑnəməs] | [ænd] | [ðe] | [bɪˋkɔz] | [ðe] | [mæsk] | [ˋpɝsn!] | [rɪ͵spɑnsəˋbɪlətɪ] |
避免匿名的 "a. 我們" 和 "他們", 因為他們掩蓋了個人責任。
11.4 | Don't | be | afraid | to | fix | the | difficult | things. |
[əˋfred] | [fɪks] | [ðə] | [ˋdɪfə͵kəlt] |
11.4 不要害怕修復困難的事情。
a. | Understand | that | problems | with | good, | planned | solutions | in | place | are | completely | different | from | those | without | such | solutions. |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðæt] | [wɪð] | [gʊd] | [plænd] | [ples] | [ɑr] | [kəmˋplitlɪ] | [ˋdɪfərənt] | [frɑm] | [ðoz] | [wɪˋðaʊt] | [sʌtʃ] |
b. | Think | of | the | problems | you | perceive | in | a | machinelike | way. |
[θɪŋk] | [ðə] | [ju] | [pɚˋsiv] | [we] |
用 machinelike 的方式思考你所感知的問題。
12 | Diagnose | Problems | to | Get | at | Their | Root | Causes |
[ˋdaɪəgnoz] | [gɛt] | [ðɛr] | [rut] |
12.1 | To | diagnose | well, | ask | the | following | questions | 1. | Is | the | outcome | good | or | bad? | 2. | Who | is | responsible | for | the | outcome? | 3. | If | the | outcome | is | bad, | is | the | Responsible | Party | incapable | and/or | is | the | design | bad? |
[ˋdaɪəgnoz] | [wɛl] | [æsk] | [ðə] | [ˋfɑləwɪŋ] | [ðə] | [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] | [gʊd] | [hu] | [rɪˋspɑnsəb!] | [fɔr] | [ðə] | [ðə] | [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] | [bæd] | [ðə] | [rɪˋspɑnsəb!] | [ˋpɑrtɪ] | [ɪnˋkepəb!] | [ðə] | [dɪˋzaɪn] |
12.1 要診斷好, 請詢問以下問題1。結果是好還是壞?2. 誰對結果負責?3. 如果結果是壞的, 負責任的党是否無能並且/或者是設計壞?
a. | Ask | yourself | "Who | should | do | what | differently?" |
[æsk] | [jʊɚˋsɛlf] | [hu] | [hwɑt] |
問自己 "誰應該做不同的事情?
b. | Identify | at | which | step | in | the | 5-Step | Process | the | failure | occurred. |
[aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] | [hwɪtʃ] | [stɛp] | [ðə] | [ˋprɑsɛs] | [ðə] | [ˋfeljɚ] |
c. | Identify | the | principles | that | were | violated. |
[aɪˋdɛntə͵faɪ] | [ðə] | [ðæt] | [wɝ] |
c. 確定違反的原則。
d. | Avoid | Monday | morning | quarterbacking. |
[əˋvɔɪd] | [ˋmʌnde] | [ˋmɔrnɪŋ] |
d. 避免星期一上午四分衛。
e. | Don't | confuse | the | quality | of | someone's | circumstances | with | the | quality | of | their | approach | to | dealing | with | the | circumstances. |
[kənˋfjuz] | [ðə] | [ˋkwɑlətɪ] | [wɪð] | [ðə] | [ˋkwɑlətɪ] | [ðɛr] | [əˋprotʃ] | [ˋdilɪŋ] | [wɪð] | [ðə] |
f. | Identifying | the | fact | that | someone | else | doesn't | know | what | to | do | doesn't | mean | that | you | know | what | to | do. |
[ðə] | [fækt] | [ðæt] | [ɛls] | [no] | [hwɑt] | [min] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [no] | [hwɑt] |
g. | Remember | that | a | root | cause | is | not | an | action | but | a | reason. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [rut] | [kɔz] | [nɑt] | [ˋækʃən] | [bʌt] | [ˋrizn] |
記住, 根本原因不是行動而是原因。
h. | To | distinguish | between | a | capacity | issue | and | a | capability | issue, | imagine | how | the | person | would | perform | at | that | particular | function | if | they | had | ample | capacity. |
[dɪˋstɪŋgwɪʃ] | [bɪˋtwin] | [kəˋpæsətɪ] | [ˋɪʃjʊ] | [ænd] | [͵kepəˋbɪlətɪ] | [ˋɪʃjʊ] | [ɪˋmædʒɪn] | [haʊ] | [ðə] | [ˋpɝsn] | [wʊd] | [pɚˋfɔrm] | [ðæt] | [pɚˋtɪkjəlɚ] | [ˋfʌŋkʃən] | [ðe] | [hæd] | [ˋæmp!] | [kəˋpæsətɪ] |
h. 為了區分能力問題和能力問題, 想像一下如果他們有足夠的能力, 該人將如何履行這一特定職能。
i. | Keep | in | mind | that | managers | usually | fail | or | fall | short | of | their | goals | for | one | (or | more) | of | five | reasons. |
[kip] | [maɪnd] | [ðæt] | [ˋjuʒʊəlɪ] | [fel] | [fɔl] | [ðɛr] | [fɔr] | [wʌn] | [faɪv] |
我要記住, 經理通常會因為一個 (或更多) 五原因而失敗或落後于他們的目標。
12.2 | Maintain | an | emerging | synthesis | by | diagnosing | continuously. |
[menˋten] | [ɪˋmɝdʒɪŋ] | [ˋsɪnθəsɪs] | [kənˋtɪnjʊəslɪ] |
12.2 通過連續診斷來維持一個新的合成。
12.3 | Keep | in | mind | that | diagnoses | should | produce | outcomes. |
[kip] | [maɪnd] | [ðæt] | [prəˋdjus] | [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] |
12.3 請記住, 診斷應該產生結果。
a. | Remember | that | if | you | have | the | same | people | doing | the | same | things, | you | should | expect | the | same | results. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [hæv] | [ðə] | [sem] | [ˋpip!] | [ˋduɪŋ] | [ðə] | [sem] | [ju] | [ɪkˋspɛkt] | [ðə] | [sem] |
記住, 如果你有相同的人做同樣的事情, 你應該期待同樣的結果。
12.4 | Use | the | following | "drill-down" | technique | to | gain | an | 80/20 | understanding | of | a | department | or | sub-department | that | is | having | problems. |
[jus] | [ðə] | [ˋfɑləwɪŋ] | [tɛkˋnik] | [gen] | [͵ʌndɚˋstændɪŋ] | [dɪˋpɑrtmənt] | [ðæt] | [ˋhævɪŋ] |
12.4 使用以下 "向下切入" 技術, 以獲得80/20 對有問題的部門或分支部門的理解。
12.5 | Understand | that | diagnosis | is | foundational | to | both | progress | and | quality | relationships. |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðæt] | [͵daɪəgˋnosɪs] | [boθ] | [prəˋgrɛs] | [ænd] | [ˋkwɑlətɪ] |
12.5 瞭解診斷是進步和品質關係的基礎。
13 | Design | Improvements | to | Your | Machine | to | Get | Around | Your | Problems |
[dɪˋzaɪn] | [jʊɚ] | [məˋʃin] | [gɛt] | [əˋraʊnd] | [jʊɚ] |
13.1 | Build | your | machine. |
[bɪld] | [jʊɚ] | [məˋʃin] |
13.1 修造您的機器。
13.2 | Systemize | your | principles | and | how | they | will | be | implemented. |
[ˋsɪstəm͵aɪz] | [jʊɚ] | [ænd] | [haʊ] | [ðe] | [wɪl] |
13.2 制度化你的原則以及它們將如何實施。
a. | Create | great | decision-making | machines | by | thinking | through | the | criteria | you | are | using | to | make | decisions | while | you | are | making | them. |
[krɪˋet] | [gret] | [ˋθɪŋkɪŋ] | [θru] | [ðə] | [kraɪˋtɪrɪə] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [mek] | [hwaɪl] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [ˋmekɪŋ] | [ðɛm] |
創造偉大的決策機器, 通過思考你在做決定時所使用的標準。
13.3 | Remember | that | a | good | plan | should | resemble | a | movie | script. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [gʊd] | [plæn] | [rɪˋzɛmb!] | [ˋmuvɪ] | [skrɪpt] |
a. | Put | yourself | in | the | position | of | pain | for | a | while | so | that | you | gain | a | richer | understanding | of | what | you're | designing | for. |
[pʊt] | [jʊɚˋsɛlf] | [ðə] | [pəˋzɪʃən] | [pen] | [fɔr] | [hwaɪl] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [gen] | [͵ʌndɚˋstændɪŋ] | [hwɑt] | [dɪˋzaɪnɪŋ] | [fɔr] |
a. 讓自己處於痛苦的位置一段時間,這樣你就可以更加深入地理解你的設計。
b. | Visualize | alternative | machines | and | their | outcomes, | and | then | choose. |
[ˋvɪʒʊə͵laɪz] | [ɔlˋtɝnətɪv] | [ænd] | [ðɛr] | [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] | [ænd] | [ðɛn] | [tʃuz] |
b. 可視化替代機器及其結果,然後選擇。
c. | Consider | second- | and | third-order | consequences, | not | just | first-order | ones. |
[kənˋsɪdɚ] | [ænd] | [nɑt] | [dʒʌst] |
c. 考慮二階和三階結果,而不僅僅是一階結果。
d. | Use | standing | meetings | to | help | your | organization | run | like | a | Swiss | clock. |
[jus] | [ˋstændɪŋ] | [hɛlp] | [jʊɚ] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [rʌn] | [laɪk] | [swɪs] | [klɑk] |
d. 使用常設會議來幫助您的組織像瑞士時鐘一樣運行。
e. | Remember | that | a | good | machine | takes | into | account | the | fact | that | people | are | imperfect. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [gʊd] | [məˋʃin] | [ˋɪntu] | [əˋkaʊnt] | [ðə] | [fækt] | [ðæt] | [ˋpip!] | [ɑr] | [ɪmˋpɝfɪkt] |
13.4 | Recognize | that | design | is | an | iterative | process. | Between | a | bad | "now" | and | a | good | "then" | is | a | "working | through | it" | period. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [dɪˋzaɪn] | [ˋɪtə͵retɪv] | [ˋprɑsɛs] | [bɪˋtwin] | [bæd] | [naʊ] | [ænd] | [gʊd] | [ðɛn] | [ˋwɝkɪŋ] | [θru] | [ˋpɪrɪəd] |
a. | Understand | the | power | of | the | "cleansing | storm." |
[͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðə] | [ˋpaʊɚ] | [ðə] | [ˋklɛnzɪŋ] | [stɔrm] |
a. 了解“清潔風暴”的力量。
13.5 | Build | the | organization | around | goals | rather | than | tasks. |
[bɪld] | [ðə] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [əˋraʊnd] | [ˋræðɚ] | [ðæn] |
a. | Build | your | organization | from | the | top | down. |
[bɪld] | [jʊɚ] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [frɑm] | [ðə] | [tɑp] | [daʊn] |
a. 從上到下構建您的組織。
b. | Remember | that | everyone | must | be | overseen | by | a | believable | person | who | has | high | standards. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [mʌst] | [bɪˋlivəb!] | [ˋpɝsn] | [hu] | [hæz] | [haɪ] |
b. 請記住,每個人都必須由具有高標準的可信人員監督。
c. | Make | sure | the | people | at | the | top | of | each | pyramid | have | the | skills | and | focus | to | manage | their | direct | reports | and | a | deep | understanding | of | their | jobs. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [ðə] | [tɑp] | [itʃ] | [ˋpɪrəmɪd] | [hæv] | [ðə] | [ænd] | [ˋfokəs] | [ˋmænɪdʒ] | [ðɛr] | [dəˋrɛkt] | [ænd] | [dip] | [͵ʌndɚˋstændɪŋ] | [ðɛr] |
c. 確保每個金字塔頂端的人員具備管理直接報告和深入了解其工作的技能和重點。
d. | In | designing | your | organization, | remember | that | the | 5-Step | Process | is | the | path | to | success | and | that | different | people | are | good | at | different | steps. |
[dɪˋzaɪnɪŋ] | [jʊɚ] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [ˋprɑsɛs] | [ðə] | [pæθ] | [səkˋsɛs] | [ænd] | [ðæt] | [ˋdɪfərənt] | [ˋpip!] | [ɑr] | [gʊd] | [ˋdɪfərənt] |
d. 在設計您的組織時,請記住,5步流程是成功的途徑,不同的人擅長不同的步驟。
e. | Don't | build | the | organization | to | fit | the | people. |
[bɪld] | [ðə] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [fɪt] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] |
f. | Keep | scale | in | mind. |
[kip] | [skel] | [maɪnd] |
g. | Organize | departments | and | sub-departments | around | the | most | logical | groupings | based | on | "gravitational | pull." |
[ˋɔrgə͵naɪz] | [ænd] | [əˋraʊnd] | [ðə] | [most] | [ˋlɑdʒɪk!] | ZHUYIN[ㄉㄤˇㄆㄞˋ] | [best] | [ˋgrævəˋteʃən!] | [pʊl] |
g. 根據 "引力拉", 在最合乎邏輯的分組上組織部門和分部門。
h. | Make | departments | as | self-sufficient | as | possible | so | that | they | have | control | over | the | resources | they | need | to | achieve | their | goals. |
[mek] | [ˋpɑsəb!] | [ðæt] | [ðe] | [hæv] | [kənˋtrol] | [ˋovɚ] | [ðə] | [ðe] | [nid] | [əˋtʃiv] | [ðɛr] |
h. 使部門盡可能自給自足, 以便他們能夠控制他們實現目標所需的資源。
i. | Ensure | that | the | ratios | of | senior | managers | to | junior | managers | and | of | junior | managers | to | their | reports | are | limited | to | preserve | quality | communication | and | mutual | understanding. |
[ɪnˋʃʊr] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [ˋdʒunjɚ] | [ænd] | [ˋdʒunjɚ] | [ðɛr] | [ɑr] | [ˋlɪmɪtɪd] | [prɪˋzɝv] | [ˋkwɑlətɪ] | [kə͵mjunəˋkeʃən] | [ænd] | [ˋmjutʃʊəl] | [͵ʌndɚˋstændɪŋ] |
(i.) 確保高級管理人員與初級管理人員和初級管理人員的比例與他們的報告相聯繫, 以保持高品質的溝通和相互理解。
j. | Consider | succession | and | training | in | your | design. |
[kənˋsɪdɚ] | [səkˋsɛʃən] | [ænd] | [ˋtrenɪŋ] | [jʊɚ] | [dɪˋzaɪn] |
j. 考慮你的設計中的繼任和培訓。
k. | Don't | just | pay | attention | to | your | job; | pay | attention | to | how | your | job | will | be | done | if | you | are | no | longer | around. |
[dʒʌst] | [pe] | [əˋtɛnʃən] | [jʊɚ] | [dʒɑb] | [pe] | [əˋtɛnʃən] | [haʊ] | [jʊɚ] | [dʒɑb] | [wɪl] | [dʌn] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [əˋraʊnd] |
不要只關注你的工作;如果你不再在身邊, 注意你的工作將會如何完成。
l. | Use | "double-do" | rather | than | "double-check" | to | make | sure | mission-critical | tasks | are | done | correctly. |
[jus] | [ˋræðɚ] | [ðæn] | [mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ɑr] | [dʌn] | [kəˋrɛktlɪ] |
l. 使用 "雙做" 而不是 "雙重檢查", 以確保任務要徑任務正確完成。
m. | Use | consultants | wisely | and | watch | out | for | consultant | addiction. |
[jus] | [ˋwaɪzlɪ] | [ænd] | [wɑtʃ] | [aʊt] | [fɔr] | [kənˋsʌltənt] | [əˋdɪkʃən] |
明智地使用顧問, 提防顧問成癮。
13.6 | Create | an | organizational | chart | to | look | like | a | pyramid, | with | straight | lines | down | that | don't | cross. |
[krɪˋet] | [͵ɔrgənaɪˋzeʃənəl] | [tʃɑrt] | [lʊk] | [laɪk] | [ˋpɪrəmɪd] | [wɪð] | [stret] | [daʊn] | [ðæt] | [krɔs] |
13.6 創建一個組織結構圖看起來像一個金字塔, 直線向下, 不跨越。
a. | Involve | the | person | who | is | the | point | of | the | pyramid | when | encountering | cross-departmental | or | cross-sub-departmental | issues. |
[ɪnˋvɑlv] | [ðə] | [ˋpɝsn] | [hu] | [ðə] | [pɔɪnt] | [ðə] | [ˋpɪrəmɪd] | [hwɛn] |
在遇到跨部門或跨部門的問題時, 讓處於金字塔點的人參與進來。
b. | Don't | do | work | for | people | in | another | department | or | grab | people | from | another | department | to | do | work | for | you | unless | you | speak | to | the | person | responsible | for | overseeing | the | other | department. |
[wɝk] | [fɔr] | [ˋpip!] | [əˋnʌðɚ] | [dɪˋpɑrtmənt] | [græb] | [ˋpip!] | [frɑm] | [əˋnʌðɚ] | [dɪˋpɑrtmənt] | [wɝk] | [fɔr] | [ju] | [ʌnˋlɛs] | [ju] | [ðə] | [ˋpɝsn] | [rɪˋspɑnsəb!] | [fɔr] | [ðə] | [ˋʌðɚ] | [dɪˋpɑrtmənt] |
不要為其他部門的人工作, 或者從其他部門找別人為你工作, 除非你和負責監督其他部門的人說話。
c. | Watch | out | for | "department | slip." |
[wɑtʃ] | [aʊt] | [fɔr] | [dɪˋpɑrtmənt] |
注意 "部門滑"。
13.7 | Create | guardrails | when | needed-and | remember | it's | better | not | to | guardrail | at | all. |
[krɪˋet] | [ˋgɑrd͵rel] | [hwɛn] | [rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ˋbɛtɚ] | [nɑt] | [ˋgɑrd͵rel] | [ɔl] |
13.7 在需要時創建護欄-記住最好不要護欄。
a. | Don't | expect | people | to | recognize | and | compensate | for | their | own | blind | spots. |
[ɪkˋspɛkt] | [ˋpip!] | [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ænd] | [ˋkɑmpən͵set] | [fɔr] | [ðɛr] | [on] | [blaɪnd] |
b. | Consider | the | clover-leaf | design. |
[kənˋsɪdɚ] | [ðə] | [dɪˋzaɪn] |
13.8 | Keep | your | strategic | vision | the | same | while | making | appropriate | tactical | changes | as | circumstances | dictate. |
[kip] | [jʊɚ] | [strəˋtidʒɪk] | [ˋvɪʒən] | [ðə] | [sem] | [hwaɪl] | [ˋmekɪŋ] | [əˋproprɪ͵et] | [ˋtæktɪk!] | [ˋdɪktet] |
13.8 保持你的戰略願景相同, 同時作出適當的戰術變化, 因為情況決定。
a. | Don't | put | the | expedient | ahead | of | the | strategic. |
[pʊt] | [ðə] | [ɪkˋspidɪənt] | [əˋhɛd] | [ðə] | [strəˋtidʒɪk] |
b. | Think | about | both | the | big | picture | and | the | granular | details, | and | understand | the | connections | between | them. |
[θɪŋk] | [əˋbaʊt] | [boθ] | [ðə] | [bɪg] | [ˋpɪktʃɚ] | [ænd] | [ðə] | [ˋgrænjəlɚ] | [ænd] | [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðə] | [bɪˋtwin] | [ðɛm] |
考慮一下大圖和細細微性的細節, 瞭解它們之間的聯繫。
13.9 | Have | good | controls | so | that | you | are | not | exposed | to | the | dishonesty | of | others. |
[hæv] | [gʊd] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [nɑt] | [ɪkˋspozd] | [ðə] | [dɪsˋɑnɪstɪ] |
13.9 有好的控制, 這樣你就不會暴露在別人的不誠實中。
a. | I | nvestigate | and | let | people | know | you | are | going | to | investigate. |
[ænd] | [lɛt] | [ˋpip!] | [no] | [ju] | [ɑr] | [ˋgoɪŋ] | [ɪnˋvɛstə͵get] |
我 nvestigate, 讓大家知道你要去調查。
b. | Remember | that | there | is | no | sense | in | having | laws | unless | you | have | policemen | (auditors). |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ðɛr] | [ˋhævɪŋ] | [ʌnˋlɛs] | [ju] | [hæv] |
記住, 除非你有員警 (審計員), 否則法律是沒有意義的。
c. | Beware | of | rubber-stamping. |
[bɪˋwɛr] |
d. | Recognize | that | people | who | make | purchases | on | your | behalf | probably | will | not | spend | your | money | wisely. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [mek] | [jʊɚ] | [bɪˋhæf] | [ˋprɑbəblɪ] | [wɪl] | [nɑt] | [spɛnd] | [jʊɚ] | [ˋmʌnɪ] | [ˋwaɪzlɪ] |
e. | Use | "public | hangings" | to | deter | bad | behavior. |
[jus] | [ˋpʌblɪk] | [dɪˋtɝ] | [bæd] | [bɪˋhevjɚ] |
使用 "公開絞刑" 來阻止不良行為。
13.10 | Have | the | clearest | possible | reporting | lines | and | delineations | of | responsibilities. |
[hæv] | [ðə] | [ˋpɑsəb!] | [ænd] |
13.10 有最清楚可能的報告行和劃定的責任。
a. | Assign | responsibilities | based | on | workflow | design | and | people's | abilities, | not | job | titles. |
[əˋsaɪn] | [best] | IPA[ˈwərkflō] | [dɪˋzaɪn] | [ænd] | [ˋpip!] | [nɑt] | [dʒɑb] |
根據工作流程設計和員工的能力, 而不是職稱來分配職責。
b. | Constantly | think | about | how | to | produce | leverage. |
[ˋkɑnstəntlɪ] | [θɪŋk] | [əˋbaʊt] | [haʊ] | [prəˋdjus] | [ˋlɛvərɪdʒ] |
c. | Recognize | that | it | is | far | better | to | find | a | few | smart | people | and | give | them | the | best | technology | than | to | have | a | greater | number | of | ordinary | people | who | are | less | well | equipped. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [fɑr] | [ˋbɛtɚ] | [faɪnd] | [fju] | [ˋpip!] | [ænd] | [gɪv] | [ðɛm] | [ðə] | [bɛst] | [tɛkˋnɑlədʒɪ] | [ðæn] | [hæv] | [ˋnʌmbɚ] | [ˋɔrdn͵ɛrɪ] | [ˋpip!] | [hu] | [ɑr] | [lɛs] | [wɛl] |
認識到要找到一些聰明的人, 給他們最好的技術, 要比擁有更多的普通人, 他們的裝備不夠精良要好得多。
d. | Use | leveragers. |
[jus] |
d. 使用 leveragers。
13.11 | Remember | that | almost | everything | will | take | more | time | and | cost | more | money | than | you | expect. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [ˋɔl͵most] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵θɪŋ] | [wɪl] | [tek] | [mor] | [taɪm] | [ænd] | [kɔst] | [mor] | [ˋmʌnɪ] | [ðæn] | [ju] | [ɪkˋspɛkt] |
13.11 記住, 幾乎所有的事情都需要更多的時間和成本比你預期的更多的錢。
14 | Do | What | You | Set | Out | to | Do |
[hwɑt] | [ju] | [aʊt] |
14.1 | Work | for | goals | that | you | and | your | organization | are | excited | about | and | think | about | how | your | tasks | connect | to | those | goals. |
[wɝk] | [fɔr] | [ðæt] | [ju] | [ænd] | [jʊɚ] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [ɑr] | [ɪkˋsaɪtɪd] | [əˋbaʊt] | [ænd] | [θɪŋk] | [əˋbaʊt] | [haʊ] | [jʊɚ] | [kəˋnɛkt] | [ðoz] |
14.1 為您和您的組織興奮的目標工作, 並考慮您的任務如何與這些目標相連接。
a. | Be | coordinated | and | consistent | in | motivating | others. |
[ænd] | [kənˋsɪstənt] |
協調一致, 激勵他人。
b. | Don't | act | before | thinking. | Take | the | time | to | come | up | with | a | game | plan. |
[ækt] | [bɪˋfor] | [ˋθɪŋkɪŋ] | [tek] | [ðə] | [taɪm] | [kʌm] | [wɪð] | [gem] | [plæn] |
c. | Look | for | creative, | cut-through | solutions. |
[lʊk] | [fɔr] | [krɪˋetɪv] |
尋找有創意, 有捷徑的解決方案。
14.2 | Recognize | that | everyone | has | too | much | to | do. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [ˋɛvrɪ͵wʌn] | [hæz] | [tu] | [mʌtʃ] |
a. | Don't | get | frustrated. |
[gɛt] | [ˋfrʌstretɪd] |
a. 不要感到沮喪。
14.3 | Use | checklists. |
[jus] | [ˋtʃɛk͵lɪst] |
a. | Don't | confuse | checklists | with | personal | responsibility. |
[kənˋfjuz] | [ˋtʃɛk͵lɪst] | [wɪð] | [ˋpɝsn!] | [rɪ͵spɑnsəˋbɪlətɪ] |
a. 不要將清單與個人責任混為一談。
14.4 | Allow | time | for | rest | and | renovation. |
[əˋlaʊ] | [taɪm] | [fɔr] | [rɛst] | [ænd] | [͵rɛnəˋveʃən] |
14.5 | Ring | the | bell. |
[rɪŋ] | [ðə] | [bɛl] |
15 | Use | Tools | and | Protocols | to | Shape | How | Work | Is | Done |
[jus] | [ænd] | [haʊ] | [wɝk] | [dʌn] |
15.1 | Having | systemized | principles | embedded | in | tools | is | especially | valuable | for | an | idea | meritocracy. |
[ˋhævɪŋ] | [əˋspɛʃəlɪ] | [ˋvæljʊəb!] | [fɔr] | [aɪˋdiə] | [͵mɛrəˋtɑkrəsɪ] |
a. | To | produce | real | behavioral | change, | understand | that | there | must | be | internalized | or | habitualized | learning. |
[prəˋdjus] | [ˋriəl] | [bɪˋhevjərəl] | [tʃendʒ] | [͵ʌndɚˋstænd] | [ðæt] | [ðɛr] | [mʌst] | [ˋlɝnɪŋ] |
a. 要產生真正的行為改變,要明白必須有內化或習慣化的學習。
b. | Use | tools | to | collect | data | and | process | it | into | conclusions | and | actions. |
[jus] | [kəˋlɛkt] | [ˋdetə] | [ænd] | [ˋprɑsɛs] | [ˋɪntu] | [ænd] |
b. 使用工具收集數據並將其處理為結論和操作。
c. | Foster | an | environment | of | confidence | and | fairness | by | having | clearly-stated | principles | that | are | implemented | in | tools | and | protocols | so | that | the | conclusions | reached | can | be | assessed | by | tracking | the | logic | and | data | behind | them. |
[ˋfɔstɚ] | [ɪnˋvaɪrənmənt] | [ˋkɑnfədəns] | [ænd] | [ˋfɛrnɪs] | [ˋhævɪŋ] | [ðæt] | [ɑr] | [ænd] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [kæn] | [ðə] | [ˋlɑdʒɪk] | [ænd] | [ˋdetə] | [bɪˋhaɪnd] | [ðɛm] |
c. 通過在工具和協議中實施明確規定的原則,培養信心和公平的環境,以便通過跟踪其背後的邏輯和數據來評估所得出的結論。
16 | And | for | Heaven's | Sake, | Don't | Overlook | Governance! |
[ænd] | [fɔr] | [sek] | [͵ovɚˋlʊk] |
16.1 | To | be | successful, | all | organizations | must | have | checks | and | balances. |
[səkˋsɛsfəl] | [ɔl] | [mʌst] | [hæv] | [ænd] |
a. | Even | in | an | idea | meritocracy, | merit | cannot | be | the | only | determining | factor | in | assigning | responsibility | and | authority. |
[ˋivən] | [aɪˋdiə] | [͵mɛrəˋtɑkrəsɪ] | [ˋmɛrɪt] | [ˋkænɑt] | [ðə] | [ˋonlɪ] | [ˋfæktɚ] | [rɪ͵spɑnsəˋbɪlətɪ] | [ænd] | [əˋθɔrətɪ] |
a. 即使在精神制度中,優點也不是決定責任和權威的唯一決定因素。
b. | Make | sure | that | no | one | is | more | powerful | than | the | system | or | so | important | that | they | are | irreplaceable. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ðæt] | [wʌn] | [mor] | [ˋpaʊɚfəl] | [ðæn] | [ðə] | [ˋsɪstəm] | [ɪmˋpɔrtnt] | [ðæt] | [ðe] | [ɑr] | [͵ɪrɪˋplesəb!] |
b. 確保沒有人比系統更強大或更重要,以至於它們是不可替代的。
c. | Beware | of | fiefdoms. |
[bɪˋwɛr] | [ˋfifdəm] |
c. 謹防領地。
d. | Make | clear | that | the | organization's | structure | and | its | rules | are | designed | to | ensure | that | its | checks-and-balances | system | functions | well. |
[mek] | [klɪr] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [͵ɔrgənəˋzeʃən] | [ˋstrʌktʃɚ] | [ænd] | [ɪts] | [ɑr] | [dɪˋzaɪnd] | [ɪnˋʃʊr] | [ðæt] | [ɪts] | [ˋsɪstəm] | [wɛl] |
d. 明確組織的結構及其規則旨在確保其檢查和平衡系統運作良好。
e. | Make | sure | reporting | lines | are | clear. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ɑr] | [klɪr] |
f. | Make | sure | decision | rights | are | clear. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [ɑr] | [klɪr] |
g. | Make | sure | that | the | people | doing | the | assessing | (1)have | the | time | to | be | fully | informed | about | how | the | person | they | are | checking | on | is | doing, | (2) | have | the | ability | to | make | theassessments, | and | (3) | are | not | in | a | conflict | of | interest | that | stands | in | the | way | of | carrying | out | oversight | effectively. |
[mek] | [ʃʊr] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [ˋpip!] | [ˋduɪŋ] | [ðə] | [ðə] | [taɪm] | [ˋfʊlɪ] | [ɪnˋfɔrmd] | [əˋbaʊt] | [haʊ] | [ðə] | [ˋpɝsn] | [ðe] | [ɑr] | [ˋduɪŋ] | [hæv] | [ðə] | [əˋbɪlətɪ] | [mek] | [ænd] | [ɑr] | [nɑt] | [kənˋflɪkt] | [ˋɪntərɪst] | [ðæt] | [ðə] | [we] | [ˋkærɪɪŋ] | [aʊt] | [ˋovɚ͵saɪt] | [ɪˋfɛktɪvlɪ] |
h. | Recognize | that | decision | makers | must | have | access | to | the | information | necessary | to | make | decisions | and | must | be | trustworthy | enough | to | handle | that | information | safely. |
[ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] | [ðæt] | [dɪˋsɪʒən] | [mʌst] | [hæv] | [ˋæksɛs] | [ðə] | [͵ɪnfɚˋmeʃən] | [ˋnɛsə͵sɛrɪ] | [mek] | [ænd] | [mʌst] | [ˋtrʌst͵wɝðɪ] | [əˋnʌf] | [ˋhænd!] | [ðæt] | [͵ɪnfɚˋmeʃən] | [ˋseflɪ] |
16.2 | Remember | that | in | an | idea | meritocracy | a | single | CEO | is | not | as | good | as | a | great | group | of | leaders. |
[rɪˋmɛmbɚ] | [ðæt] | [aɪˋdiə] | [͵mɛrəˋtɑkrəsɪ] | [nɑt] | [gʊd] | [gret] | [grup] |
16.3 | No | governance | system | of | principles, | rules, | and | checks | and | balances | can | substitute | for | a | great | partnership. |
[ˋgʌvɚnəns] | [ˋsɪstəm] | [ænd] | [ænd] | [kæn] | [ˋsʌbstə͵tjut] | [fɔr] | [gret] | [ˋpɑrtnɚ͵ʃɪp] |