intellij idea 添加动态 user library(java.lang.VerifyError)

使用IDEA的时候有时要用到eclipse的user library,由于两个IDE导入library的方式不同导致我们找不到导入user library的方法。
首先要导入user library :

Eclipse IDEA
Workspace Project
Project Module
Project-specific JRE Module JDK
User library Global library
Classpath variable Path variable
Project dependency Module dependency
Library Module library
那么我们在IDEA下要导入的就是 Global library。
导入后加到module中,libray有个选项叫做Scope ,有如下值Compile  Test  Runtime Provided

                        Scope Use this drop-down to affect the classpath for the various build phases.
  • Compile: This is the default option. If it is selected, the dependency is resolved and is available in classpath during the compilation and run phases.
  • Test: Select this option, if this dependency is only required for tests, and should not be available in normal application use. If this scope is selected, the dependency is resolved and is available in classpath during the test compilation and run phases.
  • Runtime: This scope indicates that the dependency is only required when running the application, and should not be available in classpath during the compilation.
  • Provided: If this option is selected, the dependency is resolved and is available in classpath during the compilation, but is not included in classpath at runtime. This dependency scope is useful, when you have some container that provides the dependency at runtime.                  



现在有个需求是这样。module A要用到user library,module A 使用上述方法将user library 导入,并将order 放置在Andorid SDK的上面。
module B要Dependency A
在mudule B中把A作为依赖库导入,Scope选择Provided ,出现如下错误

mudule B中把A作为依赖库导入,Scope选择Compile 。搞定
