ionic 打包app pod

Cordova plugins using CocoaPods can fail to install during Ionic Appflow Package builds. This is caused by the inability of cordova-ios to preserve the pod install if more than one plugin uses cocoapods. The open cordova-ios issue is available at

The problem can be resolved with two simple hook scripts. Create the following scripts in the root of your project.

Step 1: Create the scripts


Step 2: Reference the scripts in the ios platform node of config.xml:


The scripts will run just before, and after adding the ios platform. The first updates the pod repos, and the second verifies that all pods are installed after the platform is added.

Step 3 (REQUIRED): Your scripts MUST have execute permissions. Without the necessary permissions the scripts will fail with a spawn EACCES error. Permissions can be added using chmod.


If your OS does not include the chmod command permissions can be added using git.

  • Adding execute permissions using git

Plugins known to be affected:

  • phonegap-plugin-push
  • cordova-plugin-googlemaps
  • onesignal-cordova-plugin


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