Internet Explorer 已限制此网页运行脚本或者ActiveX控件

To help protect your security, Internet explorer has restricted this web page from running scripts or ActiveX controls that could access your computer. Click here for the options

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If you want to run in the Internet zone add this to your HTML source:

If you want to run in the Intranet zone add this to your HTML source:

Either will stop the message from displaying and allow JavaScript to execute.

This will also allow the file to open on other PC's without having to change Internet Explorer options.


MOTW(Mark of the Web)是IE用以增强安全性的一个特性,MOTW允许IE强制运行在本地安全区内,前提是本地安全区的安全性限制要比本机安全性高。

你可能感兴趣的:(Internet Explorer 已限制此网页运行脚本或者ActiveX控件)