商务英语·流利说文本笔记-Level6 Unit1 part 2 E-Commerce Terms

E-Commerce Terms


Traffic describes the number of people who visit a website or app.

ps: 流量 traffic

It is the start of all transactions in e-commerce.

ps: 它是电子商务中所有交易的开始。

transactions交易,业务,买卖; 办理; 处理; transaction的复数

e-commerce同 e-business; 电子商务

One way to make use of traffic is called conversion.

ps: 利用流量的一种方法叫做转换。

make use of使用; 利用

traffic路上行驶的车辆; 交通; 航行,行驶,飞行; 运输; 人流; 货流; 用…作交换; 在…通行; 交易; 买卖

called叫做; 称作; 给…命名; 称呼; 把…叫做; 认为…是; 把…看作; 把自己称为; 自诩; call的过去分词和过去式

conversion转变; 转换; 转化; 改变; 皈依; 归附; 附加得分

If a website is listed first by a search engine,its traffic will likely be high.

They needed advice  on how to generate site traffic and increase sales.

As traffic increase, the chance of conversion also increases.


In e-commerce, a conversion refers to making a visitor into a paying customer.

ps; 在电子商务中,转换是指将访问者转换为付费客户。

Companies can try to increase their conversion rate by improving customer service or marketing.

The vast majority of visitors do not actually purchase anything.

ps :绝大多数游客实际上并不购买任何东西。

vast majority绝大多数; 巨大优势

visitors来访者; 访问者; 参观者; 游客; visitor的复数

So companies need to find ways to convert them into paying customers.


A business‘s ability to keep its customers is called  retention.

ps: 企业留住客户的能力称为留存。

retention保持; 维持; 保留; 保持,阻滞; 记忆力; 记性

Businesses employ different strategies to retain customers.

ps: 企业采用不同的策略来留住客户。

employ雇用; 应用; 运用; 使用; 雇用,受雇; 服务; 工作,职业

strategies策略; 计策; 行动计划; 策划; 规划; 部署; 统筹安排; 战略; 战略部署; strategy的复数

retain保持; 持有; 保留; 继续拥有; 继续容纳; 聘请

For example, loyalty programs reward customers who make frequent purchases with coupons and discounts.

ps: 例如,忠诚计划用优惠券和折扣奖励经常购物的顾客。

loyalty忠诚; 忠实; 忠心耿耿; 要忠于…的强烈感情

programs程序; 编码指令; 编写程序; program的第三人称单数和复数

reward奖励; 回报; 报酬; 赏格; 悬赏金; 奖赏; 给以报酬

frequent频繁的; 经常发生的; 常去,常到

purchases买; 购买; 采购; purchase的第三人称单数

coupons配给券; 票证; 优惠券; 参赛表,订货单; coupon的复数

discounts折扣; 认为…不重要; 对…不全信; 低估; 打折扣; 打折出售; discount的第三人称


A transaction is an exchange of goods or services between a buyer and a seller.

ps: 交易是买卖双方交换货物或服务的行为。

transaction交易,业务,买卖; 办理; 处理

exchange of goods商品的交易

In China, it's popular for customers to use their digital wallets to make transactions.

ps: 用户使用他们的数字钱包进行交易很受欢迎。

digital数字信息系统的; 数码的; 数字式的; 数字显示的; 数字电视

wallets钱包,皮夹子; 皮夹,塑料夹,硬纸夹; wallet的复数

make制造; 做; 组装; 写; 出产; 制订; 铺床; 品牌,型号

transactions交易,业务,买卖; 办理; 处理; transaction的复数

In China, cash is being used less frequently in transactions due to alternative  methods of payment.

ps: 由于其他付款方式,现金在交易中使用的频率较低。

less较少的,更少的; 较少; 较小; 更少; 更小; 没那么多; 少; 减去; 扣除; 小的; 比较小的; 可爱的,可怜的,讨厌的; 年幼的; 幼小的; little的比较级

frequently频繁地; 经常

transactions交易,业务,买卖; 办理; 处理; transaction的复数

due to由于,应付

alternative可供选择的事物; 可供替代的; 非传统的; 另类的

web analytics

ps: web analytics网站分析;网站流量分析;分析洞察;网络分析

Web analytics refers to the collection and analysis of website data.

It is used to analyze traffic and other data to provide a better user experience and increase transactions.

For example, a company can analyze its traffic after a marketing campaign to see if it increased.

ps: 一家公司可以在一次营销活动后分析其流量是否增加。

Successful digital marketers need a strong knowledge of analytics to increase website traffic.

ps: 成功的数字营销者需要强大的分析知识来增加网站流量。

We used analytics to track the conversion from our latest marketing campaign.

ps: 我们使用分析跟踪我们最新营销活动的转换。

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