TBtools GitHub ReadMe

## Please Note:

**TBtools** is **ONLY** freely available for academic research. And for **commercial usage**, please contact me ([email protected])


Use TBtools for **fee-based Training** is included in "Commercial usage".


## Introduction

​   TBtools is a Toolset written by CJ-Chen for wet-lab biologists. 


​   Up to now, it contains functions more than that listed HERE:



* **Amazing Heatmap Generator**热图工具
* **Amazing Gene Viewer**同时展示进化树,MEME结果和基因结果与结构域

序列操作工具集,Sequence Toolkits

* **Fasta**序列(含区段)提取,Amazing Fasta Extractor、Fasta Extractor和Fasta Subseq
* **Fasta**序列合并和分割,Fasta Merge and Split
* **序列格式化**(序列反向、互补和按指定行宽分行),Sequence Manipulator
* **NCBI**序列批量下载,NCBI Seq DownLoader
* **cDNA**序列完成开放阅读框预测,Get Complete ORF
* ​**序列库中引物特异性检测**,Check Primers
* ​**gff3/gtf**序列提取,Gtf/Gff3 Sequences Extractor


* ​**调用NCBI API**进行远程Blast,Remote Blast
* **少量序列Blast比对到大序列库文件**,Auto Blast SeveralSequences To a Big File
* **少量序列比对到少量序列**,Auto Blast TwoSequence Sets
* **大序列库文件比对到大序列库文件**,Auto Blast TwoSequence Sets -Big File-
* ​**序列比对到Fastq文件**,Blast Several Seq ToFastQ
* ​**互惠Blast**(用于不同序列库ID映射),Reciprocal Blast
* ​**序列比对结果区段映射图绘制**,Blast XML AlignmentShower
* ​**序列比对结果点阵图绘制**,Blast XMLDotplot
* ​**序列比对结果堆叠图绘制**,Blast XMLPileup Grapher
* ​**BlastXML结果转换为TBtools比对结果表格**,TranFormat Blast .xml to TBtools.table
* ​**BlastXML结果转换为Blast表格结果**,TranFormat Blast .xml to Blast Table
* ​**基于测序数据的电子克隆**,e-GenomeWalkingor e-Race

GeneOntology和KEGG工具集,GO and KEGG

* ​ **GO注释**,GO Anotation
* ​ **GO富集**,GO Enrichment
* ​ **GO层级统计和绘制**,GO Level Counter
* ​ **GO层级比较**,GO Level Compare
* ​ **GO注释解析**,GO Term Parser
* ​ **GO注释转换为BiNGO输入结果**,Prepare GO Annotaiton For BinGO in cytoscape
* ​ **KEGG通路富集工具**,KEGG Enrichment Analysis
* ​ **KEGG通路差异表达基因描图工具**,KEGG Pathway Map Drawer


* **取色器**,Color Picker
* ​**表格提取(行筛选)**,Table IDManipulator
* ​**表格列操作(列排序和保留)**,Table ColumnManipulator
* ​**大文本极速查看(支持.gz压缩格式)**,Big Text Viewer
* ​**大表格极速查看(支持.gz压缩格式)**,Big Table Viewer
* ​**基于标识符号提取文本区段**,Text Block Extractor
* ​**表达量快速查看/比较**,Expression Shower
* ​**读段计数做RPKM/FPKM/TPM标准化**,Expression Calculator (RPKM/FPKM/TPM)
* ​**2~6组可交互韦恩图绘制**,Wonderful Venn (Up to Six Sets)
* ​**基于序列在染色体上展示基因位置**,Map Genes OnGenome From Sequence Files
* ​**基于坐标在染色体上展示基因位置**,Map Genes OnGenome From Position Info Files
* ​**基因组共线性分析结果可视化**,Dual SystenyPlotter for MCscanX


* ​**默认界面**(可直接拖拽.png/.jpg图片,输出Kmeans聚类色卡),About TBtools
* ​**debug对话框**,Debug Dialog
* ​**调整TBtools初始化内存**,Resize JVMmemory



## Compatability

​   It can run in all Operating system including Mac, Linux, Windows, which have [Java run time environment higher than 1.6](http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre8-downloads-2133155.html).  Both **command line usages and GUI manipulation** have been implemented.  You can ONLY use it and distribute it **freely, for researches**. 
Well, if you found it useful, I will **be very graceful if you cite TBtools** in your paper...    

## List of Supporters

* **Hao Chen** from Hunan Agricultural University  
* **Kun Lu** from Southwest University  

## How to Cite TBtools

​   [TBtools, a Toolkit for Biologists integrating various HTS-data handling tools with a user-friendly interface](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/early/2018/03/27/289660)

### 0410  

## Dowload

[Click to download the excutable .jar file](https://github.com/CJ-Chen/TBtools/archive/master.zip)

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