from machine import Pin, I2C
import time
# w601 iot board test
PIN_CLK = 66 # PB10
PIN_SDA = 65 # PB11
clk = Pin(("clk", PIN_CLK), Pin.OUT_OD) # Select the PIN_CLK pin device as the clock
sda = Pin(("sda", PIN_SDA), Pin.OUT_OD) # Select the PIN_SDA pin device as the data line
i2c = I2C(-1, clk, sda, freq=100000)
addr = 0x5a
while True:
room = i2c.readfrom_mem(addr, 0x06, 2)
human = i2c.readfrom_mem(addr, 0x07, 2)
room = room[1]*256 + room[0]
human = human[1]*256 + human[0]
if room > 27315:
room -= 27315
room = 27315 - room
if human > 27315:
human -= 27315
human = 27315 - human
print("room: {room} human: {human} ".format(room = room , human = human) )
room: 28.15 human: 28.39
room: 28.13 human: 33.07
room: 28.09 human: 34.01
room: 28.13 human: 34.15
room: 28.09 human: 30.91
room: 28.07 human: 29.09
room: 28.09 human: 29.23
room: 28.05 human: 32.75
room: 28.07 human: 33.35
room: 28.05 human: 26.85
room: 28.11 human: 26.61
room: 28.07 human: 28.97
room: 27.99 human: 32.03
room: 28.05 human: 28.97
room: 28.01 human: 30.43
room: 28.01 human: 32.59
room: 28.05 human: 32.97
room: 28.01 human: 31.63
room: 28.01 human: 28.33
room: 27.99 human: 28.05
room: 27.99 human: 30.85
room: 27.99 human: 32.25
room: 27.95 human: 29.19
room: 27.93 human: 26.55
room: 27.97 human: 26.47
room: 27.93 human: 26.49
room: 27.89 human: 26.53
room: 27.93 human: 26.59
room: 27.87 human: 26.49
room: 27.87 human: 26.55
room: 27.87 human: 26.43
room: 27.85 human: 26.59
room: 27.87 human: 26.59
room: 27.89 human: 26.47
room: 27.81 human: 26.41