/* * Loads a class and verifies that the main class is present and it is ok to * call it for more details refer to the java implementation. */ static jclass LoadMainClass(JNIEnv *env, int mode, char *name){ jmethodID mid; jstring str; jobject result; jlong start, end; jclass cls = GetLauncherHelperClass(env); // 获取LauncherHelper类中定义的checkAndLoadMain()函数的指针 NULL_CHECK0(mid = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, cls, "checkAndLoadMain", "(ZILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;")); str = NewPlatformString(env, name); result = (*env)->CallStaticObjectMethod(env, cls, mid, USE_STDERR, mode, str); return (jclass)result; }
jclass GetLauncherHelperClass(JNIEnv *env){ if (helperClass == NULL) { NULL_CHECK0(helperClass = FindBootStrapClass(env,"sun/launcher/LauncherHelper")); } return helperClass; } /* * The implementation for finding classes from the bootstrap * class loader, refer to java.h */ static FindClassFromBootLoader_t *findBootClass = NULL; // 参数classname的值为"sun/launcher/LauncherHelper"。 jclass FindBootStrapClass(JNIEnv *env, const char* classname){ if (findBootClass == NULL) { // 返回指向JVM_FindClassFromBootLoader()函数的函数指针 findBootClass = (FindClassFromBootLoader_t *)dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT,"JVM_FindClassFromBootLoader"); } return findBootClass(env, classname); }
JVM_ENTRY(jclass, JVM_FindClassFromBootLoader(JNIEnv* env,const char* name)) TempNewSymbol h_name = SymbolTable::new_symbol(name, CHECK_NULL); Klass* k = SystemDictionary::resolve_or_null(h_name, CHECK_NULL); if (k == NULL) { return NULL; } return (jclass) JNIHandles::make_local(env, k->java_mirror()); JVM_END
// 传递的参数name为"checkAndLoadMain",而sig为"(ZILjava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;"。 JNI_ENTRY(jmethodID, jni_GetStaticMethodID(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz,const char *name, const char *sig)) jmethodID ret = get_method_id(env, clazz, name, sig, true, thread); return ret; JNI_END
static jmethodID get_method_id(JNIEnv *env, jclass clazz, const char *name_str, const char *sig, bool is_static, TRAPS) { // %%%% This code should probably just call into a method in the LinkResolver // // The class should have been loaded (we have an instance of the class // passed in) so the method and signature should already be in the symbol // table. If they're not there, the method doesn't exist. const char *name_to_probe = (name_str == NULL) ? vmSymbols::object_initializer_name()->as_C_string() : name_str; TempNewSymbol name = SymbolTable::probe(name_to_probe, (int)strlen(name_to_probe)); TempNewSymbol signature = SymbolTable::probe(sig, (int)strlen(sig)); KlassHandle klass(THREAD,java_lang_Class::as_Klass(JNIHandles::resolve_non_null(clazz))); // Make sure class is linked and initialized before handing id's out to // Method*s. klass()->initialize(CHECK_NULL); Method* m; if (name == vmSymbols::object_initializer_name() || // name为name == vmSymbols::class_initializer_name()) { // name为 // Never search superclasses for constructors if (klass->oop_is_instance()) { // 在查找构造函数时,只查找当前类中的构造函数,不查找超类构造函数 m = InstanceKlass::cast(klass())->find_method(name, signature); } else { m = NULL; } } else { m = klass->lookup_method(name, signature); // 在特定类中查找方法 if (m == NULL && klass->oop_is_instance()) { m = InstanceKlass::cast(klass())->lookup_method_in_ordered_interfaces(name, signature); } } return m->jmethod_id(); // 获取方法对应的methodID,methodID指定后不会变,所以可以重复使用methodID }
Method* lookup_method(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) const { return uncached_lookup_method(name, signature); } // uncached_lookup_method searches both the local class methods array and all // superclasses methods arrays, skipping any overpass methods in superclasses. Method* InstanceKlass::uncached_lookup_method(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) const { Klass* klass = const_cast(this); bool dont_ignore_overpasses = true; // For the class being searched, find its overpasses. while (klass != NULL) { Method* method = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->find_method(name, signature); if ((method != NULL) && (dont_ignore_overpasses || !method->is_overpass())) { return method; } klass = InstanceKlass::cast(klass)->super(); dont_ignore_overpasses = false; // Ignore overpass methods in all superclasses. } return NULL; }
// find_method looks up the name/signature in the local methods array Method* InstanceKlass::find_method(Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) const { return InstanceKlass::find_method(methods(), name, signature); } // find_method looks up the name/signature in the local methods array Method* InstanceKlass::find_method(Array* methods, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) { int hit = find_method_index(methods, name, signature); return hit >= 0 ? methods->at(hit): NULL; } // Used directly for default_methods to find the index into the // default_vtable_indices, and indirectly by find_method // find_method_index looks in the local methods array to return the index // of the matching name/signature int InstanceKlass::find_method_index(Array * methods, Symbol* name, Symbol* signature) { int hit = binary_search(methods, name); // 从methods中通过二分算法来查找名称为name的方法 if (hit != -1) { Method* m = methods->at(hit); // Do linear search to find matching signature. First, quick check for common case if (m->signature() == signature) return hit; // search downwards through overloaded methods int i; for (i = hit - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Method* m = methods->at(i); if (m->name() != name) break; if (m->signature() == signature) return i; } // search upwards for (i = hit + 1; i < methods->length(); ++i) { Method* m = methods->at(i); if (m->name() != name) break; if (m->signature() == signature) return i; } // not found } return -1; }
static void jni_invoke_static(JNIEnv *env, JavaValue* result, jobject receiver, JNICallType call_type, jmethodID method_id, JNI_ArgumentPusher *args, TRAPS) { methodHandle method(THREAD, Method::resolve_jmethod_id(method_id)); // Create object to hold arguments for the JavaCall, and associate it with // the jni parser ResourceMark rm(THREAD); int number_of_parameters = method->size_of_parameters(); // 这里进一步将要传给Java的参数转换为JavaCallArguments对象传下去 JavaCallArguments java_args(number_of_parameters); args->set_java_argument_object(&java_args); assert(method->is_static(), "method should be static"); // Fill out JavaCallArguments object args->iterate( Fingerprinter(method).fingerprint() ); // Initialize result type result->set_type(args->get_ret_type()); // Invoke the method. Result is returned as oop. // 供C/C++程序调用Java方法 JavaCalls::call(result, method, &java_args, CHECK); // Convert result if (result->get_type() == T_OBJECT || result->get_type() == T_ARRAY) { result->set_jobject(JNIHandles::make_local(env, (oop) result->get_jobject())); } }
/** * This method does the following: * 1. gets the classname from a Jar's manifest, if necessary * 2. loads the class using the System ClassLoader * 3. ensures the availability and accessibility of the main method, * using signatureDiagnostic method. * a. does the class exist * b. is there a main * c. is the main public * d. is the main static * e. does the main take a String array for args * 4. if no main method and if the class extends FX Application, then call * on FXHelper to determine the main class to launch * 5. and off we go...... * * @param printToStderr if set, all output will be routed to stderr * @param mode LaunchMode as determined by the arguments passed on the * command line * @param what either the jar file to launch or the main class when using * LM_CLASS mode * @return the application's main class */ public static Class> checkAndLoadMain(boolean printToStderr, int mode, String what) { initOutput(printToStderr); // get the class name String cn = null; switch (mode) { case LM_CLASS: cn = what; break; case LM_JAR: cn = getMainClassFromJar(what); break; default: // should never happen throw new InternalError("" + mode + ": Unknown launch mode"); } cn = cn.replace('/', '.'); Class> mainClass = null; try { mainClass = scloader.loadClass(cn); // 加载主类 } catch (NoClassDefFoundError | ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { ... } // set to mainClass appClass = mainClass; return mainClass; }
private static final ClassLoader scloader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
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