

MSM-mobile station modems . 移动基带处理器.带基带的手机处理器

QRD-高通参考设计(Qualcomm Reference Design)

APSS-应用子系统(application subsystem)

ADSP-advanced digital signal processor(DSP)

LPASS-Low Power Audio SubSystem(低功耗音频子系统)

RPM(Resource Power Manager)是高通MSM平台另外加的一块芯片,虽然与AP芯片打包在一起,但其是一个独立的ARM Core。
之所以加这个东西,就是要控制整个电源相关的shared resources,


SDI-System Debug Image系统调试镜像
HLOS APPSBL-(High-Level Operationg System,高级操作系统的SBL,指lk(little kernel))

TZBSP  -  TrustZone BSP

SMEM - shared memory

RPC - remote procedure call

PBL - primary bootloader

AMSS - Advanced Mobile Subscriber Software

QSEE - Qualcomm Secure Execution Environment

UEFI-统一的可扩展固件接口”(Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), 是一种详细描述类型接口的标准。

L2 TCM:Tightly-Coupled Memory,紧耦合内存
Some ARM SoC:s have a so-called TCM (Tightly-Coupled Memory). 
This is usually just a few (4-64) KiB of RAM inside the ARM processor. 
Due to being embedded inside the CPU The TCM has a Harvard-architecture, 
so there is an ITCM (instruction TCM) and a DTCM (data TCM). 
The DTCM can not contain any instructions, but the ITCM can actually contain data.

CDT: Configuration Data Table,包含CDB0: platform info信息和CDB1: DDR配置参数。
PIL:Peripheral image loader
MBA:Modem Boot Authenticator,调制解调器引导认证
HLOS:High-level operation system,高级操作系统
Pronto image:

SMEM : shared memory
RPC : remote procedure call
QCSBL  : qualcomm second bootloader
OEMSBL  : oem second bootloader
SDI : System Debug Image
QSEE :  Qualcomm Secure Execution Environment
TZBSP  :  TrustZone BSP
SBL1:Scondary Boot Loader Stage1
MSS:Mobile Subscriber Software移动用户软件

WCD: wafer codec/decodec

WCN: wireless connectivity network

WTR: Wafer Transceiver

RTR: Radio Transceiver

QCA: Qualcomm Atheros

QFE: Qualcomm Front-end

RFFE: Radio Frequency Front-end

HDET: High Power Detector

ASM: Anntena Switch Module

MTP: Modem Test Platform

CDP: Core Development Platform

FFA: Form Factor Accurate

SURF: Subscriber Unit Reference Platform

XPU: Embedded Memory Protected Unit

UniPro: Universal Protocol

FLCB: Fast Low Current Boot

MSM: Mobile Station Modem

APQ: Application Processor Qualcomm

SRLTE: Simultaneous  Radio and LTE

QSD: Qualcomm Snapdragon

MDM: Mobile Data Modem

MPQ: Media Processor Qualcomm

QSC: Qualcomm Single Chip

PnP: Plug and Play

PBM: Phonebook Manager

FSG: A golden file system

modemst: modem efs partition

EDL: Emergency Download

mbn: Modem Configuration binary

CV: customer visit

FFBM: fast factory boot mode

IPO: instant power on
IDL:Interface Description Language 
QMI:Qualcomm Messaging Interface 
QCSI:Qualcomm Common Service Interface 
QCCI:Qualcomm Common Client Interface

IPC:interprocessor communication
QSAP:QMI service access proxy
REX:Qualcomm real-time executive operating system
VSS:Virtual Switching System

DMS(设备管理Device Management Service) 提供载入 设备信息的功能
NAS(网络访问Network Access Service)提供你注册网络的动作
UIM(管理User Identity Module)
CTL(控制服务:用户发起其他服务请求前,必须先申请 ClientID, 这个ID就是由控制服务分配的, 这个服务永远在线)

WMS:Wireless Message Service
CTL:Control Service
WDS:Wireless Data Service
NAS:Network Access Service
QOS:Quality of Service
VOICE:Voice Service
CAT:Card Application Toolkit
UIM:User Identity Module
PBM:Phonebook Manager Service
LOC:Location Service
SAR:Specific Absorption Rate
AUTH:Authentication Service
IMSS:IP Multimedia Subsystem Settings Service
CSVT:Circuit-switched Videotelephony
IMSA:IP Multimedia Subsystem Application service
PDC:MPSS.BO.1.0, for the Persistent Device Configuration Service
COEX:Coexistence Manager service
DSD:Data System Determination,QMI DSD 1.7 for MPSS.BO.1.0.x.
NAS_EXT:Network Access Service Extension
DFS:Data Filter Service
SSCTL:Subsystem Control
