The Python installed is 64 bit 3.2.3 version. The Oracle XE database is 10g, 32 bit on 64 bit Windows server 2008.
When trying to install Python 64 bit cx_Oracle module , it reports "import not a valid win32 app or ImportError".
I tried to install cx_Oracle 32 bit module, but the after installation, when importing the cx_Oracle, it reports "No module named cx_Oracle Found". Actually, I found the installation does not finish successfully coz i can't find cx_Oracle module under the 'site-package' dir of the python.
Then I uninstalled the 64 bit Python and install 32 bit 3.2.3 Python, and then install 32 bit cx_Oracle Python module. Everything work good now.
So in one word, please keep the Orace DB, Python, cx_Oracle module the same architecture (all 32 bit or all 64 bit).