




Hessian 2.0序列化协议规范






翻译: Edison peng






























1.概述... 4

2.设计目标... 4

3. Hessian语法... 4

4. 序列化... 6

4.1. 二进制数据... 7

4.1.1. 压缩格式:短二进制... 7

4.1.2. Binary实例... 7

4.2. boolean. 7

4.3.      date. 8

4.3.1. Date实例... 8

4.4. double. 8

4.4.1. 压缩格式:double表示的0. 8

4.4.2. 压缩格式:double 表示的1. 8

4.4.3. 压缩格式:单字节double. 9

4.4.4. 压缩格式:shortdouble. 9

4.4.5. floatdouble. 9

4.4.6. Double实例... 9

4.5. int. 9

4.5.1. 单字节整型... 10

4.5.2. 双字节整型... 10

4.5.3. 三字节整型... 10

4.5.4. 整型实例... 10

4.6. list. 11

4.6.1. 压缩格式: repeated list. 11

4.6.2. List实例... 11

4.7. long. 12

4.7.1. 压缩格式: 单字节long. 12

4.7.2. 压缩格式: 双字节long. 12

4.7.3. 压缩格式: 3字节long. 12

4.7.4. 压缩格式: 四字节long. 13

4.7.5. long实例... 13

4.8.      map. 13

4.8.1. Map实例... 13

4.9. null 14

4.10. 对象(object). 15

4.10.1. 压缩格式: class定义... 15

4.10.2. 压缩格式: 对象实例... 15

4.10.3. 对象实例... 15

4.11. 引用(ref). 16

4.11.1. 压缩格式: 双字节引用... 17

4.11.2. 压缩格式: 三字节引用... 17

4.11.3. 引用实例... 17

4.12. string. 18

4.12.1. 压缩格式: 短字符串... 18

4.12.2 字符串实例... 18

4.13. 类型(type). 18

4.14. 压缩格式: 类型引用... 18

5. 引用表(Reference Map). 19

5.1. 值引用... 19

5.2. class引用... 19

5.3. type引用... 19

6. 字节码映射表(Bytecode map). 19


















l  可序列化类型必须是可以自描述的, i.e. 不需要额外的模式(schema)或接口定义.

l  必须是语言独立的, 包括对脚本语言的支持.

l  It must be readable or writable in a single pass.

l  必须设计紧凑.

l  必须足够简单,以便测试和实现.

l  高效率.

l  必须支持Unicode字符集.

l  支持8-bit二进制数据,without escaping or using attachments.

l  必须支持加密, 压缩, 签名 and transaction context envelopes.


3. Hessian语法


                  #starting production

top            ::=value



binary       ::= 'b' b1 b0 binary    #不是最后一个chunk

                  ::= 'B' b1 b0                 #最后一个chunk

                  ::= [x20-x2f]                 #长度范围为 0-15


                  #boolean true/false

boolean    ::= 'T'

                  ::= 'F'


                   #对象的定义(compact map)

class-def  ::= 'O'        type int string*


                   #time in UTC encoded as 64-bit long milliseconds since epoch

date          ::= 'd' b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


                   #64-bit IEEE double

double      ::= 'D' b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

                   ::= x67                        #0.0

                   ::= x68                        #1.0

                   ::= x69 b0                             #byte表示的double(-128.0 to 127.0)

                   ::= x6a b1 b0             #short表示的double

                   ::= x6b b3 b2 b1 b0  #32-bit float表示的double


                   #32-bit 有符号整型

int              ::= 'I' b3 b2 b1 b0

                   ::= [x80-xbf]               #-x10 to x3f

                   ::= [xc0-xcf] b0          #-x800 to x7ff

                   ::= [xd0-xd7] b1 b0   #-x40000 to x3ffff


                   # list/vector length

length       ::= 'l' b3 b2 b1 b0

                   ::= x6e int


                   # list/vector

list             ::= 'V' type? length? value* 'z'

                   ::= 'v' int int value*                    #第一个int表示类型引用, 第二个int表示长度



long           ::= 'L' b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 0

                   ::= [xd8-xef]               #-x08 to x0f

                   ::= [xf0-xff] b0           #-x800 to x7ff

                   ::= [x38-x3f] b1 b0    #-x40000 to x3ffff

                   ::= x77 b3 b2 b1 b0  #32-bit 整型表示的long



map          ::= 'M' type? (value value)* 'z'          #key, value map pairs


                   # null value

null            ::= 'N'



object       ::= 'o' int value*



ref             ::= 'R' b3 b2 b1 b0    # 对流中第nmap/list/object的引用


                   ::= x4a b0                            # map/list/object的引用,范围为1-255th

                   ::= x4b b1 b0             # map/list/object 的引用,范围为1-65535th


                   #UTF-8 编码的字符串,分割成64k大小的chunks

string        ::= 's' b1 b0 string       #非末尾chunk

                   ::= 'S' b1 b0                      #长度范围为(0-65535)的字符串

                   ::=[x00-x1f]                      #长度范围为(0-31) 的字符串


                   #map/list 的类型(针对面向对象语言)

type          ::= 't' b1 b0          #类型名称

                   ::= x75 int                                     #类型引用值(用整数表示)


                   #main production

value         ::=null

                   ::= binary

                   ::= boolean

                   ::= date

                   ::= double

                   ::= int

                   ::= list

                   ::= long

                   ::= map

                   ::= class-def value

                   ::= ref

                   ::= string


4. 序列化


1.         原始二进制数据

2.         boolean

3.         64-bit date

4.         64-bit double

5.         32-bit int

6.         64-bit long

7.         null

8.         UTF8编码的string



1.         list for lists and arrays

2.         map for maps and dictionaries

3.         object for objects



1.         ref 用来表示对共享对象的引用.


Hessian 2.03个内部的引用表:

1.      一个object/list 引用表.

2.         一个类型定义(class definition)引用表.

3.         一个type(class name)引用表.


4.1. 二进制数据


binary       ::= b b1 b0 binary

                  ::= B b1 b0

                  ::= [x20-x2f]


二进制数据被分割成chunk. 十六进制数x42('B')标识最后一个chunk,x62('b')标识普通的chunk.


len = 256*b1 + b0


4.1.1. 压缩格式:短二进制


len = code - 0x20


4.1.2. Binary实例

x20                               #零长度的二进制数据

x23 x01 x02 x03      #长度为3的数据

B x10 x00 ....             #4k大小的final chunk

b x04 x00 ....             #1k大小的non-final chunk


4.2. boolean


boolean ::= T

                  ::= F




4.2.1. Boolean实例

T # true

F # false


4.3.    date

date ::=d b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0


Date采用64-bit来表示距1970 00:00H, UTC以来经过的milliseconds.


4.3.1. Date实例

D x00 x00 xd0 x4b x92 x84 xb8         #2:51:31 May 8, 1998 UTC


4.4. double

double      ::= D b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

                   ::= x67

                   ::= x68

                   ::= x69 b0

                   ::= x6a b1 b0

                   ::= x6b b3 b2 b1 b0

符合IEEE标准的 64-bit浮点数.


4.4.1. 压缩格式:double表示的0



4.4.2. 压缩格式:double 表示的1



4.4.3. 压缩格式:单字节double


value = (double)b0


4.4.4. 压缩格式:shortdouble


         value=(double)(256*b1 + b0)


4.4.5. floatdouble

32-bit float型等价的double能够用4个十六进制的 float来表示.


4.4.6. Double实例

x67                               # 0.0

x68                               # 1.0


x69 x00                       # 0.0

x69 x80                       # -128.0

x69 xff                         # 127.0


x70 x00 x00               # 0.0

x70 x80 x00               # -32768.0

x70 xff xff                   # 32767.0


D x40 x28 x80 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00          # 12.25


4.5. int

int   ::=    ’I’ b3 b2 b1 b0

         ::=    [x80-xbf]

         ::=    [xc0-xcf]   b0

::=    [xd0-xd7] b1 b0


32-bit的有符号整型. 一个整型由跟随在x49(‘I’)之后的4个大端序(big-endian)排位的十六进制数来表示。

value = (b3<<24) + (b2<<16) + (b1<<8)  + b0;


4.5.1. 单字节整型


value = code – 0x90          # 这里是0x90, 如果code=x80,则value = x80 – x90 = -16.:-)


4.5.2. 双字节整型


value = ((code – 0xc8)<<8) + b0;


4.5.3. 三字节整型

介于- 262144262143之间的整型可以用三个字节来表示,头字节的范围从xd0xd7.


4.5.4. 整型实例

x90                     # 0

x80                     # -16

xbf                      # 47


xc8 x00              # 0

xc0 x00              # -2048

xc7 x00              # -256

xcf xff                 # 2047


xd4 x00 x00      # 0

xd0 x00 x00      # -262144

xd7 xff xff          # 262143


I x00 x00 x00 x00     # 0

I x00 x00 x01 x2c      # 300


4.6. list

list    ::= V type? length? value* z

         ::=V int int value*




Any parser expecting a list must also accept a null or a shared ref.

Type的有效取值在文档中并没有详细指定,这依赖于特定的应用. 比如, 在一个由静态类型语言实现的server所暴露的Hessian接口可以使用类型信息来实例化特定的数组类型,反之,在一个由动态类型语言(e.g.: python)实现的server中,将会忽略类型信息。


4.6.1. 压缩格式: repeated list

Hessian2.0 制定了一个格式紧凑的list,其中list元素类型type和元素个数length都用整型来编码,其中类型type是对先前定义的原始数据类型的引用。


4.6.2. List实例

强类型int数组的序列化: int[] = {0, 1}


         t x00 x04 [int    # int[] 类型的编码

         x6e x02              # length = 2

         x90                     # 整数 0

         x91                     # 整数 1


匿名变长list = {0, “foobar”}


         t x00 x04 [int             # int[] 类型编码

         x6e x02                       # length = 2

         x90                               # 整数0

         x91                               # 整数1



Repeated list类型


         t x00 x04 [int             # int[]类型编码

         x63 x02                       # length=2

         x90                               # 整数 0

         x91                               # 整数 1




         x91                               # int[]的类型引用   (integer #1)

         x92                               # length = 2

         x92                               # 整数2

         x93                               # 整数3


4.7. long

long ::=    L b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

         ::=    [xd8-xef]

         ::=    [xf0-xff] b0

         ::=    [x38-x3f] b1 b0

         ::=    x77 b3 b2 b1 b0


一个64-bit的有符号整数. 起头由十六进制x4c(‘L’)标识, 后面为8字节的大端(big-endian)序的整数。


4.7.1. 压缩格式: 单字节long


value = (code – 0xe0)


4.7.2. 压缩格式: 双字节long

介于-20482047之间的long由两个字节标识, 起头字节的取值范围为xf0xff.

value = ((code – 0xf8)<<8) + b0


4.7.3. 压缩格式: 3字节long


value = ((code – 0x3c)<<16) + (b1<<8) + b0


4.7.4. 压缩格式: 四字节long


value = (b3<<24) + (b2<<16) + (b1<<8) + b0


4.7.5. long实例

xe0                               # 0

xd8                              # -8

xef                                # 15


xf8 x00                                 # 0

xf0 x00                                 # -2048

xf7 x00                                 # -256

xff xff                                    # 2047


x3c x00 x00                       # 0

x38 x00 x00                        # -262144

x3f xff xff                             # 262143


x77 x00 x00 x00 x00         # 0

x77 x00 x00 x01 x2c          # 300


L x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 x00 x01 x2c  # 300


4.8.    map

map ::= M type? (value value)* z


用来表示序列化map和对象. Type字段用来表示map类型,type可能为空(例如在length0的情况下)。如果类型未指定,则由解析器来负责选择类型。对于对象而言,不识别的key将会被忽略.

所有map元素也被存入一个引用列表. 在解析map时,可以同时支持空类型和引用类型。



4.8.1. Map实例

Map map = new HashMap();

map.put(new Integer(1), “fee”);

map.put(new Integer(16), “fie”);

map.put(new Integer(256), “foe”);



         x91                     # 1

         x03 fee              # “fee”


         xa0                     # 16

         x03 fie                # “fie”


         xb9 x00              # 256

         x03 foe              # “foe”





Public class Car implements Serializable{

         String color = “aquamarine”

         String model = “Beetle”;

         Int mileage = 65536;




         t x00 x13 com.caucho.test.Car        #type

         x05 color                                                # color field

         x0a aquamarine


         x05 model                                              # model field

         x06 Beetle


         x07 mileage                                           #mileage field

         I x00 x01 x00 x00



4.9. null

null   ::= N




4.10. 对象(object)

object       ::= ‘o’ int value*

class-def  ::=’O’ type int string*


4.10.1. 压缩格式: class定义

Hessian 2.0制定了一个紧凑的对象格式,其中字段名只需要序列化一次。对于对象而言,仅需要按次序地序列化这些字段的取值.


类定义包括类型字符串,字段个数,所有的字段名. 类定义被存放在一个对象定义表中,每个类定义由一个唯一整数作为key标识,之后被对象实例通过key来引用。


4.10.2. 压缩格式: 对象实例

对象实例基于先前定义来创建一个新的对象实例. 类定义通过一个整型key在类定义表中进行查询。


4.10.3. 对象实例


Class Car{

         String color;

         String model;


out.wirteObject(new Car(“red”, “corvette”));

out.writeObject(new Car(“green”, “civic”));


O                                                     # 类型定义     (假定在类型表中对应key 0)

         t x00 x0b example.Car     # 类型为example.Car

         x92                                        # 两个字段

         x05 color                              # color字段名

         x05 model                           # model字段名



         x90                                        # 对象定义 (类型引用key=0)

         x03 red                                 # color字段取值

         x08 corvette                       # model字段取值



         x90                                        # 对象定义 (类型引用key=0)

         x05 green                                     # color字段取值

         x05 civic                               # model字段取值



enum Color{










O                                                              # 类型定义 (假定在类型表中对应key 0)

         t x00 x0b example.Color           # 类型为example.Color

         x91                                                 # 一个字段

         x04 name                                               # 枚举字段为”name”


o                                                               # 对象 #0

         x90                                                 # 对象定义 (类型引用key=0)

         x03 RED                                        # RED


o                                                               # 对象 #1

         x90                                                 # 对象定义 (类型引用key=0)

         x05 GREEN                                   # GREEN


o                                                               # 对象 #2

         x90                                                 # 对象定义 (类型引用key=0)

         x05 BLUE                             # BLUE


x4a x01                                          #对象引用 #1


4.11. 引用(ref)

ref    ::= R b3 b2 b1 b0

         ::= x4a b0

         ::= x4b b1 b0


以一个整数作为key,引用之前所定义的list, map或者对象实例. 对于从输入流中读取出来的每个list, map或对象, 都在流中按位置次序作为标识, i.e. 第一个list或者map'0', 下一个为'1'等等. 之后的引用能够使用先前的对象. Writers MAY生成引用. Parsers MUST 识别引用.


ref can refer to incompletely-read items. For example, a circular linked-list will refer to the first link before the entire list has been read.


A possible implementation would add each map, list, and object to an array as it is read. The ref will return the corresponding value from the array. To support circular structures, the implementation would store the map, list or object immediately, before filling in the contents.


Each map or list is stored into an array as it is parsed. ref selects one of the stored objects. The first object is numbered '0'.


4.11.1. 压缩格式: 双字节引用


Value = b0


4.11.2. 压缩格式: 三字节引用


Value = (b1<<8) + b0


4.11.3. 引用实例


list = new LinkedList();

list.data = 1;

list.tail = list;



         X9a LinkedList          # 类型定义 (假定在类型表中对应key 0)


         X04 head

         X04 tail


o      x90                               # 类引用 #0

         x91                               # data = 1

         x4b x00                       # 下一个条目引用到自身, ref #0


4.12. string
string        ::= s b1 b0 string

                   ::= s b1 b0

                   ::= [x00-x1f]


16-bit字符,UTF-8编码的字符串。字符串分块(chunk)编码. x53(‘S’)起头来标识最后一个chunk, x73(‘s’)起头标识非最终chunk. 每个chunk有一个16-bit的长度值字段。


String chunks may not split surrogate pairs.


4.12.1. 压缩格式: 短字符串


value = code


4.12.2 字符串实例

x00                               # “”, 空字符串

x05 hello                     # “hello”

x01 xc3 x83                # “\u00c3”


S      x00 x05 hello    # 长字符串格式的“hello”

s      x00 x07 hello,  # “hello, world”被分割成两个chunk

         X05 world


4.13. 类型(type)

type ::= ‘t’ b1 b0

         ::= x4a b0



每个type都被加入到类型表(type map)中,以供将来被引用。


4.14. 压缩格式: 类型引用

Repeated type strings MAY use the type map (type reference) to refer to a previously used type. The type reference is zero-based over all the types encountered during parsing.


5. 引用表(Reference Map)

Hessian 2.0包含3个内建的引用表:

1.         一个map/object/list引用表.

2.         一个类型定义表(class definition map).

3.         一个type(class name)

值引用表使得hessian支持arbitrary graphs,还有递归和循环数据结构。


5.1. 值引用

Hessian supports arbitrary graphs by adding list (list), object (object), and map (map) as it encounters them in the bytecode stream

解析器必须在引用表中存储每个list, 对象和map



5.2. class引用



5.3. type引用

maplist的值类型字符串被存储在type map中。解析器必须在初次碰到一个type字符串时把它加入到type map中。


6. 字节码映射表(Bytecode map)




x00 - x1f       # utf-8字符串,长度范围 0-32

x20 - x2f       # 二进制数据,长度范围 0-16

x30 - x37      # 保留

x38 - x3f       # 长整型long 范围从-x40000 x3ffff

x40 - x41      # 保留

x42                   # 8-bit 二进制数据,表示末尾chunk('B')

x43                   # 保留('C' streaming call)

x44         # 64-bit IEEE 规范编码的双精度浮点double ('D')

x45         # 保留('E' envelope)

x46         # boolean false ('F')

x47         # 保留

x48         # 保留 ('H' header)

x49         # 32-bit有符号整型signed integer ('I')

x4a         # 引用(ref),范围为1-256th

x4b         # 引用(ref),范围为1-65536th

x4c         # 64-bit有符号长整型long integer ('L')

x4d                   # 具有可选类型的map ('M')

x4e                   # null ('N')

x4f         # 类型定义('O')

x50                   # 保留('P' streaming message/post)

x51                   # 保留

x52                   # 引用(ref),取值范围对应于整型int ('R')

x53                   # utf-8字符串,末尾chunk ('S')

x54                   # boolean true ('T')

x55                   # 保留

x56                   # list/vector ('V')

x57 - x62      # 保留

x62                   # 8-bit二进制数据,非末尾chunk ('b')

x63                   # 保留 ('c' call for RPC)

x64                   # UTC time encoded as 64-bit long milliseconds since epoch ('d')

x65                   # 保留

x66                   # 保留('f' for fault for RPC)

x67                   # double 0.0

x68                   # double 1.0

x69                   # double represented as byte (-128.0 to 127.0)

x6a                   # double represented as short (-32768.0 to 327676.0)

x6b                   # double represented as float

x6c         # list/vector length ('l')

x6d                   # 保留 ('m' method for RPC call)

x6e                   # list/vector compact length

x6f         # 对象实例('o')

x70                   # 保留 ('p' - message/post)

x71                   # 保留

x72                   # 保留('r' reply for message/RPC)

x73                   # utf-8字符串,非末尾chunk ('s')

x74                   # map/list type ('t')

x75                   # type-ref

x76                   # 压缩格式的vector ('v')

x77                   # 32-bit整型编码的long

x78 - x79      # 保留

x7a                   # list/map 终止符('z')

x7b - x7f       # 保留

x80 - xbf       # 单字节压缩格式的整型int(-x10 to x3f, x90 is 0)

xc0 - xcf        # 双字节压缩格式的整型int(-x800 to x3ff)

xd0 - xd7      # 三字节压缩格式的整型int(-x40000 to x3ffff)

xd8 - xef       # 单字节压缩格式的长整型long(-x8 to x10, xe0 is 0)

xf0 - xff         # 双字节压缩格式的长整型long (-x800 to x3ff, xf8 is 0)


