通话记录有几种动作,插入(insert),删除(delete) ,查询(query),因为通话记录不需要更改,所以就不用update(更新了);
Step 1:电话挂断后,即在CallNotifier.java类(管理电话通话状态的类)的onDisconnect()方法中:
if (okToLogThisCall) {
CallLogAsync.AddCallArgs args;
int simIdEx = CALL_TYPE_NONE;
if (!GeminiUtils.isGeminiSupport() || isSipCall) { //Single Card
if (isSipCall) {
} else {
if (PhoneGlobals.getInstance().phoneMgr.hasIccCard()) {
SimInfoRecord info = SIMInfoWrapper.getDefault().getSimInfoBySlot(0);
if (info != null) {
simIdEx = (int)info.mSimInfoId;
} else {
//Give an default simId, in most case, this is invalid
simIdEx = 1;
if (FeatureOption.MTK_VT3G324M_SUPPORT) {
args = new CallLogAsync.AddCallArgs(
mApplication, ci, logNumber, presentation,
callLogType, date, duration, simIdEx, vtCall);
} else {
args = new CallLogAsync.AddCallArgs(
mApplication, ci, logNumber, presentation,
callLogType, date, duration, simIdEx);
} else { //dual SIM
args = new CallLogAsync.AddCallArgs(
mApplication, ci, logNumber, presentation,
callLogType, date, duration, simIdEx, vtCall);
try {
} catch (SQLiteDiskIOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Error!! - onDisconnect() Disk Full!");
Step 2:在addCall()方法中执行的代码如下:
public AsyncTask addCall(AddCallArgs args) {
return new AddCallTask().execute(args);
private class AddCallTask extends AsyncTask {
protected Uri[] doInBackground(AddCallArgs... callList) {
int count = callList.length;
Uri[] result = new Uri[count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
AddCallArgs c = callList[i];
try {
// May block.
result[i] = Calls.addCall(
c.ci, c.context, c.number, c.presentation,
c.callType, c.timestamp, c.durationInSec, c.simId, c.vtCall);
} catch (Exception e) {
// This must be very rare but may happen in legitimate cases.
// e.g. If the phone is encrypted and thus write request fails, it may
// cause some kind of Exception (right now it is IllegalArgumentException, but
// might change).
// We don't want to crash the whole process just because of that.
// Let's just ignore it and leave logs instead.
Log.e(TAG, "Exception raised during adding CallLog entry: " + e);
result[i] = null;
Log.d(TAG, "Calls.addCall, number=" + c.number + " vtCall=" + c.vtCall
+ " presentation:" + c.presentation + " callType:" + c.callType
+ " timestamp:" + c.timestamp + " durationInSec:" + c.durationInSec
+ " simId: " + c.simId + " vtCall:" + c.vtCall);
return result;
// Perform a simple sanity check to make sure the call was
// written in the database. Typically there is only one result
// per call so it is easy to identify which one failed.
protected void onPostExecute(Uri[] result) {
for (Uri uri : result) {
if (uri == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to write call to the log.");
public static Uri addCall(CallerInfo ci, Context context, String number,
int presentation, int callType, long start, int duration, int simId, int vtCall) {
final ContentResolver resolver = context.getContentResolver();
// If this is a private number then set the number to Private, otherwise check
// if the number field is empty and set the number to Unavailable
if (presentation == PhoneConstants.PRESENTATION_RESTRICTED) {
number = CallerInfo.PRIVATE_NUMBER;
if (ci != null) ci.name = "";
} else if (presentation == PhoneConstants.PRESENTATION_PAYPHONE) {
number = CallerInfo.PAYPHONE_NUMBER;
if (ci != null) ci.name = "";
} else if (TextUtils.isEmpty(number)
|| presentation == PhoneConstants.PRESENTATION_UNKNOWN) {
number = CallerInfo.UNKNOWN_NUMBER;
if (ci != null) ci.name = "";
ContentValues values = new ContentValues(5);
values.put(NUMBER, number);
values.put(TYPE, Integer.valueOf(callType));
values.put(DATE, Long.valueOf(start));
values.put(DURATION, Long.valueOf(duration));
values.put(NEW, Integer.valueOf(1));
if (callType == MISSED_TYPE) {
values.put(IS_READ, Integer.valueOf(0));
if (ci != null) {
values.put(CACHED_NAME, ci.name);
values.put(CACHED_NUMBER_TYPE, ci.numberType);
values.put(CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL, ci.numberLabel);
/// M: @{
values.put(SIM_ID, simId);
if (vtCall >= 0) {
values.put(VTCALL, vtCall);
/// @}
if ((ci != null) && (ci.person_id > 0)) {
// Update usage information for the number associated with the contact ID.
// We need to use both the number and the ID for obtaining a data ID since other
// contacts may have the same number.
final Cursor cursor;
// We should prefer normalized one (probably coming from
// Phone.NORMALIZED_NUMBER column) first. If it isn't available try others.
if (ci.normalizedNumber != null) {
final String normalizedPhoneNumber = ci.normalizedNumber;
cursor = resolver.query(Phone.CONTENT_URI,
new String[] { Phone._ID },
Phone.CONTACT_ID + " =? AND " + Phone.NORMALIZED_NUMBER + " =?",
new String[] { String.valueOf(ci.person_id), normalizedPhoneNumber},
} else {
final String phoneNumber = ci.phoneNumber != null ? ci.phoneNumber : number;
cursor = resolver.query(
new String[] { Phone._ID },
Phone.CONTACT_ID + " =?",
new String[] { String.valueOf(ci.person_id) },
if (cursor != null) {
try {
if (cursor.getCount() > 0 && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
final Uri feedbackUri = DataUsageFeedback.FEEDBACK_URI.buildUpon()
resolver.update(feedbackUri, new ContentValues(), null, null);
} finally {
/// M: new feature:IP dial enhancement start @{
String ipPrefix = null;
if (FeatureOption.MTK_GEMINI_SUPPORT) {
ipPrefix = Settings.System.getString(resolver, "ipprefix" + simId);
} else {
ipPrefix = Settings.System.getString(resolver, "ipprefix");
if (null != ipPrefix && null != number && number.startsWith(ipPrefix)
&& !number.equals(ipPrefix) && callType == Calls.OUTGOING_TYPE) {
values.put(IP_PREFIX, ipPrefix);
String tmpNumber = number.substring(ipPrefix.length(), number.length());
values.put(NUMBER, tmpNumber);
/// @}
Uri result = resolver.insert(CONTENT_URI, values);
return result;
这个insert就说到这里,未完待续。。。 。。。