例如本地存储,例如webView 里面js 与native 的互动,例如地图,纠结。。。
难道上线后,也是直接连服务器来拿js ?不会吧???
那app 不能联机的时候呢?
我擦咧,那怎么更新厘米的包?没看到,那不是跟原生一样,要通过这个app store进行更新?
1. 登录
2. 根据剪贴板的内容查找数据
3. 显示查找后的数据,并对这个数据进行一些处理
1. 使用Git作为版本管理
2. 使用Atom作为开发工具,XCode辅助,没有用Android Studio
3. 使用CodePush69作为js package的升级工具
4. 使用Redux作为React的数据框架
5. 使用Stackoverflow和React的issue list作为主要的知识查找
6. 开发了一些自己使用的Android的插件,因为Android不支持Onresume事件,所以自己写了插件,后面会open出来
7. 主要使用ios做开发,然后Android适配
8. 使用了自定义字体作为图标,进入了ttf文件
9. 使用eslint做js的静态检查
1. ios还是比较稳定并且功能也比较全
2. Android的坑是有不少,比如:不支持Shadow,还有对absolute的布局支持的也不够好
3. Android的事件支持的不好,很多事件还没有支持
4. Android的性能好像也不是很好,但是,也能凑合用
5. Android的原生控件封装的不好
6. 如果希望代码复用高,最好让iOS和Android尽量保持样式的一致
7. 这篇文章对我在Mac上调试Android有很大帮助69
1. Redux
2. Redux-react
3. ImmutableJS
4. moment
5. React-native 0.14.1
6. react-native-android-statusbar
7. react-native-clipboard ,因为owner很久不维护,我做了一些修改,后面会open出来
8. react-native-code-push
9. react-native-device
10. react-native-icons
11. react-native-keyboard-spacer
12. react-native-navbar"
13. react-native-simpledialog-android
14. redux-thunk
我擦咧,我只看到一句,就跟一见钟情似的:3. 使用CodePush69作为js package的升级工具
CodePush v1.40 安装使用
1, 开,在项目根目录输入:
npm install react-native-code-push -/-save //去掉-/-中的/
参数 —-save 在安装的同时,把信息写入package.json 文件的项目路径
如果npm 执行不了,因为网络原因,请使用cnpm 来代替
a. package.json 文档加入了
"dependencies": {
"react-native": "^0.16.0",
"react-native-code-push": "^1.4.2-beta"
b. node_modules 下有 react-native-code-push 文件夹,里面有 CodePush.xcodeproj 这个文件,因为后面要加入到当前的项目中去
3,用Xcode 打开项目,点开Libraries 目录,
打开项目根目录下的 /node_modules/react-native-code-push , 把文件 CodePush.xcodeproj 拉入 上面的Libraries 目录下作为依赖项目
打开 Xcode的项目-》target -》Build Phase -》 Link Binary With Libraries
把刚才拖进去的子项目CodePush.xcodeproj 点开,找到Products 目录,把红色的libCodePush.a拉进去
4,点击 Link Binary With Libraries 下面的加号, 查找 libz , 选中iOS 9.1 下面的 libz.tbd
5,选择上面的标题为 Build Setings 查找Header Search Path, 双击值,弹出列表界面,
点击加号, 输入 $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-code-push
选择后面的 recursive 选项
6,打开 AppDelegate.m ,
添加 #import “CodePush.h”
// jsCodeLocation = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"main" withExtension:@"jsbundle"];
jsCodeLocation = [CodePush bundleURL];
7,接下来是安装 code-push 服务器端
看了半天,tmd要我安装 gulp,下载git源代码,再编译,,,吓傻了我,,,这不是我想要的生活
再用cnam search code-push 出来一个网页,第二行是 code-push-cli ,
好吧,安装 react-native-cli 有经验,嗯嗯,这个也类似吧。
确定下面是有code-push 服务器配置appName的事情,
MacdeiMac:~ mac$ cnpm install -g code-push-cli
WARN engine [email protected]: wanted: {"node":"0.x"} (current: {"node":"5.1.0","npm":"2.14.12"})
/Users/mac/.nvm/versions/node/v5.1.0/bin/code-push -> /Users/mac/.nvm/versions/node/v5.1.0/lib/node_modules/code-push-cli/script/cli.js
[email protected] /Users/mac/.nvm/versions/node/v5.1.0/lib/node_modules/code-push-cli
├── [email protected] ([email protected])
├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
├── [email protected] ([email protected])
├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
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├── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected])
└── [email protected] ([email protected], [email protected])
MacdeiMac:~ mac$ code-push -v
终端输入 code-push register
弹出网页 https://codepush.azurewebsites.net/auth/register?hostname=MacdeiMac.local
MacdeiMac:~ mac$
原来是[email protected] ,好吧,刚好也是为这个建立的,就用这个吧,反正后面可以log out
MacdeiMac:~ mac$ code-push register
A browser is being launched to authenticate your account. Follow the instructions it displays to complete your registration.
Enter your access token: 这个要保密哦
Successfully logged-in. Your session token was written to /Users/mac/.code-push.config. You can run the code-push logout command at any time to delete this file and terminate your session.
9,使用code-push 服务器
登陆 code-push login
注销 code-push logout
列出 登陆的token
code-push access-key ls
code-push access-key rm
MacdeiMac:~ mac$ code-push access-key ls
│ Key │ Time Created │ Created From │ Description │
│ xmYxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxVBl │ 6 minutes ago │ MacdeiMac.local │ Login │
MacdeiMac:~ mac$ code-push app ls
│ Name │ Deployments │
MacdeiMac:~ mac$ code-push app add SwitchCheck
Successfully added the "SwitchCheck" app, along with the following default deployments:
强行ctrl c 出来,再看看列表
MacdeiMac:~ mac$ code-push app ls
[Error] connect ETIMEDOUT
好的,出问题了,估计网络问题,用 继续
MacdeiMac:~ mac$ code-push app ls
│ Name │ Deployments │
│ SwitchCheck │ Production, Staging │
弄好了么?不知道,没底,看英文内容All new apps automatically come with two deployments (Staging and Production) so that you can begin distributing updates to multiple channels without needing to do anything extra (see deployment instructions below).
有命令: 更名 code-push app rename 旧名字 新名字
删除 code-push app rm 旧名字
上面的部署类型 Production Staging,还可以自己加例如dev alpha beta等,
用语法 code-push deployment add app名字 部署名字
还可以重命名部署名字: code-push deployment rename app名字 旧部署名字 新部署名字
删除部署名字 code-push deployment rm app名字 部署名字
列表部署名字 code-push deployment ls app名字
MacdeiMac:~ mac$ code-push deployment ls SwitchCheck
│ Name │ Deployment Key │ Package Metadata │
│ Production │ edxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBl │ │
│ Staging │ INxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxVBl │ │
到了这里,应该回应在Xcode里info.plist里添加的CodePushDeploymentKey 的值,拷贝 Staging 的 key值 INcoNHeF7fVcSs4ZJNupzGJzYh49EyLxu0VBl到那里去,
再确保 Bundle Version String, short 这一行的值是 1.0.0 而不是 1.0
Android 的我没有尝试,内容如下:
Android Setup
In order to integrate CodePush into your Android project, perform the following steps:
Plugin Installation (Android)
Plugin Configuration (Android)
After installing the plugin and syncing your Android Studio project with Gradle, you need to configure your app to consult CodePush for the location of your JS bundle, since it will "take control" of managing the current and all future versions. To do this, perform the following steps:
12,xcode里使用 插件
12.1 ,实现更新策略,
a,多久多频繁去check 更新,例如app 启动时,还是在setting 页面点击更新,或定时去更新
在javascript 文件里加入
var CodePush = require(“react-native-code-push”);
componentDidMount函数里加入 CodePush.sync(updateDialog: { title: "An update is available!" } });
尽量不要表现得太invasive 强制性的更新
如果你想询问用户是否更新,或更好的体验,请使用sync 函数的提取信息,去更改默认的更新行为
12.2,只更新 js 文件,不更新图片等资源
MacdeiMac:6-SwitchCheck mac$ mkdir bundles
MacdeiMac:6-SwitchCheck mac$ react-native bundle --parameter ios --entry-file index.ios.js --bundle-output ./bundles/SwitchCheck010000.js
bundle: Created ReactPackager
bundle: start
bundle: finish
bundle: Writing bundle output to: ./bundles/SwitchCheck010000.js
bundle: Done writing bundle output
bundle: Closing client
Assets destination folder is not set, skipping...
只更新js 文件,不需要通过Xcode 和 gradlew assemble 。用codePush 就够了
code-push release SwitchCheck ./bundles/SwitchCheck010000.js 1.0.0
这里用的是一个js文件就行了,下面带有图片等,则要用下面的语句,差别在于release 整个文件夹
12.3,更新 js 文件,和react-native打包的图片(不包括网络图片和images.xcassets),请使用下面的方法
同上面差不多,但你需要加上图片目录,-/-assets-dest ./bundles
确保文件夹 bundles 里面没有任何文件
react-native bundle --parameter ios --entry-file index.ios.js --bundle-output ./bundles/SwitchCheck010000.js --assets-dest ./bundles
bundle: Created ReactPackager
bundle: start
bundle: finish
bundle: Writing bundle output to: ./bundles/SwitchCheck010000.js
bundle: Done writing bundle output
bundle: Closing client
code-push release SwitchCheck ./bundles 1.0.0
cide-push release appName package参数 appStoreVersion参数 [-/-deploymentName 部署名字] [-/-description 描述] [-/-mandatory true/false]
mandatory 的意思是强制的,-/-要去掉斜杠,因为编辑器自动把两个短横线变成了一个长横线,
不要执行,因为还没有package参数和 appStoreVersion参数,看下面,就跟项目文件夹有关了
13.1 解释 package参数
cd命令去到项目根目录下,根据ios 和 android不同,使用不同的命令,看上面,
React Native (Android) |
react-native bundle --platform android --entry-file |
Value of the --bundle-output option |
React Native (iOS) |
react-native bundle --platform ios --entry-file |
Value of the --bundle-output option |
没看懂,,不过貌似要求1.0.0 这个格式,后来就在这里出问题了,导致我半夜12:19分还在查找这个问题,请看上传了之后的解决问题的描述,所以,英文不熟,害死人啊
This specifies the semver compliant store/binary version of the application you are releasing the update for. Only users running this exact version will receive the update. This is important if your JavaScript/etc. takes a dependency on a new capabilitiy of the native side of your app (e.g. a Cordova plugin), and therefore, requires the user to update to the latest version from the app store before being able to get it.
The following table outlines the value that CodePush expects you to provide for each respective app type:
Platform |
Source of app store version |
Cordova |
The |
React Native (Android) |
The android.defaultConfig.versionName property in your build.gradle file |
React Native (iOS) |
The CFBundleShortVersionString key in the Info.plist file |
13.3 解释-/-deploymentName 部署名字,可以缩写为 -d
默认可以不给,使用的是Staging ,因此未发布的版本,请在xcode的info.plist上的 CFBundleShortVersionString
的值为和staging 那个 deployment key 是一样的
如果有了发布版本production ,才在Xcode的info.plist 的CFBundleShortVersionString换用这个production的key
13.4 解释 -/-description ,可以缩写为 -desc
用来记录这个版本的更新信息,另外可以用来在app 里获取之后向用户显示更新的内容
13.5 解释 -/-mandatory参数,可以缩写成 -m
14,提升开发版本,dev 为 staging ,staging 为production ,
code-push promote appName sourceDeploymentName destDeploymentName
15,回退版本 rollback ,
code-push rollback appName deploymentName
16,查看release 的历史版本
code-push deployment history appName deploymentName
没办法,不会是debug版本和release版本不一致吧?好,试试edit scheme,改debug为release 版本
在 Xcode7 指定真机运行,结果报出如下错误:
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64: "_RCTSetLogFunction", referenced from: -[PropertyFinderTests testRendersWelcomeScreen] in PropertyFinderTests.o ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64 clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
一开始以为的 React Native 库的问题,查找了一下资料,研究了一下,原来在 Build Setting 中设置 Dead Code Stripping 为 No (如下图)就可以解决了
测试url : https://codepush.azurewebsites.net/updateCheck?deploymentKey=INxxxxBl&appVersion=1.0.0&packageHash=&isCompanion=
返回 {"updateInfo":{"downloadURL":"","description":"","isAvailable":false,"isMandatory":false,"appVersion":"1.0.3","packageHash":"","label":"","packageSize":0,"updateAppVersion":true}}
貌似不对,因为1.0.3 我设置为强制更新了,因此isMandatory":false,是错误的
还好,找了issue,找到这个 https://github.com/Microsoft/react-native-code-push/issues/83
请看 https://codepush.azurewebsites.net/updateCheck?deploymentKey=INxxxxBl&appVersion=1.0.3
{"updateInfo":{"downloadURL":"https://codepush.blob.core.windows.net/storagev2/eSxxxVBl","description":"Edit index.ios.js 3 mandatory to test Code-Push","isAvailable":true,"isMandatory":true,"appVersion":"1.0.3","packageHash":"c4xxxx3ffxx98668cd","label":"v3","updateAppVersion":false}}
code-push release SwitchCheck ./bundles/SwitchCheck010003.js 1.0.0 --deploymentName Staging --description 'Edit index.ios.js 4 mandatory to test Code-Push' --mandatory true
Upload progress:[==================================================] 100% 0.0s
[Error] The uploaded package is identical to the contents of the specified deployment's current release.
release 是可以一直以同一个版本号作为更新的基准的呢,还是很厉害。
MacdeiMac:6-SwitchCheck mac$ react-native bundle --parameter ios --entry-file index.ios.js --bundle-output ./bundles/SwitchCheck010000.js
bundle: Created ReactPackager
bundle: start
bundle: finish
bundle: Writing bundle output to: ./bundles/SwitchCheck010000.js
bundle: Done writing bundle output
bundle: Closing client
Assets destination folder is not set, skipping...
MacdeiMac:6-SwitchCheck mac$ code-push release SwitchCheck ./bundles/SwitchCheck010000.js 1.0.0 --deploymentName Staging --description 'Edit index.ios.js 4 mandatory to test Code-Push' --mandatory true
Upload progress:[==================================================] 100% 0.0s
Successfully released an update containing the "./bundles/SwitchCheck010000.js" file to the "Staging" deployment of the "SwitchCheck" app.
MacdeiMac:6-SwitchCheck mac$ code-push deployment history SwitchCheck Staging
│ Label │ Release Time │ App Version │ Mandatory │ Description │
│ v1 │ 2 hours ago │ 1.0.1 │ No │ Edit index.ios.js to test │
│ │ │ │ │ Code-Push │
│ v2 │ an hour ago │ 1.0.2 │ No │ Edit index.ios.js 2nd to test │
│ │ │ │ │ Code-Push │
│ v3 │ 44 minutes ago │ 1.0.3 │ Yes │ Edit index.ios.js 3 mandatory │
│ │ │ │ │ to test Code-Push │
│ v4 │ 14 minutes ago │ 1.0.0 │ Yes │ Edit index.ios.js 4 mandatory │
│ │ │ │ │ to test Code-Push │
原来,是我用code-push release 的时候,那个AppVersion参数说的是指定要已经发布出去的app的版本,而不是app本身会拿自己的版本比较我用code-push release出去的制定version,原理就是这样,release的命令是指定在app Store 上的版本更新不更新,以此为基准
Xcode插件里的code-push 的API
以下来自:API reference
API Reference
The CodePush plugin is made up of two components:
The following sections describe the shape and behavior of these APIs in detail:
JavaScript API Reference
When you require react-native-code-push, the module object provides the following top-level methods:
codePush.checkForUpdate(deploymentKey: String = null): Promise<RemotePackage>;
Queries the CodePush service to see whether the configured app deployment has an update available. By default, it will use the deployment key that is configured in your Info.plist file (iOS), or MainActivity.java file (Android), but you can override that by specifying a value via the optional deploymentKey parameter. This can be useful when you want to dynamically "redirect" a user to a specific deployment, such as allowing "Early access" via an easter egg or a user setting switch.
This method returns a Promise which resolves to one of two possible values:
Example Usage:
.then((update) => {
if (!update) {
console.log("The app is up to date!");
} else {
console.log("An update is available! Should we download it?");
codePush.getCurrentPackage(): Promise<LocalPackage>;
Retrieves the metadata about the currently installed "package" (e.g. description, installation time). This can be useful for scenarios such as displaying a "what's new?" dialog after an update has been applied.
This method returns a Promise which resolves to the LocalPackage instance that represents the currently running update.
Example Usage:
.then((update) => {
// If the current app "session" represents the first time
// this update has run, and it had a description provided
// with it upon release, let's show it to the end user
if (update.isFirstRun && update.description) {
// Display a "what's new?" modal
codePush.notifyApplicationReady(): Promise
Notifies the CodePush runtime that a freshly installed update should be considered successful, and therefore, an automatic client-side rollback isn't necessary. It is mandatory to call this function somewhere in the code of the updated bundle. Otherwise, when the app next restarts, the CodePush runtime will assume that the installed update has failed and roll back to the previous version. This behavior exists to help ensure that your end users aren't blocked by a broken update.
If you are using the sync function, and doing your update check on app start, then you don't need to manually call notifyApplicationReady since sync will call it for you. This behavior exists due to the assumption that the point at which sync is called in your app represents a good approximation of a successful startup.
codePush.restartApp(): void;
Immediately restarts the app. If there is an update pending, it will be presented to the end user and the rollback timer (if specified when installing the update) will begin. Otherwise, calling this method simply has the same behavior as the end user killing and restarting the process. This method is for advanced scenarios, and is primarily useful when the following conditions are true:
codePush.sync(options: Object, syncStatusChangeCallback: function(syncStatus: Number), downloadProgressCallback: function(progress: DownloadProgress)): Promise<Number>;
Synchronizes your app's JavaScript bundle and image assets with the latest release to the configured deployment. Unlike the checkForUpdate method, which simply checks for the presence of an update, and let's you control what to do next, sync handles the update check, download and installation experience for you.
This method provides support for two different (but customizable) "modes" to easily enable apps with different requirements:
Example Usage:
// Fully silent update which keeps the app in
// sync with the server, without ever
// interrupting the end user
// Active update, which lets the end user know
// about each update, and displays it to them
// immediately after downloading it
codePush.sync({ updateDialog: true, installMode: codePush.InstallMode.IMMEDIATE });
Note: If you want to decide whether you check and/or download an available update based on the end user's device battery level, network conditions, etc. then simply wrap the call to sync in a condition that ensures you only call it when desired.
While the sync method tries to make it easy to perform silent and active updates with little configuration, it accepts an "options" object that allows you to customize numerous aspects of the default behavior mentioned above:
Example Usage:
// Use a different deployment key for this
// specific call, instead of the one configured
// in the Info.plist file
codePush.sync({ deploymentKey: "KEY" });
// Download the update silently
// but install is on the next resume
// instead of waiting until the app is restarted
codePush.sync({ installMode: codePush.InstallMode.ON_NEXT_RESUME });
// Changing the title displayed in the
// confirmation dialog of an "active" update
codePush.sync({ updateDialog: { title: "An update is available!" } });
In addition to the options, the sync method also accepts two optional function parameters which allow you to subscribe to the lifecycle of the sync "pipeline" in order to display additional UI as needed (e.g. a "checking for update modal or a download progress modal):
Example Usage:
// Prompt the user when an update is available
// and then display a "downloading" modal
codePush.sync({ updateDialog: true }, (status) => {
switch (status) {
case CodePush.SyncStatus.DOWNLOADING_PACKAGE:
// Show "downloading" modal
case CodePush.SyncStatus.INSTALLING_UPDATE:
// Hide "downloading" modal
This method returns a Promise which is resolved to a SyncStatus code that indicates why the sync call succeeded. This code can be one of the following SyncStatus values:
If the update check and/or the subsequent download fails for any reason, the Promise object returned by sync will be rejected with the reason.
The sync method can be called anywhere you'd like to check for an update. That could be in the componentWillMount lifecycle event of your root component, the onPress handler of a
Package objects
The checkForUpdate and getCurrentPackage methods return promises, that when resolved, provide acces to "package" objects. The package represents your code update as well as any extra metadata (e.g. description, mandatory?). The CodePush API has the distinction between the following types of packages:
Contains details about an update that has been downloaded locally or already installed. You can get a reference to an instance of this object either by calling the module-level getCurrentPackage method, or as the value of the promise returned by the RemotePackage.download method.
Contains details about an update that is available for download from the CodePush server. You get a reference to an instance of this object by calling the checkForUpdate method when an update is available. If you are using the sync API, you don't need to worry about the RemotePackage, since it will handle the download and installation process automatically for you.
The RemotePackage inherits all of the same properties as the LocalPackage, but includes one additional one:
The CodePush API includes the following enums which can be used to customize the update experience:
This enum specified when you would like an installed update to actually be applied, and can be passed to either the sync or LocalPackage.install methods. It includes the following values:
This enum is provided to the syncStatusChangedCallback function that can be passed to the sync method, in order to hook into the overall update process. It includes the following values:
Objective-C API Reference (iOS)
The Objective-C API is made available by importing the CodePush.h header into your AppDelegate.m file, and consists of a single public class named CodePush.
Contains static methods for retreiving the NSURL that represents the most recent JavaScript bundle file, and can be passed to the RCTRootView's initWithBundleURL method when bootstrapping your app in the AppDelegate.m file.
The CodePush class' methods can be thought of as composite resolvers which always load the appropriate bundle, in order to accomodate the following scenarios:
Because of this behavior, you can safely deploy updates to both the app store(s) and CodePush as neccesary, and rest assured that your end-users will always get the most recent version.
Java API Reference (Android)
The Java API is made available by importing the com.microsoft.codepush.react.CodePush class into your MainActivity.java file, and consists of a single public class named CodePush.
Constructs the CodePush client runtime and includes methods for integrating CodePush into your app's ReactInstanceManager.