[leetcode]Symmetric Tree

public class Solution {
    public boolean isSymmetric(TreeNode root) {
        // Note: The Solution object is instantiated only once and is reused by each test case.
       if(root == null) return true;
       return isSymmetric(root.left,root.right);
    public boolean isSymmetric(TreeNode root1,TreeNode root2){
        if(root1 == null&&root2 == null) return true;
        if(root1 == null||root2 == null) return false;
        if(root1.val!=root2.val) return false;
        return isSymmetric(root1.right,root2.left)&&isSymmetric(root1.left,root2.right);




public  TreeNode createSymmetric(TreeNode root){
		if(root == null) return null;
		TreeNode cloneRoot = new TreeNode(root.value);
		cloneRoot.rchild = createSymmetric(root.lchild);
		cloneRoot.lchild = createSymmetric(root.rchild);
		return cloneRoot;

