GreenDao 3.0 使用详解之注解实体类

GreenDao 3.0 使用详解之注解实体类

                                ONE Goal , ONE Passion !

Modelling entities 实体模型

To use greenDAO in a project you create an entity model representing the persistent data in your application. Then, based on this model greenDAO generates Java code for the DAO classes.


Entities and Annotations 实体和注解

greenDAO 3 uses annotations to define schemas and entities. Here is a quick example:

greenDAO 3使用注解去定义一个实体.下面是一个快速入门

 public class User {
    private Long id;

    private String name;

    private int tempUsageCount; // not persisted

   // getters and setters for id and user ...

The @Entity annotation turns the Java class User into a database-backed entity. This will also instruct greenDAO to generate the necessary code (for example DAOs).

  • Entity : 把java类变成数据库支持的实体类.这将指引greenDao去产生必要的代码(比如DAOS);

Note: only Java classes are supported. If you prefer another language like Kotlin, your entity classes must still be Java.


Basic properties 基本属性

public class User {
    @Id(autoincrement = true)
    private Long id;

    @Property(nameInDb = "USERNAME")
    private String name;

    private int repos;

    private int tempUsageCount;

  • The @Id annotation selects a long/ Long property as the entity ID. In database terms, it’s the primary key. The parameter autoincrement is a flag to make the ID value ever increasing (not reusing old values).

id注解选择一个long类型作为实体类id. 在数据库关系中,它是主键,autoincrement参数代表是一个自增主键.

  • @Property lets you define a non-default column name, which the property is mapped to. If absent, greenDAO will use the field name in a SQL-ish fashion (upper case, underscores instead of camel case, for example customName will become CUSTOM_NAME).
  • Note: you currently can only use inline constants to specify a column name.

customName 将会被命名为 CUSTOM_NAME.

注意:通常建议使用一个常量来定义列名.即: = "USERNAME";  // 将列名定义为常量
 @Property(nameInDb =
  • @NotNull makes the property a “NOT NULL” column on the database side. Usually it makes sense to mark primitive types (long, int, short, byte) with @NotNull, while having nullable values with wrapper classes (Long, Integer, Short, Byte).

标示数据库中某一列不为空,通常他去标记基本数据类型(long, int, short, byte)不为空,而不是可为空的包装数据类型(Long, Integer, Short, Byte).

  • @Transient marks properties to be excluded from persistence. Use those for temporary states, etc. Alternatively, you can also use the transient keyword from Java.


Primary key restrictions 主键约束

Currently, entities must have a long or Long property as their primary key. This is recommended practice for Android and SQLite.

To work around this, define your key property as an additional property, but create a unique index for it:

private Long id;

@Index(unique = true)
private String key;

Property indexes (indexes属性)

  • Use @Index at a property to create a database index for the corresponding database column. Use the following parameters to customize:

  • name: If you do not like the default name greenDAO generates for the index, you can specify yours here.

  • unique: Adds a UNIQUE constraint to the index, forcing all values to be unique.


    public class User {
    @Id private Long id;
    @Index(unique = true)
    private String name;

  • @Unique adds a UNIQUE constraint to the database column. Note, that SQLite also implicitly creates an index for it.


    public class User {
    @Id private Long id;
    @Unique private String name;

Defaults 默认

greenDAO tries to work with reasonable defaults, so developers don’t have to configure each and every bit.


For example, a property called creationDate will become a database column CREATION_DATE.

例如: 一个叫creationDate的属性变成数据库的列时,列名会变成CREATION_DATE.


Build—-> Make project.

注意: 生成相关代码后,不要更改任何代码.否则运行会报错:

    Error:Execution failed for task ':app:greendao'.
> Constructor (see ExampleEntity:21) has been changed after generation.
Please either mark it with @Keep annotation instead of @Generated to keep it untouched,
or use @Generated (without hash) to allow to replace it.
