windows 2012 R2 及 centos 7.X 禁用不必要服务 2012 R2 及 centos 7.X 禁用不必要服务

React VR 技术开发群 579149907

1.windows2012 R2 可以禁用以下不必要的服务,以下禁用的服务是以win2012R2 core安装完后的服务为依据禁用的。

1.1禁用服务,此操作有一定的风险,可能会导致系统不稳定,所以先做好快照,以方便恢复。确定哪些服务处理运行状态,然后再禁用,再进行测试,以确定产品应用能够运行, 禁用服务可以使用窗口界面进行操作,也可以cmd命令行模式执行下面的命令进行:

sc.exe stop Browser #Computer Browser
sc.exe config Browser start=disabled #Computer Browser
sc.exe stop BITS #Background Intelligent Transfer Service
sc.exe config BITS start=disabled #Background Intelligent Transfer Service
sc.exe stop CertPropSvc #Certificate Propagation
sc.exe config CertPropSvc start=disabled #Certificate Propagation
sc.exe stop Spooler #Print Spooler
sc.exe config Spooler start=disabled #Print Spooler
sc.exe stop ShellHWDetection #Shell Hardware Detection
sc.exe config ShellHWDetection start=disabled #Shell Hardware Detection
sc.exe stop wuauserv #Windows Update
sc.exe config wuauserv start=disabled #Windows Update
sc.exe stop CryptSvc #Cryptographic Services
sc.exe config CryptSvc start=disabled #Cryptographic Services
sc.exe stop W32Time #Windows Time
sc.exe config W32Time start=disabled #Windows Time
sc.exe stop wmiApSrv #WMI Performance Adapters
sc.exe config wmiApSrv start=disabled #WMI Performance Adapters
sc.exe stop dot3svc #Wired AutoConfig
sc.exe config dot3svc start=disabled #Wired AutoConfig
sc.exe stop Themes #Themes
sc.exe config Themes start=disabled #Themes
sc.exe stop iphlpsvc #IPV6
sc.exe config iphlpsvc start=disabled #IPV6
sc.exe stop FontCache #FontCache
sc.exe config FontCache start=disabled #FontCache
sc.exe stop ScDeviceEnum #Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
sc.exe config ScDeviceEnum start=disabled #Smart Card Device Enumeration Service
sc.exe stop Appinfo #Application Information
sc.exe config Appinfo start= disabled #Application Information
sc.exe stop COMSysApp #COM+ System Application
sc.exe config COMSysApp start= disabled #COM+ System Application
sc.exe stop IKEEXT #IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
sc.exe config IKEEXT start= disabled #IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules
sc.exe stop TrkWks #Distributed Link Tracking Client
sc.exe config TrkWks start= disabled #Distributed Link Tracking Client
sc.exe stop VGAuthService #VMware Alias Manager and Ticket Service
sc.exe config VGAuthService start= disabled #VMware Alias Manager and Ticket Service
sc.exe stop VMTools #VMware Tools
sc.exe config VMTools start= disabled #VMware Tools
sc.exe stop  Wcmsvc #Windows Connection Manager
sc.exe config Wcmsvc start= disabled #Windows Connection Manager

windows 参考资料:



@echo on
sc.exe stop Browser
sc.exe config Browser start= disabled
sc.exe stop BITS
sc.exe config BITS start= disabled
sc.exe stop CertPropSvc
sc.exe config CertPropSvc start= disabled
sc.exe stop Spooler
sc.exe config Spooler start= disabled
sc.exe stop ShellHWDetection
sc.exe config ShellHWDetection start= disabled
sc.exe stop wuauserv
sc.exe config wuauserv start= disabled
sc.exe stop W32Time
sc.exe config W32Time start= disabled
sc.exe stop wmiApSrv
sc.exe config wmiApSrv start= disabled
sc.exe stop dot3svc
sc.exe config dot3svc start= disabled
sc.exe stop Themes
sc.exe config Themes start= disabled
sc.exe stop iphlpsvc
sc.exe config iphlpsvc start= disabled
sc.exe stop FontCache
sc.exe config FontCache start= disabled
sc.exe stop ScDeviceEnum
sc.exe config ScDeviceEnum start= disabled
sc.exe stop Appinfo
sc.exe config Appinfo start= disabled
sc.exe stop COMSysApp
sc.exe config COMSysApp start= disabled
sc.exe stop IKEEXT
sc.exe config IKEEXT start= disabled
sc.exe stop TrkWks
sc.exe config TrkWks start= disabled
sc.exe stop VGAuthService
sc.exe config VGAuthService start= disabled
sc.exe stop VMTools
sc.exe config VMTools start= disabled
sc.exe stop  Wcmsvc
sc.exe config Wcmsvc start= disabled

2. centos 7 可以禁用以下可选不必要的服务,所禁用的服务是以centos 7.2 minimal 安装完db center后的服务为依据禁用的。

systemctl set-default #character interface
systemctl stop bluetooth #Network File System
systemctl disable bluetooth #Network File System
systemctl stop wpa_supplicant #WiFi Driver
systemctl disable wpa_supplicant #WiFi Driver
systemctl stop nfslock #Network File System
systemctl disable nfslock #Network File System
systemctl stop alsa-state #Soundcard driver
systemctl disable alsa-state #Soundcard driver
systemctl stop cups #printer
systemctl disable cups #printer
systemctl stop abrt-xorg #Automatic Bug Reporting Tool
systemctl disable abrt-xorg #Automatic Bug Reporting Tool
systemctl stop abrt-oops #Automatic Bug Reporting Tool
systemctl disable abrt-oops #Automatic Bug Reporting Tool
systemctl stop avahi-daemon #Zeroconf Zero configuration networking
systemctl disable avahi-daemon #Zeroconf Zero configuration networking
systemctl stop atd #Scheduling Tasks
systemctl disable atd #Scheduling Tasks
systemctl stop abrtd #automated bug reporting tool's daemon
systemctl disable abrtd #automated bug reporting tool's daemon
systemctl stop packagekit #suite of software applications for updates
systemctl disable packagekit #suite of software applications for updates
systemctl stop libstoragemgmt #storage array management
systemctl disable libstoragemgmt #storage array management
systemctl stop NetworkManager #Network Manager
systemctl disable NetworkManager #Network Manager
systemctl stop vmtoolsd #vmtoolsd
systemctl disable vmtoolsd #vmtoolsd
systemctl stop upower #upower
systemctl disable upower #upower
systemctl stop udisks2 #udisks2
systemctl disable udisks2 #udisks2
systemctl stop smartd #smartd
systemctl disable smartd #smartd
systemctl stop smartd #rtkit-daemon
systemctl disable smartd #rtkit-daemon
systemctl stop packagekit #PackageKit Daemon
systemctl disable packagekit #PackageKit Daemon
systemctl stop ModemManager #Modem Manager
systemctl disable ModemManager #Modem Manager
systemctl stop libvirtd #Virtualization daemon
systemctl disable libvirtd #Virtualization daemon
systemctl stop gssproxy #GSSAPI Proxy Daemon
systemctl disable gssproxy #GSSAPI Proxy Daemon
systemctl stop gdm #GNOME Display Manager
systemctl disable gdm #GNOME Display Manager
systemctl stop colord #Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles
systemctl disable colord #Manage, Install and Generate Color Profiles
systemctl stop chronyd #NTP client/server
systemctl disable chronyd #NTP client/server
systemctl stop accounts-daemon #Accounts Service
systemctl disable accounts-daemon #Accounts Service



SVCS="wpa_supplicant alsa-state cups abrt-xorg abrt-oops avahi-daemon atd abrtd  packagekit getty@tty1 libstoragemgmt NetworkManager vmtoolsd upower udisks2 smartd rtkit-daemon packagekit ModemManager libvirtd gssproxy gdm colord chronyd accounts-daemon"

function disablesvc()
# echo "Stoping/Disablingservice $SVC"
 if systemctl -t service |grep runn |grep $SVC; then systemctl stop $SVC ;  fi
 if systemctl list-unit-files --type service |grep enabled |grep $SVC; then systemctl disable $SVC; fi
LINUXVER=$(cat /etc/*release |tail -n 1 |awk '{ print $(NF - 1) }')
LINUXVER_MINOR=$(echo $LINUXVER |awk -F"." '{ print $NF}' )
LINUXVER=$(echo $LINUXVER |awk -F"." '{ print $1}' )

if [ $LINUXVER -eq 7 ]; then
for SVC in $SVCS
 disablesvc $SVC
 echo "Only works for Linux CentOS/RedHat 7"

echo -e "\nDONE"



systemctl stop
