robot framework api 系列 -- python实现rerunfailed




How to re-run failure tests of suite

Simple demo

Gather all failure tests

Put all failure tests into new suite

The whole demo


今天跟一素未谋面的网友讨论python调用robot framework api重新re-run-failure-test的问题, 很遗憾未能帮得上忙。
便抽空结合官方的例子写了个小demo, 下面一起来看看吧!

How to re-run failure tests of suite

  • Gather all failure tests
  • put those tests into new suite
  • run the suite
  • done

Simple demo

  • two test case of the suites
  • one pass, one fail

robot framework api 系列 -- python实现rerunfailed_第1张图片

Gather all failure tests

Gather all failure tests from result

robot framework api 系列 -- python实现rerunfailed_第2张图片

Put all failure tests into new suite

robot framework api 系列 -- python实现rerunfailed_第3张图片

The whole demo

robot framework api 系列 -- python实现rerunfailed_第4张图片
