Pytorch自定义求导:Extending torch.autograd

Normally, pytorch can automatically achieve the gradient computation, i.e., autograd.

However, if we define a loss function including some complex operations, the autograd mechanics don't work.

Thus, adding these operations to autograd requires implementing a new Function subclass for each operation. Recall that Function s are what autograd uses to compute the results and gradients, and encode the operation history.

It can be achieved by using “Extending torch.autograd ”:

(1)__init__ (optional) - 如果你的operation包含非Variable参数,那么就将其作为__init__的参数传入到operation中。例如:AddConstant Function加一个常数,Transpose Function需要指定哪两个维度需要交换。如果你的operation不需要额外的参数,你可以忽略__init__。

(2)forward() - 计算 op 的前向过程

  • 在执行 forward 之前,Variable 参数已经被转换成了 Tensor
  • forward 的形参可以有默认参数,默认参数可以是任意 python 对象。
  • 可以返回任意多个 Tensor
  • 里面可以使用任何 python 操作,但是 return 的值必须是 Tensor !!!


(3)backward() - 计算梯度 

  • forward 返回几个 值, 这里就需要几个 形参,还得外加一个 ctx。(ctx is a context object that can be used to stash information for backward computation
  • forward 有几个 形参(不包含 ctx) ,backward 就得返回几个值。
  • bacward 实参也是 Variable 。
  • backward 返回的得是 Variable


import torch.autograd.Function as Function
class LinearFunction(Function):
   # 创建torch.autograd.Function类的一个子类
    # 必须是staticmethod
    # 第一个是ctx,第二个是input,其他是可选参数。
    # ctx在这里类似self,ctx的属性可以在backward中调用。
    # 自己定义的Function中的forward()方法,所有的Variable参数将会转成tensor!因此这里的input也是tensor.在传入forward前,autograd engine会自动将Variable unpack成Tensor。
    def forward(ctx, input, weight, bias=None):
        ctx.save_for_backward(input, weight, bias) # 将Tensor转变为Variable保存到ctx中
        output =  # torch.t()方法,对2D tensor进行转置
        if bias is not None:
            output += bias.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(output) #unsqueeze(0) 扩展处第0维
            # expand_as(tensor)等价于expand(tensor.size()), 将原tensor按照新的size进行扩展
        return output

    def backward(ctx, grad_output): 
        # grad_output为反向传播上一级计算得到的梯度值
        input, weight, bias = ctx.saved_variables
        grad_input = grad_weight = grad_bias = None
        # 分别代表输入,权值,偏置三者的梯度
        # 判断三者对应的Variable是否需要进行反向求导计算梯度
        if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]:
            grad_input = # 复合函数求导,链式法则
        if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]:
            grad_weight = grad_output.t().mm(input) # 复合函数求导,链式法则
        if bias is not None and ctx.needs_input_grad[2]:
            grad_bias = grad_output.sum(0).squeeze(0)

        return grad_input, grad_weight, grad_bias

def linear(input, weight, bias=None):
    # First braces create a Function object. Any arguments given here
    # will be passed to __init__. Second braces will invoke the __call__
    # operator, that will then use forward() to compute the result and
    # return it.
    return LinearFunction()(input, weight, bias)#调用forward()

# 或者使用apply方法对自己定义的方法取个别名
linear = LinearFunction.apply

from torch.autograd import gradcheck
# gradchek takes a tuple of tensor as input, check if your gradient
# evaluated with these tensors are close enough to numerical
# approximations and returns True if they all verify this condition.
input = (Variable(torch.randn(20,20).double(), requires_grad=True),)
test = gradcheck(LinearFunction(), input, eps=1e-6, atol=1e-4)
print(test)  # 没问题的话输出True










