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using namespace std;
1 all:148 anger:22 disgust:2 fear:60 joy:0 sad:64 surprise:0 mortar assault leav at least dead
2 all:131 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:93 sad:0 surprise:38 goal delight for sheva
3 all:221 anger:18 disgust:0 fear:52 joy:66 sad:20 surprise:65 nigeria hostag fear dead is freed
4 all:285 anger:66 disgust:39 fear:94 joy:0 sad:86 surprise:0 bomber kill shopper
5 all:99 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:25 joy:26 sad:2 surprise:46 veget not fruit slow brain declin
6 all:62 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:34 sad:0 surprise:28 pm havana deal a good experi
7 all:112 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:71 sad:0 surprise:41 kate is marri doherti
8 all:55 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:23 sad:0 surprise:32 nasa revisit life on mar question
9 all:74 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:71 sad:0 surprise:3 happi birthdai ipod
10 all:85 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:61 sad:24 surprise:0 alonso would be happi to retir with three titl
11 all:63 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:63 sad:0 surprise:0 madonna s new tot happi at home in london
12 all:78 anger:14 disgust:0 fear:20 joy:0 sad:28 surprise:16 nicol kidman ask dad to help stop husband s drink
13 all:69 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:63 sad:0 surprise:6 unit find good connect in win
14 all:31 anger:0 disgust:3 fear:0 joy:22 sad:0 surprise:6 runwai make good without make nice
15 all:246 anger:42 disgust:30 fear:25 joy:23 sad:81 surprise:45 we were arrog and stupid over iraq sai us diplomat
16 all:55 anger:9 disgust:3 fear:0 joy:15 sad:25 surprise:3 bad reason to be good
17 all:80 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:9 sad:7 surprise:62 madonna s new babi s daddi didn t realiz adopt wa for good
18 all:122 anger:19 disgust:19 fear:23 joy:24 sad:26 surprise:11 women in their s ar perfectli good mother
19 all:13 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:13 sad:0 surprise:0 we re a pretti kind bulli
20 all:107 anger:0 disgust:4 fear:26 joy:52 sad:9 surprise:16 moder drink reduc men s heart attack risk
21 all:70 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:60 sad:0 surprise:10 tom cruis and kati holm set wed date
22 all:225 anger:30 disgust:28 fear:50 joy:49 sad:31 surprise:37 kidnap ap photograph freed in gaza
23 all:177 anger:34 disgust:52 fear:46 joy:6 sad:39 surprise:0 bush insist troop stai in iraq predict midterm victori
24 all:104 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:34 joy:33 sad:0 surprise:37 hurrican paul weaken to tropic storm
25 all:178 anger:42 disgust:40 fear:39 joy:0 sad:41 surprise:16 uk announc immigr restrict
26 all:188 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:28 joy:84 sad:13 surprise:63 three found aliv from miss russian ship report
27 all:57 anger:0 disgust:8 fear:23 joy:0 sad:26 surprise:0 poison pill to swallow hawk hurt after loss to vike
28 all:120 anger:14 disgust:11 fear:7 joy:67 sad:21 surprise:0 injur marathon winner leav hospit
29 all:124 anger:21 disgust:14 fear:12 joy:25 sad:0 surprise:52 hacker unlock appl music download protect
30 all:250 anger:61 disgust:51 fear:65 joy:0 sad:52 surprise:21 spanish journalist seiz in gaza
31 all:34 anger:12 disgust:6 fear:0 joy:0 sad:0 surprise:16 sudan urg un to replac it special envoi
32 all:60 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:45 sad:0 surprise:15 resolut approv for intern game
33 all:75 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:43 sad:0 surprise:32 pair of satellit will document sun in d
34 all:49 anger:5 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:3 sad:5 surprise:36 martian life could have evad detect by vike lander
35 all:83 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:83 sad:0 surprise:0 the sweet tune of an anniversari
36 all:68 anger:11 disgust:0 fear:6 joy:0 sad:10 surprise:41 did vike probe miss life on mar
37 all:147 anger:45 disgust:44 fear:0 joy:14 sad:18 surprise:26 diplomat acknowledg us arrog in iraq
38 all:162 anger:39 disgust:22 fear:6 joy:0 sad:68 surprise:27 more human remain found at ground zero
39 all:170 anger:31 disgust:39 fear:67 joy:0 sad:33 surprise:0 how to prevent iraq from get even wors
40 all:96 anger:25 disgust:0 fear:32 joy:0 sad:32 surprise:7 tension as hungari mark upris
41 all:48 anger:0 disgust:13 fear:23 joy:0 sad:9 surprise:3 stanford studi warn of internet addict
42 all:26 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:0 sad:16 surprise:10 no evid of ic reserv on the moon
44 all:139 anger:6 disgust:6 fear:33 joy:6 sad:88 surprise:0 parachutist di at bridg jump festiv
45 all:203 anger:46 disgust:39 fear:41 joy:0 sad:77 surprise:0 us troop kill in octob in iraq
46 all:41 anger:15 disgust:0 fear:5 joy:0 sad:21 surprise:0 chef not count calori studi find
47 all:153 anger:34 disgust:0 fear:48 joy:0 sad:71 surprise:0 death link to flu vaccin
48 all:61 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:5 joy:34 sad:16 surprise:6 perfect live lose their focu
49 all:126 anger:1 disgust:5 fear:55 joy:0 sad:42 surprise:23 bread heavi diet link to kidnei cancer
50 all:68 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:8 joy:32 sad:28 surprise:0 beat poverti in a small wai
51 all:107 anger:39 disgust:31 fear:4 joy:0 sad:33 surprise:0 israel insist on lebanon overflight
52 all:26 anger:7 disgust:8 fear:7 joy:0 sad:4 surprise:0 britain to restrict immigr from new eu member
53 all:19 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:0 sad:0 surprise:16 confus reign in the expand digit world
54 all:76 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:70 sad:0 surprise:6 game on london exhibit celebr the histori of video game
55 all:89 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:10 joy:63 sad:16 surprise:0 make peac from victori over poverti
56 all:118 anger:24 disgust:0 fear:44 joy:0 sad:50 surprise:0 marin kill in fight west of baghdad
57 all:34 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:17 sad:0 surprise:17 scientist creat first cloak devic
58 all:21 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:12 sad:0 surprise:9 amateur rocket scientist reach for space
59 all:37 anger:6 disgust:0 fear:6 joy:0 sad:6 surprise:19 confus reign in the expand digit world
60 all:190 anger:37 disgust:9 fear:57 joy:0 sad:66 surprise:21 death link to flu vaccin
61 all:182 anger:54 disgust:47 fear:6 joy:0 sad:59 surprise:16 israel admit us phosphor shell in lebanon
62 all:152 anger:39 disgust:0 fear:56 joy:0 sad:57 surprise:0 th person di after receiv flu shot
63 all:211 anger:45 disgust:38 fear:75 joy:0 sad:53 surprise:0 polic and shopper target in grow iraq violenc
64 all:71 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:3 joy:21 sad:0 surprise:47 scientist discov miracl in the depth
65 all:37 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:9 sad:16 surprise:12 doctor see patient who think thei re internet addict
66 all:36 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:30 sad:0 surprise:6 china launch two satellit into orbit
67 all:54 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:5 joy:24 sad:0 surprise:25 veget mai boost brain power in older adult
68 all:97 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:68 joy:0 sad:23 surprise:6 hurrican paul near categori statu
69 all:136 anger:5 disgust:0 fear:60 joy:0 sad:71 surprise:0 russian ship sink member crew miss
70 all:16 anger:0 disgust:1 fear:0 joy:2 sad:0 surprise:13 iran s presid urg higher birth rate
71 all:32 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:26 sad:0 surprise:6 appl set for massiv market gain
72 all:53 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:9 joy:14 sad:24 surprise:6 tumor type mai explain surviv rate for cancer
73 all:65 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:16 joy:0 sad:26 surprise:20 routin mission turn into hunt for miss comrad
74 all:66 anger:6 disgust:16 fear:2 joy:0 sad:42 surprise:0 bad weather slow s korean search for russian ship
75 all:83 anger:8 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:54 sad:21 surprise:0 tailor and housew busi as muslim celebr eid
76 all:87 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:87 sad:0 surprise:0 activ peac bring the promis of develop
77 all:265 anger:70 disgust:74 fear:70 joy:0 sad:51 surprise:0 abba condemn isra massacr in northern gaza strip
78 all:125 anger:24 disgust:0 fear:16 joy:0 sad:85 surprise:0 bangladesh ferri sink dead
79 all:37 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:20 sad:0 surprise:17 buc find a new kick in life
80 all:26 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:10 sad:0 surprise:16 googl to unveil elect mashup
81 all:209 anger:52 disgust:64 fear:50 joy:0 sad:43 surprise:0 polic warn of child exploit onlin
82 all:43 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:31 joy:0 sad:12 surprise:0 breast cancer awar is import
83 all:64 anger:18 disgust:0 fear:16 joy:3 sad:27 surprise:0 hungari polic tackl violent protestor
84 all:44 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:44 sad:0 surprise:0 three driver had reason to be proud in brazil
85 all:79 anger:25 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:27 sad:27 surprise:0 celebr protest malibu ga facil
87 all:64 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:30 sad:0 surprise:34 presto he s batman then magic man
88 all:96 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:44 joy:0 sad:17 surprise:35 heavi us of mobil phone can make men infertil scientist sai
89 all:110 anger:9 disgust:0 fear:23 joy:0 sad:66 surprise:12 russian ship sink in pacif
90 all:91 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:91 sad:0 surprise:0 china successfulli launch two satellit
91 all:31 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:31 sad:0 surprise:0 prestig ha magic touch
92 all:143 anger:43 disgust:40 fear:10 joy:0 sad:50 surprise:0 li damn li and divorc
93 all:44 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:44 sad:0 surprise:0 man inspir giant to victori in dalla
94 all:161 anger:46 disgust:27 fear:31 joy:0 sad:53 surprise:4 riot warn for franc suburb
95 all:102 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:89 sad:0 surprise:13 full recoveri expect for marathon winner
96 all:35 anger:6 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:0 sad:29 surprise:0 soni apologis for global batteri recal
97 all:11 anger:1 disgust:0 fear:5 joy:0 sad:5 surprise:0 question on credit card safeti
98 all:89 anger:34 disgust:2 fear:18 joy:18 sad:17 surprise:0 budapest calm after night of violent protest
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100 all:102 anger:25 disgust:24 fear:6 joy:21 sad:13 surprise:13 report criticis us press freedom
101 all:78 anger:6 disgust:0 fear:50 joy:0 sad:22 surprise:0 french suburb riot could resum
102 all:159 anger:47 disgust:55 fear:0 joy:21 sad:33 surprise:3 photograph kidnap condemn
103 all:229 anger:55 disgust:56 fear:40 joy:0 sad:54 surprise:24 photograph kidnap in gaza
104 all:82 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:67 sad:0 surprise:15 basebal roger enjoi hi muddi streak
105 all:78 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:62 sad:0 surprise:16 cultur revolutionari the ipod is five
106 all:45 anger:0 disgust:2 fear:0 joy:11 sad:3 surprise:29 life on mar mayb we miss it
107 all:151 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:5 joy:75 sad:14 surprise:57 three found aliv from miss russian ship report
108 all:67 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:29 joy:38 sad:0 surprise:0 moder drink reduc men s heart attack risk
109 all:86 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:86 sad:0 surprise:0 the sweet tune of an anniversari
110 all:31 anger:12 disgust:3 fear:5 joy:0 sad:8 surprise:3 inconveni truth
111 all:12 anger:4 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:0 sad:0 surprise:8 date difficult for harri potter
112 all:25 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:0 sad:25 surprise:0 student lose their rite of passag
113 all:30 anger:10 disgust:7 fear:0 joy:0 sad:10 surprise:3 putin vow to tackl illeg immigr
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123 all:34 anger:4 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:0 sad:4 surprise:24 martian life could have evad detect by vike lander
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126 all:131 anger:54 disgust:31 fear:3 joy:0 sad:40 surprise:3 colleg tuition continu climb
127 all:163 anger:43 disgust:66 fear:17 joy:0 sad:37 surprise:0 german paper show soldier desecr skull
128 all:194 anger:52 disgust:33 fear:57 joy:12 sad:40 surprise:0 war is close ethiopia tell somali rebel
129 all:4 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:4 sad:0 surprise:0 advantag cardin with suppan in game
130 all:55 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:29 sad:0 surprise:26 nasa spacecraft to measur sun
131 all:64 anger:34 disgust:8 fear:0 joy:0 sad:0 surprise:22 soni hate european will prevent the import of ps
132 all:51 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:6 joy:45 sad:0 surprise:0 flu vaccin appear safe for young children
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137 all:160 anger:61 disgust:32 fear:23 joy:0 sad:44 surprise:0 u s weigh sanction against north korea
138 all:129 anger:37 disgust:33 fear:26 joy:0 sad:33 surprise:0 rice in baghdad insist that iraqi ar
139 all:96 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:30 sad:33 surprise:33 senat sai u s should rethink iraq strategi
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142 all:228 anger:52 disgust:42 fear:75 joy:0 sad:59 surprise:0 kurdish lawmak kill in an attack in baghdad
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162 all:146 anger:33 disgust:33 fear:33 joy:0 sad:38 surprise:9 cleric said to lose rein over part of iraqi militia
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164 all:31 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:0 sad:28 surprise:0 opera cancel over a depict of muhammad
165 all:90 anger:25 disgust:2 fear:7 joy:30 sad:0 surprise:26 militari offici add to u s critic of iraq s govern
166 all:89 anger:13 disgust:2 fear:38 joy:0 sad:36 surprise:0 teacher in hide after attack on islam stir threat
167 all:121 anger:34 disgust:17 fear:49 joy:0 sad:0 surprise:21 comb bush releas part of terror studi
168 all:173 anger:39 disgust:37 fear:56 joy:0 sad:35 surprise:6 grow unarm battalion in qaeda armi is us internet to get the messag out
169 all:137 anger:32 disgust:33 fear:41 joy:0 sad:31 surprise:0 iraqi link to sunni bloc is held in plot militari sai
170 all:88 anger:26 disgust:30 fear:0 joy:4 sad:28 surprise:0 seduc by snack no not you
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187 all:148 anger:31 disgust:36 fear:0 joy:28 sad:33 surprise:20 porn star candid campaign on campu
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193 all:50 anger:6 disgust:6 fear:6 joy:0 sad:22 surprise:10 gunman fine befor shoot
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802 all:53 anger:9 disgust:0 fear:32 joy:2 sad:9 surprise:1 on road to kosovo independ a warn go slow
803 all:80 anger:21 disgust:4 fear:13 joy:9 sad:27 surprise:6 mistrial for offic who refus to go to iraq
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805 all:50 anger:5 disgust:2 fear:20 joy:0 sad:17 surprise:6 emi warn on profit boss goe
806 all:125 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:48 joy:0 sad:54 surprise:23 subwai collaps caught on camera
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818 all:131 anger:12 disgust:20 fear:15 joy:18 sad:62 surprise:4 a star di a famili feud is born
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1226 all:88 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:67 sad:0 surprise:21 femal astronaut set record
1227 all:50 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:13 sad:0 surprise:37 corn stove pop up in u s home
1228 all:130 anger:14 disgust:12 fear:38 joy:0 sad:42 surprise:24 iraq close border with syria and iran
1229 all:91 anger:11 disgust:2 fear:15 joy:0 sad:36 surprise:27 the troubl end of the depart
1230 all:29 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:23 sad:0 surprise:6 vietnames bank plan ipo list
1231 all:39 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:17 sad:4 surprise:18 toyota s scion park in second life
1232 all:60 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:49 sad:0 surprise:11 obama will run in
1233 all:69 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:47 sad:0 surprise:22 cagnei lacei final come to dvd
1234 all:99 anger:25 disgust:0 fear:50 joy:0 sad:12 surprise:12 merkel stop iran
1235 all:138 anger:14 disgust:1 fear:19 joy:0 sad:54 surprise:50 salt lake citi mall shooter wa teenag
1236 all:103 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:68 sad:0 surprise:35 femal astronaut set record
1237 all:39 anger:4 disgust:0 fear:3 joy:12 sad:10 surprise:10 oil hold at
1238 all:65 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:37 sad:0 surprise:28 obama announc presidenti bid
1239 all:76 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:40 sad:0 surprise:36 tell your boss nap ar good for you
1240 all:88 anger:28 disgust:10 fear:12 joy:0 sad:23 surprise:15 serbia reject unit nation s kosovo plan
1241 all:74 anger:4 disgust:1 fear:28 joy:0 sad:31 surprise:10 amish discuss shoot
1242 all:51 anger:1 disgust:17 fear:1 joy:7 sad:0 surprise:25 jail me i at ivori coast chocol
1243 all:64 anger:15 disgust:14 fear:21 joy:0 sad:6 surprise:8 can north korea be trust
1244 all:34 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:0 sad:20 surprise:14 tourism lag in bush s hometown
1245 all:77 anger:7 disgust:0 fear:4 joy:0 sad:16 surprise:50 astronaut s arrest test nasa s mettl
1246 all:81 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:6 joy:55 sad:0 surprise:20 man get second chanc at space ride
1247 all:79 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:39 sad:0 surprise:40 go ahead take a nap scienc sai
1248 all:48 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:11 joy:17 sad:9 surprise:11 weekli nielsen will lost find it wai back
1249 all:54 anger:5 disgust:13 fear:4 joy:0 sad:14 surprise:18 brith airwai baggag charg caus confus
1250 all:139 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:45 joy:0 sad:73 surprise:21 indonesian with bird flu di
1251 all:69 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:54 sad:0 surprise:15 st loui pois for entertain upsw
1252 all:80 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:8 joy:25 sad:16 surprise:28 new york citi mai ban ipod while cross street
1253 all:149 anger:21 disgust:14 fear:9 joy:16 sad:56 surprise:33 boi allegedli told to kill by mom give up
1254 all:91 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:18 joy:55 sad:6 surprise:12 grai wolv off endang list
1255 all:18 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:8 joy:9 sad:0 surprise:1 vista s hype secur will be test
1256 all:114 anger:23 disgust:11 fear:48 joy:0 sad:15 surprise:17 uk polic slam over terror raid
1257 all:83 anger:4 disgust:0 fear:35 joy:8 sad:22 surprise:14 mogadishu resid flee blast
1258 all:174 anger:2 disgust:1 fear:65 joy:0 sad:85 surprise:21 bomb kill on militari bu in iran
1259 all:39 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:27 sad:0 surprise:12 wariowar wii make perfect fit
1260 all:59 anger:11 disgust:2 fear:27 joy:0 sad:11 surprise:8 u s at odd with cleric s aid
1261 all:126 anger:14 disgust:3 fear:21 joy:0 sad:67 surprise:21 desper iraqi mother reli on militia for help
1262 all:59 anger:6 disgust:0 fear:14 joy:12 sad:11 surprise:16 full detail of the eu report on iran
1263 all:34 anger:0 disgust:4 fear:0 joy:20 sad:2 surprise:8 singer on cowel glad he wa mean
1264 all:42 anger:4 disgust:2 fear:6 joy:0 sad:21 surprise:9 jone face europ meet snub
1265 all:65 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:53 sad:0 surprise:12 beckham goal help real snatch win
1266 all:74 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:43 joy:0 sad:17 surprise:14 guinea plan offic close as countri declar emerg
1267 all:77 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:62 sad:0 surprise:15 japan s economi grow
1268 all:80 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:7 joy:28 sad:22 surprise:20 unit nation peacekeep raid haitian slum
1269 all:67 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:1 joy:45 sad:0 surprise:21 work start on arctic seed vault
1270 all:65 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:45 sad:0 surprise:20 social network goe mobil
1271 all:70 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:40 sad:1 surprise:29 beautician cut curl offer stroke prevent info
1272 all:113 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:6 joy:49 sad:3 surprise:55 siesta cut risk of heart diseas death studi find
1273 all:49 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:29 sad:0 surprise:20 thoma cook to merg with mytravel
1274 all:66 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:37 sad:0 surprise:29 nap your wai to a success career
1275 all:122 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:47 joy:1 sad:50 surprise:21 villag buri by inch of snow
1276 all:62 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:39 sad:0 surprise:23 oprah announc new book club pick
1277 all:33 anger:0 disgust:1 fear:1 joy:23 sad:0 surprise:8 the scienc of love and lust
1278 all:90 anger:11 disgust:1 fear:11 joy:0 sad:47 surprise:20 northeast cancel flight shut school
1279 all:86 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:51 sad:0 surprise:35 nap mai be good for your heart
1280 all:127 anger:32 disgust:1 fear:11 joy:0 sad:51 surprise:32 ryan o neal injur son s girlfriend
1281 all:143 anger:0 disgust:13 fear:46 joy:2 sad:60 surprise:22 chrysler s valentin s dai massacr
1282 all:130 anger:1 disgust:0 fear:46 joy:34 sad:36 surprise:13 madrid bomb trial begin
1283 all:82 anger:14 disgust:22 fear:10 joy:14 sad:11 surprise:11 fight start over hpv vaccin
1284 all:68 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:1 joy:48 sad:0 surprise:19 auto drive european gain
1285 all:33 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:21 sad:6 surprise:4 jame brown s partner can get her thing
1286 all:54 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:2 sad:35 surprise:17 auto show cancel
1287 all:34 anger:0 disgust:1 fear:0 joy:0 sad:3 surprise:30 uk luxuri maker burberri made in china
1288 all:89 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:4 joy:43 sad:0 surprise:42 on the job nap might cut heart risk
1289 all:45 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:39 sad:0 surprise:6 no florida surviv rupp arena streak hit
1290 all:65 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:6 sad:36 surprise:21 j k rowl mark spot of potter s end
1291 all:43 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:37 sad:0 surprise:6 gronholm take a command lead
1292 all:77 anger:29 disgust:18 fear:9 joy:1 sad:8 surprise:12 howard slam obama on iraq polici
1293 all:39 anger:3 disgust:1 fear:8 joy:0 sad:16 surprise:11 manila hint at ransom approv
1294 all:22 anger:0 disgust:4 fear:0 joy:8 sad:3 surprise:7 champion murrai too good for kim
1295 all:35 anger:2 disgust:0 fear:4 joy:8 sad:15 surprise:6 g yen skate by yuan singl out
1296 all:77 anger:4 disgust:0 fear:19 joy:7 sad:17 surprise:30 gunman wa srebrenica survivor
1297 all:56 anger:0 disgust:3 fear:9 joy:21 sad:9 surprise:14 cut through the clutter to get thing done
1298 all:95 anger:2 disgust:0 fear:10 joy:47 sad:17 surprise:19 mother lohan is do great in rehab
1299 all:52 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:1 joy:31 sad:0 surprise:20 who s go to win at the grammi
1300 all:72 anger:9 disgust:13 fear:7 joy:0 sad:12 surprise:31 libbi defens upset judg rest
1301 all:60 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:17 sad:31 surprise:10 breakup ring find new home
1302 all:57 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:37 sad:11 surprise:9 gronholm ahead as solberg crash
1303 all:34 anger:0 disgust:8 fear:0 joy:0 sad:20 surprise:6 norbit a wast of murphi
1304 all:61 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:8 joy:19 sad:14 surprise:20 rocki start for bangkok airport
1305 all:168 anger:11 disgust:0 fear:61 joy:0 sad:87 surprise:9 dead in lebanes minibu bomb
1306 all:146 anger:25 disgust:45 fear:21 joy:0 sad:35 surprise:20 sex tortur claim hit russia armi
1307 all:65 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:7 sad:4 surprise:52 mega marsupi onc roam australia
1308 all:29 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:3 joy:3 sad:0 surprise:23 rupert murdoch s secret tivo
1309 all:140 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:42 joy:16 sad:50 surprise:29 updat plane crash at moscow airport no passeng
1310 all:104 anger:30 disgust:0 fear:20 joy:6 sad:10 surprise:38 hpv vaccin stir heat debat in america
1311 all:103 anger:8 disgust:17 fear:16 joy:3 sad:14 surprise:45 court tv accus killer tell juri a love stori
1312 all:73 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:7 joy:22 sad:7 surprise:37 whistl blow web site expos
1313 all:65 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:32 sad:1 surprise:32 start late retir rich
1314 all:101 anger:30 disgust:17 fear:15 joy:18 sad:17 surprise:4 somali pm vow to bring islamist to justic
1315 all:56 anger:0 disgust:3 fear:5 joy:8 sad:11 surprise:29 swinger more common than most think
1316 all:80 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:0 sad:70 surprise:7 anna nicol smith fan mourn in cyberspac
1317 all:117 anger:9 disgust:0 fear:56 joy:0 sad:8 surprise:44 antibiot ketek more danger than thought
1318 all:64 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:45 sad:0 surprise:19 time to book your cruis
1319 all:70 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:12 joy:4 sad:42 surprise:12 blaze angel for ps fail to soar
1320 all:61 anger:7 disgust:0 fear:12 joy:0 sad:29 surprise:13 north korea aid demand stall talk
1321 all:88 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:13 joy:4 sad:43 surprise:28 cartoon network head step down
1322 all:81 anger:1 disgust:0 fear:4 joy:49 sad:0 surprise:27 malaysia aggress woo tourist
1323 all:85 anger:2 disgust:5 fear:9 joy:1 sad:49 surprise:19 anna nicol smith s bahama home seiz
1324 all:94 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:19 joy:0 sad:27 surprise:48 andromeda involv in galact collis
1325 all:86 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:5 joy:36 sad:13 surprise:32 rwanda mull kid limit for famili
1326 all:75 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:57 sad:0 surprise:18 wilkinson set record in tame win
1327 all:71 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:12 joy:43 sad:0 surprise:16 armi engin sai dam safe
1328 all:115 anger:8 disgust:4 fear:43 joy:31 sad:12 surprise:17 franc al qaeda suspect arrest
1329 all:66 anger:7 disgust:9 fear:10 joy:15 sad:12 surprise:13 utah gunman surviv srebrenica
1330 all:64 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:22 sad:0 surprise:42 creat a whole album in a month
1331 all:131 anger:10 disgust:4 fear:71 joy:0 sad:24 surprise:22 india to test new nuclear missil
1332 all:45 anger:4 disgust:3 fear:10 joy:0 sad:13 surprise:15 g to china eas exchang rate grip
1333 all:47 anger:2 disgust:5 fear:0 joy:17 sad:16 surprise:7 hatton hand back ibf titl again
1334 all:45 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:16 joy:8 sad:9 surprise:12 bernank economi healthi but
1335 all:43 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:37 sad:0 surprise:6 mickelson sutherland share lead
1336 all:93 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:51 sad:0 surprise:42 nap is good for your heart studi find
1337 all:24 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:10 sad:3 surprise:11 princess masako author no regret
1338 all:64 anger:0 disgust:7 fear:8 joy:1 sad:10 surprise:38 student us im lingo in essai
1339 all:81 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:54 sad:0 surprise:27 malaysia launch tourism campaign
1340 all:73 anger:2 disgust:0 fear:7 joy:0 sad:52 surprise:12 studi africa s internet gap get wider
1341 all:91 anger:4 disgust:7 fear:32 joy:0 sad:28 surprise:20 travel chao as heavi snow hit uk
1342 all:36 anger:1 disgust:4 fear:0 joy:6 sad:1 surprise:24 paula abdul i have never been drunk
1343 all:109 anger:4 disgust:0 fear:70 joy:0 sad:16 surprise:19 salmonella outbreak trace to peanut butter
1344 all:94 anger:27 disgust:0 fear:43 joy:0 sad:13 surprise:11 putin u s forc foster nuke ambit
1345 all:77 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:45 joy:12 sad:8 surprise:12 nuke detector to ring new york offici sai
1346 all:176 anger:10 disgust:0 fear:65 joy:0 sad:81 surprise:20 doubl bu bomb kill three in lebanon
1347 all:45 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:8 sad:16 surprise:19 davydenko out as seed scatter
1348 all:51 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:31 sad:0 surprise:20 obama i m run for presid
1349 all:67 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:58 sad:0 surprise:9 paterson boot scotland to victori
1350 all:64 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:14 joy:13 sad:12 surprise:25 african american ar organ donor these dai but what about bone marrow
1351 all:86 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:44 sad:0 surprise:40 studi on the job nap might help heart
1352 all:90 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:40 joy:21 sad:9 surprise:20 guinea capit larg calm under curfew marit law
1353 all:72 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:3 joy:20 sad:10 surprise:39 boss sleep on idea of let worker take nap
1354 all:135 anger:29 disgust:42 fear:16 joy:0 sad:18 surprise:30 teacher s porn convict spark tech debat
1355 all:63 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:44 sad:0 surprise:19 singapor pamper it waterfront promenad
1356 all:73 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:3 joy:24 sad:14 surprise:32 rwanda mull three child limit
1357 all:67 anger:5 disgust:5 fear:7 joy:29 sad:8 surprise:13 samsung settl price fix lawsuit
1358 all:103 anger:14 disgust:12 fear:35 joy:0 sad:18 surprise:24 radic cleric al sadr in iran u s insist
1359 all:97 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:60 sad:4 surprise:33 report harvard set to name first femal presid
1360 all:98 anger:0 disgust:4 fear:33 joy:15 sad:12 surprise:34 iraq unveil new secur plan
1361 all:74 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:54 sad:0 surprise:20 univers offer support to new orlean school
1362 all:71 anger:2 disgust:4 fear:39 joy:0 sad:21 surprise:5 storm caus slick ici road
1363 all:143 anger:0 disgust:1 fear:40 joy:0 sad:75 surprise:27 south korea fire kill foreign
1364 all:105 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:45 sad:12 surprise:48 prehistor lover found lock in etern embrac
1365 all:22 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:4 joy:5 sad:4 surprise:9 chart is your citi lean or letharg
1366 all:122 anger:28 disgust:17 fear:19 joy:14 sad:30 surprise:14 peru leader question in massacr probe
1367 all:95 anger:7 disgust:10 fear:12 joy:34 sad:12 surprise:20 u s command iraq not hopeless
1368 all:51 anger:1 disgust:8 fear:4 joy:16 sad:7 surprise:15 australian pm stand by obama attack
1369 all:82 anger:2 disgust:0 fear:3 joy:47 sad:3 surprise:27 mardi gra rebound in the of for new orlean
1370 all:90 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:4 joy:54 sad:2 surprise:30 siesta mai cut heart diseas risk
1371 all:129 anger:8 disgust:0 fear:22 joy:0 sad:73 surprise:26 oregon snorkel mistaken for rodent shot in face
1372 all:58 anger:11 disgust:5 fear:21 joy:8 sad:5 surprise:8 petraeu take command in iraq
1373 all:177 anger:36 disgust:0 fear:43 joy:0 sad:76 surprise:22 dead after utah mall shoot rampag
1374 all:134 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:41 joy:0 sad:67 surprise:23 shark kill four peopl in dull year
1375 all:81 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:52 sad:0 surprise:29 record shatter dai on wall st
1376 all:52 anger:4 disgust:11 fear:6 joy:7 sad:13 surprise:11 comedian sai govern silenc critic
1377 all:77 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:64 sad:0 surprise:13 rocker big winner at brit award
1378 all:159 anger:13 disgust:0 fear:34 joy:4 sad:83 surprise:25 samba school leader kill befor rio carniv
1379 all:91 anger:0 disgust:8 fear:4 joy:12 sad:41 surprise:26 taiwan s mr clean indict step down
1380 all:136 anger:54 disgust:15 fear:17 joy:25 sad:6 surprise:19 woman fight to keep drunken driver in jail
1381 all:172 anger:49 disgust:10 fear:78 joy:0 sad:15 surprise:20 al qaeda group call for attack on u s oil
1382 all:68 anger:9 disgust:2 fear:13 joy:15 sad:16 surprise:13 cousin gunman wa srebrenica survivor
1383 all:44 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:33 sad:0 surprise:11 turkmenistan vote for presid
1384 all:29 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:12 sad:0 surprise:17 here is some advic to take to heart
1385 all:18 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:4 joy:6 sad:2 surprise:6 don t miss tax break
1386 all:94 anger:37 disgust:0 fear:10 joy:20 sad:17 surprise:10 polic break up kosovo protest
1387 all:40 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:14 sad:13 surprise:13 messi make barcelona squad return
1388 all:124 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:21 joy:0 sad:77 surprise:23 jump report in accident drug overdos death
1389 all:95 anger:27 disgust:0 fear:11 joy:0 sad:44 surprise:13 catania punish for fan violenc
1390 all:100 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:69 sad:0 surprise:31 isinbayeva set th world record
1391 all:109 anger:31 disgust:9 fear:15 joy:14 sad:26 surprise:14 lawmak blast fda drug safeti oversight
1392 all:90 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:47 sad:0 surprise:41 regular nap make heart healthi
1393 all:38 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:9 joy:0 sad:29 surprise:0 ic stop trollei cold
1394 all:87 anger:7 disgust:9 fear:14 joy:12 sad:18 surprise:27 u s gunman wa srebrenica survivor
1395 all:114 anger:9 disgust:37 fear:14 joy:0 sad:33 surprise:21 outdat babi food found on shelv
1396 all:86 anger:17 disgust:28 fear:13 joy:0 sad:17 surprise:11 tow truck driver accus of steal car
1397 all:69 anger:7 disgust:11 fear:15 joy:21 sad:13 surprise:2 bush it s time for congress to back energi plan
1398 all:68 anger:2 disgust:10 fear:6 joy:33 sad:5 surprise:12 uk soldier clear of iraq abus
1399 all:94 anger:11 disgust:5 fear:19 joy:34 sad:8 surprise:17 fda revis label warn on the antibiot ketek
1400 all:14 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:7 sad:0 surprise:7 toshiba porteg r
1401 all:83 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:0 sad:76 surprise:7 south africa mourn adelaid tambo
1402 all:102 anger:6 disgust:0 fear:14 joy:51 sad:16 surprise:15 evacue can return home after plant blast
1403 all:86 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:0 sad:68 surprise:18 anna nicol smith s bodi li in legal limbo
1404 all:82 anger:4 disgust:15 fear:0 joy:17 sad:12 surprise:34 former teacher pose for playboi
1405 all:92 anger:30 disgust:5 fear:13 joy:0 sad:25 surprise:19 franc reject rwandan investig
1406 all:86 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:40 sad:0 surprise:44 a nap a dai mai keep the heart doctor awai
1407 all:59 anger:3 disgust:4 fear:5 joy:25 sad:10 surprise:12 higlei gonzalez lead in malaysia
1408 all:58 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:40 sad:0 surprise:18 grammi readi to name winner
1409 all:30 anger:9 disgust:0 fear:4 joy:5 sad:3 surprise:9 pound will not drop armstrong case
1410 all:46 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:39 sad:0 surprise:7 reunit polic to start world tour in mai
1411 all:46 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:33 sad:0 surprise:13 turkmen act leader sworn in as new presid
1412 all:46 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:37 sad:0 surprise:9 allen and okur get all star call
1413 all:26 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:22 sad:0 surprise:4 svindal claim ar golden doubl
1414 all:174 anger:12 disgust:0 fear:57 joy:0 sad:87 surprise:18 trollei squar shoot leav dead includ gunman
1415 all:110 anger:7 disgust:0 fear:51 joy:0 sad:28 surprise:24 bridg blast stop i traffic
1416 all:157 anger:5 disgust:4 fear:49 joy:0 sad:74 surprise:25 mother daughter stab near school
1417 all:14 anger:0 disgust:11 fear:3 joy:0 sad:0 surprise:0 excerpt politician and the press
1418 all:41 anger:1 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:24 sad:2 surprise:12 north korea get monei and respect
1419 all:46 anger:4 disgust:4 fear:2 joy:24 sad:5 surprise:7 beyonc in a bikini as si s swimsuit cover model
1420 all:72 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:32 sad:0 surprise:40 love with all your brain
1421 all:100 anger:17 disgust:21 fear:8 joy:11 sad:11 surprise:32 shoplift choic polic or t shirt of shame
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1424 all:72 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:9 joy:36 sad:10 surprise:17 mexican navi help in hunt for u s engin
1425 all:45 anger:0 disgust:2 fear:3 joy:5 sad:19 surprise:16 smith babi mai not be pot of gold
1426 all:4 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:2 joy:0 sad:0 surprise:2 latest updat on world s top stori
1427 all:183 anger:44 disgust:13 fear:31 joy:0 sad:82 surprise:13 beat leav teen in coma
1428 all:53 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:42 sad:0 surprise:11 tiempo libr ha grammi dream
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1438 all:130 anger:45 disgust:13 fear:15 joy:27 sad:25 surprise:5 eu condemn illeg cia flight
1439 all:119 anger:21 disgust:12 fear:47 joy:0 sad:31 surprise:8 report link human to global warm
1440 all:79 anger:22 disgust:8 fear:10 joy:11 sad:15 surprise:13 un nuclear watchdog slash iran aid
1441 all:107 anger:7 disgust:23 fear:10 joy:6 sad:43 surprise:18 survei tech a tool in teen date abus
1442 all:104 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:4 joy:55 sad:3 surprise:39 the breast cancer breakthrough save women a year
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1445 all:76 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:55 sad:0 surprise:21 world tourism set record in
1446 all:75 anger:17 disgust:9 fear:11 joy:0 sad:15 surprise:23 ba to charg for an extra bag
1447 all:58 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:41 sad:0 surprise:17 kuerten return to winner circl
1448 all:93 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:4 joy:26 sad:30 surprise:33 world s oldest newspap now exist onli onlin
1449 all:76 anger:8 disgust:7 fear:13 joy:0 sad:40 surprise:8 japanes whaler afir in antarct
1450 all:119 anger:12 disgust:0 fear:60 joy:0 sad:28 surprise:19 eu document iranian bomb unstopp
1451 all:62 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:9 joy:32 sad:9 surprise:9 u s urg to lead on green action
1452 all:79 anger:5 disgust:7 fear:13 joy:11 sad:11 surprise:32 see if your citi is on of the unit state top fittest or fattest
1453 all:60 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:33 joy:0 sad:21 surprise:6 lee in pre world cup injuri scare
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1455 all:145 anger:17 disgust:68 fear:15 joy:0 sad:15 surprise:30 ex teacher guilti in nude pictur scheme
1456 all:100 anger:8 disgust:24 fear:12 joy:13 sad:12 surprise:31 fire extinguish part of tennesse execut kit
1457 all:61 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:38 sad:0 surprise:23 founder return to dell helm
1458 all:59 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:43 sad:0 surprise:16 charl gibson take over first place
1459 all:133 anger:24 disgust:9 fear:14 joy:0 sad:61 surprise:25 ex border patrol agent beaten in prison
1460 all:81 anger:30 disgust:22 fear:0 joy:0 sad:10 surprise:19 made in china irk some burberri shopper
1461 all:72 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:17 sad:0 surprise:55 stoneheng worker villag found
1462 all:14 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:0 joy:3 sad:0 surprise:11 who is princ freder von anhalt
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1464 all:69 anger:3 disgust:0 fear:11 joy:22 sad:12 surprise:21 ethiopia readi for millennium all it own
1465 all:96 anger:0 disgust:0 fear:3 joy:50 sad:1 surprise:42 good new for slacker nap mai cut risk for heart problem
1466 all:62 anger:5 disgust:0 fear:9 joy:0 sad:26 surprise:22 snowbird shorten their florida stai
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