



造者模式(Builder Pattern):将一个复杂对象的构建与它的表示分离,使得同样的构建过程可以创建不同的表示。


在Effective Java第二版中,Josh Bloch在第二章中就提到使用Builder模式处理需要很多参数的构造函数。他不仅展示了Builder的使用,也描述了相这种方法相对使用带很多参数的构造函数带来的好处。需要指出的是Josh Bloch已经在他的书本贯穿了这一思想。


package com.ricky.builder.ch1;

* @author Ricky Fung
* @create 2016-07-06 16:39
public class Person {
private final String firstName;
private final String lastName;
private final String middleName;
private final int age;
private final String street;
private final String district;
private final String city;
private final String province;
private final boolean isFemale;
private final boolean isEmployed;

public Person(String firstName, String lastName, String middleName, int age, String street,
              String district, String city, String province, boolean isFemale, boolean isEmployed) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    this.lastName = lastName;
    this.middleName = middleName;
    this.age = age;
    this.street = street;
    this.district = district; = city;
    this.province = province;
    this.isFemale = isFemale;
    this.isEmployed = isEmployed;

public String toString() {
    return "Person{" +
            "firstName='" + firstName + '\'' +
            ", lastName='" + lastName + '\'' +
            ", middleName='" + middleName + '\'' +
            ", age=" + age +
            ", street='" + street + '\'' +
            ", district='" + district + '\'' +
            ", city='" + city + '\'' +
            ", province='" + province + '\'' +
            ", isFemale=" + isFemale +
            ", isEmployed=" + isEmployed +


package com.ricky.builder.ch1;

* @author Ricky Fung
* @create 2016-07-06 16:40
public class PersonBuilder {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String middleName;
private int age;
private String street;
private String district;
private String city;
private String province;
private boolean isFemale;
private boolean isEmployed;

public PersonBuilder(){

public PersonBuilder firstName(String firstName) {
    this.firstName = firstName;
    return this;

public PersonBuilder lastName(String lastName) {
    this.lastName = lastName;
    return this;

public PersonBuilder middleName(String middleName) {
    this.middleName = middleName;
    return this;
public PersonBuilder age(int age) {
    this.age = age;
    return this;
public PersonBuilder street(String street) {
    this.street = street;
    return this;

public PersonBuilder district(String district) {
    this.district = district;
    return this;

public PersonBuilder city(String city) { = city;
    return this;

public PersonBuilder province(String province) {
    this.province = province;
    return this;

public PersonBuilder isFemale(boolean isFemale) {
    this.isFemale = isFemale;
    return this;

public PersonBuilder isEmployed(boolean isEmployed) {
    this.isEmployed = isEmployed;
    return this;

public Person create() {

    return new Person(firstName, lastName, middleName, age, street, district, city, province, isFemale, isEmployed);

package com.ricky.builder;

import com.ricky.builder.ch1.Person;
import com.ricky.builder.ch1.PersonBuilder;

* @author Ricky Fung
* @create 2016-07-06 16:41
public class PersonBuilderDemo {

public static void main(String[] args){

    Person person = new PersonBuilder()



package com.ricky.builder.ch2;

* @author Ricky Fung
* @create 2016-07-06 13:19
public class SIAMessage {
private final String businessCode;
private final String type;
private final String message;
private final int timeout;

SIAMessage(String businessCode, String type, String message, int timeout) {
    this.businessCode = businessCode;
    this.type = type;
    this.message = message;
    this.timeout = timeout;

public static Builder custom(){

    return new Builder();

public String getBusinessCode() {
    return businessCode;

public String getType() {
    return type;

public String getMessage() {
    return message;

public int getTimeout() {
    return timeout;

public static class Builder {
    private String businessCode;
    private String type;
    private String message;
    private int timeout;

    public Builder setBusinessCode(String businessCode) {
        this.businessCode = businessCode;
        return this;
    public Builder setType(String type) {
        this.type = type;
        return this;
    public Builder setMessage(String message) {
        this.message = message;
        return this;
    public Builder setTimeout(int timeout) {
        this.timeout = timeout;
        return this;

    public SIAMessage build() {


        return new SIAMessage(businessCode, message, type, timeout);

    private void initDefaultValue(Builder builder) {

        if(builder.businessCode==null || builder.businessCode.length()<1){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("businessCode  can not be empty!");

        if(builder.message==null || builder.message.length()<1){
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("message can not be empty!");

        if(builder.type==null || builder.type.length()<1){  //设置默认mime-type
            builder.type = "application/json";

            builder.timeout = 6*1000;

public String toString() {
    return "SIAMessage{" +
            "businessCode='" + businessCode + '\'' +
            ", type='" + type + '\'' +
            ", message='" + message + '\'' +
            ", timeout=" + timeout +


package com.ricky.builder;

import com.ricky.builder.ch2.SIAMessage;

* @author Ricky Fung
* @create 2016-07-06 13:22
public class SIAMessageDemo {

public static void main(String[] args){

    SIAMessage message = new SIAMessage.Builder()
            .setMessage("hello world")


    message = SIAMessage.custom()
            .setMessage("hello world")




package com.ricky.builder.ch3;

* @author Ricky Fung
* @create 2016-07-06 15:38
public class Car {
private final String manufacturer; //制造商
private final String brand; //品牌
private final String model; //型号
private final String producingArea; //产地
private final String producingDate; //生产时间
private final Engine engine;
private final Wheel wheel;
private final Light light;

Car(String manufacturer, String brand, String model, String producingArea,
    String producingDate, Engine engine, Wheel wheel, Light light) {
    this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
    this.brand = brand;
    this.model = model;
    this.producingArea = producingArea;
    this.producingDate = producingDate;
    this.engine = engine;
    this.wheel = wheel;
    this.light = light;

public static class Builder{
    private String manufacturer;    //制造商
    private String brand;   //品牌
    private String model;   //型号
    private String producingArea;   //产地
    private String producingDate;   //生产时间
    private Engine engine;
    private Wheel wheel;
    private Light light;

    public Builder(String manufacturer, String brand, String model) {
        this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
        this.brand = brand;
        this.model = model;

    public Builder producingArea(String producingArea){
        this.producingArea = producingArea;
        return this;

    public Builder producingDate(String producingDate){
        this.producingDate = producingDate;
        return this;

    public Builder engine(Engine engine){
        this.engine = engine;
        return this;
    public Builder wheel(Wheel wheel){
        this.wheel = wheel;
        return this;
    public Builder light(Light light){
        this.light = light;
        return this;

    public Car build(){

        return new Car(manufacturer, brand, model, producingArea, producingDate, engine, wheel, light);

package com.ricky.builder.ch3;

* 汽车发动机
* @author Ricky Fung
* @create 2016-07-06 15:42
public class Engine {
private final String pl; //排量
private final String maxOutputPower; //最大输出功率
private final int rpm; //转速

Engine(String pl, String maxOutputPower, int rpm) { = pl;
    this.maxOutputPower = maxOutputPower;
    this.rpm = rpm;

public static Builder custom(){

    return new Builder();

public static class Builder{
    private String pl;  //排量
    private String maxOutputPower; //最大输出功率
    private int rpm;  //转速

    public Builder pl(String pl){ = pl;
        return this;

    public Builder maxOutputPower(String maxOutputPower){
        this.maxOutputPower = maxOutputPower;
        return this;

    public Builder rpm(int rpm){
        this.rpm = rpm;
        return this;

    public Engine build(){

        return new Engine(pl, maxOutputPower, rpm);


package com.ricky.builder.ch3;

* 汽车轮子
* @author Ricky Fung
* @create 2016-07-06 15:40
public class Wheel {
private String brand;
private String producingDate;

Wheel(String brand, String producingDate) {
    this.brand = brand;
    this.producingDate = producingDate;

public static Builder custom(){

    return new Builder();

public static class Builder{
    private String brand;
    private String producingDate;

    public Builder brand(String brand){
        this.brand = brand;
        return this;

    public Builder producingDate(String producingDate){
        this.producingDate = producingDate;
        return this;

    public Wheel build(){

        return new Wheel(brand, producingDate);


package com.ricky.builder.ch3;

* 车灯
* @author Ricky Fung
* @create 2016-07-06 15:43
public class Light {
private String brand;
private String structure; //结构
private String producingDate;

Light(String brand, String structure, String producingDate) {
    this.brand = brand;
    this.structure = structure;
    this.producingDate = producingDate;

public static Builder custom(){

    return new Builder();

public static class Builder{
    private String brand;
    private String structure;   //结构
    private String producingDate;

    public Builder brand(String brand){
        this.brand = brand;
        return this;

    public Builder structure(String structure){
        this.structure = structure;
        return this;

    public Builder producingDate(String producingDate){
        this.producingDate = producingDate;
        return this;

    public Light build(){

        return new Light(brand, structure, producingDate);



package com.ricky.builder;

import com.ricky.builder.ch3.Car;
import com.ricky.builder.ch3.Engine;
import com.ricky.builder.ch3.Light;
import com.ricky.builder.ch3.Wheel;

* 汽车组装
* @author Ricky Fung
* @create 2016-07-06 15:59
public class CarDemo {

public static void main(String[] args){

    Car car = new Car.Builder("Audi", "奥迪", "Q5")
            .producingDate("2016-07-01 00:00:00")
                    .producingDate("2016-03-01 00:00:00")
                    .producingDate("2016-02-01 00:00:00")



在建造者模式中, 客户端不必知道产品内部组成的细节,将产品本身与产品的创建过程解耦,使得相同的创建过程可以创建不同的产品对象。
