org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnection 类中有个参数:
protected boolean dispatchAsync=true;
protected boolean dispatch(final MessageReference node) throws IOException { final Message message = node.getMessage(); if (message == null) { return false; } okForAckAsDispatchDone.countDown(); // No reentrant lock - Patch needed to IndirectMessageReference on method lock MessageDispatch md = createMessageDispatch(node, message); // NULL messages don't count... they don't get Acked. if (node != QueueMessageReference.NULL_MESSAGE) { dispatchCounter++; dispatched.add(node); } else { while (true) { int currentExtension = prefetchExtension.get(); int newExtension = Math.max(0, currentExtension - 1); if (prefetchExtension.compareAndSet(currentExtension, newExtension)) { break; } } } if (info.isDispatchAsync()) { md.setTransmitCallback(new TransmitCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess() { // Since the message gets queued up in async dispatch, we don't want to // decrease the reference count until it gets put on the wire. onDispatch(node, message); } @Override public void onFailure() { Destination nodeDest = (Destination) node.getRegionDestination(); if (nodeDest != null) { if (node != QueueMessageReference.NULL_MESSAGE) { nodeDest.getDestinationStatistics().getDispatched().increment(); nodeDest.getDestinationStatistics().getInflight().increment(); LOG.trace("{} failed to dispatch: {} - {}, dispatched: {}, inflight: {}", new Object[]{ info.getConsumerId(), message.getMessageId(), message.getDestination(), dispatchCounter, dispatched.size() }); } } } }); context.getConnection().dispatchAsync(md); } else { context.getConnection().dispatchSync(md); onDispatch(node, message); } return true; }
异步和同步分别对应 TransportConnection 类的2个方法:dispatchAsync,dispatchSync
public void dispatchSync(Command message) { try { processDispatch(message); } catch (IOException e) { serviceExceptionAsync(e); } }
很干脆,直接调用 processDispatch 方法。
public void dispatchAsync(Command message) { if (!stopping.get()) { if (taskRunner == null) { dispatchSync(message); } else { synchronized (dispatchQueue) { dispatchQueue.add(message); } try { taskRunner.wakeup(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } } } else { if (message.isMessageDispatch()) { MessageDispatch md = (MessageDispatch) message; TransmitCallback sub = md.getTransmitCallback(); broker.postProcessDispatch(md); if (sub != null) { sub.onFailure(); } } } }
public boolean iterate() { try { if (pendingStop || stopping.get()) { if (dispatchStopped.compareAndSet(false, true)) { if (transportException.get() == null) { try { dispatch(new ShutdownInfo()); } catch (Throwable ignore) { } } dispatchStoppedLatch.countDown(); } return false; } if (!dispatchStopped.get()) { Command command = null; synchronized (dispatchQueue) { if (dispatchQueue.isEmpty()) { return false; } command = dispatchQueue.remove(0); } processDispatch(command); return true; } return false; } catch (IOException e) { if (dispatchStopped.compareAndSet(false, true)) { dispatchStoppedLatch.countDown(); } serviceExceptionAsync(e); return false; } }
最终调用的也是 processDispatch 方法。