Objective-C 内存管理之alloc/retain/release/dealloc实现原理



 * Allocates a new instance of the receiver from the default
 * zone, by invoking +allocWithZone: with
 * NSDefaultMallocZone() as the zone argument.
* Returns the created instance. */ + (id) alloc { return [self allocWithZone: NSDefaultMallocZone()]; } /** * This is the basic method to create a new instance. It * allocates a new instance of the receiver from the specified * memory zone. * */ + (id) allocWithZone: (NSZone*)z { return NSAllocateObject (self, 0, z); } 复制代码


 *	Now do the REAL version - using the other version to determine
 *	what padding (if any) is required to get the alignment of the
 *	structure correct.
struct obj_layout {
  gsrefcount_t	retained;
typedef	struct obj_layout *obj;

 *	Now do conditional compilation of memory allocation functions
 *	depending on what information (if any) we are storing before
 *	the start of each object.

inline id
NSAllocateObject (Class aClass, NSUInteger extraBytes, NSZone *zone)
  id	new;
  int	size;

  NSCAssert((!class_isMetaClass(aClass)), @"Bad class for new object");
  size = class_getInstanceSize(aClass) + extraBytes + sizeof(struct obj_layout);
  if (zone == 0)
      zone = NSDefaultMallocZone();
  new = NSZoneMalloc(zone, size);
  if (new != nil)
      memset (new, 0, size);
      new = (id)&((obj)new)[1];
      object_setClass(new, aClass);
      AADD(aClass, new);

  /* Don't bother doing this in a thread-safe way, because the cost of locking
   * will be a lot more than the cost of doing the same call in two threads.
   * The returned selector will persist and the runtime will ensure that both
   * calls return the same selector, so we don't need to bother doing it
   * ourselves.
  if (0 == cxx_construct)
      cxx_construct = sel_registerName(".cxx_construct");
      cxx_destruct = sel_registerName(".cxx_destruct");
  callCXXConstructors(aClass, new);

  return new;




alloc类方法用struct obj_layout中的retained来保存引用计数,并将其写入对象的内存头部,该内存块全部置0后返回。



* Returns the reference count for the receiver.  Each instance has an
* implicit reference count of 1, and has an 'extra reference count'
* returned by the NSExtraRefCount() function, so the value returned by
* this method is always greater than zero.
* By convention, objects which should (or can) never be deallocated * return the maximum unsigned integer value. */ - (NSUInteger) retainCount { return NSExtraRefCount(self) + 1; } /** * Return the extra reference count of anObject (a value in the range * from 0 to the maximum unsigned integer value minus one).
* The retain count for an object is this value plus one. */ inline NSUInteger NSExtraRefCount(id anObject) { return ((obj)anObject)[-1].retained; } 复制代码

因为分配时全部置0,所以retained为0。由NSExtraRefCount(self) + 1得出,retainCount为1.可以推测出,retain方法使retained变量+1,而release方法使retained变量-1。


* Increments the reference count and returns the receiver.
* The default implementation does this by calling NSIncrementExtraRefCount() */ - (id) retain { NSIncrementExtraRefCount(self); return self; } /** * Increments the extra reference count for anObject.
* The GNUstep version raises an exception if the reference count * would be incremented to too large a value.
* This is used by the [NSObject-retain] method. */ inline void NSIncrementExtraRefCount(id anObject) { #if defined(GSATOMICREAD) /* I have seen comments saying that some platforms only support up to * 24 bits in atomic locking, so raise an exception if we try to * go beyond 0xfffffe. */ if (GSAtomicIncrement((gsatomic_t)&(((obj)anObject)[-1].retained)) > 0xfffffe) { [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"NSIncrementExtraRefCount() asked to increment too far"]; } #else /* GSATOMICREAD */ NSLock *theLock = GSAllocationLockForObject(anObject); [theLock lock]; if (((obj)anObject)[-1].retained > 0xfffffe) { [theLock unlock]; [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"NSIncrementExtraRefCount() asked to increment too far"]; } ((obj)anObject)[-1].retained++; [theLock unlock]; #endif /* GSATOMICREAD */ } 复制代码
* Decrements the retain count for the receiver if greater than zero,
* otherwise calls the dealloc method instead.
* The default implementation calls the NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero() * function to test the extra reference count for the receiver (and * decrement it if non-zero) - if the extra reference count is zero then * the retain count is one, and the dealloc method is called.
* In GNUstep, the [NSObject+enableDoubleReleaseCheck:] method may be used * to turn on checking for ratain/release errors in this method. */ - (oneway void) release { if (NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero(self)) { # ifdef OBJC_CAP_ARC objc_delete_weak_refs(self); # endif [self dealloc]; } } /** * Examines the extra reference count for the object and, if non-zero * decrements it, otherwise leaves it unchanged.
* Returns a flag to say whether the count was zero * (and hence whether the extra reference count was decremented).
* This function is used by the [NSObject-release] method. */ inline BOOL NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero(id anObject) { if (double_release_check_enabled) { NSUInteger release_count; NSUInteger retain_count = [anObject retainCount]; release_count = [autorelease_class autoreleaseCountForObject: anObject]; if (release_count >= retain_count) [NSException raise: NSGenericException format: @"Release would release object too many times."]; } { #if defined(GSATOMICREAD) gsrefcount_t result; result = GSAtomicDecrement((gsatomic_t)&(((obj)anObject)[-1].retained)); if (result < 0) { if (result != -1) { [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"NSDecrementExtraRefCount() decremented too far"]; } /* The counter has become negative so it must have been zero. * We reset it and return YES ... in a correctly operating * process we know we can safely reset back to zero without * worrying about atomicity, since there can be no other * thread accessing the object (or its reference count would * have been greater than zero) */ (((obj)anObject)[-1].retained) = 0; return YES; } #else /* GSATOMICREAD */ NSLock *theLock = GSAllocationLockForObject(anObject); [theLock lock]; if (((obj)anObject)[-1].retained == 0) { [theLock unlock]; return YES; } else { ((obj)anObject)[-1].retained--; [theLock unlock]; return NO; } #endif /* GSATOMICREAD */ } return NO; } 复制代码
- (void) dealloc
  NSDeallocateObject (self);

inline void
NSDeallocateObject(id anObject)
  Class aClass = object_getClass(anObject);

  if ((anObject != nil) && !class_isMetaClass(aClass))
      obj	o = &((obj)anObject)[-1];
      NSZone	*z = NSZoneFromPointer(o);

      /* Call the default finalizer to handle C++ destructors.
      (*finalize_imp)(anObject, finalize_sel);

      AREM(aClass, (id)anObject);
      if (NSZombieEnabled == YES)
	  GSMakeZombie(anObject, aClass);
	  if (NSDeallocateZombies == YES)
	      NSZoneFree(z, o);
	  object_setClass((id)anObject, (Class)(void*)0xdeadface);
	  NSZoneFree(z, o);



  • 在OC的对象中存有引用计数这一整数值。
  • 调用alloc或是retain方法后,引用计数值加1。
  • 调用release后,引用计数值-1。
  • 引用计数值为0后,调用dealloc方法废弃对象。




  • +alloc
  • +allocWithZone:
  • class_createInstance
  • calloc



  • -ratainCount
  • __CFDoExternRefOperation
  • CFBasicHashGetCountOfKey


  • -ratain
  • __CFDoExternRefOperation
  • CFBasicHashAddValue


  • -release
  • __CFDoExternRefOperation
  • CFBasicHashRemoveValue(CFBasicHashRemoveValue返回为0时,-release调用dealloc)



  • 少量代码即可完成。
  • 能够统一管理引用计数内存块与对象用内存块。


  • 对象用内存块的分配无需考虑内存块头部。
  • 引用计数表各记录中存由内存块地址,可从各个记录追溯到个对象的内存块。(即使出现故障导致对象占用的内存块损坏,但是只要引用计数表没有被破坏,依然可以确认各内存块的位置)。

你可能感兴趣的:(Objective-C 内存管理之alloc/retain/release/dealloc实现原理)