No more feeble excuses!

“I Don’t Know How” Is Not a Valid Excuse  April 23rd, 2012 by Steve Pavlina。。

读罢这篇文章,感慨太多。 人生确实不需要这个借口,而是需要"实实在在的行动".

I'm learning now.




The next time you feel inclined to say “I don’t know how, ” say instead, “I’m learning how.” At least have the sense to Google “how to ___.” The information you need to get started is already at your fingertips.

Think about an educational deficiency you’d like to correct, and set a new educational goal right now. What exactly do you wish to learn, and how soon? Then plan out some of the steps you’ll need to take. Identify books to read, courses to take, and experts to talk to. Now get to work and start learning. Start by picking one book, buying it, and reading the first chapter. No more feeble excuses!





