Time Limit: 8000/5000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 471 Accepted Submission(s): 121
Problem Description
[魔咒] 对应功能
Sample Input
[expelliarmus] the disarming charm
[rictusempra] send a jet of silver light to hit the enemy
[tarantallegra] control the movement of one's legs
[serpensortia] shoot a snake out of the end of one's wand
[lumos] light the wand
[obliviate] the memory charm
[expecto patronum] send a Patronus to the dementors
[accio] the summoning charm
the summoning charm
take me to the sky
Sample Output
light the wand
#include #include using namespace std; const int BUK_SZ = 786433; // prime int hcurse[BUK_SZ]; int hmean[BUK_SZ]; // see [Weiss05] P108 int my_hash( const char* key, int len ) { int h = 0, inc = len > 40 ? 2 : 1; for( int i = 0; i < len; i += inc ) h = 37 * h + key[i]; h %= BUK_SZ; if( h < 0 ) h += BUK_SZ; return h; } struct node { char curse[20], mean[80]; short lc, lm; void parse( char* line, int n ) { ++line; char *pc = curse, *pm = mean; while( *line != ']' ) *pc++ = *line++; lc = pc - curse; line += 2; while( *line ) *pm++ = *line++; lm = pm - mean; hcurse[hash_pos(hcurse,curse,lc)] = n; hmean[hash_pos(hmean,mean,lm)] = n; } int hash_pos( int* ph, const char* s, int len ) { int h= my_hash( s, len ); while( ph[h] != 0 ) ++h; // collide return h; } } dict[100001]; int get_mean( const char* s, int len ) { int h = my_hash( s, len ); while( hcurse[h] != 0 ) { if( dict[hcurse[h]].lc == len && memcmp( dict[hcurse[h]].curse, s, len ) == 0 ) return hcurse[h]; ++h; } return 0; } int get_curse( const char* s, int len ) { int h = my_hash( s, len ); while( hmean[h] != 0 ) { if( dict[hmean[h]].lm == len && memcmp( dict[hmean[h]].mean, s, len ) == 0 ) return hmean[h]; ++h; } return 0; } int main( ) { char line[110]; int n = 1; while( cin.getline(line,110),line[0]!='@' ){ dict[n].parse( line, n ); ++n; } for( (cin>>n).get(); n--; ) { cin.getline( line, 110 ); if( line[0] == '[' ) { int p = get_mean( line+1, strlen(line)-2 ); if( p == 0 ) cout << "what?"; else cout.write( dict[p].mean, dict[p].lm ); } else { int p = get_curse( line, strlen(line) ); if( p == 0 ) cout << "what?"; else cout.write( dict[p].curse, dict[p].lc ); } cout << '/n'; } }