class Solution:
def getSkyline(self, buildings: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
cur = 0
pre_val = 0
if not buildings:return []
max_val = buildings[-1][1]
res = []
all_points_val = []
for i in range(max_val+1):
tmp_vals = []
tmp_max = 0
for b in buildings:
if b[0] <= cur and b[1] >= cur:
cur += 1
for i in range(len(all_points_val)):
cur_max, nxt_max = 0, 0
if all_points_val[i]: cur_max = max(all_points_val[i])
if i+1 < len(all_points_val) and all_points_val[i+1]: nxt_max = max(all_points_val[i+1])
if cur_max > pre_val:
res.append([i, cur_max])
pre_val = cur_max
elif nxt_max < pre_val:
res.append([i, nxt_max])
pre_val = nxt_max
return res
import heapq
class Solution:
def getSkyline(self, buildings: List[List[int]]) -> List[List[int]]:
if not buildings:return []
points = []
heap = [[0, float('inf')]]
res = [[0, 0]]
for l, r, h in buildings:
points.append((l, -h, r)) #这里负号将最小堆,变成了最大堆
points.append((r, h, 0)) #r的右端点为0
points.sort() #如果当前点相等,则按照高度升序
for l, h, r in points:
while l >= heap[0][1]: #出堆:保证当前堆顶为去除之前建筑物右端点的最大值。
if h < 0: #入堆:所有左端点都要入堆
heapq.heappush(heap, [h, r])
if res[-1][1] != -heap[0][0]: #关键点:必然是左端点,堆顶,因此需要加负号
res.append([l, -heap[0][0]])
return res[1:]