

TickMeter tm;
	ofstream file("result0.51.txt", ios::out);
	for (int num = 1; num <= 3; num++)
		bool flag = true;
		float lap[40];
		memset(lap, 0, 40 * sizeof(float));
		for (int i = 0; i <= 39; i++)
			sprintf(filename, "focusing\\%d\\%d.bmp", num, i);
			Mat srcimg00 = imread(filename);
			if (!srcimg00.data)
				flag = false;
			Mat srcimg = myresize2(srcimg00);
			Mat srcimggray;
			cvtColor(srcimg, srcimggray, CV_RGB2GRAY);
			Mat imageSobel;
			Laplacian(srcimggray, imageSobel, srcimggray.depth(), 1, 1);
			double meanValue = 0.0;
			meanValue = sum(imageSobel)[0];
			lap[i] = meanValue;

		float minmse = lap[0];
		int ind = 0;
		for (int j = 1; j <= 39; j++)
			if (lap[j] > minmse)
				minmse = lap[j];
				ind = j;
		file << "image: "<相机自动对焦(草稿)_第1张图片




using namespace cv;
using namespace std;

class focusing{
	int setimginfo(const Mat&);
	void doFocusing(string&);
	const float scale;
	const int imgs1time;
	int realPosition;
	Mat currentImg;
	static int timesCount;
	Mat times4img[40];
	float times4imgResult[40];
	Mat bestImg;
	Mat resizeImage(const Mat&);
	void laplaceWork();
	int judgeMaxLaplace();
	void saveBestImage(string&);

#include "cameraFocusing.h"  

int focusing::timesCount = 0;

	memset(times4imgResult, 0, imgs1time*sizeof(float));

int focusing::setimginfo(const Mat &srcimg)
	if (!srcimg.data)
		cout << "Error:No image sent to the class object!" << endl;
		return -1;
	timesCount += 1;
	realPosition = (timesCount - 1) % imgs1time;
	return 0;

void focusing::doFocusing(string &folderName){
	if ((timesCount % imgs1time) == 0)

		int bestLaplace = judgeMaxLaplace();

Mat focusing::resizeImage(const Mat &src)
	cv::Size mysize;
	mysize.height = src.rows*scale;
	mysize.width = src.cols*scale;
	Mat dst(mysize, src.depth(), src.channels());
	resize(src, dst, mysize);
	return dst;

void focusing::laplaceWork()
	Mat srcimg = resizeImage(currentImg);
	Mat srcimggray;
	cvtColor(srcimg, srcimggray, CV_RGB2GRAY);
	Mat imageLaplace;
	Laplacian(srcimggray, imageLaplace, srcimggray.depth(), 1, 1);
	float meanValue = 0.0;
	meanValue = sum(imageLaplace)[0];
	times4imgResult[realPosition] = meanValue;

int focusing::judgeMaxLaplace(){
	float maxLaplace = times4imgResult[0];
	int ind = 0;
	for (int j = 1; j <= 39; j++)
		if (times4imgResult[j] > maxLaplace)
			maxLaplace = times4imgResult[j];
			ind = j;
	ind = ind + 2;
	return ind;

void focusing::saveBestImage(string &folderName)
	DIR *dir = NULL;
	dir = opendir(folderName.c_str());
	if (NULL == dir)
		int fd = mkdir(folderName.c_str(), 0755);
		if (fd == -1)
			perror("create folder for saving images failt\n");
	//int num = timesCount / imgs1time;
	//char str[30];
	//itoa(num, str, 10);
	//string folderPathName = folderName + "/" + str+".bmp";
	time_t timenow;
	struct tm *sTime;
	ostringstream imgName;
	imgName<tm_year+1900<<"-"<tm_mon+1<<"-"<tm_mday<<" "<tm_hour<<":"<tm_min<<":"<tm_sec;
	string folderPathName = folderName + "/" + imgName.str()+".bmp";

	imwrite(folderPathName.c_str(), bestImg);


#include "cameraFocusing.h"

int main()
	TickMeter tm;
	focusing theFocuser;
	char imgfile[100];
	string folderPosition="/home/jumper/Ecology_EDK/EcologyMathOfCameraFocusing/result";

	for(int num=1;num<=15;num++)
		for(int i=0;i<=39;i++)
			Mat srcimg=imread(imgfile);
				cout<<"this image does not exit!"<


void focusing::saveBestImage(string &folderName)
	DIR *dir = NULL;
	dir = opendir(folderName.c_str());
	if (NULL == dir)
		int fd = mkdir(folderName.c_str(), 0755);
		if (fd == -1)
			perror("create folder for saving images failt\n");
	int num = timesCount / imgs1time;
	char str[30];

	time_t timenow;
	struct tm *sTime;
	ostringstream imgName;
	imgName<tm_year+1900<<"-"<tm_mon+1<<"-"<tm_mday<<" "<tm_hour<<":"<tm_min<<":"<tm_sec;
	string folderPathName = folderName + "/" + imgName.str()+" "+str+".bmp";
	imwrite(folderPathName.c_str(), bestImg);


int num = 35;
	float psnrArray[40];
	float gradient_mean_array[40];
	float gradient_std_array[40];
	float gradient_mse_array[40];
	//for gradient img!
	//ofstream txtfile("focusing7.txt", ios::out);
	for (int i = 0; i <= 39; i++)
		sprintf(filename, "%d\\%d.bmp",num, i);
		sprintf(result, "camera-temp\\4\\%d.bmp", i);
		Mat srcimg=imread(filename);
		//IplImage* testimg = cvLoadImage(filename);

		cv::Mat grad_x, grad_y;
		cv::Mat abs_grad_x, abs_grad_y;
		cv::Mat kerl_x = (Mat_(1, 3) << -1, 0, 1);
		cv::filter2D(srcimg, grad_x, srcimg.depth(), kerl_x, Point(-1, -1), 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);
		cv::convertScaleAbs(grad_x, abs_grad_x);

		cv::Mat kerl_y = (Mat_(3, 1) << -1, 0, 1);
		cv::filter2D(srcimg, grad_y, srcimg.depth(), kerl_y, Point(-1, -1), 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);
		cv::convertScaleAbs(grad_y, abs_grad_y);
		Mat gradientimg;
		gradientimg.create(cv::Size(grad_x.cols, grad_y.rows), CV_8U);

		int sumGradient = 0;
		double gradient_mean = 0;
		uchar *totllGrad = gradientimg.ptr(0);
		uchar *_x_grad = abs_grad_x.ptr(0);
		uchar *_y_grad = abs_grad_y.ptr(0);
		int numall = grad_x.rows*grad_x.cols;
		for (int i = 0; i < numall; i++)
			totllGrad[i] = sqrt((double)_x_grad[i] * _x_grad[i] + (double)_y_grad[i] * _y_grad[i]);
			sumGradient += totllGrad[i];
		gradient_mean = (double)sumGradient / numall;
		Mat meanimg, stdimg;
		double temp_mean = 0, temp_std = 0;
		meanStdDev(gradientimg, meanimg, stdimg);
		temp_mean = meanimg.at(0, 0);
		temp_std = stdimg.at(0, 0);

		float mse = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < numall; i++)
		mse += (totllGrad[i] - temp_mean)*(totllGrad[i] - temp_mean);
		mse = (float)mse / numall;
		float psnr = 0;
		psnr = 10 * log10(255 * 255 / mse);
		gradient_mean_array[i] = gradient_mean;
		gradient_std_array[i] = temp_std;
		gradient_mse_array[i] = mse;
		psnrArray[i] = psnr;
		cout << "image " << i << " : gradient---" << gradient_mean << "  std---" << temp_std << "  mse---" << mse << "  psnr---" << psnr << endl;
		cout << "_______________________________________________________________________" << endl;
		//txtfile << "image " << i << " : gradient---" << gradient_mean << "  std---" << temp_std << "  mse---" << mse << "  psnr---" << psnr << endl;
		//txtfile << "_______________________________________________________________________" << endl;
		//imwrite(result, gradientimg);

	float minpsnr = psnrArray[0];
	int ind = 0;
	for (int j = 1; j <= 39; j++)
		if (psnrArray[j] < minpsnr)
			minpsnr = psnrArray[j];
			ind = j;
	cout << ind << endl;
	sprintf(filename, "%d\\%d.bmp", num,ind);
	sprintf(result, "20170706\\psnr\\%d.bmp", num);
	Mat srcimg0 = imread(filename);
	imwrite(result, srcimg0);

	float minmean = gradient_mean_array[0];
	ind = 0;
	for (int j = 1; j <= 39; j++)
		if (gradient_mean_array[j] > minmean)
			minmean = gradient_mean_array[j];
			ind = j;
	cout << ind << endl;
	sprintf(filename, "%d\\%d.bmp", num,ind);
	sprintf(result, "20170706\\gradientMean\\%d.bmp", num);
	Mat srcimg1 = imread(filename);
	imwrite(result, srcimg1);

	float minstd = gradient_std_array[0];
	ind = 0;
	for (int j = 1; j <= 39; j++)
		if (gradient_std_array[j] > minstd)
			minstd = gradient_std_array[j];
			ind = j;
	cout << ind << endl;
	sprintf(filename, "%d\\%d.bmp", num,ind);
	sprintf(result, "20170706\\gradientStd\\%d.bmp", num);
	Mat srcimg2 = imread(filename);
	imwrite(result, srcimg2);

	float minmse = gradient_mse_array[0];
	ind = 0;
	for (int j = 1; j <= 39; j++)
		if (gradient_mse_array[j] > minmse)
			minmse = gradient_mse_array[j];
			ind = j;
	cout << ind << endl;
	sprintf(filename, "%d\\%d.bmp", num,ind);
	sprintf(result, "20170706\\mse\\%d.bmp", num);
	Mat srcimg3= imread(filename);
	imwrite(result, srcimg3);
