

create user username identified by password
profile default
default tablespace tablespace_name
temporary tablespace temporary_tablespace_name
account unlock;


alter user username identified by "newpassword"


create tablespace tablespace_name
datafile 'E:\oracle\oradata\amop\amop_support.dbf' 
size 500M 
autoextend on next 100M 
maxsize unlimited;


create temporary tablespace temporary_tablespace_name
tempfile 'E:\oracle\oradata\amop\amop_support_temp.dbf' 
size 500M 
autoextend on next 100M maxsize unlimited
extent management local;

drop tablespace tablespace_name including contents and datafiles;


grant connect,resource to username;    //connect是赋予连接数据库的权限,resource 是赋予用户只可以创建实体但是没有创建数据结构的权限。
grant create any sequence to username;  
grant create any table to username;  
grant delete any table to username;  
grant insert any table to username;  
grant select any table to username;                           //给该用户赋予查看任何表的权限
grant unlimited tablespace to username;                  //给用户赋予表空间操作的权限
grant execute any procedure to username;  
grant update any table to username;  
grant create any view to username;  
grant dba to username;                                               //给用户赋予所有权限,


基本语法同grant,关键字为revoke 如: revoke create any  tabel to username  就是取消这个用户创建表的权限。

