


void change_semaphore();

struct sem_t
 long int sem1;
struct sem_t sem; // define a struct of semaphore

struct itimerval timer1; //define a struct which will be used by function setitimer
void thread1()
 long int time;
 struct timeval time_start;
 struct timeval time_end;
 gettimeofday((struct timeval*)&time_start,NULL); //get start time and save it to struct
 sem_wait(&sem); //block the present thread till semaphore is bigger than zero
 gettimeofday((struct timeval*)&time_end,NULL); //get end time and save it to struct
 time=time_end.tv_usec-time_start.tv_usec; //calculate the running time of timer
  printf("the running time of timer is %d us\n",time);

void thread2()
 setitimer(ITIMER_REAL,&timer1,NULL); //turn on timer
 signal(SIGALRM,change_semaphore); //register signal SIGALRM to function change_semaphore
 pause();//waiting for signal SIGALRM

void change_semaphore()
 sem_post(&sem); //semaphore adds one

int main()
 pthread_t id1,id2;
 int ret1,ret2;
 timer1.it_value.tv_usec=10000; //initialize timer
 sem_init(&sem,0,0); //initialize semaphore
 ret1=pthread_create(&id1,NULL,(void*)thread1,NULL); //create thread 1
 ret2=pthread_create(&id2,NULL,(void*)thread2,NULL); //create thread 2
 pthread_join(id1,NULL); //waiting for thread 1 to finish 
 pthread_join(id2,NULL); //waiting for thread 2 to finish 
 return 0;

# shell程序
for ((i=0;i<10000;i++));
#this shell program is used for executing setitimer_test2 for 10000 times
