[root@hwmig01 ~]# azcopy
azcopy 6.0.0-netcorepreview Copyright (c) 2017 Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved.
# azcopy is designed for high-performance uploading, downloading, and copying
data to and from Microsoft Azure Blob, and File storage.
# Command Line Usage:
azcopy --source --destination [options]
# Options:
[--source-key] [--dest-key] [--source-sas] [--dest-sas] [--verbose] [--resume]
[--config-file] [--quiet] [--parallel-level] [--source-type] [--dest-type]
[--recursive] [--include] [--check-md5] [--dry-run] [--preserve-last-modified-time]
[--exclude-newer] [--exclude-older] [--sync-copy] [--set-content-type] [--blob-type]
[--delimiter] [--include-snapshot]
For azcopy command-line help, type one of the following commands:
# Detailed command-line help for azcopy --- azcopy --help
# Detailed help for any azcopy option --- azcopy --help source-key
# Command line samples --- azcopy --help sample
You can learn more about azcopy at http://aka.ms/azcopy.
please use --resume option to specify a custom location for the journal file.
2.2 相关报错
[2020/08/04 21:38:23][ERROR] An error occurred while reading the restart journal from "/root/Microsoft/Azure/AzCopy". Detailed error: The process cannot access the file '/root/Microsoft/Azure/AzCopy/AzCopyCheckpoint.jnl' because it is being used by another process.
An error occurred while reading the restart journal from "C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Azure\AzCopy". Detailed error: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Azure\AzCopy\AzCopyCheckpoint.jnl' because it is being used by another process.
The error is pretty much clear. AzCopy keeps a journal file for resume functionality and if we don't specify the journal file location in command it uses default location and when second AzCopy starts it cannot read journal file.
The fix is to specify the location for .jnl. AzCopy Command goes as follows
AzCopy /Source:c:\temp\source /Dest:https://.blob.core.windows.net/test /DestSAS:"" /pattern:"" /s /z:
If we are running AzCopy from the command window it is easy to find out. But, if AzCopy is invoked from applications (PowerShell or .Net) in parallel it is difficult to find out because we might have disabled all the messages using /y. AzCopy has /v: switch which redirect the logs to a file. That will help to troubleshoot.
Edo Interactive在几年前遇到一个大问题:公司使用交易数据来帮助零售商和餐馆进行个性化促销,但其数据仓库没有足够时间去处理所有的信用卡和借记卡交易数据
“我们要花费27小时来处理每日的数据量,”Edo主管基础设施和信息系统的高级副总裁Tim Garnto说道:“所以在2013年,我们放弃了现有的基于PostgreSQL的关系型数据库系统,使用了Hadoop集群作为公司的数
set pages 50000;
set lines 200;
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select deptno||','||dname||','||loc
1. Download and unzip the SonarQube distribution
2. Starting the Web Server
The default port is "9000" and the context path is "/". These values can be changed in &l
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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Random;
public class Nim {
/**编程之美 NIM游戏分析
Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: epel. Please verify its path and try again
处理很简单,修改文件“/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo”, 将baseurl的注释取消, mirrorlist注释掉。即可。
今天在linux下做hbase集群的时候,发现hmaster启动成功了,但是用hbase命令进入shell的时候报了一个错误 PleaseHoldException: Master is initializing,查看了日志,大致意思是说master和slave时间不同步,没办法,只好找一种手动同步一下,后来发现一共部署了10来台机器,手动同步偏差又比较大,所以还是从网上找现成的解决方