这里通过一次 put 操作从宏观和微观两个角度进行分析。
put 提交之后,数据首先会放入 MemStore,然后再写 WAL (Write Ahead Log),当 MemStore 满了之后就会往 StoreFile 里面刷( HBase 并不会直接将数据落盘,而是先写入缓存,等缓存满足一定大小之后再落盘。)。当 StoreFile 文件数量增长到一定阈值之后,会触发Compact合并操作,将多个 StoreFiles 合并成一个 StoreFile。
微观就是讲 HRegion 他到底是怎么存的,这个就要看源码了。
private long doMiniBatchMutation(BatchOperationInProgress<?> batchOp) throws IOException {
boolean isInReplay = batchOp.isInReplay();
// variable to note if all Put items are for the same CF -- metrics related
boolean putsCfSetConsistent = true;
//The set of columnFamilies first seen for Put.
Set<byte[]> putsCfSet = null;
// variable to note if all Delete items are for the same CF -- metrics related
boolean deletesCfSetConsistent = true;
//The set of columnFamilies first seen for Delete.
Set<byte[]> deletesCfSet = null;
long currentNonceGroup = HConstants.NO_NONCE, currentNonce = HConstants.NO_NONCE;
WALEdit walEdit = new WALEdit(isInReplay);
MultiVersionConcurrencyControl.WriteEntry writeEntry = null;
long txid = 0;
boolean doRollBackMemstore = false;
boolean locked = false;
/** Keep track of the locks we hold so we can release them in finally clause */
List<RowLock> acquiredRowLocks = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(batchOp.operations.length);
// reference family maps directly so coprocessors can mutate them if desired
Map<byte[], List<Cell>>[] familyMaps = new Map[batchOp.operations.length];
// We try to set up a batch in the range [firstIndex,lastIndexExclusive)
int firstIndex = batchOp.nextIndexToProcess;
int lastIndexExclusive = firstIndex;
boolean success = false;
int noOfPuts = 0, noOfDeletes = 0;
WALKey walKey = null;
long mvccNum = 0;
try {
// ------------------------------------
// STEP 1. Try to acquire as many locks as we can, and ensure
// we acquire at least one.
// 第一步:尝试获取尽可能多的锁,并确保我们至少获得一个。
// 解析:这里获取的锁是 rowlock 和 Region 更新共享锁。
// HBase 中使用 rowlock 保证对同一行数据的更新都是互斥操作,用以保证更新的原子性,要么更新成功,要么失败。
// ----------------------------------
int numReadyToWrite = 0;
long now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
while (lastIndexExclusive < batchOp.operations.length) {
Mutation mutation = batchOp.getMutation(lastIndexExclusive);
boolean isPutMutation = mutation instanceof Put;
Map<byte[], List<Cell>> familyMap = mutation.getFamilyCellMap();
// store the family map reference to allow for mutations
familyMaps[lastIndexExclusive] = familyMap;
// skip anything that "ran" already
if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[lastIndexExclusive].getOperationStatusCode()
!= OperationStatusCode.NOT_RUN) {
try {
if (isPutMutation) {
// Check the families in the put. If bad, skip this one.
if (isInReplay) {
} else {
checkTimestamps(mutation.getFamilyCellMap(), now);
} else {
prepareDelete((Delete) mutation);
checkRow(mutation.getRow(), "doMiniBatchMutation");
} catch (NoSuchColumnFamilyException nscf) {
LOG.warn("No such column family in batch mutation", nscf);
batchOp.retCodeDetails[lastIndexExclusive] = new OperationStatus(
OperationStatusCode.BAD_FAMILY, nscf.getMessage());
} catch (FailedSanityCheckException fsce) {
LOG.warn("Batch Mutation did not pass sanity check", fsce);
batchOp.retCodeDetails[lastIndexExclusive] = new OperationStatus(
OperationStatusCode.SANITY_CHECK_FAILURE, fsce.getMessage());
} catch (WrongRegionException we) {
LOG.warn("Batch mutation had a row that does not belong to this region", we);
batchOp.retCodeDetails[lastIndexExclusive] = new OperationStatus(
OperationStatusCode.SANITY_CHECK_FAILURE, we.getMessage());
// If we haven't got any rows in our batch, we should block to
// get the next one.
RowLock rowLock = null;
try {
rowLock = getRowLock(mutation.getRow(), true);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOG.warn("Failed getting lock in batch put, row="
+ Bytes.toStringBinary(mutation.getRow()), ioe);
if (rowLock == null) {
// We failed to grab another lock
break; // stop acquiring more rows for this batch
} else {
if (isPutMutation) {
// If Column Families stay consistent through out all of the
// individual puts then metrics can be reported as a mutliput across
// column families in the first put.
if (putsCfSet == null) {
putsCfSet = mutation.getFamilyCellMap().keySet();
} else {
putsCfSetConsistent = putsCfSetConsistent
&& mutation.getFamilyCellMap().keySet().equals(putsCfSet);
} else {
if (deletesCfSet == null) {
deletesCfSet = mutation.getFamilyCellMap().keySet();
} else {
deletesCfSetConsistent = deletesCfSetConsistent
&& mutation.getFamilyCellMap().keySet().equals(deletesCfSet);
// we should record the timestamp only after we have acquired the rowLock,
// otherwise, newer puts/deletes are not guaranteed to have a newer timestamp
now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
byte[] byteNow = Bytes.toBytes(now);
// Nothing to put/delete -- an exception in the above such as NoSuchColumnFamily?
if (numReadyToWrite <= 0) return 0L;
// We've now grabbed as many mutations off the list as we can
// ------------------------------------
// STEP 2. Update any LATEST_TIMESTAMP timestamps
// 第二步: 更新所有的 LATEST_TIMESTAMP 的时间戳。
// 解析:在拿到 rowlock 时就已经获取了当前时间戳,用来更新新的 puts/deletes 的时间戳。
// ----------------------------------
for (int i = firstIndex; !isInReplay && i < lastIndexExclusive; i++) {
// skip invalid
if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[i].getOperationStatusCode()
!= OperationStatusCode.NOT_RUN) continue;
Mutation mutation = batchOp.getMutation(i);
if (mutation instanceof Put) {
updateCellTimestamps(familyMaps[i].values(), byteNow);
} else {
prepareDeleteTimestamps(mutation, familyMaps[i], byteNow);
rewriteCellTags(familyMaps[i], mutation);
lock(this.updatesLock.readLock(), numReadyToWrite);
locked = true;
// calling the pre CP hook for batch mutation
if (!isInReplay && coprocessorHost != null) {
MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Mutation> miniBatchOp =
new MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Mutation>(batchOp.getMutationsForCoprocs(),
batchOp.retCodeDetails, batchOp.walEditsFromCoprocessors, firstIndex, lastIndexExclusive);
if (coprocessorHost.preBatchMutate(miniBatchOp)) return 0L;
// ------------------------------------
// STEP 3. Build WAL edit
// 第三步: 建立 WAL 的编辑器。
// 这里没有开始写 WAL 只是准备好了 WAL 的编辑器。
// ----------------------------------
Durability durability = Durability.USE_DEFAULT;
for (int i = firstIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++) {
// Skip puts that were determined to be invalid during preprocessing
if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[i].getOperationStatusCode() != OperationStatusCode.NOT_RUN) {
Mutation m = batchOp.getMutation(i);
Durability tmpDur = getEffectiveDurability(m.getDurability());
if (tmpDur.ordinal() > durability.ordinal()) {
durability = tmpDur;
if (tmpDur == Durability.SKIP_WAL) {
long nonceGroup = batchOp.getNonceGroup(i), nonce = batchOp.getNonce(i);
// In replay, the batch may contain multiple nonces. If so, write WALEdit for each.
// Given how nonces are originally written, these should be contiguous.
// They don't have to be, it will still work, just write more WALEdits than needed.
if (nonceGroup != currentNonceGroup || nonce != currentNonce) {
if (walEdit.size() > 0) {
assert isInReplay;
if (!isInReplay) {
throw new IOException("Multiple nonces per batch and not in replay");
// txid should always increase, so having the one from the last call is ok.
// we use HLogKey here instead of WALKey directly to support legacy coprocessors.
walKey = new ReplayHLogKey(this.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes(),
this.htableDescriptor.getTableName(), now, m.getClusterIds(),
currentNonceGroup, currentNonce, mvcc);
txid = this.wal.append(this.htableDescriptor, this.getRegionInfo(), walKey,
walEdit, true);
walEdit = new WALEdit(isInReplay);
walKey = null;
currentNonceGroup = nonceGroup;
currentNonce = nonce;
// Add WAL edits by CP
WALEdit fromCP = batchOp.walEditsFromCoprocessors[i];
if (fromCP != null) {
for (Cell cell : fromCP.getCells()) {
addFamilyMapToWALEdit(familyMaps[i], walEdit);
// -------------------------
// STEP 4. Append the final edit to WAL. Do not sync wal.
// 第四步:添加最终编辑到 WAL, 不要同步 WAL。
// -------------------------
Mutation mutation = batchOp.getMutation(firstIndex);
if (isInReplay) {
// use wal key from the original
walKey = new ReplayHLogKey(this.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes(),
this.htableDescriptor.getTableName(), WALKey.NO_SEQUENCE_ID, now,
mutation.getClusterIds(), currentNonceGroup, currentNonce, mvcc);
long replaySeqId = batchOp.getReplaySequenceId();
if (walEdit.size() > 0) {
if (!isInReplay) {
// we use HLogKey here instead of WALKey directly to support legacy coprocessors.
walKey = new HLogKey(this.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes(),
this.htableDescriptor.getTableName(), WALKey.NO_SEQUENCE_ID, now,
mutation.getClusterIds(), currentNonceGroup, currentNonce, mvcc);
txid = this.wal.append(this.htableDescriptor, this.getRegionInfo(), walKey, walEdit, true);
// ------------------------------------
// Acquire the latest mvcc number
// ----------------------------------
if (walKey == null) {
// If this is a skip wal operation just get the read point from mvcc
walKey = this.appendEmptyEdit(this.wal);
if (!isInReplay) {
writeEntry = walKey.getWriteEntry();
mvccNum = writeEntry.getWriteNumber();
} else {
mvccNum = batchOp.getReplaySequenceId();
// ------------------------------------
// STEP 5. Write back to memstore
// Write to memstore. It is ok to write to memstore
// first without syncing the WAL because we do not roll
// forward the memstore MVCC. The MVCC will be moved up when
// the complete operation is done. These changes are not yet
// visible to scanners till we update the MVCC. The MVCC is
// moved only when the sync is complete.
// 第五步:写入memstore。
// 可以先写入memstore而不同步WAL,
// 因为我们不会前滚memstore MVCC。
// 完成操作后,MVCC将向上移动。
// 在更新MVCC之前,扫描仪尚未看到这些更改。仅在同步完成时才移动MVCC。
// 解析:正常来说是要先写 WAL 再写 MemStore 来保证事务一致性的,但是这里用了 MVCC 来保证。
// ----------------------------------
long addedSize = 0;
for (int i = firstIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++) {
if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[i].getOperationStatusCode()
!= OperationStatusCode.NOT_RUN) {
doRollBackMemstore = true; // If we have a failure, we need to clean what we wrote
addedSize += applyFamilyMapToMemstore(familyMaps[i], mvccNum, isInReplay);
// -------------------------------
// STEP 6. Release row locks, etc. 释放 rowlock
// -------------------------------
if (locked) {
locked = false;
// -------------------------
// STEP 7. Sync wal. 同步 WAL
// -------------------------
if (txid != 0) {
syncOrDefer(txid, durability);
doRollBackMemstore = false;
// calling the post CP hook for batch mutation
if (!isInReplay && coprocessorHost != null) {
MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Mutation> miniBatchOp =
new MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Mutation>(batchOp.getMutationsForCoprocs(),
batchOp.retCodeDetails, batchOp.walEditsFromCoprocessors, firstIndex, lastIndexExclusive);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// STEP 8. Advance mvcc. This will make this put visible to scanners and getters.
// 处理 mvcc , 让这次 put 对 scanners 和 getters 可见。
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
if (writeEntry != null) {
writeEntry = null;
} else if (isInReplay) {
// ensure that the sequence id of the region is at least as big as orig log seq id
for (int i = firstIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i ++) {
if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[i] == OperationStatus.NOT_RUN) {
batchOp.retCodeDetails[i] = OperationStatus.SUCCESS;
// ------------------------------------
// STEP 9. Run coprocessor post hooks. This should be done after the wal is
// synced so that the coprocessor contract is adhered to.
// 第九步:运行协处理器后挂钩。这应该在同步wal之后完成,以便遵守协处理器合同。
// ------------------------------------
if (!isInReplay && coprocessorHost != null) {
for (int i = firstIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++) {
// only for successful puts
if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[i].getOperationStatusCode()
!= OperationStatusCode.SUCCESS) {
Mutation m = batchOp.getMutation(i);
if (m instanceof Put) {
coprocessorHost.postPut((Put) m, walEdit, m.getDurability());
} else {
coprocessorHost.postDelete((Delete) m, walEdit, m.getDurability());
success = true;
return addedSize;
} finally {
// if the wal sync was unsuccessful, remove keys from memstore
if (doRollBackMemstore) {
for (int j = 0; j < familyMaps.length; j++) {
for(List<Cell> cells:familyMaps[j].values()) {
if (writeEntry != null) mvcc.complete(writeEntry);
} else if (writeEntry != null) {
if (locked) {
// See if the column families were consistent through the whole thing.
// if they were then keep them. If they were not then pass a null.
// null will be treated as unknown.
// Total time taken might be involving Puts and Deletes.
// Split the time for puts and deletes based on the total number of Puts and Deletes.
if (noOfPuts > 0) {
// There were some Puts in the batch.
if (this.metricsRegion != null) {
if (noOfDeletes > 0) {
// There were some Deletes in the batch.
if (this.metricsRegion != null) {
if (!success) {
for (int i = firstIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++) {
if (batchOp.retCodeDetails[i].getOperationStatusCode() == OperationStatusCode.NOT_RUN) {
batchOp.retCodeDetails[i] = OperationStatus.FAILURE;
if (coprocessorHost != null && !batchOp.isInReplay()) {
// call the coprocessor hook to do any finalization steps
// after the put is done
MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Mutation> miniBatchOp =
new MiniBatchOperationInProgress<Mutation>(batchOp.getMutationsForCoprocs(),
batchOp.retCodeDetails, batchOp.walEditsFromCoprocessors, firstIndex,
coprocessorHost.postBatchMutateIndispensably(miniBatchOp, success);
batchOp.nextIndexToProcess = lastIndexExclusive;