ICCV 2011

Code Title Type
3 A Nonparametric Riemannian Framework on Tensor Field with Apllication to Foreground Segmentation Poster
4 Are Spatial and Global Constraints Really Necessary for Segmentation? Poster
7 Illumination Demultiplexing from a Single Image Poster
18 Silhouette-based Object Phenotype Recognition using 3D Shape Priors Poster
19 Optimal Object Matching via Convexification and Composition Poster
29 Unsupervised Learning of Events and Scene Semantics from Video Poster
34 A Preconditioning Scheme for Difference Measures in Deformable Registration with an Application to Multi-modal Demons Registration Poster
51 Source Camera Identification Using Auto-White Balancing Approximation Poster
60 Fusing visual and range imaging for object class recognition Poster
64 Learning to Cluster Using High Order Graphical Models with Latent Variables Poster
65 Hough-based Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects Poster
70 Discriminative Exemplar-based Object Detection and Association Poster
75 CARD: Compact And Real-time Descriptors Poster
79 Automatic Salient Object Extraction with Contextual Cue Poster
80 Action Recognition in Cluttered Dynamic Scenes using Pose-Specific Part Models Poster
85 Real-time Indoor Scene Understanding using Bayesian Filtering with Motion Cues Poster
102 Revisiting Radiometric Calibration for Color Computer Vision Poster
126 Tracking Multiple People under Global Appearance Constraints Poster
127 A New Distance for Scale-Invariant 3D Shape Recognition and Registration Poster
129 Inferring Human Gaze from Appearance via Adaptive Linear Regression Poster
131 Subordinate Categorization Using Volumetric Primitives and Pose-Normalized Appearance Oral
135 Distributed Cosegmentation via Submodular Optimization on Anisotropic Diffusion Oral
143 Segmentation Fusion for Connectomics Poster
148 Diffuse Reflectance Imaging Poster
157 Perturb-and-MAP Random Fields: Using Discrete Optimization//to Learn and Sample from Energy Models Oral
162 3D Reconstruction of a Smooth Articulated Trajectory from a Monocular Image Sequence Poster
163 Contextual Weighting for Vocabulary Tree based Image Retrieval Poster
164 A Theory of Coprime Blurred Pairs Poster
165 Learning to Predict the Perceived Visual Quality of Photos Poster
173 Salient Object Detection using Concavity Context Poster
178 Learning Universal Multi-view Age Estimator by Video Contexts Oral
179 Learning Nonlinear Distance Functions using Neural Network for Regression with Application to Robust Human Age Estimation Poster
183 Generalized Roof Duality for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization Poster
188 Struck: Structured Output Tracking with Kernels Poster
189 Simplification of 3D Morphable Models Poster
207 A 3D Laplacian-Driven Parametric Deformable Model Poster
208 Video from a Single Exposure Coded Photograph using a Learned Over-Complete Dictionary Poste r
213 Generalized Subgraph Preconditioners for Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment Oral
215 Minimum Near-Convex Decomposition for Robust Shape Representation Poster
218 Visual Word Disambiguation by Semantic Contexts Poster
222 Viewpoint Invariant 3D Model Inference from Monocular 2D Images Using Higher-Order Priors Poster
224 Object Recoloring based on Intrinsic Image Estimation Poster
227 Understanding Scenes on Many Levels Poster
231 Weakly Supervised Object Detector Learning with Model Drift Detection Poster
236 Multi-View 3D Reconstruction for Scenes under the Refractive Plane with Known Vertical Direction Poster
239 Edge foci interest points Poster
246 Segmentation from a Box Poster
247 Smooth Object Retrieval using a Bag of Boundaries Poster
254 A Direct Least-Squares (DLS) Method for PnP Poster
255 Sorted Random Projections for Robust Texture Classification Poster
256 An Adversarial Optimization Approach to Efficient Outlier Removal Oral
264 Understanding Egocentric Activities Poster
267 Efficient Regression of General-Activity Human Poses from Depth Images Poster
270 Diffusion Runs Low on Persistence Fast Poster
272 Automated Articulated Structure and 3D Shape Recovery from Point Correspondences Poster
285 Imaging via Three-dimensional Compressive Sampling (3DCS) Poster
294 Structure-sensitive Superpixels via Geodesic Distance Poster
308 Optimal Landmark Detection using Shape Models and Branch and Bound Poster
310 Fast Removal of Non-uniform Camera Shake Oral
315 Sparse Representation or Collaborative Representation: Which Helps Face Recognition? Poster
316 From Learning Models of Natural Image Patches to Whole Image Restoration Oral
317 Parsing Video Events with Goal inference and Intent Prediction Poster
318 Handling Outliers in Non-Blind Image Deconvolution Oral
319 Relative Attributes Oral
320 Exploiting Regions Void of Labels to Extract Adaptive Contextual Cues Poster
321 In Favor of Globalization: Recognizing Jumbled Images Poster
327 Automatic Construction of an Action Video Shot Database using Web Videos Poster
329 Multi-view Symmetry Detection Poster
333 Fisher Discrimination Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation Poster
335 Transfer Dyadic Knowledge for Cross-Domain Image Classification Poster
336 A New Sparse Multi-Task Regression and Feature Selection Method to Identify Brain Imaging Predictors for Memory Performance Poster
340 Conditional Random Fields for Multi-Camera Object Detection Poster
342 View Invariant Action Recognition from Mocap Data Poster
343 Pose Estimation from Reflections for Specular Surface Recovery Poster
344 Robust Consistent Correspondence Between 3D Non-Rigid Shapes Based On "Dual Shape-DNA" Poster
346 Multi-observation Visual Recognition via Joint Dynamic Sparse Representation Poster
350 Local Intensity Order Pattern for Feature Description Poster
373 Large-Scale Image Annotation using Visual Synset Poster
375 Multi-hypothesis Motion Planning for Visual Object Tracking Poster
376 Treat samples differently: Object tracking with semi-supervised online CovBoost Poster
385 Self-Calibrating Depth from Refraction Poster
389 Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Multi Image Model Poster
391 Correlative Multi-Label Multi-Instance Image Annotation Poster
393 Non-stationary Correction of Optical Aberrations Poster
406 Fast Image-Based Localization using Direct 2D-to-3D Matching Poster
408 Multiview 3D Warps Poster
414 Temporally Coded Flash Illumination for Motion Deblurring Poster
416 Multiplexed Illumination for Scene Recovery in the Presence of Global Illumination Oral
418 Inferring Social Relations from Visual Concepts Poster
425 Sparse Dictionary-based Representation and Recognition of Action Attributes Poster
427 Robust Unsupervised Motion Pattern Inference from Video and Applications Poster
436 Articulated Part-based Model for Joint Object Detection and Pose Estimation Poster
439 Accurate 3D Body Pose Estimation From a Single Depth Image Poster
445 Means in spaces of tree-like shapes Poster
451 Probabilistic Group-Level Motion Analysis and Scenario Recognition Poster
454 A Linear Subspace Learning Approach via Sparse Coding Poster
456 Discovering Object Instances from Scenes of Daily Living Poster
459 Close the Loop: Joint Blind Image Restoration and Recognition with Sparse Representation Prior Oral
460 Learning Spatiotemporal Graphs of Human Activities Oral
463 A Chains Model for Localizing Group Activities in Videos Poster
466 Self-Smoothing Operator for Image Retrieval, Clustering and Classification Poster
473 Kernel Non-Rigid Structure from Motion Poster
477 Active Scene Recognition with Vision and Language Poster
478 Informative Feature Selection for Object Recognition via Sparse PCA Poster
483 Simultaneous Multi-Body Stereo and Segmentation Poster
492 Multi-label Visual Classification with Label Exclusive Context Poster
498 An Efficient Algorithm for Low-rank Matrix Factorization with Missing Components and Performance Comparison of Latest Algorithms Poster
504 Simultaneous Correspondence and Non-Rigid 3D Reconstruction of the Coronary Tree from Single X-ray Images Poster
509 Multimodal Templates for Real-Time Detection of Texture-less Objects in Heavily Cluttered Scenes Oral
511 Slow feature analysis and decorrelation filtering for separating correlated sources Poster
514 Fast Large-scale Image Retrieval through Scene Clustering Poster
515 2D-3D Fusion for Layer Decomposition of Urban Facades Poster
528 Recursive MDL via Graph Cuts: Application to Segmentation Poster
529 What Characterizes a Shadow Boundary under the Sun and Sky? Poster
535 Learning Mixtures of Sparse Distance Metrics for Classification and Dimensionality Reduction Poster
546 Fusing Generic Objectness and Visual Saliency for Salient Object Detection Poster
547 Trajectory reconstruction from non-overlapping surveillance cameras with relative depth ordering constraints Poster
549 Tasting Families of Features for Image Classification Poster
553 Fully Automatic Pose-Invariant Face Recognition via 3D Pose Normalization Poster
555 Exploiting the Manhattan-world Assumption for Extrinsic Self-calibration of Multi-modal Sensor Networks Poster
557 Fast Articulated Motion Tracking using a Sums of Gaussians Body Model Poster
562 Learning Co-variant Structured Output SVM regressors Poster
563 Robust Object Pose Estimation via Statistical Manifold Modeling Poster
571 Optimizing Polynomial Solvers for Minimal Geometry Problems Poster
577 From Contours to 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation Oral
578 Semantic Contours from Inverse Detectors Poster
580 Domain Adaptation for Object Recognition: An Unsupervised Approach Oral
587 Action Recognition using Rank-1 Approximation of Joint Self-Similarity Volume Poster
588 Positive Definite Dictionary Learning for Region Covariances Poster
590 A Graph Cut Algorithm for Higher-order Markov Random Fields Poster
601 Salient Object Detection by Composition Poster
605 Human Activity Prediction: Early Recognition of Ongoing Activities from Streaming Videos Poster
610 Dynamic and Hierarchical Multi-Structure Geometric Model Fitting Poster
612 Learning a Category Independent Object Detection Cascade Poster
616 Face Recognition Based on Non-Corresponding Region Matching Poster
622 Building large urban environments from unstructured point data Poster
623 What An Image Reveals About Material Reflectance Oral
624 Predicting Occupation via Human Clothing and Contexts Poster
633 A Data-Driven Approach for Real-Time Full Body Pose Reconstruction from a Depth Camera Poster
640 Blurred Target Tracking by Blur-driven Tracker Poster
642 Shading-based Dynamic Shape Refinement from Multi-view Video under General Illumination Poster
645 Modeling Temporal Coherence for Optical Flow Poster
646 Variational Stereo in Dynamic Illumination Poster
651 Discovering Favorite Views of Popular Places with Iconoid Shift Oral
657 Spatiotemporal Oriented Energies for Spacetime Stereo Poster
658 StereoCut: Consistent Interactive Object Selection in Stereo Image Pairs Poster
668 Graph mode-based contextual kernels for robust SVM tracking Poster
671 Gaussian Process Regression Flow for Analysis of Motion Trajectories Poster
672 Cluster-based Color Space Optimizations Poster
675 Refractive Shape from Light Field Distortion Poster
676 A geometric solver for calibrated stereo egomotion Poster
679 Tracking by Sampling Trackers Oral
681 Simultaneous Localization, Mapping and Deblurring Poster
684 Stereo Reconstruction using High Order Likelihood Poster
691 Dynamic Texture Classification Using Dynamic Fractal Analysis Poster
697 A Joint Learning Framework for Attribute Models and Object Descriptions Oral
701 Data-driven Crowd Analysis in Videos Oral
703 Outdoor Human Motion Capture using Inverse Kinematics and von Mises-Fisher Sampling Poster
705 Panoramic Stereo Video Textures Poster
706 Centralized Sparse Representation for Image Restoration Poster
708 Introducing Total Curvature for Image Processing Oral
713 Viewpoint-Aware Object Detection and Pose Estimation Poster
717 Video Primal Sketch: A Generic Middle-Level Representation of Video Poster
721 3D Scene Flow Estimation with a Rigid Motion Prior Poster
727 RECON: Scale-Adaptive Robust Estimation via Residual Consensus Oral
731 Scene Recognition and Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Deformable Part-Based Models Poster
732 Pushing the limits of digital imaging using Structured Illumination Poster
738 Superpixel Tracking Poster
744 Human Action Recognition by Learning Bases of Action Attributes and Parts Oral
746 Single-Shot High Dynamic Range Imaging with Conventional Camera Hardware Poster
750 Unwrapping Low-rank Textures on Generalized Cylindrical Surfaces Poster
767 Fast Template Matching in Non-Linear Tone-Mapped Images Oral
770 An adaptive coupled-layer visual model for robust visual tracking Poster
771 Extracting Foreground Masks towards Object Recognition Poster
782 Efficient parallel message computation for MAP inference Poster
795 Superpixels via Pseudo-Boolean Optimization Poster
797 Detection of Partially Visible Objects Poster
801 Annotator Rationales for Visual Recognition Poster
802 Actively Selecting Annotations Among Objects and Attributes Poster
804 Decoupling Photometry and Geometry in Dense Variational Camera Calibration Poster
809 Action Recognition in Videos Acquired by a Moving Camera Using Motion Decomposition of Lagrangian Particle Trajectories Poster
814 The Truth about Cats and Dogs Poster
816 Multi-class Semi-supervised SVMs with Positiveness Exclusive Regularization Poster
832 Discriminative High Order SVD: Adaptive Tensor Subspace Selection for Image Classification, Clustering, and Retrieval Poster
838 Recognising Spontaneous Facial Micro-expressions Poster
839 End-to-end Scene Text Recognition Poster
841 Spatial Pyramid Co-occurrence for Image Classification Poster
842 Learning parameterized histogram kernels on the simplex manifold for image and action classification Poster
843 Exemplar Extraction using Spatio-Temporal Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering for Face Recognition in Video Poster
845 Fisher vectors to model spatial layout for image categorization Poster
864 Shape-constrained Gaussian Process Regression for Facial-point-based Head-pose Normalization Poster
865 Spectral Learning of Latent Semantics for Action Recognition Poster
871 Scale and Object Aware Image Retargeting for Thumbnail Browsing Poster
884 Learning Component-Level Sparse Representation Using Histogram Information for Image Classification Poster
891 Locally Rigid Globally Non-rigid Surface Registration Poster
896 Who Blocks Who: Simultaneous Clothing Segmentation for Grouping Images Poster
897 Describing People: A Part-Based Approach to Attribute Classification Oral
904 Learning Occlusion with Likelihoods for Visual Tracking Poster
916 Unsupervised Metric Learning for Face Identification in TV Video Poster
918 A Revisit to Cost Aggregation in Stereo Matching: How Far Can We Reduce Its Computational Redundancy? Oral
925 Scan Rectification for Structured Light Range Sensors with Rolling Shutters Poster
926 Object Segmentation in Video: A Hierarchical Variational Approach for Turning Point Trajectories into Dense Regions Poster
929 Gradient-based learning of higher-order image features Poster
930 Scale Space for Central Catadioptric Systems. Towards a generic camera feature extractor. Poster
950 Coherency Sensitive Hashing Oral
951 Latent Low-Rank Representation for Subspace Segmentation and Feature Extraction Poster
953 High Quality Depth Map Upsampling for 3D-TOF Cameras Poster
955 Complementary Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Poster
958 Compact Correlation Coding for Visual Object Categorization Poster
968 Face Recognition via Local Sparse Coding Poster
971 Speeded-up, relaxed spatial matching Poster
979 Active Clustering of Document Fragments using Information Derived from both Images and Catalogs Poster
981 Decision Tree Fields Oral
986 Exploring Regularized Feature Selection for Person Specific Face Verification Poster
987 Stereo Time-of-Flight Poster
988 Variational Recursive Joint Estimation of Dense Scene Structure and Camera Motion from Monocular High Speed Traffic Sequences Poster
997 Incremental On-line Semi-supervised Learning for Segmenting the Left Ventricle of the Heart from Ultrasound Data Poster
1007 Linear stereo matching Poster
1009 Feature Seeding for Action Recognition Poster
1016 Capturing boundary structure for feature detection Poster
1019 Towards Accurate and Efficient Representation of Image Irradiance of Convex-Lambertian Objects Under Unknown Near Lighting Poster
1024 Spatio-Temporal Clustering of Probabilistic Region Trajectories Poster
1025 Face Reconstruction in the Wild Poster
1029 Modeling Image Similarity by Gaussian Mixture Models and the Signature Quadratic Form Distance Poster
1033 Diagonal preconditioning for first order primal-dual algorithms in convex optimization Poster
1038 Blurring-Invariant Riemannian Metrics for Comparing Signals and Images Poster
1040 A Selective Spatio-Temporal Interest Point Detector for Human Action Recognition in Complex Scenes Poster
1042 Assessing the aesthetic quality of photographs using generic image descriptors Poster
1056 A Graph-matching Kernel for Object Categorization Oral
1069 Learning Specific-Class Segmentation from Diverse Data Poster
1071 Image Representation by Active Primitives Poster
1072 Geometric Consistent Stereo Seam Carving Oral
1073 Kernelized NBNN Poster
1074 Interactive Labeling and Learning of Part and Pose Models Oral
1078 Linear Time Offline Tracking and Lower Envelope Algorithms Poster
1079 Robust and Efficient Parametric Face Alignment Oral
1083 Aerial 3D Reconstruction with Line-Constrained Dynamic Programming Poster
1088 Free Your Hands From Prior Knowledge: Multiclass Transfer Learning from Unconstrained Priors Poster
1091 Level-Set Person Segmentation and Tracking with Multi-Region Appearance Models and Top-Down Shape Information Poster
1097 Segmentation as Selective Search for Object Recognition Poster
1106 Multiscale, Curvature-Based Shape Representation for Surfaces Poster
1107 Unstructured Light Scanning: Overcoming the Curse of Interreflections Poster
1114 Statistical Event Representation and Similarity Invariant Classification by KL Divergence Minimization Poster
1120 Dense One-shot 3D Reconstruction by Detecting Continuous Regions with Parallel Line Projection Poster
1121 Fourier Active Appearance Models Oral
1133 Source Constrained Clustering Poster
1136 Contour Code: Robust and Efficient Multispectral Palmprint Encoding for Human Recognition Poster
1137 Discriminative Multi-Manifold Analysis for Face Recognition from a Single Training Sample per Person Poster
1140 Home 3D Body Scans from Noisy Image and Range Data Poster
1146 Random Ensemble Metrics for Object Recognition Poster
1163 Basis constrained 3D scene flow on a dynamic proxy Poster
1167 Active Geodesics: Region based Active Contour Segmentation with a Global Edge based Constraint Poster
1175 Localized Principal Component Analysis based Curve Evolution: A Divide and Conquer Approach Poster
1177 Material-Specific Colour Profiles from Imaging Spectroscopy Data Poster
1178 Key-Segments for Video Object Segmentation Poster
1183 Discriminative Figure-Centric Models for Joint Action Localization and Recognition Poster
1190 Building a better probabilistic model of images by factorization Poster
1193 Adaptive Deconvolutional Networks for Mid and High Level Feature Learning Poster
1197 Detailed Reconstruction of 3D Plant Root Shape Poster
1207 Automated Corpus Callosum Extraction via Laplace-Beltrami Nodal Parcellation and Intrinsic Geodesic Curvature Flows on Surfaces Poster
1213 Linear Dependency Modeling for Feature Fusion Poster
1218 Text-based Image Retrieval using Progressive Multi-Instance Learning Poster
1221 Handling Label Noise in Video Classification via Multiple Instance Learning Poster
1236 Physically-based Motion Models for 3D Tracking: A Convex Formulation Poster
1249 Discriminative Learning of Relaxed Hierarchy for Large-scale Visual Recognition Oral
1250 Realtime Multibody Visual SLAM with a Smoothly Moving Monocular Camera Oral
1260 Full DOF tracking of a hand interacting with an object by modeling occlusions and physical constraints Oral
1265 Convex Multi-Region Probabilistic Segmentation with Shape Prior in the Isometric Logratio Transformation Space Poster
1266 A Dimensionality Result for Multiple Homography Matrices Poster
1268 Image Segmentation by Figure-Ground Composition into Maximal Cliques Poster
1271 Iterative Relevance Feedback with One Million Images Poster
1279 Dense Disparity Maps from Sparse Disparity Measurements Poster
1286 Geometrically Consistent Elastic Matching of 3D Shapes: A Linear Programming Solution Poster
1296 Object Detection and Segmentation from Joint Embedding of Parts and Pixels Oral
1301 Correspondence Free Registration through a Point-to-Model Distance Minimization Poster
1309 High Quality Image Reconstruction from RAW and JPEG Image Pair Poster
1311 iGroup : Weakly supervised image and video grouping Poster
1312 Generalized Background Subtraction Based on Hybrid Inference by Belief Propagation and Bayesian Filtering Poster
1314 Color Photometric Stereo for Multicolored Surfaces Poster
1334 Structured Class-Labels in Random Forests for Image Labelling Oral
1337 Delta-Dual Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes: A pragmatic abnormal behaviour detector Poster
1356 Content Based Photo Quality Assessment Poster
1362 Center-surround Divergence of Feature Statistics for Salient Object Detection Poster
1393 Structured model for segment selection and pose estimation Oral
1394 Manhattan Scene Understanding Using Monocular, Stereo, and 3D Features Oral
1398 A Convex Framework for Image Segmentation with Moment Constraints Poster
1420 On the repeatability of the local reference frame for partial shape matching Poster
1421 Tabula Rasa: Model Transfer for Object Category Detection Poster
1435 A robust pipeline for rapid feature-based pre-alignment of dense range scans Poster
1437 Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning via ?1-norm Graph Poster
1450 Learning and Optimization for Hypergraph Matching Poster
1456 Evaluation of Image Features Using a Photorealistic Virtual World Poster
1459 Kinecting the dots: Particle Based Scene Flow from depth sensors Poster
1467 A FACS Valid 3D Dynamic Action Unit Database with Applications to 3D Dynamic Morphable Facial Modeling Poster
1468 Point-based Calibration Using a Parametric Representation of the General Imaging Model Poster
1470 Efficient Orthogonal Matching Pursuit using sparse random projections for scene and video classification Poster
1472 DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time Poster
1474 Tight Convex Relaxations for Vector-Valued Labeling Problems Poster
1475 Image Based Detection of Geometric Changes in Urban Environments Oral
1482 Unsupervised Learning of a Scene-Specific Coarse Gaze Estimator Poster
1483 Double Window Optimisation for Constant Time Visual SLAM Poster
1484 Probabilistic 3D Object Recognition with Both Positive and Negative Evidences Poster
1491 Low Order Dynamics Embedding for High Dimensional Time Series Poster
1494 Maximizing All Margins: Pushing Face Recognition with Kernel Plurality Poster
1507 Parallelizable Inpainting and Refinement of Diffeomorphisms using Beltrami Holomorphic Flow Poster
1510 Optical Flow Estimation Using Learned Sparse Model Poster
1513 Efficient Similarity Search for Covariance Matrices via the Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence Poster
1528 Learning Cross-modality Similarity for Multinomial Data Poster
1574 Video Parsing for Abnormality Detection Poster
1577 Density-aware person detection and tracking in crowds Poster
1586 The Power of Comparative Reasoning Poster
1592 Multi-task Low-Rank Affinities Pursuit for Image Segmentation Poster
1604 Multiview Structure from Motion in Trajectory Space Poster
1607 Optimal Estimation of Vanishing Points in a Manhattan World Poster
1609 Dynamic Subspace-Based Coordinated Multicamera Tracking Poster
1614 Globally Optimal Solution to Multi-Object Tracking with Merged Measurements Oral
1617 Dynamic Fluid Surface Acquisition Using a Camera Array Poster
1618 In Defense of Soft-assignment Coding Poster
1620 Pose, Illumination and Expression Invariant Pairwise Face-Similarity Measure via Doppelgänger List Comparison Poster
1623 The Generalized Trace-Norm and its Application to Structure-from-Motion Problems Poster
1628 Digital Anti-Aging in Face Images Poster
1630 Robust Topological Features for Deformation Invariant Image Matching Poster
1642 Interactive Localization and Recognition of Fine-Grained Visual Categories Poster
1647 An Automatic Assembly and Completion Framework for Fragmented Skulls Poster
1649 Subdivision-based Deformable Model for Geometric Atlas Fitting Poster
1655 BRISK: Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints Poster
1667 HMDB: A Large Video Database for Human Motion Recognition Poster
1673 ORB: an efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF Poster
1679 Isotonic CCA for Sequence Alignment and Activity Recognition Poster
1681 BiCoS: A Bi-level Co-Segmentation Method for Image Classification Poster
1682 Shared Shape Spaces Poster
1688 A "String of Feature Graphs" Model for Recognition of Complex Activities in Natural Videos Oral
1699 Regression from Local Features for Viewpoint and Pose Estimation Poster
1704 Probabilistic Image Segmentation with Closedness Constraints Poster
1705 Generalized Ordering Constraints for Multilabel Optimization Oral
1709 N-best maximal decoders for part models Poster
1728 Integrating Local Classifiers through Nonlinear Dynamics on Label Graphs with an Application to Image Segmentation Poster
1731 Sparse, Distributed, and Convolutional Training of Image Features for Object Recognition Poster
1743 Ask the locals: multi-way local pooling for image recognition Poster
1745 Methods for Scalable Object-Class Retrieval Poster
