Code |
Title |
Type |
3 |
A Nonparametric Riemannian Framework on Tensor Field with Apllication to Foreground Segmentation |
Poster |
4 |
Are Spatial and Global Constraints Really Necessary for Segmentation? |
Poster |
7 |
Illumination Demultiplexing from a Single Image |
Poster |
18 |
Silhouette-based Object Phenotype Recognition using 3D Shape Priors |
Poster |
19 |
Optimal Object Matching via Convexification and Composition |
Poster |
29 |
Unsupervised Learning of Events and Scene Semantics from Video |
Poster |
34 |
A Preconditioning Scheme for Difference Measures in Deformable Registration with an Application to Multi-modal Demons Registration |
Poster |
51 |
Source Camera Identification Using Auto-White Balancing Approximation |
Poster |
60 |
Fusing visual and range imaging for object class recognition |
Poster |
64 |
Learning to Cluster Using High Order Graphical Models with Latent Variables |
Poster |
65 |
Hough-based Tracking of Non-Rigid Objects |
Poster |
70 |
Discriminative Exemplar-based Object Detection and Association |
Poster |
75 |
CARD: Compact And Real-time Descriptors |
Poster |
79 |
Automatic Salient Object Extraction with Contextual Cue |
Poster |
80 |
Action Recognition in Cluttered Dynamic Scenes using Pose-Specific Part Models |
Poster |
85 |
Real-time Indoor Scene Understanding using Bayesian Filtering with Motion Cues |
Poster |
102 |
Revisiting Radiometric Calibration for Color Computer Vision |
Poster |
126 |
Tracking Multiple People under Global Appearance Constraints |
Poster |
127 |
A New Distance for Scale-Invariant 3D Shape Recognition and Registration |
Poster |
129 |
Inferring Human Gaze from Appearance via Adaptive Linear Regression |
Poster |
131 |
Subordinate Categorization Using Volumetric Primitives and Pose-Normalized Appearance |
Oral |
135 |
Distributed Cosegmentation via Submodular Optimization on Anisotropic Diffusion |
Oral |
143 |
Segmentation Fusion for Connectomics |
Poster |
148 |
Diffuse Reflectance Imaging |
Poster |
157 |
Perturb-and-MAP Random Fields: Using Discrete Optimization//to Learn and Sample from Energy Models |
Oral |
162 |
3D Reconstruction of a Smooth Articulated Trajectory from a Monocular Image Sequence |
Poster |
163 |
Contextual Weighting for Vocabulary Tree based Image Retrieval |
Poster |
164 |
A Theory of Coprime Blurred Pairs |
Poster |
165 |
Learning to Predict the Perceived Visual Quality of Photos |
Poster |
173 |
Salient Object Detection using Concavity Context |
Poster |
178 |
Learning Universal Multi-view Age Estimator by Video Contexts |
Oral |
179 |
Learning Nonlinear Distance Functions using Neural Network for Regression with Application to Robust Human Age Estimation |
Poster |
183 |
Generalized Roof Duality for Pseudo-Boolean Optimization |
Poster |
188 |
Struck: Structured Output Tracking with Kernels |
Poster |
189 |
Simplification of 3D Morphable Models |
Poster |
207 |
A 3D Laplacian-Driven Parametric Deformable Model |
Poster |
208 |
Video from a Single Exposure Coded Photograph using a Learned Over-Complete Dictionary |
Poste r |
213 |
Generalized Subgraph Preconditioners for Large-Scale Bundle Adjustment |
Oral |
215 |
Minimum Near-Convex Decomposition for Robust Shape Representation |
Poster |
218 |
Visual Word Disambiguation by Semantic Contexts |
Poster |
222 |
Viewpoint Invariant 3D Model Inference from Monocular 2D Images Using Higher-Order Priors |
Poster |
224 |
Object Recoloring based on Intrinsic Image Estimation |
Poster |
227 |
Understanding Scenes on Many Levels |
Poster |
231 |
Weakly Supervised Object Detector Learning with Model Drift Detection |
Poster |
236 |
Multi-View 3D Reconstruction for Scenes under the Refractive Plane with Known Vertical Direction |
Poster |
239 |
Edge foci interest points |
Poster |
246 |
Segmentation from a Box |
Poster |
247 |
Smooth Object Retrieval using a Bag of Boundaries |
Poster |
254 |
A Direct Least-Squares (DLS) Method for PnP |
Poster |
255 |
Sorted Random Projections for Robust Texture Classification |
Poster |
256 |
An Adversarial Optimization Approach to Efficient Outlier Removal |
Oral |
264 |
Understanding Egocentric Activities |
Poster |
267 |
Efficient Regression of General-Activity Human Poses from Depth Images |
Poster |
270 |
Diffusion Runs Low on Persistence Fast |
Poster |
272 |
Automated Articulated Structure and 3D Shape Recovery from Point Correspondences |
Poster |
285 |
Imaging via Three-dimensional Compressive Sampling (3DCS) |
Poster |
294 |
Structure-sensitive Superpixels via Geodesic Distance |
Poster |
308 |
Optimal Landmark Detection using Shape Models and Branch and Bound |
Poster |
310 |
Fast Removal of Non-uniform Camera Shake |
Oral |
315 |
Sparse Representation or Collaborative Representation: Which Helps Face Recognition? |
Poster |
316 |
From Learning Models of Natural Image Patches to Whole Image Restoration |
Oral |
317 |
Parsing Video Events with Goal inference and Intent Prediction |
Poster |
318 |
Handling Outliers in Non-Blind Image Deconvolution |
Oral |
319 |
Relative Attributes |
Oral |
320 |
Exploiting Regions Void of Labels to Extract Adaptive Contextual Cues |
Poster |
321 |
In Favor of Globalization: Recognizing Jumbled Images |
Poster |
327 |
Automatic Construction of an Action Video Shot Database using Web Videos |
Poster |
329 |
Multi-view Symmetry Detection |
Poster |
333 |
Fisher Discrimination Dictionary Learning for Sparse Representation |
Poster |
335 |
Transfer Dyadic Knowledge for Cross-Domain Image Classification |
Poster |
336 |
A New Sparse Multi-Task Regression and Feature Selection Method to Identify Brain Imaging Predictors for Memory Performance |
Poster |
340 |
Conditional Random Fields for Multi-Camera Object Detection |
Poster |
342 |
View Invariant Action Recognition from Mocap Data |
Poster |
343 |
Pose Estimation from Reflections for Specular Surface Recovery |
Poster |
344 |
Robust Consistent Correspondence Between 3D Non-Rigid Shapes Based On "Dual Shape-DNA" |
Poster |
346 |
Multi-observation Visual Recognition via Joint Dynamic Sparse Representation |
Poster |
350 |
Local Intensity Order Pattern for Feature Description |
Poster |
373 |
Large-Scale Image Annotation using Visual Synset |
Poster |
375 |
Multi-hypothesis Motion Planning for Visual Object Tracking |
Poster |
376 |
Treat samples differently: Object tracking with semi-supervised online CovBoost |
Poster |
385 |
Self-Calibrating Depth from Refraction |
Poster |
389 |
Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Multi Image Model |
Poster |
391 |
Correlative Multi-Label Multi-Instance Image Annotation |
Poster |
393 |
Non-stationary Correction of Optical Aberrations |
Poster |
406 |
Fast Image-Based Localization using Direct 2D-to-3D Matching |
Poster |
408 |
Multiview 3D Warps |
Poster |
414 |
Temporally Coded Flash Illumination for Motion Deblurring |
Poster |
416 |
Multiplexed Illumination for Scene Recovery in the Presence of Global Illumination |
Oral |
418 |
Inferring Social Relations from Visual Concepts |
Poster |
425 |
Sparse Dictionary-based Representation and Recognition of Action Attributes |
Poster |
427 |
Robust Unsupervised Motion Pattern Inference from Video and Applications |
Poster |
436 |
Articulated Part-based Model for Joint Object Detection and Pose Estimation |
Poster |
439 |
Accurate 3D Body Pose Estimation From a Single Depth Image |
Poster |
445 |
Means in spaces of tree-like shapes |
Poster |
451 |
Probabilistic Group-Level Motion Analysis and Scenario Recognition |
Poster |
454 |
A Linear Subspace Learning Approach via Sparse Coding |
Poster |
456 |
Discovering Object Instances from Scenes of Daily Living |
Poster |
459 |
Close the Loop: Joint Blind Image Restoration and Recognition with Sparse Representation Prior |
Oral |
460 |
Learning Spatiotemporal Graphs of Human Activities |
Oral |
463 |
A Chains Model for Localizing Group Activities in Videos |
Poster |
466 |
Self-Smoothing Operator for Image Retrieval, Clustering and Classification |
Poster |
473 |
Kernel Non-Rigid Structure from Motion |
Poster |
477 |
Active Scene Recognition with Vision and Language |
Poster |
478 |
Informative Feature Selection for Object Recognition via Sparse PCA |
Poster |
483 |
Simultaneous Multi-Body Stereo and Segmentation |
Poster |
492 |
Multi-label Visual Classification with Label Exclusive Context |
Poster |
498 |
An Efficient Algorithm for Low-rank Matrix Factorization with Missing Components and Performance Comparison of Latest Algorithms |
Poster |
504 |
Simultaneous Correspondence and Non-Rigid 3D Reconstruction of the Coronary Tree from Single X-ray Images |
Poster |
509 |
Multimodal Templates for Real-Time Detection of Texture-less Objects in Heavily Cluttered Scenes |
Oral |
511 |
Slow feature analysis and decorrelation filtering for separating correlated sources |
Poster |
514 |
Fast Large-scale Image Retrieval through Scene Clustering |
Poster |
515 |
2D-3D Fusion for Layer Decomposition of Urban Facades |
Poster |
528 |
Recursive MDL via Graph Cuts: Application to Segmentation |
Poster |
529 |
What Characterizes a Shadow Boundary under the Sun and Sky? |
Poster |
535 |
Learning Mixtures of Sparse Distance Metrics for Classification and Dimensionality Reduction |
Poster |
546 |
Fusing Generic Objectness and Visual Saliency for Salient Object Detection |
Poster |
547 |
Trajectory reconstruction from non-overlapping surveillance cameras with relative depth ordering constraints |
Poster |
549 |
Tasting Families of Features for Image Classification |
Poster |
553 |
Fully Automatic Pose-Invariant Face Recognition via 3D Pose Normalization |
Poster |
555 |
Exploiting the Manhattan-world Assumption for Extrinsic Self-calibration of Multi-modal Sensor Networks |
Poster |
557 |
Fast Articulated Motion Tracking using a Sums of Gaussians Body Model |
Poster |
562 |
Learning Co-variant Structured Output SVM regressors |
Poster |
563 |
Robust Object Pose Estimation via Statistical Manifold Modeling |
Poster |
571 |
Optimizing Polynomial Solvers for Minimal Geometry Problems |
Poster |
577 |
From Contours to 3D Object Detection and Pose Estimation |
Oral |
578 |
Semantic Contours from Inverse Detectors |
Poster |
580 |
Domain Adaptation for Object Recognition: An Unsupervised Approach |
Oral |
587 |
Action Recognition using Rank-1 Approximation of Joint Self-Similarity Volume |
Poster |
588 |
Positive Definite Dictionary Learning for Region Covariances |
Poster |
590 |
A Graph Cut Algorithm for Higher-order Markov Random Fields |
Poster |
601 |
Salient Object Detection by Composition |
Poster |
605 |
Human Activity Prediction: Early Recognition of Ongoing Activities from Streaming Videos |
Poster |
610 |
Dynamic and Hierarchical Multi-Structure Geometric Model Fitting |
Poster |
612 |
Learning a Category Independent Object Detection Cascade |
Poster |
616 |
Face Recognition Based on Non-Corresponding Region Matching |
Poster |
622 |
Building large urban environments from unstructured point data |
Poster |
623 |
What An Image Reveals About Material Reflectance |
Oral |
624 |
Predicting Occupation via Human Clothing and Contexts |
Poster |
633 |
A Data-Driven Approach for Real-Time Full Body Pose Reconstruction from a Depth Camera |
Poster |
640 |
Blurred Target Tracking by Blur-driven Tracker |
Poster |
642 |
Shading-based Dynamic Shape Refinement from Multi-view Video under General Illumination |
Poster |
645 |
Modeling Temporal Coherence for Optical Flow |
Poster |
646 |
Variational Stereo in Dynamic Illumination |
Poster |
651 |
Discovering Favorite Views of Popular Places with Iconoid Shift |
Oral |
657 |
Spatiotemporal Oriented Energies for Spacetime Stereo |
Poster |
658 |
StereoCut: Consistent Interactive Object Selection in Stereo Image Pairs |
Poster |
668 |
Graph mode-based contextual kernels for robust SVM tracking |
Poster |
671 |
Gaussian Process Regression Flow for Analysis of Motion Trajectories |
Poster |
672 |
Cluster-based Color Space Optimizations |
Poster |
675 |
Refractive Shape from Light Field Distortion |
Poster |
676 |
A geometric solver for calibrated stereo egomotion |
Poster |
679 |
Tracking by Sampling Trackers |
Oral |
681 |
Simultaneous Localization, Mapping and Deblurring |
Poster |
684 |
Stereo Reconstruction using High Order Likelihood |
Poster |
691 |
Dynamic Texture Classification Using Dynamic Fractal Analysis |
Poster |
697 |
A Joint Learning Framework for Attribute Models and Object Descriptions |
Oral |
701 |
Data-driven Crowd Analysis in Videos |
Oral |
703 |
Outdoor Human Motion Capture using Inverse Kinematics and von Mises-Fisher Sampling |
Poster |
705 |
Panoramic Stereo Video Textures |
Poster |
706 |
Centralized Sparse Representation for Image Restoration |
Poster |
708 |
Introducing Total Curvature for Image Processing |
Oral |
713 |
Viewpoint-Aware Object Detection and Pose Estimation |
Poster |
717 |
Video Primal Sketch: A Generic Middle-Level Representation of Video |
Poster |
721 |
3D Scene Flow Estimation with a Rigid Motion Prior |
Poster |
727 |
RECON: Scale-Adaptive Robust Estimation via Residual Consensus |
Oral |
731 |
Scene Recognition and Weakly Supervised Object Localization with Deformable Part-Based Models |
Poster |
732 |
Pushing the limits of digital imaging using Structured Illumination |
Poster |
738 |
Superpixel Tracking |
Poster |
744 |
Human Action Recognition by Learning Bases of Action Attributes and Parts |
Oral |
746 |
Single-Shot High Dynamic Range Imaging with Conventional Camera Hardware |
Poster |
750 |
Unwrapping Low-rank Textures on Generalized Cylindrical Surfaces |
Poster |
767 |
Fast Template Matching in Non-Linear Tone-Mapped Images |
Oral |
770 |
An adaptive coupled-layer visual model for robust visual tracking |
Poster |
771 |
Extracting Foreground Masks towards Object Recognition |
Poster |
782 |
Efficient parallel message computation for MAP inference |
Poster |
795 |
Superpixels via Pseudo-Boolean Optimization |
Poster |
797 |
Detection of Partially Visible Objects |
Poster |
801 |
Annotator Rationales for Visual Recognition |
Poster |
802 |
Actively Selecting Annotations Among Objects and Attributes |
Poster |
804 |
Decoupling Photometry and Geometry in Dense Variational Camera Calibration |
Poster |
809 |
Action Recognition in Videos Acquired by a Moving Camera Using Motion Decomposition of Lagrangian Particle Trajectories |
Poster |
814 |
The Truth about Cats and Dogs |
Poster |
816 |
Multi-class Semi-supervised SVMs with Positiveness Exclusive Regularization |
Poster |
832 |
Discriminative High Order SVD: Adaptive Tensor Subspace Selection for Image Classification, Clustering, and Retrieval |
Poster |
838 |
Recognising Spontaneous Facial Micro-expressions |
Poster |
839 |
End-to-end Scene Text Recognition |
Poster |
841 |
Spatial Pyramid Co-occurrence for Image Classification |
Poster |
842 |
Learning parameterized histogram kernels on the simplex manifold for image and action classification |
Poster |
843 |
Exemplar Extraction using Spatio-Temporal Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering for Face Recognition in Video |
Poster |
845 |
Fisher vectors to model spatial layout for image categorization |
Poster |
864 |
Shape-constrained Gaussian Process Regression for Facial-point-based Head-pose Normalization |
Poster |
865 |
Spectral Learning of Latent Semantics for Action Recognition |
Poster |
871 |
Scale and Object Aware Image Retargeting for Thumbnail Browsing |
Poster |
884 |
Learning Component-Level Sparse Representation Using Histogram Information for Image Classification |
Poster |
891 |
Locally Rigid Globally Non-rigid Surface Registration |
Poster |
896 |
Who Blocks Who: Simultaneous Clothing Segmentation for Grouping Images |
Poster |
897 |
Describing People: A Part-Based Approach to Attribute Classification |
Oral |
904 |
Learning Occlusion with Likelihoods for Visual Tracking |
Poster |
916 |
Unsupervised Metric Learning for Face Identification in TV Video |
Poster |
918 |
A Revisit to Cost Aggregation in Stereo Matching: How Far Can We Reduce Its Computational Redundancy? |
Oral |
925 |
Scan Rectification for Structured Light Range Sensors with Rolling Shutters |
Poster |
926 |
Object Segmentation in Video: A Hierarchical Variational Approach for Turning Point Trajectories into Dense Regions |
Poster |
929 |
Gradient-based learning of higher-order image features |
Poster |
930 |
Scale Space for Central Catadioptric Systems. Towards a generic camera feature extractor. |
Poster |
950 |
Coherency Sensitive Hashing |
Oral |
951 |
Latent Low-Rank Representation for Subspace Segmentation and Feature Extraction |
Poster |
953 |
High Quality Depth Map Upsampling for 3D-TOF Cameras |
Poster |
955 |
Complementary Hashing for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search |
Poster |
958 |
Compact Correlation Coding for Visual Object Categorization |
Poster |
968 |
Face Recognition via Local Sparse Coding |
Poster |
971 |
Speeded-up, relaxed spatial matching |
Poster |
979 |
Active Clustering of Document Fragments using Information Derived from both Images and Catalogs |
Poster |
981 |
Decision Tree Fields |
Oral |
986 |
Exploring Regularized Feature Selection for Person Specific Face Verification |
Poster |
987 |
Stereo Time-of-Flight |
Poster |
988 |
Variational Recursive Joint Estimation of Dense Scene Structure and Camera Motion from Monocular High Speed Traffic Sequences |
Poster |
997 |
Incremental On-line Semi-supervised Learning for Segmenting the Left Ventricle of the Heart from Ultrasound Data |
Poster |
1007 |
Linear stereo matching |
Poster |
1009 |
Feature Seeding for Action Recognition |
Poster |
1016 |
Capturing boundary structure for feature detection |
Poster |
1019 |
Towards Accurate and Efficient Representation of Image Irradiance of Convex-Lambertian Objects Under Unknown Near Lighting |
Poster |
1024 |
Spatio-Temporal Clustering of Probabilistic Region Trajectories |
Poster |
1025 |
Face Reconstruction in the Wild |
Poster |
1029 |
Modeling Image Similarity by Gaussian Mixture Models and the Signature Quadratic Form Distance |
Poster |
1033 |
Diagonal preconditioning for first order primal-dual algorithms in convex optimization |
Poster |
1038 |
Blurring-Invariant Riemannian Metrics for Comparing Signals and Images |
Poster |
1040 |
A Selective Spatio-Temporal Interest Point Detector for Human Action Recognition in Complex Scenes |
Poster |
1042 |
Assessing the aesthetic quality of photographs using generic image descriptors |
Poster |
1056 |
A Graph-matching Kernel for Object Categorization |
Oral |
1069 |
Learning Specific-Class Segmentation from Diverse Data |
Poster |
1071 |
Image Representation by Active Primitives |
Poster |
1072 |
Geometric Consistent Stereo Seam Carving |
Oral |
1073 |
Kernelized NBNN |
Poster |
1074 |
Interactive Labeling and Learning of Part and Pose Models |
Oral |
1078 |
Linear Time Offline Tracking and Lower Envelope Algorithms |
Poster |
1079 |
Robust and Efficient Parametric Face Alignment |
Oral |
1083 |
Aerial 3D Reconstruction with Line-Constrained Dynamic Programming |
Poster |
1088 |
Free Your Hands From Prior Knowledge: Multiclass Transfer Learning from Unconstrained Priors |
Poster |
1091 |
Level-Set Person Segmentation and Tracking with Multi-Region Appearance Models and Top-Down Shape Information |
Poster |
1097 |
Segmentation as Selective Search for Object Recognition |
Poster |
1106 |
Multiscale, Curvature-Based Shape Representation for Surfaces |
Poster |
1107 |
Unstructured Light Scanning: Overcoming the Curse of Interreflections |
Poster |
1114 |
Statistical Event Representation and Similarity Invariant Classification by KL Divergence Minimization |
Poster |
1120 |
Dense One-shot 3D Reconstruction by Detecting Continuous Regions with Parallel Line Projection |
Poster |
1121 |
Fourier Active Appearance Models |
Oral |
1133 |
Source Constrained Clustering |
Poster |
1136 |
Contour Code: Robust and Efficient Multispectral Palmprint Encoding for Human Recognition |
Poster |
1137 |
Discriminative Multi-Manifold Analysis for Face Recognition from a Single Training Sample per Person |
Poster |
1140 |
Home 3D Body Scans from Noisy Image and Range Data |
Poster |
1146 |
Random Ensemble Metrics for Object Recognition |
Poster |
1163 |
Basis constrained 3D scene flow on a dynamic proxy |
Poster |
1167 |
Active Geodesics: Region based Active Contour Segmentation with a Global Edge based Constraint |
Poster |
1175 |
Localized Principal Component Analysis based Curve Evolution: A Divide and Conquer Approach |
Poster |
1177 |
Material-Specific Colour Profiles from Imaging Spectroscopy Data |
Poster |
1178 |
Key-Segments for Video Object Segmentation |
Poster |
1183 |
Discriminative Figure-Centric Models for Joint Action Localization and Recognition |
Poster |
1190 |
Building a better probabilistic model of images by factorization |
Poster |
1193 |
Adaptive Deconvolutional Networks for Mid and High Level Feature Learning |
Poster |
1197 |
Detailed Reconstruction of 3D Plant Root Shape |
Poster |
1207 |
Automated Corpus Callosum Extraction via Laplace-Beltrami Nodal Parcellation and Intrinsic Geodesic Curvature Flows on Surfaces |
Poster |
1213 |
Linear Dependency Modeling for Feature Fusion |
Poster |
1218 |
Text-based Image Retrieval using Progressive Multi-Instance Learning |
Poster |
1221 |
Handling Label Noise in Video Classification via Multiple Instance Learning |
Poster |
1236 |
Physically-based Motion Models for 3D Tracking: A Convex Formulation |
Poster |
1249 |
Discriminative Learning of Relaxed Hierarchy for Large-scale Visual Recognition |
Oral |
1250 |
Realtime Multibody Visual SLAM with a Smoothly Moving Monocular Camera |
Oral |
1260 |
Full DOF tracking of a hand interacting with an object by modeling occlusions and physical constraints |
Oral |
1265 |
Convex Multi-Region Probabilistic Segmentation with Shape Prior in the Isometric Logratio Transformation Space |
Poster |
1266 |
A Dimensionality Result for Multiple Homography Matrices |
Poster |
1268 |
Image Segmentation by Figure-Ground Composition into Maximal Cliques |
Poster |
1271 |
Iterative Relevance Feedback with One Million Images |
Poster |
1279 |
Dense Disparity Maps from Sparse Disparity Measurements |
Poster |
1286 |
Geometrically Consistent Elastic Matching of 3D Shapes: A Linear Programming Solution |
Poster |
1296 |
Object Detection and Segmentation from Joint Embedding of Parts and Pixels |
Oral |
1301 |
Correspondence Free Registration through a Point-to-Model Distance Minimization |
Poster |
1309 |
High Quality Image Reconstruction from RAW and JPEG Image Pair |
Poster |
1311 |
iGroup : Weakly supervised image and video grouping |
Poster |
1312 |
Generalized Background Subtraction Based on Hybrid Inference by Belief Propagation and Bayesian Filtering |
Poster |
1314 |
Color Photometric Stereo for Multicolored Surfaces |
Poster |
1334 |
Structured Class-Labels in Random Forests for Image Labelling |
Oral |
1337 |
Delta-Dual Hierarchical Dirichlet Processes: A pragmatic abnormal behaviour detector |
Poster |
1356 |
Content Based Photo Quality Assessment |
Poster |
1362 |
Center-surround Divergence of Feature Statistics for Salient Object Detection |
Poster |
1393 |
Structured model for segment selection and pose estimation |
Oral |
1394 |
Manhattan Scene Understanding Using Monocular, Stereo, and 3D Features |
Oral |
1398 |
A Convex Framework for Image Segmentation with Moment Constraints |
Poster |
1420 |
On the repeatability of the local reference frame for partial shape matching |
Poster |
1421 |
Tabula Rasa: Model Transfer for Object Category Detection |
Poster |
1435 |
A robust pipeline for rapid feature-based pre-alignment of dense range scans |
Poster |
1437 |
Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning via ?1-norm Graph |
Poster |
1450 |
Learning and Optimization for Hypergraph Matching |
Poster |
1456 |
Evaluation of Image Features Using a Photorealistic Virtual World |
Poster |
1459 |
Kinecting the dots: Particle Based Scene Flow from depth sensors |
Poster |
1467 |
A FACS Valid 3D Dynamic Action Unit Database with Applications to 3D Dynamic Morphable Facial Modeling |
Poster |
1468 |
Point-based Calibration Using a Parametric Representation of the General Imaging Model |
Poster |
1470 |
Efficient Orthogonal Matching Pursuit using sparse random projections for scene and video classification |
Poster |
1472 |
DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time |
Poster |
1474 |
Tight Convex Relaxations for Vector-Valued Labeling Problems |
Poster |
1475 |
Image Based Detection of Geometric Changes in Urban Environments |
Oral |
1482 |
Unsupervised Learning of a Scene-Specific Coarse Gaze Estimator |
Poster |
1483 |
Double Window Optimisation for Constant Time Visual SLAM |
Poster |
1484 |
Probabilistic 3D Object Recognition with Both Positive and Negative Evidences |
Poster |
1491 |
Low Order Dynamics Embedding for High Dimensional Time Series |
Poster |
1494 |
Maximizing All Margins: Pushing Face Recognition with Kernel Plurality |
Poster |
1507 |
Parallelizable Inpainting and Refinement of Diffeomorphisms using Beltrami Holomorphic Flow |
Poster |
1510 |
Optical Flow Estimation Using Learned Sparse Model |
Poster |
1513 |
Efficient Similarity Search for Covariance Matrices via the Jensen-Bregman LogDet Divergence |
Poster |
1528 |
Learning Cross-modality Similarity for Multinomial Data |
Poster |
1574 |
Video Parsing for Abnormality Detection |
Poster |
1577 |
Density-aware person detection and tracking in crowds |
Poster |
1586 |
The Power of Comparative Reasoning |
Poster |
1592 |
Multi-task Low-Rank Affinities Pursuit for Image Segmentation |
Poster |
1604 |
Multiview Structure from Motion in Trajectory Space |
Poster |
1607 |
Optimal Estimation of Vanishing Points in a Manhattan World |
Poster |
1609 |
Dynamic Subspace-Based Coordinated Multicamera Tracking |
Poster |
1614 |
Globally Optimal Solution to Multi-Object Tracking with Merged Measurements |
Oral |
1617 |
Dynamic Fluid Surface Acquisition Using a Camera Array |
Poster |
1618 |
In Defense of Soft-assignment Coding |
Poster |
1620 |
Pose, Illumination and Expression Invariant Pairwise Face-Similarity Measure via Doppelgänger List Comparison |
Poster |
1623 |
The Generalized Trace-Norm and its Application to Structure-from-Motion Problems |
Poster |
1628 |
Digital Anti-Aging in Face Images |
Poster |
1630 |
Robust Topological Features for Deformation Invariant Image Matching |
Poster |
1642 |
Interactive Localization and Recognition of Fine-Grained Visual Categories |
Poster |
1647 |
An Automatic Assembly and Completion Framework for Fragmented Skulls |
Poster |
1649 |
Subdivision-based Deformable Model for Geometric Atlas Fitting |
Poster |
1655 |
BRISK: Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints |
Poster |
1667 |
HMDB: A Large Video Database for Human Motion Recognition |
Poster |
1673 |
ORB: an efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF |
Poster |
1679 |
Isotonic CCA for Sequence Alignment and Activity Recognition |
Poster |
1681 |
BiCoS: A Bi-level Co-Segmentation Method for Image Classification |
Poster |
1682 |
Shared Shape Spaces |
Poster |
1688 |
A "String of Feature Graphs" Model for Recognition of Complex Activities in Natural Videos |
Oral |
1699 |
Regression from Local Features for Viewpoint and Pose Estimation |
Poster |
1704 |
Probabilistic Image Segmentation with Closedness Constraints |
Poster |
1705 |
Generalized Ordering Constraints for Multilabel Optimization |
Oral |
1709 |
N-best maximal decoders for part models |
Poster |
1728 |
Integrating Local Classifiers through Nonlinear Dynamics on Label Graphs with an Application to Image Segmentation |
Poster |
1731 |
Sparse, Distributed, and Convolutional Training of Image Features for Object Recognition |
Poster |
1743 |
Ask the locals: multi-way local pooling for image recognition |
Poster |
1745 |
Methods for Scalable Object-Class Retrieval |
Poster |