Ablation Study解释

今天在看论文的过程中看到了名为Ablation study的实验方法,一时间不知道这到底是什么方法,直观翻译过来叫 烧蚀研究法:



Ablation study(直观翻译叫烧蚀研究方法)


英文本版释义:(知乎 尼箍纳斯凯奇)
An ablation study typically refers to removing some “feature” of the model or algorithm, and seeing how that affects performance.



An LSTM has 4 gates: feature, input, output, forget. We might ask: are all 4 necessary? What if I remove one? Indeed, lots of experimentation has gone into LSTM variants, the GRU being a notable example (which is simpler).
If certain tricks are used to get an algorithm to work, it’s useful to know whether the algorithm is robust to removing these tricks. For example, DeepMind’s original DQN paper reports using (1) only periodically updating the reference network and (2) using a replay buffer rather than updating online. It’s very useful for the research community to know that both these tricks are necessary, in order to build on top of these results.
If an algorithm is a modification of a previous work, and has multiple differences, researchers want to know what the key difference is.
Simpler is better (inductive prior towards simpler model classes). If you can get the same performance with two models, prefer the simpler one.


中文释义:(知乎 张晓 )

实际上ablation study就是为了研究模型中所提出的一些结构是否有效而设计的实验。


那就要将去掉该结构的网络与加上该结构的网络所得到的结果进行对比,这就是ablation study

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