1. 加载图片 方法
CCTexture2D* addImage(const char* fileimage);
同步加载一个图片,返回 一个 CCTexture2D对象。这个文件名还可以做 key. 后续可以调用
CCTexture2D* textureForKey(const char* key); 方法来获得这个文件名所对应的CCTexture2D对象,如果这个Key对应的图片不存在,那么就返回NULL.
2. 异步加载图片方法
void addImageAsync(const char *path, CCObject *target, SEL_CallFuncOselector);
例如: CCTextureCache::sharedTextureCache()->addImageAsync("Images/blocks.png", this,callfuncO_selector(TextureCacheTest::loadingCallBack));
3. 获得图片的方法
可以使用 CCTexture2D* textureForKey(const char* key); 方法来获得这个文件名所对应的CCTexture2D对象,如果这个Key对应的图片不存在,那么就返回NULL.
也可以使用 CCTexture2D* addImage(const char* fileimage); 因为之前如果已经加载,那么会直接返回图片缓存,不会重新加载图片。
4. 图片缓存的释放
在退出界面的时候,可以调用 void removeAllTextures();
void removeUnusedTextures(); 用来移除哪些暂时没用到的纹理图。 It is convenient to call this method after when starting a new Scene . 意思是新开始一个场景界面的时候,可以调用很方便。
#include "cocoa/CCObject.h"
#include "cocoa/CCDictionary.h"
#include "textures/CCTexture2D.h"
#include "platform/CCImage.h"
class CCLock;
class CCImage;
* @addtogroup textures
* @{
/** @brief Singleton that handles the loading of textures
* Once the texture is loaded, the next time it will return
* a reference of the previously loaded texture reducing GPU & CPU memory
class CC_DLL CCTextureCache : public CCObject
CCDictionary* m_pTextures;
//pthread_mutex_t *m_pDictLock;
/// todo: void addImageWithAsyncObject(CCAsyncObject* async);
void addImageAsyncCallBack(float dt);
virtual ~CCTextureCache();
const char* description(void);
CCDictionary* snapshotTextures();
/** Returns the shared instance of the cache */
static CCTextureCache * sharedTextureCache();
/** purges the cache. It releases the retained instance.
@since v0.99.0
static void purgeSharedTextureCache();
/** Returns a Texture2D object given an file image
* If the file image was not previously loaded, it will create a new CCTexture2D
* object and it will return it. It will use the filename as a key.
* Otherwise it will return a reference of a previously loaded image.
* Supported image extensions: .png, .bmp, .tiff, .jpeg, .pvr, .gif
CCTexture2D* addImage(const char* fileimage);
/* Returns a Texture2D object given a file image
* If the file image was not previously loaded, it will create a new CCTexture2D object and it will return it.
* Otherwise it will load a texture in a new thread, and when the image is loaded, the callback will be called with the Texture2D as a parameter.
* The callback will be called from the main thread, so it is safe to create any cocos2d object from the callback.
* Supported image extensions: .png, .jpg
* @since v0.8
void addImageAsync(const char *path, CCObject *target, SEL_CallFuncO selector);
/* Returns a Texture2D object given an CGImageRef image
* If the image was not previously loaded, it will create a new CCTexture2D object and it will return it.
* Otherwise it will return a reference of a previously loaded image
* The "key" parameter will be used as the "key" for the cache.
* If "key" is nil, then a new texture will be created each time.
* @since v0.8
// todo: CGImageRef CCTexture2D* addCGImage(CGImageRef image, string & key);
/** Returns a Texture2D object given an UIImage image
* If the image was not previously loaded, it will create a new CCTexture2D object and it will return it.
* Otherwise it will return a reference of a previously loaded image
* The "key" parameter will be used as the "key" for the cache.
* If "key" is nil, then a new texture will be created each time.
CCTexture2D* addUIImage(CCImage *image, const char *key);
/** Returns an already created texture. Returns nil if the texture doesn't exist.
@since v0.99.5
CCTexture2D* textureForKey(const char* key);
/** Purges the dictionary of loaded textures.
* Call this method if you receive the "Memory Warning"
* In the short term: it will free some resources preventing your app from being killed
* In the medium term: it will allocate more resources
* In the long term: it will be the same
void removeAllTextures();
/** Removes unused textures
* Textures that have a retain count of 1 will be deleted
* It is convenient to call this method after when starting a new Scene
* @since v0.8
void removeUnusedTextures();
/** Deletes a texture from the cache given a texture
void removeTexture(CCTexture2D* texture);
/** Deletes a texture from the cache given a its key name
@since v0.99.4
void removeTextureForKey(const char *textureKeyName);
/** Output to CCLOG the current contents of this CCTextureCache
* This will attempt to calculate the size of each texture, and the total texture memory in use
* @since v1.0
void dumpCachedTextureInfo();
/** Returns a Texture2D object given an PVR filename
* If the file image was not previously loaded, it will create a new CCTexture2D
* object and it will return it. Otherwise it will return a reference of a previously loaded image
CCTexture2D* addPVRImage(const char* filename);
/** Returns a Texture2D object given an ETC filename
* If the file image was not previously loaded, it will create a new CCTexture2D
* object and it will return it. Otherwise it will return a reference of a previously loaded image
CCTexture2D* addETCImage(const char* filename);
/** Reload all textures
It's only useful when the value of CC_ENABLE_CACHE_TEXTURE_DATA is 1
static void reloadAllTextures();
class VolatileTexture
typedef enum {
kInvalid = 0,
VolatileTexture(CCTexture2D *t);
static void addImageTexture(CCTexture2D *tt, const char* imageFileName, CCImage::EImageFormat format);
static void addStringTexture(CCTexture2D *tt, const char* text, const CCSize& dimensions, CCTextAlignment alignment,
CCVerticalTextAlignment vAlignment, const char *fontName, float fontSize);
static void addDataTexture(CCTexture2D *tt, void* data, CCTexture2DPixelFormat pixelFormat, const CCSize& contentSize);
static void addCCImage(CCTexture2D *tt, CCImage *image);
static void setTexParameters(CCTexture2D *t, ccTexParams *texParams);
static void removeTexture(CCTexture2D *t);
static void reloadAllTextures();
static std::list
static bool isReloading;
// find VolatileTexture by CCTexture2D*
// if not found, create a new one
static VolatileTexture* findVolotileTexture(CCTexture2D *tt);
CCTexture2D *texture;
CCImage *uiImage;
ccCachedImageType m_eCashedImageType;
void *m_pTextureData;
CCSize m_TextureSize;
CCTexture2DPixelFormat m_PixelFormat;
std::string m_strFileName;
CCImage::EImageFormat m_FmtImage;
ccTexParams m_texParams;
CCSize m_size;
CCTextAlignment m_alignment;
CCVerticalTextAlignment m_vAlignment;
std::string m_strFontName;
std::string m_strText;
float m_fFontSize;
// end of textures group
/// @}
#endif //__CCTEXTURE_CACHE_H__