R 语言实现
# import some necessary packages
library(haven) # used to load our data
library(texreg) # used to display fit info
library(dplyr) # used to manipulate data
library(tidyr) # used for the drop_na function
library(ggplot2) # in case we want to make ggplots
# import Boston dataset
boston_df <- Boston
# change the name of the columns
names(boston_df) <- c("crime", "zoned_bigger_25000", "non_retail_proportion","chas_river", "nitrogen_density", "average_room_number", "built_before_1940_ratio", "distance_to_centre", "accessbility_to_highway", "tax_rate", "pupil_teacher_ratio", "black_formula","lower_class_ratio", "median_house_price")
# change the category features into factor
boston_df$chas_river <- factor(boston_df$chas_river, c(1, 0), c("tract bounds river", "not tract bounds river"))
# make a summary of the whole dataset
model_all <- lm(median_house_price ~ ., data = train)
We can find that average_room_number and lower_class_ratio have the biggest significance level so we first explore those two features.
# plot the median_house_price vs. average_room_number
plot(train$average_room_number, train$median_house_price)
The specific relationship is hard to determine in this figure. So just try logarithm, polynomial.
In my case, I find that the Quaternion polynomial may be the best choice.
model.good.average_room_number <- lm(median_house_price ~ poly(average_room_number, 4), data = train)
Again, I explore the feature lower_class_ratio.
plot(train$lower_class_ratio, train$median_house_price)
In this case, a logarithm relationship may works(also you can try polynomials)
model.good.lower_class_ratio <- lm(median_house_price ~ log(lower_class_ratio), data = train)
We can find that the R squared reach to 0.67 which indicates it is an really important feature.
Similarly, we can explore other features.
corrgram(train, order = TRUE, lower.panel= panel.shade, upper.panel = panel.pie, main = "correlogram of all predictors")
We can find that average_room_number & lower_class_ratio have a high correlation so may put them together.
model.good.lower_interaction_room <- lm(median_house_price ~ log(lower_class_ratio) * poly(average_room_number,4), data = train)
We can find that just using the two features make a good fit.
Then we can finish the remaining features and the result is as follows:
model.maybe.best <- lm(median_house_price ~ pupil_teacher_ratio + nitrogen_density * distance_to_centre + log(lower_class_ratio) * poly(average_room_number,4), data = train)
We can find that the final R 2 R^2 R2 result is 0.81.
Then we use the test dataset to make a prediction.
maybe_prediction <- predict(model.maybe.best, newdata = test)
df <- data.frame(test$median_house_price, maybe_prediction)
#calculate R^2 by myself
rss <- sum((maybe_prediction - test$median_house_price) ^ 2) ## residual sum of squares
tss <- sum((test$median_house_price - mean(test$median_house_price)) ^ 2) ## total sum of squares
rsq <- 1 - rss/tss
the result of the rsq is 0.834.