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What New

A Complete List of What's new in RAD Studio XE8

Key New Features Benefits


  • New in XE8! iOS 64 bit Object Pascal compiler and toolchain
  • New in XE8! iOS 64 bit C++ compiler and toolchain
  • New in XE8! Support for iOS Universal Apps (including both 32 bit and 64 bit binaries in an app bundle)


  • New in XE8! FireUI Mobile Previews
  • New in XE8! Multi-Device Preview
  • New in XE8! Extended Multi Device Designer views styling, including universal styling and Windows styles customization
  • New in XE8! FireUI Device Manager, to edit the specifications of the available devices and add more
  • New in XE8! Memo platform controls for iOS
  • New in XE8! ListView platform controls for iOS
  • New in XE8! Calendar platform controls for iOS
  • New in XE8! Switch platform controls for iOS
  • New in XE8! MapView component for mobile platforms (iOS and Android) supporting platform specific interactive mapping libraries (respectively, by Apple and Google)
  • New in XE8! WebBrowser component for Windows
  • New in XE8! WebBrowser component for OS X
  • New in XE8! Improved mixing of platform and styled components, with new platform styling options for iOS and controls Z-order improvements (with ControlType property for non-platform controls)
  • New in XE8! ImageList component for FireMonkey
  • New in XE8! Enhancements in FireMonkey multimedia support
  • New in XE8! Support for higher resolutions in Camera components
  • New in XE8! Android Lollipop specific style enabled by default (Android only)
  • New in XE8! FireMonkey Applications Analytics Support*
    * Requires a specific contract and by-volume fee for storing run-time analytics data and accessing it
  • New in XE8! App Tethering extensions and protocol enhancements
  • New in XE8! Bluetooth framework improvements and new TBluetooth component for classic Bluetooth
  • New in XE8! Proximity support based on the "beacons" technology (including the iBeacon and AltBeacon standards) for iOS, Android, and OS X


  • New in XE8! VCL Font Scaling improvements
  • New in XE8! VCL Applications Analytics Support*
    * Requires a specific contract and by-volume fee for storing run-time analytics data and accessing it
  • New in XE8! VCL App Tethering extensions and protocol enhancements
  • New in XE8! Bluetooth framework improvements and new TBluetooth component for classic Bluetooth


  • New in XE8! Simplified array initialization and construction for C++ Clang-based compilers
  • New in XE8! iOS 64-bit API headers and RTL integration for Delphi and C++
  • New in XE8! Box2D physics engine
  • New in XE8! Object Pascal interfaces for the Box2D physics engine
  • New in XE8! New System.Hash RTL unit, with hash functions to support the new HTTP framework
  • New in XE8! New HTTP client framework, mapped to platforms libraries on all supported platforms
  • New in XE8! New NetHTTPClient and NetHTTPRequest components, offering easy access to the HTTP client framework
  • New in XE8! Support for native HTTP(S) client libraries on Windows
  • New in XE8! Support for native HTTP(S) client libraries on OS X
  • New in XE8! Support for native HTTP(S) client libraries on mobile platforms (iOS and Android)


  • New in XE8! GetIt Package Manager for easy discovery, download and update of source code libraries, components, and other features from Embarcadero GetIt servers
  • New in XE8! Configuration settings migration tool, to migrate configurations of older versions of the product to a newer version, or between different installations of the same version
  • New in XE8! Start Here page improvements
  • New in XE8! extra code refactoring, live syntax checking, metrics, and more integrated right into the IDE
  • New in XE8! Project Manager enhancements, with the support for adding database files and simplifying their deployment
  • New in XE8! Improved installation experience and reduced installation footprint
  • New in XE8! Virtual form positioner for FireMonkey designer
  • New in XE8! Project Statistics provides developers with a clear picture of team productivity with activity tracking.
  • New in XE8! Clipboard History keeps a record of clipboard contents so developers can paste content previously copied.
  • New in XE8! Multi-Paste Support performs the same paste operation on multiple source code lines at once.
  • New in XE8! Modeless and Context-Sensitive Refactoring support which includes: renaming variables, classes, field and properties, inlining, introducing and splitting local variables, removing unused variables, eliminating with statements, extracting methods, adding parameters, and moving classes to a different unit (Object Pascal language only).
  • New in XE8! Stack Bookmarks improves code navigation.
  • New in XE8! Parenthesis Matching provides a visual queue to keep code clear.
  • New in XE8! Flow Control Highlighting provides visual representation of flow jumps in code directly in the editor.
  • New in XE8! Structural Highlighting
  • New in XE8! Code Navigation Toolbar places classes and methods into a drop down box for easy in-code navigation (Object Pascal language only).
  • New in XE8! Smart Keys and Smart Symbol Search (Object Pascal language only)
  • New in XE8! Code Analysis tracks code quality with several code statistics like length parameters, nested statements, and cyclomatic complexity (Object Pascal language only).


  • Enhanced in XE8! Version Insight – Integrated framework for supporting source code management tooling inside the IDE
  • Enhanced in XE8! Subversion integration into the IDE, including change list labels, SVN merge dialog, branches switching and more
  • Enhanced in XE8! Git version control integration into the IDE, now including authentication, Push and Pull changes to and from remote repositories
  • Introduced in XE8! Mercurial version control integration into the IDE (supports cloning your remote repository, commit changes locally, show log data)


  • New in XE8! Integrated unit testing with the DUnitX testing framework
  • Updated in XE8! Unit test wizards for quick and easy unit test and unit test project creation


  • New in XE8! Core DB.PAS TField optimizations


  • New in XE8! FireDAC Teradata database support, based on the Teradata database ODBC driver
  • New in XE8! FireDAC support for XE7 Change Views
  • New in XE8! FireDAC support for change notifications
  • New in XE8! Improved FireDAC updates management
  • New in XE8! Tools and scripts to help migration of dbExpress code to FireDAC
  • Updated in XE8! iOS and Android mobile database support, including SQLite, InterBase ToGo and IBLite
  • Updated in XE8! Comprehensive support for SQLite v3.+ database, including "smart" data type recognition, supporting both dynamic and static linking


  • New in XE8! FireDAC / EMS integration improvements, specifically focused on updates management
  • New in XE8! EMS Push Notifications server support for iOS and Android
  • New in XE8! EMS external credentials support
  • New in XE8! Extended EMS Administrative API, now with EMS Installation and EMS Push Resources
  • New in XE8! Database Connection Pooling and other EMS optimizations
  • New in XE8! New EMSClientAPI component to simplify EMS client side development
  • Enhanced in XE8! User, groups, sessions, and API calls analytics and reporting using a web based interface using the EMS Console
  • New in XE8! Ability to export data from EMS Console to .CSV files
  • New in XE8! Improved analytics for users and groups
  • New in XE8! EMS client application to manage user accounts


  • Enhanced in XE8! DataSnap mobile connectors for ObjectiveC, supporting iOS 7 and iOS 8 SDKs


  • Enhanced in XE8! InterBase XE7 Developer Edition – up to 20 users and 80 logical connections


  • Enhanced in XE8! Earlier version licenses included in network licenses (Delphi 2007- XE7, C++ Builder 2007-XE5, HTML5 Builder XE3, RadPHP XE2). Delphi 7 and C++Builder 6 available separately
