char s[][20]={“while”,”if”,“else”,”do”,“for”,”switch”,“case”};
如果想要在Dev-C++ 上运行,把_s类函数修改下在加些头文件就可以啦
// 字典排序查找.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. Program execution begins and ends there.
using namespace std;
void Print_IS(char a[][20], int n, int i) {
printf("%d:", i);
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
cout << a[j] << " ";
void Insert_sort(char S[][20], int n) {
int j;
char x[20];
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (strcmp(S[i], S[i - 1]) < 0) {//strcmp函数,用于字符串大小比较,这一步是初次比较
j = i - 1;
strcpy_s(x, 20, S[i]);//strcpy_s用于赋值,并且保证是安全的。
while (j > -1 && strcmp(x, S[j]) < 0) {//当位置合法并且相邻两数仍然没有顺序时
strcpy_s(S[j + 1], 20, S[j]);//将较小值不停向前挪动
strcpy_s(S[j + 1], 20, x);//最后一步的j多减了1,所以最后放置的时候再加回来
Print_IS(S, n, i);//按需打印函数,可实现每一步的过程输出
void Print_QS(char a[][20], int n, int i) {
printf("%d:", i);
for (int j = 1; j < n; j++) {
cout << a[j] << " ";
int k;
int Quick_sort(char S[][20],int start,int end) {
int i, j;
i = start;
j = end;
strcpy_s(S[0], 20, S[start]);
while (i < j) {//当i指针始终小于j时
while (i < j && strcmp(S[0], S[j]) < 0)//并且基轴始终比j要比较的值小
if (i < j) {//当i不小于j或者基轴比j要比较的值大时
strcpy_s(S[i], 20, S[j]);//
while (i= 0; i--)
if ((2 * i + 1) < len && strcmp(heap[i], heap[2 * i + 1]) < 0) /* 根节点大于左子树 */
strcpy_s(temp,20, heap[i]);
strcpy_s(heap[i],20, heap[2 * i + 1]);
strcpy_s(heap[2 * i + 1],20, temp);
/* 检查交换后的左子树是否满足大顶堆性质 如果不满足 则重新调整子树结构 */
j=Print_Heap(heap, 7, ++q);
if ((2 * (2 * i + 1) + 1 < len && strcmp(heap[2 * i + 1], heap[2 * (2 * i + 1) + 1] ) < 0)
|| (2 * (2 * i + 1) + 2 < len && heap[2 * i + 1] < heap[2 * (2 * i + 1) + 2]))
MaxHeap_sort(heap, len);
if ((2 * i + 2) < len && strcmp(heap[i], heap[2 * i + 2]) < 0) /* 根节点大于右子树 */
strcpy_s(temp, 20,heap[i]);
strcpy_s(heap[i],20, heap[2 * i + 2]);
strcpy_s(heap[2 * i + 2],20, temp);
j=Print_Heap(heap, 7, ++q);
/* 检查交换后的右子树是否满足大顶堆性质 如果不满足 则重新调整子树结构 */
if ((2 * (2 * i + 2) + 1 < len && strcmp(heap[2 * i + 2], heap[2 * (2 * i + 2) + 1]) < 0)
|| (2 * (2 * i + 2) + 2 < len && strcmp(heap[2 * i + 2], heap[2 * (2 * i + 2) + 2]) < 0))
MaxHeap_sort(heap, len);
/* Function: 交换交换根节点和数组末尾元素的值*/
void Swap(char heap[][20], int len)
char temp[20];
strcpy_s(temp,20, heap[0]);
strcpy_s(heap[0],20, heap[len - 1]);
strcpy_s(heap[len - 1],20, temp);
int main()
char s[][20] =
int i = 0;
cout << "直接插入排序结果:" << endl;
Insert_sort(s, 7);//插入排序!
char S[][20] =
cout << "快速排序结果:" << endl;
Quick_sort(S, 1, 7);
char H[][20] =
cout << "堆排序结果:" << endl;
int len;
len = 7;
for (i = len; i > 0; i--)
MaxHeap_sort(H, i);
Swap(H, i);
Print_Heap(H, 7, j+1);
return 0;